FOSDEM 2006 – Saturday 25th February (part 1) 1/6 10:00 OpenGroupware ▼ Opening Talks Tutorials KDE openSUSE Embedded Mozilla Tcl/Tk 13:00 (Janson) (H2215/Ferrer) (H.1301) (H.1302) (H.1308) (H.1309) +GNUstep (H.2111) (AW1.105) 13:00 lunch break 13:00 Movitation, 13:00 Opening and GNUstep devtools: Goals and 13:15 13:15 introduction GORM, StepTalk Opportunities Axel Hecht Nicolas Roard Systems VoIP 13:30 DTrace S. Krause-Harder, SETR LiveCD 13:30 M. Loeffler (Janson) (Lameere) 13:45 Jon Haslam Hector Oron 13:45 Mozilla 14:00 14:00 Kubuntu openSUSE Build 14:00 Foundation CoreData Intro to Plan9 SER Service Intro 14:15 14:15 Jonathan 14:15 G. Markham Sašo Kiselkov Tcl/Tk Uriel M. Jan Janak A. Schroeter, 14:30 Pereira 14:30 Ridell C. Schumacher, Optimizing 14:30 Mozilla Clif Flynt A. Bauer 14:45 14:45 Linux kernel 14:45 Europe 15:00 15:00 Open SUSE Linux and apps 15:00 Tristan Nitot Web applicationsGUI for DTrace Asterisk M.Opdenacker 15:15 Jon Haslam Mark 15:15 Key Devroom Power Mngmt 15:15 SeaMonkey with SOPE ASIC 15:30 Spencer 15:30 Signing Timo Hoenig, Lock-free data 15:30 Project Marcus Mueller verification 15:45 15:45 Holger Macht exchange for 15:45 Robert Kaiser Karel Nijs Real-Time apps 16:00 16:00 SUSE Linux 16:00 Xen Speex Asterisk Marketing Peter Soetens Flock GNUstep on the Hecl: 10.2: 16:15 Ian Pratt J.-M. Valin 16:15 Mark KDE 16:15 Z. Braniecki Zaurus PDA scripting Quo vadis ? 16:30 16:30 Spencer Sebastian Alsa SoC layer16:30 Nicolaus Schaller for mobiles Kügler M.Loeffler,C.Thiel D.N.Welton 16:45 16:45 Liam Girdwood 16:45 Mozilla 17:00 Closing Talks (Janson) 17:00 17:00 Project BOF 17:15 17:15 17:15 FOSDEM Donators Return 17:30 17:30 17:45 17:45 17:30 FSF Europe Opening Talks (Janson) Hacker Rooms LPI Exam Sessions 10:00 FOSDEM Core Staff Welcome Speech Building H: H2213 Saturday 13:00-14:30 10:30 Keynote Building AW: AW1.117 (H2214) 15:00-16:30 Richard M. Stallman 10:00-11:30 Sunday 12:00 GPL v3 Discussion FOSDEM InfoDesk (H2215) 12:00-13:30 +32 2 788 74 74 FOSDEM 2006 – Saturday 25th February (part 2) 2/6 Jabber GNU Classpath X.org GNOME Debian Calibre LPI Exams (AW1.115) (AW1.120) (AW1.121) (AW1.124) (AW1.125) (AW1.126) (H.2214) 13:00 13:00 Empirical software 13:00 enginrng research 13:15 13:15 13:15 on libre software 13:30 13:30 J.M.Gonzalez-Barahona LPI 13:30 13:45 13:45 Quality Issues in Exam 13:45 Free Software 14:00 14:00 14:00 Open Putting 'Free' Highlights from Welcome Governing Debian:projects 14:15 Discussion into JFreeChart the Santa Clara 14:15 Gnomemeeting from Scud launch M.Michlmayr 14:15 Dave Gilbert to impact 14:30 XdevConf 14:30 Ekiga D. Sandras Measuring 14:30 J.van Wolffelaar developer activity: 14:45 Stuart Kreitman 14:45 14:45 Gtkmm/Glom some approaches 15:00 Jabber Eclipse for GNUCoordinate trans- 15:00 Murray Cumming J.M. Gonzalez-Barahona 15:00 15:15 Introduction Classpath Dev.form redirection 15:15 Participation of 15:15 for composite ISVs in FOSS 15:30 Ralph Meijer, Tom Tromey 15:30 Writing win32- LPI 15:30 Boris Mann Keith Packard projects H.Mannaert, 15:45 15:45 friendly GNOME K.Ven, J.Verelst Exam 15:45 16:00 Pub-sub & Show your app, XGL, the current16:00 apps T.Lillqvist Mathematical model 16:00 for guiding 16:15 applications hack your app! future of X 16:15 16:15 Gobjects and refactoring efforts 16:30 Ralph Meijer Matthias Hopf 16:30 Design Patterns Improving workflow Andrea Capiluppi 16:30 in Debian through 16:45 16:45 Philip Van Hoof process integration Morfeo: creating a 16:45 new OSS community 17:00 17:00 Martin F. Krafft 17:00 Open Tomas Aguado 17:15 Discussion 17:15 Confession of a 17:15 17:30 17:30 package torturer 17:30 17:45 17:45 Lars Wirzenius 17:45 FOSDEM Location Université Libre de Bruxelles – Campus du Solbosch Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50 B-1050 Bruxelles WLAN ESSID: FOSDEM FOSDEM 2006 – Sunday 26th February (morning) (part 1) 3/6 Linux on Laptops, Web 2.0 Devel LPI Exams KDE openSUSE Embedded Mozilla OpenGroupware, Tcl/Tk (H2215/Ferrer) (Janson) (Lameere) (H.1301) (H.1302) (H.1308) (H.1309) GNUstep (H.2111) (AW1.105) Welcome 09:00 09:00 09:00 10:00-12:00: Tristan Nitot Linux on Laptops 09:15 09:15 XULRunner Brian King 12:00-17:00: 09:30 09:30 Linux @ 09:30 OpenGroupware Newtec & GNUstep 09:45 Kristof 09:45 10:00 RIFE DARCS 10:00 Open Packaging Geilenkotten 10:00 Reflow Saving power w. OO in Tcl Geert Bevin David Roundy Devroom Tutorial: (Refactoring)laptop mode Donal Fellows 10:15 the bricks we 10:15 David Baron B.Samwel 10:30 LPI build with Building and 10:30 ACPI H.Vogelsang, supporting Matthew Garrett 10:45 10:45 Flocking the Exam M.Rueckert distributions Mozilla Koffice in Cross- with open- Userspace powerTkTest 11:00 SeleniumSVN 11:00 11:00 Codebase Enterprise distribution Embedded mgmt/Apple pwrClif Flynt Jason R. Greg Stein (TBA) 11:15 Koen Kooi 11:15 Huggins Environ- building with mgmt M. Grimm 11:30 ments R. the openSUSE Towards a 11:30 Zap – the Open discussion: Langenhorst Build Service common Mozilla SIP the future of user 11:45 M. Schroeder embedded 11:45 Client space pwrmgmt 12:00 Dojo Valgrind 12:00 Open Speed Talks power mgmt 12:00 Alex Fritze OpenGroupware:Tcl for Alex Russel Julian Devroom various D.Weinehall, GroupDAV regression 12:15 LPI S.Fabritius 12:15 Development Seward BOF Meeting testing 12:30 Exam Writing your ... 12:30 Helge Hess Arjen Markus YaST Module ... 12:45 S. Hundhammer 12:45 FOSDEM InfoDesk Hacker Rooms LPI Exam Sessions +32 2 788 74 74 Building H: H2213 Sunday 10:00-11:30 Building AW: AW1.117 (H2215) 12:00-13:30 FOSDEM 2006 – Sunday 26th February (morning) (part 2) 4/6 Jabber GNU Classpath X.org Ada Debian GNOME Gentoo (AW1.115) (AW1.120) (AW1.121) (AW1.124) (AW1.125) (AW1.126) (H.2214) 09:00 Free Swing: 09:00 Welcome Keynote 09:00 past, present Jochen Maes 09:15 and future 09:15 09:15 Roman Kennke 09:30 Automated 09:30 maemo 09:30 display config. Tommi 09:45 in the X.org 09:45 Komulainen 09:45 10:00 Open Free Impl- Window System 10:00 Introduction Women in Free Towards an 10:00 Discussion ementation Stuart Kreitmann to Ada Software: euro. Gentoo 10:15 and of the CORBA 10:15 Jean-Pierre findings from foundation 10:15 10:30 Development Standard X and mode- 10:30 Rosen FLOSSPOLS GNOME Ulrich Plate 10:30 A. Meskauskas setting, atrophy Hannah M. advocacy, 10:45 10:45 Gentoo 10:45 illustrated Wallach stuff like that across The JamVM Luc Verhaegen AdaControl The Debian GNUJeff Waugh 11:00 11:00 the globe 11:00 Runtime Jean-Pierre /kFreeBSD port (panel discussion) 11:15 11:15 GNOME/Ruby 11:15 Robert Lougher Rosen Aurelien Jarno Pascal Terjan 11:30 Dtracing the 11:30 Closed session 11:30 X.org Server (general 11:45 Jay Hobson 11:45 discussion, 11:45 12:00 Integrating 12:00 Use of Free SLIND: small key signing) 12:00 Vmgen-based Software in Debian based 12:15 Interpreters 12:15 European Air Linux distro 12:15 12:30 Christian 12:30 Traffic mgmt for embedded 12:30 Thalinger Ph.Waroquiers systems 12:45 12:45 Benjamin Collar 12:45 FOSDEM Location Université Libre de Bruxelles – Campus du Solbosch Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 50 B-1050 Bruxelles WLAN ESSID: FOSDEM FOSDEM 2006 – Sunday 26th February (afternoon) (part 1) 5/6 Security Desktop Tutorials KDE openSUSE Embedded Mozilla OpenGroupware Tcl/Tk (Janson) (Lameere) (H2215/Ferrer) (H.1301) (H.1302) (H.1308) (H.1309) +GNUstep (H.2111) (AW1.105) Open Writing your Windows dev. 13:00 13:00 LPI Exam 13:00 Devroom own YaST with GNUstep (continued) 13:15 Module in 13:15 R.Frith-Macdonald, 13:30 13:30 a few hours 13:30 Wim Oudshoom S.Hundhammer 13:45 13:45 14:00 AppArmor Beagle 14:00 OpenCA Krita: The SUSE Real-time 14:00 Localizing OpenGroupware Workshop: Crispin Painting Security patches Mozilla .org Projects Write a Jon 14:15 M. Pala 14:15 Cowan Trowbridge your Process for Linux products andand Applications Game 14:30 Dreams Marcus Klaas 14:30 projects Helge Hess Clif Flynt Bart CoppensMeissner van Gend 14:45 14:45 15:00 ClamAV OpenOffice 15:00 Open SUSE Device trees 15:00 Etoile Desktop .org Devroom Linux for Environment Tomasz 15:15 15:15 Kojm Michael LiveCD embedded Quentin Mathé Meeks 15:30 Tutorial systems 15:30 S.Winterfeldt David Gibson 15:45 15:45 16:00 OpenCA XUL 16:00 OpenOffice Q & A Printing on 16:00 Project Wrapup .org embedded Manager IDE and M. Pala Axel Hecht 16:15 16:15 Michael systems Sašo Kiskelov Review 16:30 Meeks Till Kamppeter 16:30 16:45 16:45 Closing Talk (Janson): 17:00 17:00 17:00 The Challenge of the 17:15 17:15 GNU/Linux Desktop Jeff Waugh 18:00 FOSDEM InfoDesk Hacker Rooms LPI Exam Sessions +32 2 788 74 74 Building H: H2213 Sunday 10:00-11:30 Building AW: AW1.117 (H2215) 12:00-13:30 FOSDEM 2006 – Sunday 26th February (afternoon) (part 2) 6/6 Jabber GNU Classpath X.org Ada Debian GNOME Gentoo (AW1.115) (AW1.120) (AW1.121) (AW1.124) (AW1.125) (AW1.126) (H.2214) 13:00 What's cool 13:00 Beagle 13:00 and new Jon Trowbridge 13:15 13:15 libconf 13:15 Ralph Meijer Damien Krotkine 13:30 Reworking the 13:30 Debian-Volatile: 13:30 PCI Sub- behind the 13:45 13:45 Gscore and QA: fixing 13:45 system in X scenes Cairo Gentoo Virtual The Future: Egbert Eich Ada in Debian M.Zobel-Helas 14:00 14:00 Sebastien Patrick Lauer 14:00 Presence state of the Ludovic Brenta 14:15 14:15 Debtags, and Tricaud 14:15 Heiner Wolf world, what you can beyond japi (to be Project Ridley: Gentoo project 14:30 14:30 do with it 14:30 Mark Wielaard announced) overview structure today 14:45 14:45 Kristian Rietveld Sven Vermeulen 14:45 Enrico Zini 15:00 Open 15:00 Ada Academic 15:00 Discussion Initiative 15:15 15:15 Debian- PiTiVi video Release engn.
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