Data dictionary of the Level II aggregated forest soil condition database AFSCDB.LII.2.2 based on Fleck, S., Cools, N., De Vos, B., Meesenburg, H., Fischer, R. (2016): The Level II aggregated forest soil condition database links soil physicochemical and hydraulic properties with long-term observations of forest condition in Europe 1 Data Dictionary for the Aggregated Forest Soil Condition Database of the Level II, Second Soil Survey (AFSCDB.LII.2.2) This data dictionary shall provide a direct link to the measurement methods applied for those of the 252 variables in the database that were defined by measurement protocols or code lists. The table below contains all variables in alphabetical order with reference to the database tables they are used in (. Direct links to the different sources of information are offered in its last column. The bibliographic information of the references is given below the table with corresponding numbers. In the case that different versions of a literature source are needed to exactly describe the methods, the number of the source is followed by a minor case letter (1a, 1b, etc.). Variable Name Description Unit Sources bdest Estimated bulk density of the kg m-3 4 (SOM) fine earth bdsample Mean dry soil bulk density of kg m-3 4 (SWR) fine earth of the samples (Cools and De Vos 2010) bs Base saturation of the horizon % 3 (PFH, SOM) [(exchangeable Ca+Mg+K+Na)/cation exchange capacity * 100] bulk_density Mean bulk density of fine kg m-3 4 (SOM, SWA) earth carbonates Carbonate content g kg-1 4 (SOM) cn C:N ratio: 3 (SOM) [organic_carbon_total] / [n_total] coarse_fragment_mass Mass of coarse fragments (> 2 g 100g-1 4 (SOM) mm) coarse_fragment_vol Volume of coarse fragments (> Vol % 4 (SOM) 2 mm) code_altitude Altitude in 50 metre classes Code 1 (PLS) (from 1 till 51, PCC (2012)) code_country number code for the country Code 1 (LQA, PFH, PLS, PRF, (PCC 2012) SOM, STO, SWA, SWR) 2 code_determination Determination method (see Code 1 (LQA) reference list) code_horizon_coarse_vol Code of volume class of coarse Code 1, 4 (PFH) fragments (stones and gravel with a diameter > 2 mm) code_horizon_discont Number to indicate a Code 1 (PFH) discontinuity in the horizon designation code_horizon_distinct Code of horizon distinction Code 1 (PFH) code_horizon_master Symbol of the master part of Code 1 (PFH) the horizon designation code_horizon_porosity Class of total porosity Code 1, 4 (PFH) code_horizon_subordinat Symbol of the subordinate Code 1 e characteristics of the horizon (PFH) designation code_horizon_texture_cl Horizon textural class (USDA) Code 3, 4, 7 ass (PFH) code_horizon_topo Code of horizon topography Code 1 (PFH) code_humus Code referring to the humus Code 1 (PLS) type (PCC 2012) code_layer The code of the fixed depth Code 1 4 (SOM, SWA, SWR) layer (PCC 2012) code_parameter Code of soil variable Code 1, 4 (LQA) code_parent_material_1 Code for the dominant parent Code 1, 9 (PRF) material of the plot (PCC 2012) code_parent_material_2 Code for a second parent Code 1, 9 (PRF) material (PCC 2012) code_plot code for the plot given by the Code 1 (LQA, PFH, PLS, PRF, country SOM, STO, SWA, SWR) code_pretreatment Digestion/Extraction method Code 1 (LQA) (pretreatment) 3 code_prof Identification code of the Code 1 (PFH, PRF) profile code_roots_coarse Abundance class of coarse Code 1, 4 (PFH) roots code_roots_fine Abundance class of fine roots Code 1, 4 (PFH) code_roots_medium Abundance class of medium Code 1, 4 (PFH) roots code_roots_very_fine Abundance class of very fine Code 1, 4 (PFH) roots code_sieving Sieving/milling method Code 1, 4 (LQA) code_soil_structure Type of the soil structure Code 1 (PFH) code_swprf ID of the most representative Code 1 (SWR) soil water profile for the plot code_texture_class USDA texture class Code 4, 7 (SOM) code_water Code referring to the water Code 1 (PLS) availability for trees (PCC 2012) code_water_level_high Mean highest groundwater Code 1, 4 (PRF) depth (in depth classes) code_water_level_low Mean lowest groundwater Code 1, 4 (PRF) depth (in depth classes) code_water_type Type of water table (9 = no Code 1, 4 (PRF) water table; 1 = perched; 2 = permanent) code_wrb_publication Reference to WRB version Code 1, 2a, 2b, 2c (PRF) (IUSS Working Group WRB 2006, 2007) code_wrb_qualifier_x (x xth qualifier describing the Code 1, 2a, 2b , 2c (see being numbers from 1 to reference soil group code_wrb_publication) 6) (PRF) 4 code_wrb_soil_group World Reference Base, Code 1, 2a, 2b , 2c (see (PRF) Reference Soil Group of the code_wrb_publication) plot code_wrb_specifier_x (x Specifier for the xth qualifier Code 1, 2a, 2b , 2c (see being numbers from 1 to code_wrb_publication) 6) (PRF) colour_dry Dry colour of the soil matrix 1, 10 (PFH) (Munsell soil colour charts) colour_moist Moist colour of the soil matrix 1, 10 (PFH) (Munsell soil colour charts) control_chart_mean Mean of control chart 3, 8 (LQA) control_chart_std Relative standard deviation 3, 8 (LQA) [%] datasource Name of the project under Text (PLS) which countries did the soil sampling date_end end date YYYY-MM- 1 (LQA) DD date_labor_analyses Date of the final (most recent) YYYY-MM- 1 (PFH, SOM, SWA, SWR) laboratory analysis DD date_profile_desc Date of description of the soil YYYY-MM- 1 (PRF) profile DD date_sampling Date of sampling YYYY-MM- 1 (PLS, SWA, SWR) DD date_start start date YYYY-MM- 1 (LQA) DD ddlat Latitude of the plot in decimal degrees Unit conversion from (PLS) degrees, datum = WGS84 latitude ddlong Longitude of the plot in degrees Unit conversion from (PLS) decimal degrees, datum = longitude WGS84 depth_diagnostic_x (x Depth of appearance of xth cm 1 being numbers from 1 to diagnostic horizon, property 10) or material from top of (PRF) mineral soil 5 depthstock Depth to be used for stock cm actual paper (PRF) calculation (max. 1 m) diagnostic_x (x being Code of xth diagnostic horizon, 1, 2a, 2b , 2c (see numbers from 1 to 10) property or material code_wrb_publication) (PRF) esp Exchangeable sodium % 1, 2a, 2b , 2c (see (PFH) percentage of the horizon code_wrb_publication) (expressed as % of CEC) etrs89x Longitude of the plot in m ETRS89-LAEA (PLS) European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 – Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection Coordinate Reference System etrs89y Latitude of the plot in m ETRS89-LAEA (PLS) European Terrestrial Reference System 1989 – Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area Projection Coordinate Reference System -1 exch_ace Sum of acid cations (Al, Fe, Mn cmol+ kg actual paper (SOM) and Free H+) -1 exch_acidity Total exchangeable acidity cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_al Exchangeable Al cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_bce Sum of basic cations (Ca, K, cmol+ kg actual paper (SOM) Mg, Na) -1 exch_ca Exchangeable Ca cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_cec Cation exchange capacity: cmol+ kg actual paper (SOM) Sum of [exch_bce] and 4 [exch_ace] -1 exch_fe Exchangeable Fe cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_k Exchangeable K cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_mg Exchangeable Mg cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) 6 -1 exch_mn Exchangeable Mn cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 exch_na Exchangeable Na cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) extrac_al Aqua regia extractable Al mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_ca Aqua regia extractable Ca mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_cd Aqua regia extractable Cd mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_cr Aqua regia extractable Cr mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_cu Aqua regia extractable Cu mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_fe Aqua regia extractable Fe mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_hg Aqua regia extractable Hg mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_k Aqua regia extractable K mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_mg Aqua regia extractable Mg mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_mn Aqua regia extractable Mn mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_na Aqua regia extractable Na mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_ni Aqua regia extractable Ni mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_p Aqua regia extractable P mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_pb Aqua regia extractable Pb mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_s Aqua regia extractable S mg kg-1 4 (SOM) extrac_zn Aqua regia extractable Zn mg kg-1 4 (SOM) 7 -1 free_h Free H+ acidity of the layer cmol+ kg 4 (SOM) -1 freeh Free H+ of the horizon cmol+ kg 4 (PFH) horizon_bulk_dens_est Estimated bulk density of fine kg m-3 4 (PFH) earth if no measured bulk density exists horizon_bulk_dens_meas Measured bulk density of the kg m-3 4 ure fine earth in the horizon (PFH) horizon_c_organic_total Organic carbon content g kg-1 1, 4 (PFH) horizon_caco3_total Total calcium carbonate g kg-1 1, 4 (PFH) (CaCO3) content -1 horizon_cec Cation exchange capacity cmol+ kg 1, 4 (PFH) (CEC) of the horizon horizon_clay Mass fraction of clay (0-2 µm g 100g-1 4, 7 (PFH) fraction) related to fine earth horizon_coarse_weight Mass percentage of coarse % 4 (PFH) fragments (stones and gravel with a diameter > 2 mm) horizon_elec_cond Electrical conductivity of the dS m-1 1, 4 (PFH) horizon -1 horizon_exch_acid Exchangeable acidity of the cmol+ kg 4 (PFH) horizon -1 horizon_exch_al Exchangeable aluminium of cmol+ kg 4 (PFH) the horizon -1 horizon_exch_ca Exchangeable calcium of the cmol+ kg 1, 4 (PFH) horizon -1 horizon_exch_fe Exchangeable iron of the cmol+ kg 4 (PFH) horizon -1 horizon_exch_k Exchangeable potassium of cmol+ kg 1, 4 (PFH) the horizon -1 horizon_exch_mg Exchangeable magnesium of cmol+ kg 1, 4 (PFH) the horizon -1 horizon_exch_mn Exchangeable manganese of cmol+ kg 4 (PFH) the horizon 8 -1 horizon_exch_na Exchangeable sodium of the cmol+ kg 1, 4 (PFH) horizon horizon_limit_low The lower limit of the horizon cm 1 (PFH) depth horizon_limit_up The upper limit of the horizon cm 1 (PFH) depth horizon_n_total Total nitrogen content g kg-1 1, 4 (PFH) horizon_number Identification number of the 1 (PFH, SWA, SWR) horizon horizon_ph pH value of the soil horizon 1, 4 (PFH) horizon_sand Mass fraction of sand (63 – g 100g-1 4, 7 (PFH) 2000 µm fraction) related to fine earth horizon_silt Mass fraction of silt (2 – 63 g 100g-1 4, 7 (PFH) µm fraction) related to fine earth horizon_vertical Order number of the vertical 1 (PFH) subdivision in the horizon designation ksat Hydraulic conductivity at cm d-1 6 (SWR) saturation (AG Boden 2005) laboratory_id ID of laboratory (e.g.
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