International Journal of Current Research and Review Research Article DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31782/IJCRR.2021.13722 Review of Viparit lajjalu (Biophytum sensitivum Linn.) and its Effect on Sperms IJCRR 1 2 3 4 Section: Healthcare Dhiraj Zade , Swanand Pathak , Pramod Khobragade , Sonali Wairagade , ISI Impact Factor 5 (2019-20): 1.628 Prafulla Fadanvis IC Value (2019): 90.81 SJIF (2020) = 7.893 1Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, DMAMCH & RC, Nagpur, India; 2Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, Maharashtra, India; 3Professor, Department of Copyright@IJCRR Dravyaguna, DMAMCH & RC, Nagpur, 4Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, DMAMCH & RC, Nagpur; 5Associate Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, DMAMCH & RC, Nagpur, India. ABSTRACT Medicinal plants are commonly used by traditional medical practitioners to treat different illnesses in their everyday practices. In various diseases such as stomach ache and burning sensation, inflammation, arthritis, wounds, gonorrhoea, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, asthma, cough, degenerative joint disease, urinary calculus, diabetes, snake bite, Viparit Lajjalu (Biophytum sen- sitivum Linn) of the family Oxalidaceae is one of those used as traditional folk medicine. It is a small, flowering, annual herb with sensitive leaves in the opposite direction. It grows in the warmer parts of India and Nepal and in tropical Africa & Asia. Several ethano-botanical reviews illustrate the same plant’s aphrodisiac activity and sterility activity. An aphrodisiac is a drug or food that activates sexual instinct, induces desire, or enhances sexual enjoyment or efficiency. Key Words: Viparit Lajjalu, Sperm, Vajikaran INTRODUCTION There are so many therapeutic myths on different types of traditional medicine but lacking scientific study on them.6 Folklore herbal medicines are getting more attention now Most of the folklore medicines are given without doing any a day. Folklore medicines are a more important source of ethical, well-mannered research even in this era of science. 1 knowledge for research and development. The traditional Single herbs have so many qualities, activity on different therapist more often carries the traditional philosophies, diseases in so many types of permutation and combinations. civilisations, and stories of a community, which they re- ceive from the previous generations.2 There is scope to Infertility is emerging as one of the embarrassing problems encourage the new idea, manner and treatment modali- in the present world. But now the male infertility of a day is ties from older healing procedure.3 The traditional medical unexpectedly raising & putting up a major concern for both practitioner provides health maintenance by using herbal patients and doctors. Infertility affects around 1 in 7 repro- plants, inorganic and organic materials and certain other ductive-age couples, frequently causing significant psycho- approaches based on the societal, ethnic and spiritual back- logical distress. In men, infertility may results from impaired grounds as well as the fundamental knowledge.4,5 Tradi- sperm quality, quantity and abnormality. Azoospermia or tional practitioner used different medicinal formulas from Oligospermia is usually idiopathic but may be a conse- 1 various natural substances (herbal plants, inorganic and quence of hypogonadism. Male infertility is commonly due organic materials). They have wide knowledge based on to deficiency in the semen and semen quality is used as a 2 herbal plants for treatment and dietary purposes. Currently, surrogate measure of male fecundity. It may cause due to traditional therapists have their area of expertise. There are y-chromosomal microdeletions, varicocele, hypogonadism, different types of medicinal plants that are known to tra- previous vasectomy, previous sexually transmitted infection 3 ditional therapists, Biophytum sensitive Linn is one of the and others. To verify the number, shape and movement of tremendous effect, variety of uses even though not into the sperm in the ejaculate, the diagnosis should require a medi- lumen of research. cal history of the individual and a physical examination along Corresponding Author: Dr. Dhiraj Zade, Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, DMAMCH&RC, Nagpur, India. Mobile: 7021861213; Email: [email protected] ISSN: 2231-2196 (Print) ISSN: 0975-5241 (Online) Received: 10.10.2020 Revised: 04.12.2020 Accepted: 12.01.2021 Published: 12.04.2021 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 13 • Issue 07 • April 2021 64 Zade et al.: Review of viparit lajjalu (biophytum sensitivum linn.) and its effect on sperms with a semen analysis. To verify the levels of hormones that that after one month Shukra Dhatu is produced. There are regulate the development of sperm, blood tests may also be interesting theories to explain the formation of these Dhatus performed. Genetic investigations and testicular biopsies are one of which is denoted by giving an example of a canal sometimes done. For this there are some treatments, today that irrigates the farm turn by turn, this theory is known as doctors will advise that the couple take Reproductive Assist- “Kedar kullya nyay”. ed Technologies (ART), such as IVFF (in vitro fertilisation). The second theory indicates that as the milk is turned into The cause of infertility is not healed or treated by ART but curd and so on likewise Rasa turns to Rakta and Rakta to may help couples achieve pregnancy even if the man’s sperm Mansa and so on, this theory is known as “ksheer dadhi count is very low.4,6,7 nyay”.11,12 All these treatments may be expensive, prolonged which The third theory explains that as the pigeon collects grain cannot possible for every couple and there is no reassurance from the field where grains are extracted, pigeons whose nest about fertility after these treatments. It ultimately results that is nearby will reach earlier whereas whose nest is faraway some men have to deal with the reality that nothing can be will take more time to reach likewise Rakta being the next done about their infertility. In Bhavaprakash about Laxmana Dhatu will be formed earlier; Mansa being third in line will as Putrajanani means ability to produce healthy progeny. Vi- take more time. Shukra being the farthest will be the last to parit Lajjalu (Biophytum sensitive) is one drug under the cat- be formed. This theory is known as “khale kapot nyay.”11 egory of Laxmana in Bhavprakash5. Laxmanamula Strivan- When these theories are seen collectively it becomes clear dhtyatvanashana and Vandhyatva in Shushrutasamhita, that rasa contents raw material to produce different Dhatus. which improves the consistency, quantity and abnormality of It flows in the body continuously providing raw material to the female reproductive system, have also been described by different manufacturing systems of the Dhatus, which after Acharya Shushruta.6 receiving the suitable raw material produces particular Dha- B. sensitive Linn. has been liberally used all over India. Even tu with help of Dhatawagnis which converts them properly in Folklore in West Africa and Mali region it is used for Aph- and the waste material ready to be thrown out of the body. rodisiac activity, wound healing and malaria.7 B. sensitive There are many opinions regarding the production of Dhatus Linn the whole plant is also eaten to induce sterility in man.8 particularly that of Shukra. Some Acharyas consider that it Due to different opinion on the activity of sperm of B. sensi- takes one day and one night (i.e. 24 Hrs) to produce the next tive Linn., the proper scientific study should be done for an Dhatu likewise at the end of the seventh day after ingestion accurate conclusion of the effect on sperms. of food Shukra is produced. The digested and absorbed Rasa contents the raw material AYURVEDIC REVIEW required for the formation of different Dhatus which are pro- cessed by different Agnis and next Dhatu have formed in- Shukra is considered as the last of the seven Dhatus which cluding Shukra and oja there after. When these processes go are responsible for maintaining and providing strength to the wrong due to various reasons including heredity, to dietary human body. Ingested food material after digestion “Rasa deficiencies, the previous history of the diseases, deficient Dhatu” is produced which after the action of Agnis of dif- Dhatawagnis, abnormalities of the system concerned wheth- ferent Dhatus produces Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja er congenital or acquired, the Dhatu produced is not normal while these Dhatus are formed different types of waste prod- or optimum. Such abnormal or deficient Dhatu is also defi- ucts are produced and are thrown out of the Dhatu resulting cient in its performance. The same is the case of ShukraD- into the Mala Rahit (devoid of waste products) Last Dhatu hatu; if the production of the ShukraDhatu is deficient due 9 i.e. Shukra. to any reasons mentioned above or any other reason it cannot As the function described to Shukra Dhatu is to produce produce “Garbha”. The production of “Garbha” is the prime 13,14,15 “Garbha” (Fetus) it must be the cleanest Dhatu. Being clean- function of ShukraDhatu. est of the Dhatus it is also one of the “Ten Pranayatanani” According to Kashyap Samhita, though Shukra is present in i.e. one of the ten body parts where the “Jiva” i.e. life re- the body it remains dormant and becomes vyakta at the age 10 sides . Any harm to these ten parts costs the life of the per- of 16 years. As it becomes Sampurna i.e. Complete hence son who is hurt at those places. Shukra Dhatu is formed or becomes visible. Of these, the SarvdehikShukra produces produced in the body from the Rasa Dhatu i.e. an absorbed secondary sex characters and the SthanikShukra is ready form of the digested food material from the Gut. Rasa Dhatu for ejaculation and producing Garbha. The “Garbhotpatti” then produced Rakta and then Mansa& so on till the Shukra is possible only if a good “Shonit” i.e.
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