Cornell Alvmni News

Cornell Alvmni News

THE: CORNELL ALVMNI NEWS VOLUME THIRD SEPTEMBER, 1900, TO JUNE, 1901 m CORNELL UNIVERSITY (jRβ ITHACA, N. Y. I N DEX Alumni, The, Continued : PAGE. Alumni, The, Continued : PAGE;. Alumni, The, Continued : PAGE. ALUMNI INDEX. Bates, Frank G 237, 245 Bricklemaier, Alice G. ...... 207 Christie, W. W 222 Bridges, T. J 239 I, THE : Bates, Katherine 77 Chriswell, Wm. B 8 Abeling, Lizzie L. 85 Battey, Alice M 3 Briggs, C. H 175, 223 Church, I. P 253 Abrams, A. W 237 Bauder, George W 13, 175 Briggs, Elizabeth 237 Church, Wilmer 215 229 Adair, Arthur P 123 von Bayer, Augustus H. .7, 37, 175 Briggs, Frederick A 123, 277 Clark, Albert H ηη Adams, Edward 269 vonBayer, Wm. H. ...... 21, 107 Brigham, Johnson 3 Clark, Charles H 61, 131 Adams, E. T 101 Beacham, Joseph W. 153, 159, 207, Bright, Wm. R 175 Clark, Coryell 179 Adams, John D 253 223, 277 Brill, George M 61, 237 Clark, Dean 29 Adams, John H 6r Beahan, Willard 29, 199 Brill, Gerow D 191, 261 Clark, Edward N 167, 179 Adams, J. S. 179 Beardslee, Robert W. 13, 179, 253 Brinsmade, L. L 253 Clark, Fred 1 29 Beardsley, James W 199, 237 Brintnall, Chas. S 175 Clark, Harold H 85, 175 Adams, Spencer L 61 τ Adler, Simon L 145 Beardsley, Lewis A 159 Bristol, W inifred 37 Clark, Judson F 85 Adsitt, Carrie I., see Mrs. S. S. Beardsley, Wallace B 45 Brodhead, George L 215 Clarke, L. H., Jr 237 Slater Becker, Charton L., 183 Brodie, Hugh H 215 Clark, Montgomery H 29 Albee, Ernest 107, 245 Becket, George C 175 Brooks, Arthur D 175 Clark, Tracy E 115 Alberger, Alvan H 269 Beckwith, Oliver R 53 Brooks, Byron E. 223, 253 Clark, W. A 175 Aldrich, Ellis L 93 Bedell, Frederick 237 Brooks, H. C 179 Clarke, Eleanor H 85 Aldrich, Herbert 277 Beebe, Clarence 123 Brooks, R. T. 175 Clephane, L. P 237 Alexander, R. L 175 Beidler, Herbert A 215 Browd, P. K 239 Cleveland, Frederick A 53 Alexander, Ralph V 21, 139 Bell, Frank A 159 Brown, Abner B 139 Clisdell, Percy A 123 Allen, Edwin P 45, 123 Bell, Jesse M 175 Brown, Charles L 191 Clock, Cora M., see Mrs. O. D. Allen, Frank 179, 223 Bell, William C 3 Brown, Mrs. Edmund F 61 Wickham Allen, Fredonia 179 Bellinger, Lyle F 139 Brown, E. H 237 Close, Ralph T 101 Allen, Herrick C 229 Benedict, Frederick S 215 Brown, Frederick L 277 Coates, Henry T., Jr 175 Allport, H. W 245 Benedict, H. A 237 Brown, Mrs. H. F 215 Cochran, Julia A 175 Almirall, Juan A 53, 239 Benedict, S. S 115 Brown, Harold W 53 Codd, Robert M., Jr IOT 229 Almirall, Raymond F 107, 237 Benjamin, Anna M 229 Brown, John F. 213 Coe, Alfred B 159 Coe, Ira J r Almy, Robert 96 Benjamin, Claude T 85, 207 Brown, Lena F., see Mrs. F. L. IO Alsop, Susan Kate 45 Bennett, Burton E 153 Bryant Coffin, Raymond L 183 Ambler, Wm 69, 175 Bensley, John R 85, 115 Brown, Mary H 175 Cohen, Frances 175 245 Benson, Orville 53, 101 Brown, Willi 283 Coit, C. W i Ambos, C. L 175, 245, 283 75> 277 Anderson, G. H 237 Bentley, Elwyn B 223, 237 Brown, William H 61 Cole, Edward S 69 Anderson, Leroy 37, 239 Bentley, Ernest W 61, 223 Brown, William M 61 Cole, George L 215 Anderson, Mary E 175 Bentley, F. C « 237 Browne, Edwin S 29 Colpitts, Julia L 175 Andrews, Ethel M 175 Bentley, G. M 178, 223 Brownell, J. P , 237 Colson, . D 167 Andrews, Eugene P 245, 269 Bentley, I. Madison 191 Brueggeman, G. F. A 269 Comstock, Mrs. A. Botsford ... 77 Andrews, Lincoln C 145 Ben ton, Morris F. 45 Bruere, Alice H 13 Comstock, Theodore B 115 Angell, Nina 107, 175 Bergen, Charles W. 21, 107, 175 Bruen, Frank 223 Conant, Grace Patten . 131, 153 Ansley, William A 53 Berry, Inslee H 3, 245 Bryant, Arthur P 153 Conard, Charles .... 93 Arbuckle, Walter V 3 Best, William E. 223 Bryant, John J., jr 61 Conklin, D. B .' 175 Archbold, William K 183 Beuck, Gustave 0 77 Bryant, Mrs. F. L 237 Conklin, William E 37, 175 Beye, John C . 222 Bryant, Ralph C 175 Conkling, Leon D 145, 175 Armstrong, George T 93 τ Arnold, Charles J 101 Bierbaum, C. H 239 Buchanan, M} ron W. 175 Converse, Frank A 199, 229 Ashley, Edward G 115 Binkerd, Helen D 179 Buck, EllardA 175 Cook, Junius F. n? Atkinson, Prof. George F. 53, 85, 115, Bird, A. A 237 Buck, G. C 179 Cook, W. L 175 199, 223, 245 Bird, Paul F 29, 175, 223 Buck, P. R 13 Cooke, W. P 237 Atkinson, Wm. F 69, 269 Bisbee, Harriett H 237 Buckmaster, Ralph J 139 Cool, Frank 85 Atwood. Horace 237 Bishop, Irving P 167 Budd, H. S 179 Cool, F. W 179 Aubert, Alfred B 3 Bissell, Alphonsa Dix 45 Buell, Mrs. Chas. E 215 Cooley, Edwin S 29 Auchincloss, Wm. K 96, 115 Bissell, F. 0 239 Bull, Ernest M 115, 253 Coolidge, Emelyn L 175, 245 Auerbach, Junius T. ....... 191 Black, Frederick M. 223 Bull, John 215 Cooper, Edwin S 29 Auburn, William J 245 Blair, Charles H., jr. 69, 229, 269, 277 Bullis, G. P 179 Copeland, Clement A 13 Austen, W. H 237 Blair, Ezra Cornell 69 Bump, Elizabeth W 53, 107 Copeland, Ernest 21 Austin, Harry B 175* Blake, F. E 253 Bunnell, G. L 179 Copeland, H. C 77 Averill, Earl A 85,175 Blakeslee, R. A 179 Burden, Oliver D 53 Coppens, Margaret P 207 Avery, Bessie 45 Blakeslee, Robert B 115 Burns, E. M 237 Corcilius, Inez 175 Ayers, Augustine R 101, 175 Blanchard, A. S 175 Burr, Geo. Lincoln . 53, 191, 205, 245 Corr, J. A 179 Ayres, Clarence M 207 Blatchford, Charles H 61, 245 Burrell, Edward P 93 Corrigan, John W 175 Ayres, Philip W 61 Blood, Charles H 61, 123, 205 Burroughs, Charles E 45 Corson, Eugene R 167 Babcock, Chas. W 175 Bloomington, Edith E 21 Burrows, Geo. F 45, 175 Corey, Clarence L 69, 237 Babcock, Clinton L. • 245 Bockes, George L 3 Burt, Austin 175 Cory, Harry T 229 Bacon, Richard 191 Bode, Boyd ... 21, 175 Burt, Mrs. F. H 239 Cosad, Mary A 239 Badenhausen, J. P 179 Bodell, Frederick G 175 Burwell, R. T 237 Cosby, Frank C 145, 261 Bagley, F. G 237 Bodine, Donaldson 207 Butler, William M 131. 175 Cossitt, H. A 245 Bagley, William C. 131, 179, 229 Boehm, Wm. H 223 Cadogan, Gertrude S 175 Costello, Margaret C 179 Bailey, E. C 237 Bogardus, W. B 115 Cady, Theodore W 61 Corell, Oliver J 101 Bailey, John D 29, 175 duBois, Elizabeth H 277 Caldwell, Francis C. .8, 229, 237 Coville, Frederick V 53 Bailey, Theodore L 261 Boland, Francis H 61 Caldwell, Wm. A 269 Cowan, F. B 239 Bailey, Viola J 175, 269 Bole, Joseph K 175 Callan, Frank H 21 Cowdin, Thomas H 145, 175 Baker, Burt T 199 Bolles, George A 45 Candee, C. W 253 Cowen, Jacob H 13, 179 Baker, Charles H 233 Bontecou, Fred F 61 Cannon, Harrison D 3 Cowing, H. L 175 Baker, Edward E 215 Booraem, J. F 239 Capron, Jessie D 8 Cowperthwaite, Allan 9, 21 Baker, Fred 199 Booth, Henry A 229 Capron, Ola B 183, 239 Cox, Rose M 85 Baker, F. S. 179, 223 Borden, J. McKee 153, 223 Card, Fred W 199, 253 Coyle, Clifford D. 37, 45, 175, 191 Baker, George Comstock . .191, 237 Borden, Thomas P 223 Carney, Frank 115, 229 Crane, A. S 237 Baker, J. F 175 Bos well, William 269 Carpenter, Carrie, see Mrs. Stan- Crans, Anna M 115 Baker, William A 207 Botsford, George W. ... 223, 237 ley Ward Crehore, Albert C 15 Baker, Wm. P 199, 237 Bowes, T. F 237 Carss, Elizabeth 29, 261 Creighton, James E 107, 123 Baldwin, Alice M 179 Bowen, Anna C 131 Carter, Marion H 261 Crofoot, John M 45, 107 Baldwin, Arthur J 159, 245 Bowen, Frederick E 45 Carver, Thomas N 21 Crouch, Calvin H 269 Baldwin, Jane N 175, 245 Bowen, John R 77 Carveth, Hector R * . 37 Crouch, Frank M 7, 175 Baldwin, Harry C 37 Bowman, Earl A 131 Cary, Ernest B 175 Crouch, H. C 179 Baldwin, Leonard D 123, 245 Bowman, Joseph E. 153, 175, 245 Casey, J. 1 239 Crum, Harry H 21 Ball, Winifred 239 Boyd, James E 223 Casler, Harry 191 Cullinan, P. W 261 Ballantyne, Norman F 191 Boynton, Lawrence W. 7, 175, 269 Catlin, William L. .101, 175, 223 Culver, John M 175 Barber, Arthur W 107 Boynton, Margaret F 223, 245 Cauίϊman, Maurice 237 Cummings, Orrie P 69 Barber, Margaret Browning ... 199 Boynton, Stuart D 61 Cavagnaro, John J 175 Cnmming, Robert C 123, 183 Bardwell, Arthur F 215 Boynton, William 93 Chamberlain, G. R 237 Cunningham, W. D 21, 175 Baright, Herbert S 183 Bradford, Alice R., see Mrs. R. H. Chamberlin, John 131 Curtis, Allen 175 Barker, Anna L 175 Wiles Chambers, Julius 145 Curtis, Arthur M 183 Barker, John H 229 Bradley, Frances 245 Chamot, Emile M 131, 237 Curtis, Charles E 215 Barlow, E. T 237 Bradley, H. M 239 Chandler, ElbertG 85, 175 Cushmg, Henry P 153 Barnard, Wm. N 145 Bradley, Philip H 229 Chandler, Richard E 101 Cushman, B. S 13 Cuyle, J. J 179, 229 Barnes, A.

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