The Economic Times - Delhi, 3/13/2019 Cropped page Page: 7 CCI NG 3.7 Product: ETDelhiBS PubDate: 13-03-2019 Zone: DelhiCapital Edition: 1 Page: ETDCECO4 User: raj.kumar8 Time: 03-12-2019 23:20 Color: CMYK Companies: Pursuit of Profit 7 THE ECONOMIC TIMES | NEW DELHI / GURGAON | WEDNESDAY | 13 MARCH 2019 | WWW.ECONOMICTIMES.COM Complete your TV viewing experience with the Times - M.A.N. Pack . Get MOVIES NOW TIMES NOW ROMEDY NOW ET NOW MNX MIRROR NOW & Ask your Cable/DTH operator for the Times M.A.N. Pack at Z 13 p.m. + taxes. “The draft (of national broadcast favours self-regulation for the bro- structures because of technologi- I&B Ministry Our Bureau policy) is being prepared and we are adcast sector. There is no reason to cal change which also provides a Disney’s Merger working with key and other stake- believe that a wise person sitting in “great opportunity in terms of con- Mumbai: The information and bro- holders,” Khare said in Mumbai on Delhi would be more knowledgeab- tent which will be used by the custo- Working with adcasting ministry is working with Tuesday while delivering the key- le or more prudent compared to the mer or the client at the other ends”. the Federation of Indian Chambers note address at the media industry industry people who are dealing Talking about the media and en- Ficci on National of Commerce & Industry (Ficci) to conclave Ficci Frames 2019. with the subject on a day-to-day ba- tertainment industry, he said it is a with Star India frame a national broadcast policy, Khare said the government had so sis,” he said. very important part of the Indian said Amit Khare, secretary, infor- far followed a “liberal policy” of ha- However, he said, there is a need to economy as it provides more than to Cost 350 Jobs Broadcast Policy mation and broadcasting ministry. ving less regulation. “The ministry relook at the existing regulatory two million jobs. This is a public announcement for information purposes only and is not a prospectus announcement. This does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities. Deal on track, Sanjay Gupta to head merged co Not for publication or distribution , directly or indirectly outside India . a counter bid, Disney upped its Gaurav.Laghate offer to $71.3 billion in cash and l @timesgroup.com stock. M a=Wr The deal is expected to cata- Mumbai: The Walt Disney pult Walt Disney to the top seat Company’s $71.3-billion acqui- in the Indian entertainment LIMITED sition of Rupert Murdoch-ow- genre as it will own rights of so- MSTC LIMITED (sTT d ,i 3y A) MSTC (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) ned 21st Century Fox, which in- me of the biggest media proper- cludes Star India, will axe 300- ties like the Indian Premier Le- 350 jobs in India, said two per- ague (IPL), the English Premi- Our Company was incorporated as *Metal Scrap Trade Corporation Limited", under the provisions of the CompaniesAct , 1956 on September 9, 1964 at Kolkata and the Certificate of Incorporation was issued by the Registrar of Companies, West Bengal at Kolkata ("RoC"). sons in the know. er League (EPL), top regional- Subsequently the name of our Company was changed to 'MSTC Limited" pursuant to the special resolution passed by the shareholders in the general meeting held on September 26 , 1994 and afresh certificate of incorporation consequent upon such change of name was issued by the RoC on November 9, 1994. For details of change in the name and Registered Office of ourCompany,please refer to the section tided 'HistoryandCertain Corporate Matters "on page 135 ofthe Red Herring Prospectus. The merger, which is awai- language and Reg istered and Corporate Office : 225-C , A. J. C. Bose Road , Kolkata - 700 020 , West Bengal , India; Contact Person : Ajay Kumar Rai , Company Secretary and Compliance Officer; Tel: +91-033-2281-3088; Email: [email protected] ting some clearances in Mexi- Hindi TV shows, Website : www.mstcindia.co.in; Corporate Identity Number: U27320WB1964GO1026211 co, is on track in India and the and films. two sides have begun sharing Disney will OUR PROMOTER : THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA ACTING THROUGH THE MINISTRY OF STEEL, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA data and knowledge, one of the now have assets persons said, adding that the across broadcas- INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING OF UPTO 17,670,400 EQUITY SHARES OF FACE VALUE OF Z 10 EACH ("EQUITY SHARES") OF MSTC LIMITED ("OUR COMPANY") THROUGH AN OFFER FOR SALE BY THE PRESIDENT OF management structure is also The two sides ting, digital, INDIA, ACTING THROUGH THE MINISTRY OF STEEL, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (THE "SELLING SHAREHOLDER") FOR CASH AT A PRICE* OF Z [] PER EQUITY SHARE (THE "OFFER PRICE"), AGGREGATING TO Z [] being worked upon. have already film, entertain- MILLION (THE "OFFER"). THE OFFER INCLUDES A RESERVATION OF UP TO 70,400 EQUITY SHARES AGGREGATING TO Z [] MILLION FOR SUBSCRIPTION BY ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES FOR ALLOCATION AND “The announcement can come begun ment and sports ALLOTMENT ON A PROPORTIONATE BASIS ("EMPLOYEE RESERVATION PORTION"). THE OFFER LESS EMPLOYEE RESERVATION PORTION IS REFERRED TOAS THE NET OFFER . THE OFFER AND THE NET OFFER sharing data later this week or early next we- in India, along WILL CONSTITUTE 25.10% AND 25.00% RESPECTIVELY, OF THE POST OFFER PAID-UP EQUITY SHARE CAPITAL OF OUR COMPANY. & knowledge ek. The sharing of information with about 30% *A discount of? 5.50 per Equity Share on the Offer Price will be offered to the Retail Individual Bidders (" Retail Discount ") and adiscount of5.50perEquity Share on the OfferPrice will be offered to the Eligible Employees is on and books will be closed by of Tata Sky and a fourth of the bidding in the Employee Reservation Portion ("Employee Discount '). March 31. Post-merger, close to equity in leading production 350 positions will become re- house Endemol Shine India. dundant and a restructuring Together, the merged com- QIB Category: Not less than 75% of the Net Offer will take place,” a source said. pany will have close to 80 Retail Category: Not more than 10% of the Net Offer Another person said the mer- channels, up from Disney’s ged entity, Star and Disney In- eight channels now, with lea- Non Institutional Category: Not more than 15% of the Net Offer dia, will be headed by Sanjay ding brands across Hindi, Reserved Category: 70,400 Equity Shares for Eligible Employees Gupta, who is now the Star In- Bengali and Malayalam in the dia managing director. He will general and mass-entertain- report to Uday Shankar, chair- ment space. PRICE BAND: Z 121 TO Z 128 PER EQUITY SHARE OF FACE VALUE OF Z 10 EACH man of Star and Disney India, ET had reported on December and president of The Walt Dis- 15, 2017, that Disney had laid off THE FLOOR PRICE IS 12.1 TIMES THE FACE VALUE OF THE EQUITY SHARES AND THE CAP PRICE IS 12.8 TIMES ney Co Asia Pacific. many people in a revamp exer- THE FACE VALUE OF THE EQUITY SHARES Sanjay Jain, who serves as cise in 2016 and this deal will set Star India CFO, is expected to off another round of job cuts. BIDS CAN BE MADE FOR A MINIMUM OF 90 EQUITY SHARES AND IN MULTIPLES OF 90 EQUITY SHARES THEREAFTER move to The Walt Disney Co Asia Pacific in a similar role, while Sujeet Vaidya, CFO at Applications Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is a better way of app lying to Issues by simply blocking Disney India, will oversee fi- A SBA * Simple, Safe, Smart way of Application!!! the fund in the bank account . For details , check section on ASBA below. nances of the merged entity. I Mandatory in public issues. No cheque will be accepted. Abhishek Maheshwari, co- untry head of Disney India, Offers are invited for 7000 'ASBA is a better way ofapplying to issues by simply blocking the fund in the bank account. For further details check section on ASBA below: ASBA has to be availed by all the investors will take over the English and Sq. Meters prime land in except anchorinvestors. UPI maybe availed by Retail individualInvestors. Fordetailson theASBA and UPI process , please referto the details given inASBA form and abridged prospectus kids clusters as well as live the heart of Kanpur City. and also please refer to the section "Issue Procedure - Issue Procedure ofASBABidders"beg inning on page 286 of the Red Herring Prospectus. The process is also available on the Now available in ASBA for retail Individual investors events of the merged entity. Land is Suitable for Whole UPI website ofAlBl and Exchanges in the General Information Document."ASBA bid-cum application forms can be downloaded from the websites of Bombay Stock Exchange and National This will include Star World, Sale Outlets , Industry, Stock Exchange and can be obtained from the list of banks that is displayed on the website of SEBI at wwwsebi.gov in. List ofbanks supporting UPI is also available on the website of SEBI at www. sebi.govin. ICICI Bank Limited has been appointed as Sponsor Bank forthe Offer in accordance with the requirements of the SEBI Circular dated November 1 2018. Star Movies and the kids’ chan- Schools , College , , , nels from the Disney stable. Godown. We are ready to Gaurav Banerjee, who heads the Hindi general entertain- develop the p lace and Risks to Investors: ment channels (GECs) for Star lease the same for long India, will lead all Hindi enter- term or outright sale is The Book Running Lead Manager associated with the Offer has handled one public issue in the past three years out of which none closed tainment channels — GECs also acceptable.
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