The Mary Baker Eddy Library A Chronology of Events Surrounding the Life of Mary Baker Eddy 121 uly 1 Mary Morse Baker is born on Monday i a e ashire farmhouse near the Merrimak ier i Bow, a rural wnship adjoiig Concord, ew ampshire.1 She is he daughter of Abiail Ambrose born Aril 1, 17,2 and Mark Baker born May 2, 173 They arried in May 1074 She is he yngest si hildren—three bys amuel ow, uly , 10; lbert, Febrary , 110; eore ullian, August 7, 112 and three irls (Abiail Ambrose, anary 1, 11; Marha mith, Janary 1, 11 and Mary).5 122–12 Mark Baker erve a lerk of the nin hurch a Bow.6 12–10 She ai o hear her nae beig aed by an nidetiied voice This rers over a twelve-month eriod Mehitable Huntoon, Mary’s 2-year-old ousin, hear he ice, oo.7 Mehiabe born May 2, 1806) is the daughter of Mark Baker’s sister, Hanah8 11 ril 2 Mark and Abigai Baker are admied by eer o orh Conregatial hrh i oncord9 12 Marh 20 Mary’s brother, Samuel, marries Eliza Ann Glover,10 siter George Washington Glover, Mary’s future husband, whom Mary ee for he firs ie a he eddig. ae diore Eiza for deserion in 1711 1 Mary Baker Eddy, Retrospection and Introspection (Boston: Trusees der he i of Mary Baker Eddy, 120, 2 New ampshire Birh ecrd, 1–100, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Abiai Baker. 3 Rev M T unnels, History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, vol. 2 Boston: lfred Mde o, 11, 1 4 Ibid, 17 5 Recrd Birh ad eah of hidre of oseh Baker ad Mark Baker, Tow of Bow, ew Hampshire, Sbec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – amily – Marie E adro Maerial. 6 Recrd he io hrch of hri i Bow, ew Hampshire, 10–12, Longyear Museum, hestnut Hi, MA 7 Eddy, Retrospection , 8–9. 8 New ampshire eah ad Bria Recrd dex, 1–1, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Ancesry – Genealogia Notes – Whie amiy – McNeill – Huntoo – Baker. 9 Manual of the First Congregational Church (Concrd, H Indepedent Press ssociaio, 171, , Sbec ie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Mark Baker. 10 Marriae recrd, 20 March 12, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Same ow Baker. 11 Libe fr divorce, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Same ow Baker. 200 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 ∙ (617) 450-7218 [email protected] ∙ www.mbelibrary.org © 2002, 2017 The Mary Baker Eddy Library 1 1 1 Her brther, Abert, graduae fro artmouth oege enered 1012 1 anary 27 Her randmother, Mary Ann Moore Baker ae 1, dies.1 She had been living in the Bakers’ Bow home. Her grandfather, Joseph Baker, had assed in 111 1 uly Her brther, eore, leaes he Bow home ad oves Connectit.1 1 anary 11 The Baker amily oves o a ar near anbornton Bride.1 (Sanbornton Bride is reamed Tilton in une 117 17 I is i his year ha he aimed o have beun ritig for nespaers.1 Mark Baker is eeed a a Trusee of anbornton Acadey one of the local chs e is resident of he Trtees for hree year, and resigns in 171 17 uly 27 Her iser, Abigai, arrie leander aion Tion.20 1 June 17 Mark and Abigail Baker are admitted to Sanbornton Bridge’s Triitarian onreatial hrh.21 1 uly 2 Mary jois the ongregainal Triiarian) hurch a anbornton 12 Catalogus Collegii Dartmuthensis (Boston: Tyis erkins E Marvi, 17, 0, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Aber Baker. 1 Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire, vol. 1 (New ork The Lewi bihi omany, 10, 11, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Joeph Baker. 1 Ibid 1 Aber Baker ad biai Baker Tilto o Gerge uliva Baker, 1 ugus 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut i, MA ad Marha Baker o George uliva Baker, 7 eptember 1, Baker amily Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut ill, MA. 1 Marha Baker ad Mark Baker o George ulliva Baker, 20 aary 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, Chestnut i, MA 17 Laws of the State of New Hampshire: “An act to constitute the town of Tilton from a part of the territory of the town of Sanbornton,” Subject File, Sanbornton Bridge and Tilton, NH – Folder – Geeral – Micellaneous. 1 Mary Baker Eddy, “To Whom it Concerns,” The Christian Science Journal, July 10, 2 1 Record Book of Sanbornton Academy, Longyear Museum, hestnut i, MA. 20 Rels, History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, vol. 2, 0 21 Coreaioa Chrch ecord abornto Bridge, ew ampshire, Monthy Membershi ad Meei ecord, 0, Longyear Museum, hestnut ill, MA. 200 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 ∙ (617) 450-7218 [email protected] ∙ www.mbelibrary.org © 2002, 2017 The Mary Baker Eddy Library 2 2 Bride.22 She had beun eplorig ebership he preius year.2 11 ctober 17 Her brther, lber, dies at illsborugh, ew ampshire.2 12 She atteds abrnto Academy at abrnto Bridge.2 1 uly She akes a ri ith her brother, eore, hrough the hite Mounais of e ashire2 1 Deeber 10 She arries eore ashington lover born August 2, 111 27 at (Sunday) the Baker he in anbornton Bride.2 1 ecember 2 The lovers ai fro Boston o hareton, outh aroia,2 possibly toppin en route at ilmington, orh arolia0 1 early ebrary The lovers ove to iigton, orth aroia1 1 une 27 Gerge ahigton lover die i iigton.2 Obituarie ae he ase a biius fever.33 Mary wi aer write i a yellow feer34 She retrns o her arents’ home i abrnto Bridge, leain Wilmington about uly 20 The jorney takes r days.35 1 eptember 12 Her on, Geore ashington lover II, is br at he Baker home.36 1 Deeber She beis riig for The Covenant, a aaie devoted o he 22 Ibid 2 Aber Baker o Mary Baker, 27 March 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut i, MA. 2 “Deaths,” Subject File, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Aber Baker. 2 Record Book of Sanbornton Academy, Longyear Museum, hestnut i, MA. 2 Mary Baker Eddy, opybook, d, 0002, 27 Abiai Evans Holmes o Edih ugusa olmes wasey, 1 ecember 1, Sbec Fie, Glover, Gere ashingto – Marriage. 2 Ibid 2 George Baker oura, 2 ecember 1, 1, Longyear Museum, hestnut i, MA. 0 Ibid 1 Abiai Tito ad Marha Baker o Mary Baker Eddy, ebruary 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, Chestnut i, MA. 2 “Died,” Wilmington Chronicle, July , 1 33 Ibid 34 Mary Baker Eddy, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany (Boston: The riigs Mary Baker Eddy, 11, 35 Mary Baker Eddy, copybok, uly 1, 0002, 2–53. 36 Names coied rom he ler amiy Bibe, bec Fie, ler, eorge Washingto – Deaey Material. 200 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 ∙ (617) 450-7218 [email protected] ∙ www.mbelibrary.org © 2002, 2017 The Mary Baker Eddy Library 3 3 Internatial rder of dd ellows.7 1 She fouds a hrt-lied experimental ch for hildren i Sanbornton, e the irt in New Hampshire.38 17 Mark Baker resigns a a Trusee of anbornton Aadey.39 She visits Boston.0 1 ummer She attend he radation of long-tie friend and bea, Jh Bartlett, fro arvard La chool i abridge, Masahusetts.1 1 id-Je–August She peds w months in Warner, ew ampshire, for edical reaen fro arsons hidden. he tudie allopathy ith hi whie here2 1 ovember Her brther, eore, arries her friend, Marha ad43 1 ovember 21 Her ther, Abigai Abrose Baker born Aril 1, 17, dies.44 1 ecember 11 Jh Barlett, to h he had become engaed,45 die i Sacramento, aliria.46 1 ecember or She oves ith her o ad her father rom the abrnto Bridge 10 anary arm a house in ow on e Mai ree7 10 ecember Her ather arrie Eizabeh aerson.48 7 Mrs. M. M. Glover, “Thoughts at a Grave,” The Covenant, ecember 1, 7, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Wriigs – Eary riings – Pre 1 38 Mary Baker Eddy, “Mrs. Eddy’s Reply to the January McClure Article,” Christian Science Sentinel, Jaary , 107, 11 ad uth ardell, 1 ebrary 120, emiicence, uth W ardwell, 39 Recrd book of abornto cademy, ew Hampshire itorica Society Note As ri 201, his is isi from heir ollecion.) 0 Mary Baker Eddy o Gere Suliva Baker, 22 aary 1, F000 1 Abiai Baker o George ulliva Baker, 2 eptember 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut ill, MA. 2Abiai Baker o George ulliva Baker, 7 ugus 1, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut Hi, MA. 43 Rels, History of Sanbornton, New Hampshire, vol. 2, 1 44 Obituary, New Hampshire Patriot and State Gazette, Deeber , 1, bec Fie, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Abiai Baker. 45 Mary Baker Eddy, crabook, B001, 7 46 “Died,” Subject File, Bartlett, John Harriman. 7 Mark Baker o George ulliva Baker, 10 aary 10, Baker amiy Letters, Longyear Museum, hestnut Hi, MA. 48 “Marriages,” Subject File, Eddy, Mary Baker – Family – Bakers – Eizabeh atterson. 200 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 ∙ (617) 450-7218 [email protected] ∙ www.mbelibrary.org © 2002, 2017 The Mary Baker Eddy Library 4 4 11 May This could be the dae her on is en to ie ih Mahaa and Russell heney, i rth roto, thirty miles rth o abrnto Bridge. Glover writes the poem “The Mother at Parting with her Child.”49 1 une 21 Tuesday) She arrie aniel aerson, an itieran dentist.0 He is a ehe of Mary’s new stepmother.1 It’s likely they live in Franklin, five mie e of anbornton Bridge2 1 ovember The aersons ove ito their own home a 4 Mai ree, Frakin.53 1855 ae Apri The aersons ove o Nrth roto be ear her son, Geore.54 1 She write tha she is bedridden or os f the e ix years.55 1 ril Her on, George, almos twelve years ld, is aken o Mineota by the heey.56 Accordi to Eddy, he is told hat his other died.7 They won’t see each other again until 1879.58 A eer daed une , 1856, from Elizabeth Baker (Mark Baker’s second wife), states that he heneys and eorge had visied he en route o Mineota59 17 ril Marha Pisbury oreclose on he house owned by he aersons i Frakin.0 49 Mary Baker Eddy, opybook, May 11, 0002, 110 0 Cerificate of arriae, bec Fie, Patterso, aie – Papers – Re Marriage o Mary Baker Eddy.
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