Volume 14(3), 139-144, 2010 JOURNAL of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology The characterization of under water bodies existing in Timisoara metropolitan area and the presentation of the state of these waters concerning their quality in the year 2007 Ţenche-Constantinescu Alina Banat’s University of Agriculture Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Faculty of Horticulture and Sylviculture *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] Abstract In this study are mentioned the underground water sources Key words of Banat Hydrographic Area, and are characterised the underground water bodies, in connection with Timisoara Metropolitan area, and their state, from Underground water the point of view of their quality in the year 2007. resources, underground water body, phreatic water Underground water resources of Banat BA = Banat Hydrographic Area ; Hydrographic Area and the characterization of 01 = The indicative of the water body in Banat underground water bodies connected with Hydrographyc area. Timisoara Metropolitan Area The underground water body ROBA01 - The theoretic total water resources of Banat Lovrin-Vinga has a surface of 1376 Ksq.m It is Hydrographic Area are approximately characterized by the presence of phreatic waters 4,58×109m3/year, of which 1,20×109 m3/year situated in porous – permeable deposits which are underground, being distributed in the following way: alluvial and originate in the quaternary age. The 62% in phreatic layers, and 38% in deep layers. superior layer is thin, in certain areas inexistent, and The technically acceptable waters for being the global protection level is PN class, because of a used of Banat Hydrographic Area are approximately, very reduced effective infiltration. 50×109 m3/year, of which 1,11×109 m3/year are This water body has a very big chemical underground, Being distributed in the following way : variation, varying from magnezian calcic bicarbonate 64% in phreatic layers and 36% in deep layers. to magnezian clorocalcic or sodic bicarbonatat. In Banat Hydrographic Area were identified, It has connections and common features with delimitated and described a number of 20 underground the rivers Apa Mare and Galatca, as well as with the water bodies, on the basis of the following criteria: pasture ecosystems and the saturated vegetations of geological; hydrodynamic; the state of the water body, Satchinez. quantitative, and qualitative. The body is present on both sides of the The research area is represented by Timisoara country border. Metropolitan Area, which comprises Timisoara town, The underground water body ROBA02 - Fibis (13.003, 87 ha), and the six smaller settlements has a surface of 782 Ksq. m. situated in the interior of the main development ring of It is characterized by the presence of phreatic the town, displayed on a radius of 15 km measured waters, existent in porous- permeable deposits which from the center of Timisoara : Dumbrăviţa (1.898,46 are alluvial, and fluvio-lacustre originating in the ha), Ghiroda (3.263, 68 ha), Giroc (5.459, 86 ha), quaternary age. Moşnita Nouă (6.649,42 ha), Sacalaz (11.665,72 ha), The covering layer is made of siltic-clay, and Sânmihaiul Roman (7.525,85 ha), having a total contains loess and clay with a infiltratie eficace of 15- surface of 49.457 ha (fig.1). 30 mm water column, while the global protection level The underground water bodies connected to class is good or very good (classes PG and PVG). the research area are : GW-ROBA03-Timisoara ; GW- It presents interdependent relations with the ROBA01-Lovrin Vinga; GW-ROBA02-Fibis and GW- rivers Magherus, Bega Veche, Gherteamos Apa Mare ROBA04-Lugoj. (fig.2). and Galatca, as well as with the ecosystems of riverside The code of the underground water bodies coppice with willow and poplar, in the Timis river (ex: ROBA01) has the following structure: meadow. RO = country code; 139 The underground water body ROBA03 - determined for each underground water body Timisoara has a surface of 2577 Ksq.m This is separately. characterized by the presence of phreatic waters The first step of the used methodology, was to situated in porous – permeable deposits which are check TV exceed situations. alluvial, originating in the quaternary age. In the cases when TV limits where exceeded, The covering layer is siltic -clay-sand and the underground water body was considered being in contains loss with an effective infiltration of 15-30 mm good chemical state. water column, while the global protection of the In the cases when limits were exceeded, for surface is medium and good (classes PM and PG) The the evaluation of the state, the following tests were global protection class at the level of this body is made in accordance with the formerly named medium (PM), and in it exist numerous potential document: pollution sources from the surface. The waters It was checked if the surface on which the chemical contents is varying from bicarbonatat calcic excesses were registered is over or under 20% of the magnezian to clorocalcic magnezian, clorosodic or total surface of the underground water body. If the bicarbonatat sodic. effected area exceeded 20% of the body, the body was It presents interdependent connections with considered in a bad chemical shape from the point of the rivers: Bega Veche, Bega, Timis, Barzava, view of this test. Moravita, and with the riverside coppice ecosystem The test of the diminution of the chemical or with willows and poplar in the Timis river meadow. ecologic state of the associated surface waters, due to The body is present on both side of the state the transfer of polluting elements from the frontier. underground water bodies: in this test it was checked if The underground water body ROBA04 Lugoj the excess of TV were registered in regions where the has a surface of 1702 Ksq m. polluting elements could be transferred towards the This is characterized by the presence of surface waters. If the quantity of polluting elements phreatic waters contained in porous-permeable deposits transferred from the underground water body to the which are alluvial and fluvio-lacustre from the surface water did not exceed 50% of the polluting quaternary age. The covering layer consists of silturi elements of the previous, the water body was nisipoase-argiloase, loess, rarely clay (depth 3-5 m). considered being in good chemical state from the point The effective infiltration level is 30-60 mm water of view of this test. column; the global protection of the surface is medium, The test of the effects produced on the Land and very good (PM and PG). Ecosystems dependant on the underground waters - The Chemism of the water is varying from during which it was checked if there are land bicarbonatat-calcic-magnezian to bicarbonat-calcic- ecosystems which are depending on underground sulfatatmagnezian, clorosodic to sulfatat-sodic- water, and which present major damage. If there are no bicarbonatat-calcic or bicarbonatat-sodic. land ecosystems depending on the underground waters It presents interdependent connections with deteriorated in the regions where TV limits are riverside coppice ecosystems with willow and poplar exceeded, in the case of underground water bodies, or in the Timis river meadow. their deterioration is not due to the contact with The reloading of the aquifers connected with polluted elements transferred from the ecosystem, the the underground water bodies, is done mainly from water body was considered being in good chemical rain fall, in the whole area of the underground phreatic state, from the point of view of this test. water, and in the aflorare regions, at the edges of the The test of fulfilling the requests of article layers, in the case of the deep underground water 7(3) of the General Directive of Waters, through which bodies, and subordinately, for the phreatic water it was checked if there is any evidence of the necessity bodies, by infiltration from the hydrographic water to increase the quantity of treatment applied to the network. captured underground water, as a result of the exceeded limits that were registered. If the results were Evaluation methods of the quality of the positive the body was considered being in a bad underground water bodies chemical state from the point of view of this test. In order to consider a certain water body The evaluation methods of the underground being in good chemical state, it was necessary that all water bodies followed in general the recommendations effectuated test show the good chemical state of that of the document “Guide for the state of the waters and water. for the evaluation of tendencies” created by the work team C – Underground Waters, of the European Union. Results and Discussions The evaluation of the water bodies was done by comparing the chemical analyses made in the years For the evaluation of the chemical state of the 2007 and 2008 with limit values (TV), which were underground waters, the measured concentrations in the established survey points in accordance with DCA 140 must be compared with the Limit Values, (threshold in a bad state, from a qualitative point of view in the values - TV) which are considered reference points for case of the indicative NO3. a good state of the underground water body. In the year 2007 the quality of the water in The minimal list of parameters which were ROBA03- Timisoara was surveyed by the analyses of considered necessary at the evaluation of the quality of samples collected from 77 wells, being part of the the underground waters, and for which the TV was National Hydrogeologyc Network. determined is the following: The threshold values for NO3 indicatives - „substances, ions, or indicatives which can were exceeded in the following points: (Becicherecu appear naturally or/and as a result of human activities : Mic, Carpinis, Cebza – Ciacova, Dolat, Ghilad, Parta, As, Cd, Pb, Hg, NH4+, Cl-, SO4; Voiteg), NH4 (Birda, Ionel, Moravita,Rauti, Sacalaz), - „synthetic substances”: tricloretylen, SO4 (Carpinis, Ghilad, Ivanda, Peciu Nou, Toager), tetracloretilena; PO4 (Cebza – Ciacova, Jimbolia, Sacalaz) and NO2 - „Indicative parameters of saline intrusions (Becicherecu Mic, Dolat).
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