Weather Rain. [DUSSIbly’ mixed With -snow, lOdey With d high of 39 Rain tonight With a lo N near freezing ()liQthy warmer North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Thursday L Since 1920 Volume LXVI. Number 41 i :> Wednesday, December 5, 1% Raleigh, North Carolina Phone 737-2411/2412 71'- Air Force ROTC ‘ Nightwalk proves success} pleases rape keeps memory xi.9: 7t ‘i: prevention 3? committee with honor guard Angels Plett around the village. McLeod said. StaffWriter According to McLeod. the Jeh- Price Recently State's Air Force ROTC The Rape Prevention. Committee Nightwalkers also found a need for Staff Writer earned a national fourth place rank- was "really pleased with student increased lighting around Reynolds ing out of 152 units. turnout and interest" in the Coliseum. In commemoration of the bombing The unit gained its high ranking by Nightwalk last week. said Penny "Increased lighting deters all kinds of Pearl Harbor 43 years ago. State's scoring well on criteria established McLeod of Public Safety in a recent ofcrimes." she said. Air Force ROTC will maintain a by the US. Air Force. interview. An additional blue light has been guard at the bell tower from pm. This scoring reflects many facets The committee met" Monday af- suggested for both the design school Thursday toll p.m. Friday. of the cadets' performance. including ternoon to discuss the results of the area and the east coliseum commuter The Marching Cadets. an elite grade point averages and scores on Nightwslk. According to McLeod. the lot, she said. Unfortunately. addi~ military fraternity unique to the the Scholastic Aptitude Test. committee found several areas that tional lighting needs additional fun- State ROTC. will perform..the~guard .- Scholarship attrition. the percent- need immediate attention. ding. McLeod said. for the 25th consecutive year. , age of students able to earn sufficient There were a number of areas There have been two rapes on the According to Capt. Steven Hale. grader to keep their scholarships. where light bulbs were either broken campus this year. McLeod said. public affairs officer. the Marching also affects scoring on the evaluation. or missing. McLeod said. The Physi- However. there have been several Cadets are a superbly drilled team. The number of commissions gener- cal Plant will replace the bulbs in others in the surrounding areas. she “The members are chosen by a ated by State's ROTC also helped the these areas. she said. said. ”When it's that close. you rigorous selection process and as score. especially since the score is E.S. King Village is “high on the become much more aware." McLeod members must maintain 3 ”8h GPA\‘weighted favorably by engineering list of priorities." McLeod continued. said. and participate in an intense daily degrees. According to Col. Donald She said the bushes in this area The Rape Prevention Committee is drilling schedule," Hale said. Nash. director of Air Force ROTC. interfere with the lighting. The planning a Rape Awareness week in All of the drilling will be sharp and engineering students are not man- overgrowth “affords too much of a April. McLeod said. The focus will be methodical but will be performed datory for a high score. though. as hiding place." she said. on aquaintance rape. she said. since very slowly to create a “majestic the University of Georgia won second Plans' are being made to trim this type of rape occurs more dream sense" in remembrance of the place nationally without any engi- bushes that may affect the lighting frequently than any other. past. Hale continued. neering programs. Arnold Air Society and the Angel Another factor helping the score Flight. two nationally recognized was the performance of certain ROTC service organizations. will also qualified cadets in navigation and N.C. author discusses, assist with the-guard. he said. initial flight training. At noon on Friday. the Marching Although a large amount of re- Cadets will place a wreath on the search and paperwork was required tower as a remembrance to those to report the ROTC's progress. Nash who died serving their country. insists that all the credit for the reads from first novels The guard's significance has ranking should go to the students. changed since it was conceived He said he feels that the fourth 25 ranking will bolster an already years ago. Hale said. today in The original guard was performed excellent morale among the cadets. Tompkins Hall by cadets much more closely touched He believes a tangible result may be by the Pearl Harbor bombing than an increase in enrollment as the the present ROTC grows largely by the influence cadets. he said. ofexisting members. Sam.llays She has had a number of short The guard has survived times of While possessing the smallest StaffWriter stories published and has read her vigorous student disapproval with number ofavailable scholarships, the Works at the Universities of Virginia. the military. and it flourishes today Air Force ROTC is already the Jill McCorkle. 26. and perhaps the Michigan. North Carolina and other to exhibit the nobility in serving largest of State's ROTC programs. first writer in the publishing busi- schools. one’s country. Hale said. Nash also noted the prominence of ness to have her first and second McCorkle is a former student of Everyone is encouraged to attend southern institutions among the top novels published at the same time. novelist Lee Smith. a teacher of the ceremonies at the bell tower, he four as Clemson. Georgia. Citadel and For the 27th consecutive year the Marching Cadets. an elite Air Force drill will read and discuss her work on creative writing at State. said State took top honors. campus at 4 pm. today in room 0-126 The Spectator. in its “Books" squad. will post on honor guard at the bell tower to commemorate the ofTompkins Hall. section. .said. "McCorkle's work ex _ bombing of Pearl Harbor. The two novels. The Cheer Leader ”Quest for Quality” hibit visited by thief and July 7th. are set in North echoes Lee Smith's lively fiction. Carolina. They were published last which is high praise: at their best. ggpth by Algonquin Books of Chapel both women write soap operas Paster stolen from School of Design exhibit i . without the sudsy melodrama. which Both books were reviewed and is about as ”close to everyday Chrissy Cortina poster portrays a man wearing a According to Starrett. the exhib “It really galls me that people praised in the New York Times Book domestic truth as we're going to AssistantNewsEditor bowler and holding a wine glass ition was commissioned by IBM to come into campus buildings and take Review and in other periodicals. get." while staring at the muscle in his commemorate the opening of Tour things that don‘t belong to them." including Raleigh's Spectator. Max Hslperen ofState‘s English A poster. one of a 50-piece exhibit right arm. A caption located in the Pascal. IBM’s new European head- Starrett continued. McCorkle, a native of Lumberton. department said. "Anyone interested on loan to the School of Design. was upper left-hand corner reads. “It is quarters in Paris. France. Starrett said that he had already N.C.. graduated from UNC-CH'with in creative writing should enjoy discovered missing from the Brooks not the men in your life. it's the life “This exhibition came directly notified the Pentagram Ltd. offices highest honors in creative writing these readings." Hall gallery late Monday night. in your men that counts. — Mae from IBM's Paris headquarters and and had asked if they would like to and received a master of fine arts The readings are open to the The black-and-white. 20by-30-inch West." marked the show's American debut." have the exhibit taken down. degree at Hollins College. public. Halperen said. “It is a sad comment on the state of Starrett said. “it is an honor that the “I called Pentagram Ltd. and told Mlimull:the“syn-(usingmat'I’tllffls.. Mu. affairs here at N.C. State when an university even got this exhibit." them what happened. but they said My“?! that we should keep the exhibit up." Starrett. said. State claims victory at "I think this will give the exhib It is a sad comment on the ition committee cause to he a little more nervous about future exhibits." College Bowl state of affairs here at N. C. he said. “I know that the next time Invitational I‘m putting something up. I'll cer State when an individual tainly nail them down a little bit harder." 1 Angels riser, placed second at the Invitational. stoops to this sort of Starrett said that he would make a StaffWriter Kazmierczak said. proposal to the dean of the School of thievery. — Jim Starrett Design to "establish a more secure ‘ The second annual Clemson In Clemson. Wofford and State were exhibition gallery." vitational last weekend proved an the only colleges at the Invitational. individual stoops to this sort of The Brooks Hall gallery is located “We have a good track record with “easy victory" for State's College Kazmierczak said. Davidson and thievery." said Jim Starrett. a adjacent to the the design school these things." he said. “We don't Bowl team. according to team Furman were supposed to be there memoer oi the ochoolof Design's library and is open to the public the expect these things to happen. I hope member Mike Kazmiercsak. but cancelled at the last minute. he exhibition committee. same hours as the library. this is not a sign that Raleigh is The team defeated Clemson by a added.
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