NAVY PROFILE MEDITERRANEAN DIALOGUE NAVIES, Fig. 1: The Royal Moroccan Navy's "Tarik Ben Ziyad" class patrol vessel "Allal Ben Abdellah" (6 15) has been designed according to OSNS' revolutionary SIGMA approach that applies modularity in many areas. (Photo: Courtesy of Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding) The seven naval fleets belonging to the and large expeditionary ships of European and are expected to be in service by 20 IS. The AI· Mediterranean Dialogue nations, Chinese origin are replacing the fleet's current gerian F22A variant is 123m in length with a Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, core force of Soviet·era designs. New naval fli ght deck and hangar for the operation of one helicopters will add additional reach and effec· medium·sized helicopter. Six Z·9 HAITUN Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia, are tiveness to the ANN, making this North African maritime helicopters (based on the Eurocopter in the process of modernisation. The nation one of the region's naval leaders. AS365 DAUPHrN) were included in the order. rejuvenation of some of the fleets The centerpiece of ANN modernisation is two Increasing focus on di saster rel ief, humani· means that a number of obsolescent MEK01>A200 corvettes ordered from tarian assistance, and other expeditionary oper­ warship classes of predominantly T hyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in at ions continues to drive demand for large multi· Soviet/Russian and Chinese origin wi ll March 2012 at US$2.86Bn. Algeria may exer· purpose amphibious ships on the world market. be replaced by more modern units, cise the option to acquire an additional two The ANN is addressing this requirement with a notably frigates, patrol vessels, support M EKO corvettes as the first pair enter service. recent award to Fincantieri for a modified The MEKO order has also driven the buy of six version of the ITS "San Giusto" LPD (see ships, and submarines (see jigllre 1). AgustaWestland SUPER LYNX 300 heli­ figure 2). Now under construction, the LPD­ copters. Three new·build 2,800 tons F22A type vessel wi ll replace one Soviet-era frigates will also be joining the ANN based on "PoJllocny" class medium-landing ship (LSM). ALGERIAN NAVY an o rder placed in 20 12. The F22A design is Industry sources indicate the ANN may acquire EXPANDS, LOOKS EAST AND derived from the Chinese "Jiangwe i II" class a second LPD of the same design. Acquisit ion WEST FOR SUPPLIERS (Type 053H3). The first F22A is under cost for the LPD is estimated at more than The Algeria n National Navy (ANN) is in the construction at China Shipbuilding Industry US$200M per hull. midst ora significant expansion in both quality Corporation (CSIC). The acquisition cost for the The ANN is also bolstering its maritime secu­ and quantity. With the new platfonnsjoining the ships and filted systems is approximately rity with a planned OPY programme. In 20 12, fl eet in the next fi ve years, the ANN wi ll have a US$300M per hull. All three of the new ships the ANN released an intemational Request for blue water capability. New frigates, corvettes, Information (Rfl) for the latest DPY designs. Bob Nugent Josh Cohen is Vice President of Advisory Services for AMI is an Advisory Services Consultant with AMllnterna­ International, a naval market research and analysis firm. tional. A specialist in open source, competitive, and Bob spent 22 years as an intelligence officer in the US primary research and analysis , Josh has over 20 Navy and also served as Deputy Naval Attache in experience years advising clients and served in the US Moscow. Marine Corps. 70 NAVAL FORCES lV1201J NAVY PROFILE , / Fig. 2: One 8,000 tons LPD-type vessel is on order from Fincantieri. capabilities and stated (Graphic: Courtesy of Fincantieri) illtentionscould pose a dan ger to marit ime commerce and so are a primary foc us for Egyptian Navy planning. Egypt also remain s Vendors chosen ..........111"'" concerned about Israel's submarine and from those answering .. surface ship capabilities. As the third of three the Rfl are expected branches ofthe Egyptian Anned Forces (EAF), the Navy receive a Request for Pro­ hi stori ca lly received comparati vely small budget shares and posal (Rfp) sometime in 20 14. limited procurement funding. However, in the 1990s, the Mubarak The construction award for the gove l11l11ent sought to reverse this with significant investment to expand future ANN DPV could be and modernise the fl eet. Foll owing the 20 11 change in government, announced as early as late 20 14. Egypt reduced the amount of GOP foc used on defence spending. Current The scope will be at least six hull s, with acquisition cost per hull to range naval procurement programmes remain on course so far, with no between US$75-100M. substantial delays or cance ll ations yet noted. Egypt, as other nat ions in the The ANN is also investing to gain more operational service from its Eastern Mediterranean, also is increasing investment in maritime security current inventory of Soviet/Russian ships, notably corvettes and in light of the accelerating development of offshore natural gas fi elds in submarines. The Service Li fe Extension Progranune (SLEP) for these ships the region. will add at least 10 years to the originaJ30 year service life. For corvettes, In August 201 2, the Egyptian Navy ordered two Type 209 diesel sub­ thi s wi ll keep them serviceable lIlltil replaced by the new A200 and F22A marines from TKMS. As the fl eet has four existing ex-Chinese ROMEO fi'igates overthe next decade. ANN ships in the SLEP inc lude three "Murat type submarines that need 10 be rep laced, the naval service lllay order Iwo Rei s" class (Project 11 59 KONI-IJ type) frigates procured in the early additional Type 209 subm arines following the delivery of the first pair in 1980s. The ships are receiving new 3D radar suites, fire control radars, 201 9. Total acquisition cost for each of the two submarines is estimated updated torpedo tubes, and electronics. The first unit, "Reis Korso" (903), completed modernisation in Russia between 1997 and 2000. The second unit is now nearing completion, and the final hull, "Murat Reis" (90 I), began SLEP work in 20 II . The upgrades are expected to add 10 years to the 30 years old platfonns. ........y~ 5A D Special Craft Algeria maintains one of the on ly operati onal submarine capabilities fj\ ___' __~ _____BU _i1d_, D_e_Sig_n_an_d _Le __ase among North African Nav ies. The Sov iet KILO-I (Projekt 877-EM) sub­ marine "EI Hadj Moubara k" (0 13), completed modernisation in 2008. Plans are in place fora similar upgrade to her sister boat HEI Hadj Slimane" (0 12), the fl eet's second diesel-e lectric submarine. If executed, the sub­ marine moderni sation programme will likely be at Sevelllaya Shipyard in Sa int Petersburg over a three-year period, similar to her sister boat UE I Hadj Moubarak". A key ANN vulnerabi lity remains its lack ofa viable mine countennea­ sures (MCM) force. In March 20 12, infonllation was received thai the ANN was pl anning for a new class of up to four mine countermeasures vessels with Operational Requirements Documents (ORO) in development. A single support ship is avai lable with a limited mine-laying capability. As for the rest of the ANN, only three of an original nine OSA-II type FAC are assessed as marginally operational. EGYPTIAN NAVY - WILL NEW GOVERNMENT STAY THE NAVAL COURSE? Egypt is still in the midst of the political transition following the changes MSAR designs, builds & leases multi-mission craft of 14 to 42 in government in 201 2 and in July 20 13. Consequently, much ofthe security meters for deployments out of the operational range of other focus in the country rema ins internal - militant Islamic fund amentalism vessels in severe or rough weather condilions. Built as semi-custom allowing for the installation of specific and their support from outside actors such as Iran and the Sudan. Whether eqUipment & hardware for a wider variety of applications from the new government (Adly Mansour, Head ofthe Supreme Constitutional SAR ops to Bord er Patrol. Court of Egypt, succeeded President Mohamed Morsi on 4 July 201 3) will sustain past momentum to modernise and expand the Egyptian Navy Contact MSAR today on +44 845 869 69 63 or [email protected] todiscussyourorganisation·s uniqu e remains to be seen. With over 100 ships and patrol cra ft , and 16,000 naval requirements. personnel, the Egypti an Navy still ranks as the largest African Navy. The Egyptian Navy continues to view safe nav igation via the Suez www.msar.eu Canal and Red Sea as a primary miss ion obligation. Iran's current nava l NAVA L FORCES IV1201J 71 NAVY PROFILE I at US$500M. Iftwo additiona.1 boats arc ordered, In 2011 , Egypt purchased six ex-Royal Nor­ teaming continue. Acco rding to industry the total cost of the four-unit programme could wegian Navy "Hauk" class FAC, along with a sources, Jorda n may acquire up to 16 AMP-13? exceed US$2 Bn. suppot1 ship, for US$37 3 M. Th is acqui siti on is unit s by 2020 (see figul'e 3). This fo rce struc­ Four 62 m long "Ezzat" clqss (A mbassador seen as an effort to replace ageing Soviet-era ture would be sufficient 10 replace the entire III ) miss ile FAC ordered by th E;: prev ious gov­ OSA-I and Chinese-built FAC, a trend antici­ ex isting fl eet of obsolescent patrols.
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