Document of The World Bank Group FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Public Disclosure Authorized Report No. 131039-MA INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION MULTILATERAL INVESTMENT GUARANTEE AGENCY Public Disclosure Authorized COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK FOR THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO FOR THE PERIOD FY19–FY24 January 18, 2019 Public Disclosure Authorized Maghreb Country Management Unit Middle East and North Africa International Finance Corporation Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Public Disclosure Authorized This document has a restricted distribution and may be used by recipients only in the performance of their official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank Group authorization. The date of the last Performance and Learning Review was May 24, 2017 (Report No. 105894 – MA) CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (Exchange Rate Effective January 15, 2019) Currency Unit=Moroccan Dirham (MAD) MAD 1.00=US$ 0.11 Kingdom of Morocco GOVERNMENT FISCAL YEAR January 1 – December 31 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Comité Régional de l’Environnement des Agence Française de Développement AfD CREA Affaires (Regional Committee for (French Agency of Development) Business Environment) AfDB African Development Bank CSO Civil Society Organization ALMP Active Labor Market Policies CSP Concentrated Solar Plant Cash Transfer Program for Widows and AMC Asset Management Company DAAM Orphans Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade AMMC Morocco’s Capital Market Agency DCFTA Agreement ANAPEC National Employment Agency DFI Development Financing Institution ASA Advisory Services and Analytics DPF Development Policy Financing ATI Access to Information DPL Development Policy Loan/Lending BAM Bank Al-Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco) DPO Development Policy Operation BAU Business as Usual DRM Disaster Risk Management Cahier des Clauses Administratives Générales CCAG DSA Debt Sustainability Analysis (standard contractual document) Cahier des Clauses Administrative Particulières Education for Employment Initiative for CCAP E4E (Specific contractual document) Arab Youth CCKP Climate Change Knowledge Portal (World Bank) ECD Early Childhood Development CE Citizen Engagement ECE Early Childhood Education Economic Community of West African CEM Country Economic Memorandum ECOWAS States Comité Local de Développement Humain (Local CLDH ERC Equity and Reconciliation Council Human Development Committee) CMU Country Management Unit EE Energy Efficiency Comité National de l’Environnement des Affaires Youth Employability Enhancement Project CNEA FAST E4E (National Committee for Business Environment) Commission de la Commande Publique (Public Foreign Direct Investment CNCP FDI Procurement Regulatory Commission) CPF Country Partnership Framework GCC Gulf Cooperation Council CPI Consumer Price Index GDP Gross Domestic Product CPS Country Partnership Strategy GHG Greenhouse Gas GID Expenditure Management Information System NPF New Procurement Framework GP Global Practice NRA National Registry Agency Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau GP Government’s Program ONEE Potable (National Electric and Water Utility) Régional de Mise en Valeur Agricole des GVC Global Value Chain ORMVA Doukkala (Regional Office of Agricultural Development Doukkala) H1 First Half of the Fiscal Year PACT Local Government Support Program Haut-Commissariat au Plan Public Expenditure and Financial HCP PEFA (High Planning Commission) Accountability HMIS Health Management Information System PforR Program for Results International Bank for Reconstruction and IBRD PFM Public Financial Management Development (World Bank) ICE Common Enterprise Identifier PIM Public Investment Management ICT Information and Communication Technology PIU Project Implementation Unit IDPs Internally Displaced persons PJD Party for Justice and Development IFC International Finance Corporation PLL Precautionary and Liquidity Line IMF International Monetary Fund PLR Performance and Learning Review Agence Nationale pour la Promotion des INDH National Initiative for Human Development PME Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (National Agency for the Promotion of SMEs) Plan Maroc Vert IPF Investment Project Financing PMV (Morocco Green Strategy) IST Implementation Support Team PNEI Industrial Emergence Strategy International Centre for Settlement of Investment ICSID PPD Public-Private Dialogue Disputes Joint Capital Market Development Program (WB and JCAP PPP Public-Private Partnership IFC) KfW German Development Bank PPP Purchasing Power Parity ILO International Labour Organization QoS Quality of Service Medical Insurance Plan for the Financially M&E Monitoring and Evaluation RAMED Underprivileged MAGG Ministry of General Affairs and Governance RAS Reimbursable Advisory Services MASEN Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy SCD Systematic Country Diagnostic MED Public Health Insurance Program SDGs Sustainable Development Goals MDGs Millennium Development Goals SMEs Small and Medium Enterprises MENA Middle East and North Africa SOE State-Owned Enterprise MFD Maximizing Financing for Development SR Social Registry MGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency SSN Social Safety Net Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in MID Maghreb Infrastructure Diagnostic STEP Procurement MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Tayssir Conditional Cash Transfers for Education MIT Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment TNC Third National Communication Nationally Determined Contribution (to Paris NDC UHC Universal Health Coverage Agreement) United Nations Framework Convention on NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training UNFCCC Climate Change NGO Non-Governmental Organization UNIAG United Nations Inter-Agency Group NPR National Population Registry NPL Non-Performing Loan IBRD IFC MIGA Vice President: Ferid Belhaj Sergio Pimenta Keiko Honda Director: Marie Françoise Marie-Nelly Mouayed Makhlouf Merli Baroudi Task Team Leader: Afef Haddad Xavier Reille Mena Cammett Contents I. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1 II. COUNTRY CONTEXT AND DEVELOPMENT AGENDA .....................................................................3 Social and Political Context ................................................................................................................. 3 Recent Economic Developments ......................................................................................................... 4 Boosting Growth Through Regional Integration ................................................................................ 8 Poverty and Inequality Profile ............................................................................................................. 9 Main Development Challenges: SCD Findings .................................................................................. 11 III. WORLD BANK GROUP PARTNERSHIP FRAMEWORK .................................................................. 17 Government Program and Medium-Term Strategy 2017-2021 ....................................................... 17 Proposed WBG Country Partnership Framework ............................................................................. 18 Focus Areas and Objectives Supported by the WBG Program ......................................................... 21 Strategic Focus Area A: Promoting Job Creation by The Private Sector...................................... 22 Strategic Focus Area B: Strengthening Human Capital ............................................................... 24 Strategic Focus Area C: Promoting Inclusive and Resilient Territorial Development ................. 26 Governance and Citizen Engagement Foundation ....................................................................... 28 Cross-Cutting Theme: Gender – Empowering Women and Girls for Shared Prosperity ............ 31 Cross-Cutting Theme: Harnessing Digital Economy for Jobs and Faster Growth ........................ 32 Implementing the CPF ....................................................................................................................... 33 Country Procurement and Financial Management Systems ............................................................ 39 Portfolio Monitoring and Evaluation: Learning from Implementation ........................................... 40 Partnerships and Development Partner Coordination ..................................................................... 41 IV. MANAGING RISKS TO THE CPF PROGRAM ................................................................................. 41 BOXES Box 1: Youth Unemployment and Inactivity in Morocco .................................................................................. 13 Box 2. The Time to Act is Now .......................................................................................................................... 15 Box 3: Gender Disparities in Morocco .............................................................................................................. 16 Box 4. Government of Morocco's Efforts to Improve Governance and Citizen Engagement .......................... 18 Box 5. A New Roadmap to Strengthening CE in the CPF .................................................................................. 30 Box 6. A Moonshot for the Middle East and North Africa ................................................................................ 32 Box 7. Maximizing Finance for Development ..................................................................................................
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