WESTFIELD LEADER The Letting ltd Mott Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County NINETY-FOURTH YEAR, NO. 6 fctood CUu Fo>l^> Paid WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1983 Publliht* W WairxM, N. I. Every Tkur«4tr 20 Pages—25 Cents Town Land Goes for J $1.3 Million A $1,300,000 bid was the highest one citizens complex. developing another tract on Boynton received Tuesday for the purchase of More recent studies indicated that ade- Ave,, and Mesa Development Corp. of Ir- town land in the Twin Oaks Terrace quate property remains held by the town vington. area. The 9.3 acre plot, zoned for one- in the area should future expansion of Beginning at $1 million, bids were rais- family homes, is expected to be senior citizens housing be needed, and ed by $10,000 increments until Mesa developed into about 30 lots. Paparatta town officials released the acreage for dropped out at ihe $1.3 offer by Paparat- Realty of Kenilworth was the high bid- sale and development. ta. der. No definite plans have been made by Minimum price for the property was town officials on use of the $1.3 million, About 20 people, many of them town of- set by the town at $i,000,000. according to Mayor Ronald Frigerio. ficials, attended the open auction, the "We'll wait until we have the money in first one at which land valued at $1 The acreage, part of what has been hand," he added. million or more was sold. known as the Boynton tract, has been While 10 percent of the purchase price held for many years by the Town of was deposited with Town Clerk Joy The property consists of two parcels, Westfield, first as a possible site for a Vreeland following the auction Tuesday, one 200 by 120 ft. on Twin Oaks Terrace hospital. When it was determined by a the bid is subject to Town Council accep- •which provides access to the larger tract hospital study committee that local tance which could come as early as next measuring 480 by 898 feet. The land is va- health needs were adequately met by Tuesday night. Transfer of title and final cant and is being sold in "as is" condi- Rahway Hospital in Rahway, Overlook sale is expected within 40 days after tion. Hospital in Summit and Muhlenberg council's acceptance. Zoning restrictions provide that the Hospital in Plainfield, the tract was re- Bidding before auctioneer Town At- one-family residences can be built on lots tained by the town and later partially us- torney Charles Brandt was limited to two with frontages of 100 feet and depths of ed for development of the 172-unit senior hldders. Paparatta, who is currently 120 feet. Back to School lime brings big smiles to the (aces of Attic Waste Center Teachers Begin School teachers and students. Pictured, at yesterday's open- grade teacher, and Jessica Walsh und Jonathon ing session at Wilson School are Eileen Grlgg, third Chatham, smiling first-day students. To Reopen Saturday With Tentative Agreement Commission Director Convocation Keynoter The Attic Waste Center will reopen Saturday at Teachers returned to tion of salary guides, Gcd- Wednesday and reportedly Dr. Milton Goldberg, ex- dress at 8 p.m. on Monday, The commission issued a Risk" from a "rising tide the public Works Center, 959 North Ave. West. school yesterday with a dis said. She gave no time- narrowed the gap which ecutive director of the Na- Sept. 26, at Westfield High report in April which of mediocrity in Hours at the center, which will remain open until "tentative settlement" on table for the final settle- separated the two sides. tional Commission on Ex- School. claimed "Our Nation is at education" and listed 38 Nov. 5, are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Vehicles using the site this year's contract, accor- ment, but said this would Chief negotiator for the cellence in Education, will specific ways to reform must display the green and white decal denoting ding to Beverly Geddis, be accomplished as soon as school board is Joe Rizzi deliver the keynote ad- School* Closed Today, Tomorrow education. eligibility as a Westfield resident to use the town's president of the Westfield possible, with board members dress for a special Con- The Convocation on Ex- recycling facilities. Education Association. Geddis added that work James England, Kathleen Westfield Public Schools are closed today and Residents also must purchase tickets in advance Martin. Carolyn Moran vocation on Excellence set tomorrow for students and teachers because of the cellence is Westfield's The WEA, largest of the on the salary guide for Sept. 26 and Oct. 1. response to that national from the office of the Town Clerk in the Municipal school district's bargain- schedule, which details and Bill Vincentsen on the Rosh Hashanah holiday. Buildings. Fees for cars and station wagons are negotiating team. Chief Dr. Goldberg, who work- All school offices and the administration building' report. A committee ,of ing units, has been without salaries at each year of ed with the IB-member Westfield citizens planned $2.50^ trip; fees for vans, recreation vehicles, a contract since June 30. It WEA members' careers, negotiator for the WEA is are open today- from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. but will be closed pickup truck* without «Uto boarda and small trailer^ Ann Whitford of the New commission appointed by tomorrow, the convocation over the ^represents teachers,..began Tuesday afternoon. President Reagan, will summer months. are $5 a trip. nurses, librarians, Alter about 10 Jersey tducauon Associa- All schools and school offices resume normal Materials delivered to the site must be from West- negotiating sessions prior tion. WEA team members deliver the keynote ad- schedules on Monday, Sept. 12. Following Dr. guidance counselors, (Continued last page, Ihis section) field residential properties. social workers and school to the close of school last include Geddis, Robert psychologists. June, the WEA declared Hild, Jack Elder and A) Cosquer Opens Campaign The WEA membership, impasse in July and it was Lantis. meeting at an "informa- not until late last month While talks with other tional" session Tuesday that a mediator, Gloria units representing custo- morning, accepted a ten- Korman, was appointed by dians, administrators, For Ward 4 Council Seat tative settlement but the Public Employee Rela- secretaries, and other sup- ratification by the WEA tions Commission. The port staff in the school Dr. Armand Cosquer has dition to building the and Board of Education board and the WEA met for system have continued, opened his campaign as chapter and organizing his awaits clarification of con- one session prior to none of these contracts the Democratic aspirant school, he has an impor- tract language and forma- meeting with Korman last have been ratified either. for Town Council from the tant role in settling third ward. Cosquer will grievances and enforcing oppose incumbent Coun- the contract. He feels his Ann Robinson, Frank Sullebarger cilman James Capone in election to this position the November General represents his staff's faith Election. The third ward in his ability to providing To Direct United Fund Drive seat is the only one for leadership. He confers which local Democrats regularly with the prin- The United Fund of have nominated a can- cipal to discuss matters of Westfield has called on the didate. school policy and to insure leadership capabilities of Dr. Armand 'Cosquer, a smooth functioning of ad- Ann Robinson who has has been a foreign ministrators and teachers been named general cam- language teacher in New in order to provide a quali- paign chairman, and York City for the past 20 ty educational program. Frank Sullebarger as co- years. A former New York Seward Park High School Welcome to New School Sliiff Members — Beverly Geddis, left, nrrsidrnt of the chairman of the Fund's an- City resident, he received has a school staff of 230, in- Westfield Kiiittatimt Association, and Harvey Wolfsoii, vice president of the ttaiml of nual 1933 appeal. his B.A., M.A. and Ph. D cluding teachers, Education, welcome Zi new staff members to the Westfield public schools (his year. The appointment of these degrees in French from the Dr. Armand Cosquer secretaries, paraprofes- Pictured (on the right) with (iedclis and Wolfsoii are William Mi'llolt, elementary chief organizers of what traditionally is the City University of New the past three years he was sionals and school based physical education teacher, and Florence Senyk, assistant principal at Wcstfield York. He also holds an support teams. High School. broadest based volunteer a delegate to the American campaign in Westfield was M.S. degree in educational Federation of Teachers After moving to Rahway, administration. he joined the Democratic announced by Robert L. Convention, as well as to 22 Join Westfield School Staff Duncan Jr., president of Involved in union ac- the New York State United Club there and was elected tivities, he has been the its corresponding include: Cullenberg, senior high the United Fund board of Teachers Convention. Twenty-two staff trustees. chapter chairman at' The chapter chairman of secretary. He was also, a members, new to the * Carol Barba, Roosevelt school math Seward Park High School a school has a two-fold job, fourth ward commit- Westfield public schools, science * Elizabeth Denton, "Ann and Frank are long for the last five years, For teeman and the vice presi- Tamaques music time affiliates of our Cosquer explained. In ad- participated in orientation * Sylvia Borne, senior Frank J. Sullcbni-grr dent of the Fourth Ward sessions last week in high school science * Lawrence Dubiel.
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