A" SWAZILAND (GOVERNMENT GAZETTE VOL. XXXII] : MBABANE, Friday, April 15th, 1994 [No. 18 CONTENTS No. 7 Page 22. Notice ofIntention to SubmitWages Regulation Proposals 1116 ADVERTISEMENTS N17 CONTENTS OF SUPPLEMENT PART A - BILLS 4. The Loan (Hlatikulu District Hospital Rehabilitation Project) Bill, 1994 oo...sectseeeeereesnsneeete $1 PART C - LEGAL NOTICES 53. The Aviation (Amendment) Regulations, 1994 83 34. The Maximum Bus and Taxi Fares (Amendment) Regulations, 1994 .......-...-snereoccsssoeccsssssnansnenonnees S7 55. The Companies Table of Fees (Amendment ofFirst Schedule) Notice, 1994 . $25 56. The Trading Licences (Amendmentof Schedule B) Regulations, 1994 0... .-scsscecssssneccessnenraenansssecenees 827 57. Appointment ofJudgeof the HighCowt 834 58. Amendmentto Part II ofthe Schedule to the Act $35 59. The Regulation ofWages (Building and Construction Industry) Order, 1994 ..........cscsssesecscrseeteessenneeess $39 60. The Regulation ofWages (Manufacturing andProcessing Industry) Order, 1994 . va. S47 62. The Regulation ofWages (Security Services Industry) Order, 1994 o.......sescacscocccrsesserseensssnsenssrsnceaneenes S65 PUBLISHED BYAUTHORITY 1116 GENERAL NOTICENO. 22 OF 1994 THE WAGES ACT 1964 (Act No. 16 of 1964) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SUBMIT WAGES REGULATION PROPOSALS (Under Section 11 (2)) Tn accordance with the above Act, Road Transportation Industry Wages Council, having made such investigations as it deemed fit, hereby publishes its intention to submit proposals to the Honourable Minister for Labour and Public Service as to the minimum wage and conditions of employment which should be applied to the employees in relation to whom the council operates. Copies of the proposals may be obtained from Department of Labour Head Quarters, during normal working hours, Written representations with regard to the proposals must be sent to the Secretary, Road Transportation Industry Wages Council, P.O. Box 198, Mbabane within thirty G0) days from the date of publication of this notice. E.S.S. TSABEDZE Assistant Secretary - Wages Councils S.G.G. NO. 18, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1994 1117 NOTICE ESTATE LATE PHINEAS SIZWE SIMELANE ESTATE NO. E413/93 Debtors and Creditors in the above estate are hereby called uponto pay their debts and to lodge their claims respectively within the undersigned within thirty (60) days ofthe publication hereof. GABSILEA. SIMELANE c/o Master ofthe High Court P.O. Box 19 MBABANE F375 15.4.94 NOTICE ESTATE LATE GLADYS SHONGWE E.218/92 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 51 (bis) ofthe Administration ofEstate Act number 28 of 1902 thatthe First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account will lie open for inspectionatthe offices of the Master ofthe High Court ofSwaziland for a period oftwenty-one (21) days from date ofpublicationof this notice. Anyperson objecting to the Account maylodge his objection in writing in duplicate with the Master of the High Court at any time before the expiry of the said period. DLAMINI, MAVUSO & CO. Attorneys for the Executor Dative Office Nos. 1 & 11 LM. Building Gilfillan Street P.O. Box 663 MBABANE F377 15.4.94 peter NOTICE ESTATE OF THE LATE HARRY CHARLES STICKLEY NO. E.172/92 Notice is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountof the above-mentioned estate will lie open for inspection in the offices ofthe Master ofthe High Court, Mbabane for 2 period of twenty-one days from the date ofpublication ofthis notice. Objections to the account, if any, must be lodged with the said Master and the undermentioned Auorneys within that period. PERRYMILLIN Attorneys for the Executor P.O. Box A240 Swazi Plaza (Suite 103 Development House Swazi Plaza MBABANE F376 15.4.94 $.G.G. NO. 18, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1994 1118 NOTICE .. ESTATE LATE LOZANDLA NKEMBASETFWALA ESTATE NO. E393/93 Debtors and Creditors in the above mentioned estate are hereby advised to lodge their claims with and paytheir debts to the undersigned within thirty (30) days from publication ofthis notice. FANATFWALA P.O. Box i LUVE F379 15.4.94 OTICE ESTATE LATEETTIE KHABONINA KUBHEKA E.35/93 Notice is hereby given thatthe first and final liquidation and Distribution Account will lie open for inspection at the office ofthe Master of the High Courtof Swaziland at Mbabane for a period of twenty one (21) days fromthe date of appearance ofthis Notice. Anyperson objecting to the account may lodgehis objection’in writing in duplicate with the Master ofthe Hieh Court at any time before expiry ofthe said period... -- WILLIAM F. MTHEMBU&ASSOCIATES Executrix’s Attomeys 2nd Floor Mandlenkosi Ecumenical House Esser Street PO. Box 1301 MANZINI F380 15.4.94 NOTICE ESTATE LATE REJOICE SIZAKELE SHABANGU E.44/93 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 51 (bis) of the Administration of Estate Act No. 28 of 1902 that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accountwilllie open for inspection at the offices ofthe Masterof the High Court of Swaziland for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date ofpublication of this notice. Any person objecting to the Account may lodge his or her objection in writing in duplicate with the Masterof the High Court at any time before the expiry ofthe said period. DLAMINI, MAVUSO& CO. Attormeysfor the Executor Dative Offices Nos, 1 & 11 L.M.Building Gilfillan Street P.O. Box 663 MBABANE F378 15.4,94 $.G.G. NO..18, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1994 1119 OTI 1 & E INDUSTRIES(SWAZILAND) (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) The First meeting of Creditors and Contributories will be held in Master's Office, High Court, Mbabane on Wednesday 11 May 1994 at 9.30 a.m. for: (a) Proof of Claims; (b) Nominating a person(s) for appointment as Liquidator(s); (c) Determining whether or not the Court should be moved to appoint a Committee of Inspection to act with the Liquidator(s) and to make nominations to such Committee; (4) Receiving any report on the affairs of the company in Liquidation that the Liquidator(s) may wish to make; (e) Givingthe Liquidator(s) such directions pertinentto the winding-up of the Company as the Creditors by majority vote may resolve; Claims and proxies in legal form must be in the hands of the Master at the latest by 12 noon on the 10 May 1994. Acreditor whose claim has not been proved shall notbe entitled to vote at the meeting. IMF DLAMINI Acting Masterofthe High Court F386 15.4.94 NOTICE G.M.H. MANUFACTURING (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) The First meeting of Creditors and Contributories will be held in Master's Office, High Court, Mbabane on Wednesday 25 May 1994 at 9.00 a.m. for: (a) Proofof Claims; {b) Nominating a person(s) for appointmentas Liquidator(s), (c) Determining whether or not the Court should be moved to appoint a Committee of Inspection to act with the Liquidator(s) and to make nominations to such Committee; (d) Receiving any report on the affairs of the company in Liquidation that the Liquidator(s) may wish to make; (©) Giving the Liquidator(s) such directions pertinent to the winding-upof the Companyas the Creditors by majority vote mayresolve. Claims andproxies in legal formmust be in the handsof the Masterat the latest by 12 noon on the 24 May 1994. Acreditor whose claim has not been proved shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting. LMF. DLAMINI Acting Master ofthe High Court F387 15.4.94 3.G.G. NO. 18, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904 4120 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I, Agrippa ShimaneMoore ofSiphofaneni in the Lubombo Region intendto apply to the Honourable Minister ofJustice of the Kingdom ofSwaziland for authorisation to assume the surnameDlamini after the fourth publication ofthis Notice in each offour consecutive weeks in the Times ofSwaziland and The Swazi Observer newspapers, being twonewspapers circulating in the region whereI reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Lubombo Region and in the Government Gazette. The reason I want to assume the surnameDlamini is because it is my natural surname. Anyperson or persons likely to object to my assuming the surname Diamini should lodge their objections in writing with me at the address given below and with the Regional Secretary for Lubombo Region. Nkambule Shopping Centre P.O. Box7 SIPHOFANENI F381 4x6.5.94 Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a certified copy of Deed ofTransfer No. 208/1979 being in respect of:- - CERTAIN: Lot No. 317 situate in Manzini Extension No. 2 Township, District of Manzini, Swaziland; MEASURING: 1358 (One Three Five Eight) Square Metres; madein favour ofDiesel Electric (Manzini) (Proprietary) Limited on the 27th July 1979. All persons having objections to the issue of the aforesaid copy are hereby requested to lodge same with the Registrar ofDeeds for Swaziland at Mbabane within 3 (three) weeks ofthe last publication of this Notice. SAMUELS. EARNSHAW& CO. Altomeysfor Applicant P.O. Box 1134 MBABANE F361 2x15.4.94 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that we intend applying for a Certified Copy ofDeed of Transfer No. 319/1978 dated 29th December, 1978 passed by The Malkerns Trading Company(Proprietary) Limited made in favour of Sarah Dlamini (Major Spinster) (Born on the 22nd December, 1937) in respect of:- CERTAIN: Remaining Extent ofPortion 3 of Farm No.286,situate in the Manzini District, Swaziland; MEASURING: 5,6425 (Five Comma Six Four TwoFive) Hectares: Any person having objection to the issue of such copy mustlodge his objection with the Registrar of Deeds within three (3) weeks ofthe last publication ofthis notice. DATED ATMBABANE THIS 31ST DAY OF MARCH,1994, P.M. SHILUBANE & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box A93 Swazi Plaza MBABANE F362 2x15.4.94 $.G.G. NO. 18, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1994 1121 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that f, Robert Nkosinathi Zwane ofthe Manzini Region intend to apply to the Honourable Minister of Justice of the Kingdom of Swaziland for authorisation to assume the surname Mbuli after the fourth publicationofthis Notice in each offourconsecutive weeks in theTimes ofSwaziland andSwaziObserverNewspapers, being two newspapers circulating in the region where I reside and designated for this purpose by the Regional Secretary for the Manzini Region and in the GovernmentGazette.
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