
SIU KING YUAN. See YUAN (S.K.) SIUD. See SULACA, Patriarch Elect of the Nestorians. SIUNECI (ARAKcEL) Bp. See ARAKcEL SIUNECI, Bp. SIURMEEAN (ARTAVAZD) Abp. See SURMEYAN (ARDAVAZT) Abp. SIURMELEAN (KOATUR). - -- See AVETIKcEAN (G.), S. (K.) and AUCIILR {P. ) AV GEREAw (M.) SIVA, Son of Sukla Visrama. See SIVARAMA, Son of Sukla Visrama. SIVA CANDRA GUI. See GUI. SIVA NANDAN SAHAY. - -- Life of Harish Chandra. By Balm Shio Nandan Sahai. [Hindi.] [Patna] 1905. Br.12.1. SIVA- PARINAYAH. See under KRISHNA RAJANAKA. SIVADATTA MISRA. - -- The Sivakosa of S.M. [Sansk.] Critically ed. by R.G. Harshe. [Sources of Indo -Aryan Lexicography, 7.] Poona, 1952. .49123 Siv. - -- S.'s Saptapadartht; a manual of the Vaisesika system. With Madhava's Mitabhasint, Sesananta's Padarthacandrika & Balabhaadra's Sandarbha, hitherto unpublished. Critically ed. from original manuscripts with extracts from Jinavardhana's commentary ... Text & Mitabhasint ed.by A.M. Bhattacharya, Padarthacandrika and Balabhadrasandarbha ed. by N.C.B. Bhattacharya. [Calcutta Sanskrit Ser. No. 8.] Calcutta, 1934. .6912+.1-4143 giv. * ** Berriedale Keith Collection. [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS SIU (BOBBY). - -- Women of China; imperialism and women's resistance, 1900 -1949. Lond., 1982. .3961(5103 -04) Siu. SIVACHEV (NIKOLAY V.). - -- and YAKOVLEV (NIKOLAY N.). - -- Russia and the United States. Tr. by O.A. Titelbaum. [The U.S. in the World: Foreign Perspectives.] Chicago, 1980. .327(73 :47) Siv. gIVADITYA MARA [continued]. - -- Saptapadartht. Ed. with introd., translation and notes by D. Gurumurti. With a foreword by Sir S. Radhakrishnan. [Devanagari and Eng.] Madras, 1932. .8712:.18143 LN: 1 S / /,/t *** Berriedale Keith Collection. 8q12: SIVADJIAN (J.). - -- Les fièvres et les médicaments antithermiques. [Actualités Sci. et Indust. 253, Exposés de Chim. Thérapeut. 1.] Paris, 1935. C.M.L. SIVADON (P.). - -- See BAKER (A.), LLEWELYN -DAVIES (R.L. -D., Baron) and S. (P.) SIVANANDAN (AMBALAVANER). - -- comp. Coloured immigrants in Britain; a select bibliography. 3rd ed. [ Inst. of Race Rel. Special Ser. ] Lond., 1969. Ref.P .301451(42) Siv. * ** For 1st ed. see INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS. --- joint -comp. Register of research on commonwealth immigrants in Britain. See INSTITUTE OF RACE RELATIONS. SIVAPRASÁD (BABU). - -- Chameli and Gulfb, for Indian girls, boys ... [Arabic.] n. p. , n. d. SIVAPRASADA, Raja, C.S.I. --- ... Itihástimirnásak; -istory of India in three parts. [Hindi.] pts. -3. 3 Br.12.31 1. 17th ed. [Laknow] 1905. 2. 12th ed. [Laknow] 1902. 3. Pr. Allahabad, 1877. [Continued overleaf.] SIVAN (DANIEL) . -- See COHEN (CHAIM) and S.(D.) SIVAJI. See SHIVAJI. S IVAN (EMMANUEL) . --- L'Islam et la Croisade; idéologie et propagande dans les réactions musulmanes aux Croisades. Paris, 1968. .9(4018) Siv. 6IVAN (MAHÁVAIDYANATHA) . See MAHAVAIDYANATHA 6IVAN. gIVAPRASADA, Raja, C.S.I. [continued]. - -- History of Hindustan; being an English version ... by Pandit Bhavanidat Joshi. Pt. 3. Benares, 1874. Ma.3.21. * ** Pts. 1 -2 wanting. gIVAPURANA. - -- Summary of the Sheeve Pouran, with extracts and epitomes. From Mr. Halhed's manuscripts in the British Museum. [Antient Indian Literature, Illustrative of the Researches of the Asiatick Society, 1.] Lond., 1807. *V.26.16/4. SIVARAJA PILLAI (K.N.). - -- The chronology of the early Tamils based on the synchronistic tables of their kings, chieftains and poets appearing in the Sangam literature. [Madras] 1932. 9(34):.894811 Siv. *** Berriedale Keith Collection. gIVARAMA, Commentator on Dramas. - -- Naganandavimarsini [commentary on the Nagananda]. See HARSHADEVA. The Nagananda ... - -- [The Tapatisapvaraiavivara. a; a commentary on the Tapatisamvarana of Kulasekhara Varma.] [Sansk.] See KULAgEfHARA VARMA, King of Kerala, The Tapatisamvarana of K.V. With the commentary of Sivarama ... - -- [The Vicaratilak_a; a commentary on the Subhadradha_nañjaya of Kulasekhara Vareta.] [Sansk.] See KULAgEKHARA VARMA, King of Kerala. The Subhadradhananjaya of K.V. With the commentary of Sivarâma ... gIVARAMA, Son of gukla Visrama. - -- Samavediya S ri Subodhini paddhati of S`,ukla Sri S ivarama. Ed. with introd. ... by Durgada ¡Ia S astri Tripathi. [The Chowkhamba Sansk. Ser. Nos. 473 -475, Granthasamkhya 87.] Benares, 1941. Mb.12.5. *** There is also a Sanskrit title -page. SIVARAMA MURTY (NUNNAGOPPULA). --- Intensive course in Telugu. Cognate method explained by V.I. Subramoniam. [Dravidian Ling. Assoc. Publ. 2.] Trivandrum, 1971. .494813 Siv. SIVARAMA SASTRY (N.). - -- and HANUMANTHA RAO (G.). - -- eds. Prof. M. Hiriyanna commemoration volume. Mysore, 1952. .181404 Hir. Siv. SIVARAMAM[TRTI (C.). - -- Indian epigraphy and South Indian scripts. [Bull. of the Madras Govt. Mus. N.S. Gen. Sect. Vol. 3, No. 4, 1952.] Madras, 1952. Th.3.4. - -- Sanskrit literature and art mirrors of Indian culture. [India, Archaeol. Surv. Mem. No. 73.] Delhi, 1955. V* 5. SIVARAMAN (KRISHNA). - -- See COWARD (HAROLD) and S. (K.) SIVARD (RUTH LEGER). - -- World military and social expenditures, 1980 - [World Priorities Inc. Publ.] Leesburg, Va. [1980- ] Stat. Ref. .33639 Siv. - -- Another copy. 1980. Science Stud. Lib. ÉIYASAMEITT. The Siva Sc hitft. [ Sanck. and Eng.] Ses YOGASASTRA. The Yoga Sactra>, The Siva S mhi tta SIVASTJl'RAS . - -- See CARDONA (GEORGE). Studies in Indian grammarians. 1 ... The method of description reflected in the . SIVASVTMIN. - -- S.'s Kapphinnhyudaya, or, exaltation of King Kapphina. Critically ed. for the first time with an introd. and an appendix. By G. Shankar. [Sansk.] [Punjab, Univ. Orient. Publ. No. 26.] Lahore, 1937. .89121 Spiv. * ** There is also a Sanskrit title -page. Berriedale Keith Collection. SIVASWA.MY AIMER (Hon. Sir PAZHAMAN SRI SUNDARAM). See AIYER. SIVERS (HEINRICH). - -- resp. See KORTHOLT (C.) the Elder, práës. - -- resp. See MAYER (J.F.) pras. SIVERTSEN (EVA). - -- Cockney phonology. [Oslo Stud. in Eng. No. 8.] Oslo [1960.] .4215(421) Siv. Li- 27 (4-2.1) S; . - -- Another copy_ Ling. Lib. - -- Another copy. Ling. Survey Lib. SÍVERTSEN (SIGURI`UR PÉTURSSON). - -- ed. Hundra:' hugbekjur til kvöldlestra eftir islenzka kennimenn. Se e 1612191433-: Pre eta,fa-ag,--ea. ,:,t P1:1 t (-/, , [Continued overleaf.] ADDITIONS gIVASAMBIT9. - -- The Siva sarnh; ta. [Sansk. and Eng.] See gegACHANDRA VIDYIRNAVA, Rai Bahadur, ed. The Yoga Sastra; consisting of ... Sanskrit text with English translation of Siva samhitâ ... the SIVAsi3 VRAS. - -- See CHATTERJEE (KSHITISH CHANDRA). The Siva Sñtras. SIVE (MARY ROBINSON). --- ed. Environmental legislation; a sourcebook. [Praeger Special Stud. in U.S. Econ., Soc. and Pol. Issues.] New York, 1976. .33372(73)026 Siv. SIVEN (cLAES HELQRIC). - -- A study in the theory of inflation and unemployment. [Stud. in Monetary Econ. Vol. !i.] Amsterdam, 1979. .33113:.332)44 Siv. SIVERSON (RANDOLPH M.). - -- See HOLST I (OLE R.), S. (R.M.) and GEORGE (ALEXANDER L.). SIVERTSEN (SIGURMR PÉTURSSON) [continued]. - -- Opinberunarrit suJgy)ingdómsins. [Arbók Háskóla Islands, 1919/20, Fylgir.] Reykjavík, 1920. LL.103.4.1. * ** Blöndal Collection. - -- comp. See BIBLE. NEW TESTAMENT. GOSPELS. ICELANDIC. Samanburur samstofna g« spjallanna ... SIVEWRIGHT (Sir JAMES). - -- See PREECE (Sir W.H.) and S. (Sir J.) SIVIERO (RODOLFO). - -- La medaglia degli artisti e degli scrittori italiani a Rodolfo Siviero; resoconto della cerimonia all'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei ... 11 giugno 1961. [Florence, 1962.] P .7372(45092) Siv. SIVKOV (KONSTANTIN VASIL'EVICH). - -- See OKUN' (SEMEN BENT(SIONOVICH) and S. (K.V.) SIWEK (PAUL). - -- Au c nur du Spinozisme. [Bibl. Fr. de Philos. 3e Sér.] Paris, 1952. .1939 Spi. Siw. - -- Le "De anima" d'Aristote dans les manuscrits grecs. [Stud. e Testi, 241.] Cittá del Vaticano, 1965. ggss S w. - -- Les manuscrits grecs des Parva naturalia d'Aristote. Préface de A. Mansion. [Coll. Philos. Lateranensis, 4.] Roma [1961.] .8885 giW. 8885¡S /6 S;w. - -- Spinoza et le panthéisme religieux. Éd. nouv. [Bibl. Fr. de Philos. 3e Sir.] Paris, 1950. .1939 Spi. Siw. ADDITIONS SIV1:RTSEN (S/GUROUR PETURSSON). --- Truarhugtaki6 eins og ver kynnumst pvi i ritum nyja, testamentisins. Synoduserindi flutt i domkirkjunni i Reykjavik 27. juni 1917. n.., n.d. LL.107.7.58/25. *** Blondal Collection. SIVIN (NATHAN). --- ed. Science and technology in East Asia. New York, 1977. Science Stud. Lib. SIYIDTI (GIORDANO). --- ed. Partiti e partecipazione politica in Italia; studi e ricerche di sociologia politica. Ristampa inalterata. [Ricerche sull' Italia Mod. 8.] Milano, 1972. .329(L5) Siv. --- Another copy. C.E.G.S. - -- comp. I1 comportamento elettorale; bibliografia internaziona] di studi e ricerche sociologiche. [Quaderni dell' Istit. di Studi e Ricerche Carlo Cattaneo, 1.] Bologna [1967.] Ref. .3242016 Siv. --- ed. Sociologia dei partiti politici. [Problemi e Prospettive, Sociologia.] Bologna [1971.] .329 Siv. SIWEK -POUYDESSEAU (JEANNE). - -- Le personnel de direction des ministéres; cabinets ministériels et direct4eurs d'administrations centrales. [Coll. U: Série Sci. Administrative.] Paris [1969.] C.E.G.S. SIX (GEORGES). - -- Dictionnaire biographique des généraux & amiraux français de la Révolution et de l'Empire, 1792 -1814. Préface par A. Lasseray. 2 tom. Paris, 1934. .355(4404- 05)092 Six. SIX ans de la crise agrai(`e ... See INSTITUT IN'T'ERNATIONAL AGRAIRE, Moscow. Six ans de la crise agraire ... SIX conferences concerning the Eucharist. See LA PLACETTE (J.). Six conferences ... SIX lectures on arithmetic. See DENISON (J.). Six lectures ... SIX letters from A - d B - r to Father Sheldon ... See DOUGLAS
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