. ^.v.' J-r; II',, 'i.i,.!! L.i Vr.iry Page Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, BRANFORD, OONN., AUGUST 7, 1041 •i ler doing his good deed for the day Experiment Station To Demonstrafe by aiding trolleymen extlngtilsh a W.hat Mots trolley fire early yesterday morn­ Business Directory THE HOME TO^VN PAPER BY OITA ROUND ing The only man we know of THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A Beetle Control On Field Day who has run out of gas after seven of By BEULAH V, GILLASPIE BRANFORD—NORTH BRANFORD VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN at night Is young Pepe of the Pepe 42 inch Sink and Tub Combinations • Twenty telephone calls a day, be­ for about five years. Director, Sealtest Laboratory Kitchen Miss Corene Kcnyon back on the Pilling Station Pulling up rag­ STONY CREEK—PINE ORCHARD POR-TRAYING AS IT DOES Home owners may also protect Job at Hamlltons after a vacation $29.95 complete. Toilet Outfits SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK sides innumerable letters and per­ weed Sight of the week was LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN sonal Inquiries at the Experiment foliage and fruit by using sprays ...A recent visitor at Stony Creek Robert Rosenthal deep In his flow­ \\)itli scat $14.9S. Bathtubs $16.45. GRANNIS CORNER—MORRIS Station at New Haven are evidence or dusts tried at the Station and was Len Pettcr, a.ssociated last er and vegetable garden explahiing Wall Basins 55.75. The Conn. COVE—EAST HAVEN Pranforli Eebieto FAMILIAR LANGUAGE that the Japanese beetle Is making recommended In a mimeographed year with the Stony Creek Theatre Do's and Don'ts Plumbing & Ilcatlne Materials a horrible Impression In Connecti­ circular. Netting covers are sug­ ...A.sk Prank Coyle to tell about AND EAST HAVEN NEWS gested for choice flowers, because his trip to Canada. This week Co, 1730 State St., New Haven. cut this year, July Is the spectaou- Miss Anna Soby of New Haven VOL, XIV—NO. 17 Inr season for the beetle, says J. opening buds are attacked by the my traffic hold-ups consisted of a Phone 6-0028. Branford, Coimoctiout, Tlnirsday, August 14, 1941 Price Five Cents beetles. Non-poisonous materials lazy snake and a bale of hay... and Miss Mary Prussick of Bran- Peter Johnson of the Station. The ford have returned from a week's grubs Work In spring and lato sum­ should be used on edible plants. Met the new police chief yesterday, At Field Day on August 20 the voluntarlaliy I liked him be vacation at Cape Cod. They also mer and do as much harm as the spent a few days visiting Miss TIPEVVRITERS — ALL MAKES adults. But the gru'bs work under­ Station will show how treatment cause he didn't boast of his plans North Branford Leonard D.Wei Chairman Calls Trolley Tracks protects foliage, It will also exhibit for Branford's redemption Prusslck's brother, Edward, a t Convenient Terms ground. The hondsome bronzo- Camp Edwards. Lester Nichols Completes groon beetles swarm down on gar­ the living-parasites of the Japan­ Weather Porcast. Said the Dies As Result den, orchard, and shade trees ese beetles, *asp-llko Insects that Judge to the man who had been New, Rebuilts, Rentals, Portables, Again Honored Group To Start Now Ripped Up through July and devour every­ go Into the soil to lay eggs on beet­ ccnvlcled for speeding; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Warner and Suppltea le grubs, In addition, there will be Miss Alice Warner of South Main Of Fatal Burns 75 Years With Malleable; thing in sight. Can the gardener "Today I'll let you off with a fine. RELIANCE TYPEWRITER CO. In Contests Defense School In Harbor St. do anything to stop them? Is the a demonstration of the use of milky Next time you will go to Jail." Street are on a vacation trip to Ver­ disease, a bacterial Infection that mont.' C. B. GUY, Mgr. Ten year old' Leonard D. Weil Experiment Station working on Motorist: "Is that a weather fore­ The North Branford Fife and Jr., of Outer Island , Stoney Creek, Maj. Herbert Gallaudet, State di­ The , Connecticut Company be­ control? kills Japanese beetle grubs. This cast, judge?" Telephone 7-2738 Drum Corps attended the State Began As Shipping Clerk disease is not native In Connecti­ who was badly burned June 6 when rector of Air Raid Warden Schools gan last Monday to tear up Its The answer In both bases Is yes- Judge: "What's that?" TO SELL—Edison vlctrola. Cab­ 109 Crown Street, New Haven Convention on Saturday in Meriden has requested local Defense Chair­ cut, but It Is being Increased and inet style with two built-in clos­ he was blasted by a terrific ex­ trolley tracks in. Branford prepara­ What the gardener can do can be Motorist: "Pine today. Cooler and won the state championship in plosion from aboard a cruiser man, Robert Richardson to call a tory establishing bus service from found In Circular 132 of the Sta­ distributed by the Station In ex­ tomorrow." ets for records. Will sell cheaply. VJ^y^NTEp—Employment to do the senior ancient class. This was Thouglit To Be Highest Record For Anyone In 'This Coun­ perimental plots along the Merrltt moored at Stony Creek, died Satur­ meeting of the Branford residents New .Haven. A stretch of rails on tion and In a mimeographed cir­ Has beautiful tone. Ideal for housework, day or week. Willing their first entry in this class, hav­ day at 4:30 p. m. in New Haven who attended the recent Air Raid Parkv/ay. IjnoiLDD Inml) pnltlon, hacon nnd and Int. aland for about B minuten. Gas and stocklng.s Lycurqus, Kirkham Strc.et from Its junction try—Office Associates Gathered Last Evening To cular on sprdys and dusts. What Spartan lawmaker made the summer cottage. Mohogany fi­ worker. Tel. Branford 699-5 ing been acclaimed state cham­ hospital. Medical Examiner Sterling Warden School in New Haven. The ,Tho demonstration Includes Ja­ '^ aprloola—what a. ln.3to combliia- Cook Iho onion in 1 tablespoon ot nish. Write Branford, Box 47 or pions for the last four consecutive with Moln Street to Branford Point Celebrate Occasion—Does Not Plan To Retire. the Station Is doing — experiments .Hon, and wliat oyo appoal! >roro'B bultur over low heat, ullrrlng occa- citizens promise not to change the P. Taylor said the boy's death was meeting will be held at the Town •-11' with dusts and sproys, parasites panese beetles at various stages of call 4-0628 in the evening. years In the junior ancient class. has been removed and the work will ' ii main <;ouraG that iiiiould tompl filonally. Combine "the lamb, onion, laws of this country until he re­ LOST—Pass Book No. 5903. It due to second and third degree Hall Thursday, August 21, at 8:00 continue until tho'track Is all taken •and disease — will be one of the development, the bacteria and the tbo inoitt lagging appotlto. Ideal for broad crumb mixture, •slightly'heat- Because of the fact that a few of burns. Branford burst into drama this needle that Is used to Inoculate the turned from a trip. He committed found return to Branford Sav­ P. M. for the purpose of making up as far as the Short Beach wail­ feature exhibits arid demonstra­ , tboso Intormal lunifboons or Uln- on ogg, salt And popper and heat suicide, It Is said, so that the laws WANT PLEASANT OUTDOOR the older boys had reached the age plans for a local school. William Kremser week with Lester J. Nichols •play­ grubs. After inoculation, grubs are ; nors. ings Bank. 7-10,24 8-7 limit for playing In competition in The fatal injuries were received ing station. Trolley service will be ing the loading role nl a story of tions at Station Field Day, August until well mixed. The mixture will would never be altered Breezy WORK in a business of your in an explosion and blaze follow­ The following are the Branford 20, at the experimental farm at sot aside in soil for two weeks. By LAMB PATTIES ho BO[t. Shapo In 12 patties, wrap own?- Good profits selling over 200 the junior class the whole corps continued from Now Haven to that work and progress covering a peri­ that time the disease spores multi­ 1 jili.4> Clips Uno soft broad sllco oC b.'vcon around each and Whortleberry says, "A man may be LOST—Pass Book No. 12592. It voted to enter the senior class. ing a backfire of the cruiser's mo­ Air Raid Wardens who are request­ point until the nevy bridge is built Elected To Head od of 76 years. Mount carmel. • fnston with toothpicks. Broil on one absolutely drunk without being widely advertised Rawlelgh home- tor which was being started. ed to attend: Mrs. E. G. Craig, ply in each body by the million. i crumbs found return to Branford Sav­ over the East Havfeh Rlvir. The re­ Yesterday marked the end of 75 The public Is Invited to see some i 1 cup milk Hide, turn over and place apricot dead drunk," Vln Klerman enter­ farm necessities. Pays better than ings Bank. 6-20,7-10,24 With the oldest player just pass Also injured seriously in the ac­ Martha Adams, John E. Donnelly, Bodies arc ground up, mixed with halves on one sido of the hroller most occupations. Hundreds In twenty-one there are about one mainder of the track,will than be American Legion years uninterrupted employment of the State's work In agricultural talc and the dust is distributed by 1 itatilonpoon clioppod onion tains Walter (Wampus) Carlson at cident were the dead boy's father Fronklin Gates, Henry Holsenbcck, reseorch on that day.
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