Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More information Index A New English Dictionary , 25 Baayen’s productivity formula, 75 A Table Alphabeticall of Hard Words , 25 backformation, 59 , 78 , 222 Abkhaz, 157 Bailey, Nathaniel, 25 ablative, 107 , 221 Balantak, 181 ablaut, 91 , 221 Bantu, 154 -able , 64 , 212 base, 37 absolutive, 107 , 221 bound, 37 accusative, 107 base-driven selection, 213 , 222 acquisition, 16–19 Basque, 108 acronym, 60 , 221 binyan, 95 , 222 active, 112 blend, 59 , 78 , 222 adjunct, 161 , 221 blocking, 222 affix, 37 , 221 Bloom, Paul, 18 abstract, 44 bound base, 222 evaluative, 44 bracketing paradox, 213 , 222 locative, 44 British National Corpus (BNC), 62 meanings, 43 Bulgarian, 154 negative and privative, 44 Bybee, Joan, 153 personal or participant, 43 prespositional and relational, 44 Carey, Susan, 17 , 18 quantitative, 44 case, 222 transposition, 43 causative, 163 , 170 , 222 affixal polysemy, 45 , 216 , 221 Cavineña, 90 - age , 44 , 212 Cawdry, Robert, 25 agent, 162 , 217 , 221 Central Alaskan Yup’ik, 12 , 110 agglutinative, 148 , 221 Central Guerrero Nahuatl, 131 agrammatism, 21 , 221 Central Pomo, 114 agreement, 105 , 221 Chechen, 157 -al , 42 , 43 , 81 Chemehuevi, 92 Alabama, 99 Chichewa, 172 Albanian, 154 Child, Julia, 79 Alford, Henry, 31 circumfix, 89 , 222 allomorph, 221 classifier, 223 allomorphy, 176 , 177–84 clipping, 60 , 223 American Dialect Society, 33 clitic, 166 , 223 American Structuralism, 134 simple, 166 Amharic, 99 special, 166 An Universal Etymological English Dictionary , closed class, 223 25 coda, 223 analytic, 148 , 221 coinage, 58 , 223 -ance , 212 comparative, 170 , 215 -ant , 217 competition, 209 , 223 anti-passive, 162 , 221 completive, 111 , 223 aphasia, 21–2 complex word, 223 aphasia, non-fluent. See agrammatism Complexity Based Ordering, 213 , 223 apophony, 91 , 222 compositional, 71 , 223 applicative, 164 , 222 compound, 18 , 48 , 81 , 84 , 223 Arabic, 94 , 129 , 150 attributive, 53 areal tendencies, 154 coordinative, 53 argument, 160 , 222 endocentric, 55 aspect, 222 English, 55 assimilation, 177 , 222 exocentric, 55 - ation , 42 , 43 head, 52 , 54 attenuative, 93 , 222 internal structure, 49 attributive compound, 222 neoclassical, 51 augmentative, 44 , 222 phrasal, 168 , 207 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More information 240 INDEX compound (cont.) passive, 162 root, 51 past tense, 20 , 115 , 182 stress, 49 umlaut, 92 subordinative, 54 Yiddish-English, 93 synthetic, 51 epenthesis, 179 , 224 Comprehensive Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary , - er , 18 , 43 , 45 , 217 27 ergative, 107 , 224 conjugation, 119 , 223 ergative-absolutive case system, 107 consonant mutation, 92 , 223 - ery , 44 contextual inflection, 223 - esque , 6 2 , 7 1 , 7 4 , 7 5 , 7 7 , 8 1 , 2 1 1 continuative, 111 , 223 -ess , 7 1 conversion, 56 , 84 , 223 etymology, 224 coordinative compound, 223 evaluative morphology, 224 corpus, 30 , 61 , 223 evidentiality, 224 Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), 61 , 211 exclusive, 104 , 224 Corpus of Historical American English (COHA), 62 , 76 , exocentric, 224 79 experiencer, 217 cran morph, 47 , 223 extender, 48 , 225 creativity, 78 , 223 eye tracking, 19 , 225 cumulative exponence, 150 Cupeño, 95 fast mapping, 17 , 225 formative, 47 , 225 Dakota, 93 free base, 225 dative, 107 , 224 French, 7 , 18 , 47 , 51 , 54 , 56 , 104 , 166 , 169 , 194 de- , 44 , 64 frequentative, 142 , 225 declarative, 113 , 224 -ful , 44 declension, 119 , 224 Fula, 44 , 124 default endings, 224 functional magnetic resonance imaging, 20 , 225 dependent, 151 functional shift. See conversion dependent-marking, 151 , 224 fusional, 149 , 225 derivation, 37 , 224 dictionaries, 15 –31 Gavagai problem, 16 , 225 Dictionary of the English Language , 25 gender, 104 , 225. See inflection, gender Diegueño, 130 generative grammar, 134 diminutive, 44 , 224 genetic disorders, 22 dissimilation, 224 genitive, 107 , 225 ditransitive, 161 Georgian, 107 Diyari, 186 German, 18 , 49 , 56 , 91 , 103 , 104 , 167 , 168 -dom , 45 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 211 Greek, 7 Dothraki, 198 Greenberg, Joseph, 153 double marking, 152 , 224 Gtaʔ, 98 dual, 103 , 224 Dutch, 18 , 45 , 51 , 56 , 89 , 130 , 167 , 168 , 193 , 196 , habilitative, 95 , 225 216 habitual, 111 , 225 Dyirbal, 85–6 , 108 , 152 hapax legomenon, 75 , 225 Hausa, 92 , 105 , 128 -ed , 214 head, 151 , 225 -ee , 44 , 212 head-marking, 151 , 225 - eer , 6 5 , 8 1 heavy syllable, 225 electroencephalography, 19 , 224 Hebrew, 18 , 96 , 150 -en , 213 Hitchings, Henry, 25 enclitic, 166 , 224 Hoava, 88 endocentric, 224 - hood , 45 , 81 , 211 English, 18 , 24 , 46 , 48 , 52 , 85 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 97 , 102 , 112 , 150 , Hopi, 198 151 , 154 , 155 , 167 , 168 , 169 , 172 , 197 , 200 , 216 Hua, 88 allomorphy, 177 Hualapai, 65 , 100 , 157 American, 26 , 58 Huastec, 100 aspect and voice, 115 Huffington Post , 79 case, 115 Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 148 comparative and superlative, 170–1 Hungarian, 151 dictionaries, 24 hypocoristic, 97 , 225 expletive infixation, 88 hypocoristics, 186 - ic , 80 lexical strata, 190–3 - ie , 44 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More information Index 241 -ify , 40 , 212 -let , 44 , 79 , 81 imperative, 113 , 225 Leti, 97 , 197 imperfective, 110 , 226 lexeme, 4 , 227 implicational universal, 226 lexeme formation, 6 in -, 44 Lexical Contrast Principle, 17 , 227 inceptive, 111 , 226 lexical decision experiment, 19 , 227 inclusive, 104 , 226 Lexical Integrity Hypothesis, 206 , 227 index of exponence, 150 , 226 lexical strata, 227 index of fusion, 150 , 226 lexicalization, 30 , 227 index of synthesis, 150 , 226 lexicography, 227 Indo-European, 154 light syllable, 227 infix, 87–9 , 226 - like , 211 inflection, 6 , 226 linking element, 51 , 227 aspect, 112 logographic writing, 31 , 227 case, 108 classifiers, 106 magnetoencephalography (MEG), 19 , 227 contextual, 122 , 153 Malagasy, 172 definition, 102 Manchu, 84 , 91 English, 7 , 114–19 Mandarin Chinese, 7 , 31 , 103 , 106 , 135 , 138–40 , 148 , 150 , evidentiality, 114 155 gender, 104–6 compounds, 139 inherent, 122 , 153 reduplication, 139 mood and modality, 113 Manipuri, 111 noun class, 105 Maori, 65 , 162 number, 102–3 Mapudungun, 165 person, 103–4 mega- , 44 , 62 , 82 tense, 109–10 -ment , 43 voice, 113 mental lexicon, 5 , 15 , 227 inflection versus derivation, 123 mini -, 78 inflectional class, 119 , 226 Mixtec, 158 inherent inflection, 226 Mohawk, 103 , 165 , 208 initialism, 60 , 226 Mokilese, 93 , 185 instrument, 217 morpheme, 3 , 36 , 46 , 227 intensive, 142 bound, 37 interfix, 91 , 226. See linking element free, 37 internal stem change, 91 , 226 mountweazels, 31 interrogative, 113 , 226 multi -, 44 intervocalic voicing, 226 multiple exponence, 204 , 227 intransitive, 107 , 161 , 226 Murray, James, 27 irrealis, 113 , 226 Muskogee, 91 - ish , 38 , 80 , 211 Musqueam, 128 , 156 , 172 isolating, 148 , 226 Mutual Exclusivity Principle, 18 , 227 Italian, 54 , 55 , 154 Item and Arrangement (IA), 203 , 226 Na’vi, 130 Item and Process (IP), 204 , 226 Náhuatl Puebla Sierra, 157 iterative, 111 , 226 nano -, 78 -ity , 43 , 61 , 68 , 69 , 209 , 214 neo-classical compound, 227 -ize , 40 , 64 , 202 , 212 -ness , 39 , 41 , 43 , 68 , 69 , 79 , 211 , 212 , 213 New Yorker , 79 Japanese, 155 Nishnaabemwin, 135 , 144–6 , 149 Johnson, Samuel, 25 Nivkh, 92 nominative, 107 Kambera, 90 nominative-accusative case system, 107 Kannada, 65 , 98 , 216 non- , 44 Karok, 87 nonce word, 29 , 227 Kersey, John, 25 noun classes, 227 Koasati, 96 , 99 noun incorporation, 165 , 208 , 228 Koyukon, 111 nucleus, 184 , 228 number, 228 Landau, Sidney, 24 Latin, 7 , 25 , 38 , 47 , 51 , 103 , 107 , 109 , 112 , 119 , 122 , 129 , 135 , Ojibwa, 105 142–4 , 149 , 150 , 204 Old English, 7 , 117–19 , 121 , 150 , 155 , Leipzig glossing rules, 108 156 - less , 32 , 44 Old Norse, 118 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-09624-0 - Introducing Morphology: Second Edition Rochelle Lieber Index More information 242 INDEX onset, 184 , 228 root, 38 , 229 orthography, 228 root and pattern morphology, 229. See templatic morphology -ous , 209 root compound, 229 out- , 44 Rumanian, 154 over- , 44 Russian, 7 , 129 Oxford American Dictionary , 1 2 Oxford English Dictionary , 27 , 75 , 79 Samoan, 84 , 93 , 135 , 140–2 compounds, 142 palatalization, 183 , 228 internal stem change, 140 Pame, 198 reduplication, 141 paradigm, 119 , 228 San Miguel Chimalpa Zoque, 87 parasynthesis, 89 , 228 Sapir, Edward, 135 , 148 passive, 161 , 228 Seereer-Siin, 92 patient, 162 , 228 Semai, 99 perfect, 228 semelfactive, 111 , 229 perfective, 110 , 228 Seneca, 111 periphrasis, 170 separable prefix verb, 167 , 229 periphrastic marking, 109 , 228 Sesotho, 124 person, 228 -ship , 8 1 , 2 1 1 personal affix, 228 Sierra Miwok, 95 phrasal compound, 228 simple clitic, 230 phrasal verb, 167 , 228 simplex, 230 Pinker, Steven, 21 simulfix, 91 , 230 polysynthetic, 149 , 228 Sino-Tibetan, 154 positron emission tomography, 23 , 228 slang, 24 , 32 post -, 44 Slate , 79 pre -, 44 Sm’algyax, 108 prefix, 37 , 84 , 229 -some , 78 prepositional/relational affix, 229 Sorbian, 121 privative affixes, 229 sound symbolism, 48 , 230 proclitic, 166 , 229 Spanish, 7 , 54 , 55 productivity,

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