~150 YEARSi! ~ Cfl ~~ .. -~c:: ·~:...~~· 'i! _---. g ·'""'.__ ,n.. J .- .'~ _: .... ~ SAINT ~ • Y'S t Cl I. I I t; I t'"'~ Thursday, November 3, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No. 44 ~NOTRE DAME·IN ~ THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT M RY' eport proposes center for disabled Expert: Fox By LIZ FORAN could have / The creation of a Disabled Persons Office would move been seen Notre Dame from the ice age to the modern age, said Fr. Tim By DAVE TYLER Scully to Junior Alex Montoya News Editor when discussing a report con­ cerning disabled students on Dr. Paul Olson, ari expert on campus. night driving, testified yester­ Scully, associate provost at day in St. Joseph County the University, was presented ' Superior Court that a reason­ with a report in September of ably alert driver could have this year on the difficulties detected pedestrians on faced by disabled people on "' Douglas Road under the condi­ campus. The report, made by tions present when Notre then Campus Improvements Dame freshman Mara Fox was Commissioner Gary Girzadas struck and killed, on November and Montoya, who is disabled, 13, 1993. detailed problem areas Olson also said that he throughout the campus. believed that cracks made by According to Montoya, Scully, the impact would have been after reviewing the report, quickly detected by the front­ didn't feel that present campus seat passenger, despite the facilities would be adequate to heavy weather. enact the proposed changes. He The calling of Olson by the instead proposed an office that prosecution marked the begin­ would serve the disabled on ning of what will be a show­ campus "the same way the down between several expert Freshman Year of Studies witnesses as both lawyers serves freshman." attempt to build their cases. The office would be a re- TheObserverStaiiPhoto Olson, a research scientist, source to disabled people on A recent report recommends establishing a Disabled Persons Office on campus. The center would aid dis­ worked at the University of campus for help with buildings abled students and would oversee the modernization of campus buildings to make them easily accessible .. Michigan's Transportation and classrooms. Among the open. "Traditional knob style Hesburgh Library, are the most were also mentioned, such as a Research Institute before retir­ areas of concern detailed in the handles are virtually inaccessi- effective solution. Braille scanner and a voice ac- ing. report are door handles, water ~le to.. students with artificial ~naccessible dr!nking foun- tivated_ computer. "Both types Rita, 25, of Springfield, fountains, a Braille scan- hmbs, the report says. tams were also cited as prob- of eqmpment further a blind Virginia, is accused of killing ner/voice activated computer Proposed instead is a "lever" lems in some of the older build- student's independence and the 18 year old Fox while dri­ and a guide for blind students. handle, such as the ones found ings on campus, while in build- eliminate some of the timely ving drunk on Douglas Road. Problems with door handles in DeBartolo Hall, which are ings such as DeBartolo, the procedures that a lack of such The May graduate of the Notre include the handles being near- the "ideal handles for disabled fountains are easily approach- machines necessitates" the re- Dame Law--school is charged ly impossible for disabled stu- students." For doors that are able and have easy-to-press port says. ' with leaving the scene of an dents to utilize or the doors too heavy, motorized doorways, pads in front. themselves be1"ng too heavy to such as the ones found in the Resources for blind students ~~----r---~------~----------,.-----------------.~---..---~~-------..-~------~se~e~RE~P~O~R~T~I~p~ag~e~6 seeRITAJp~e4 Professors explore Relationships require maturity history of University ~~~~~AHMED By SARA WOODEN ondary school was dropped and In examining any type of per­ News Writer the real college came into be­ sonal relationship there are 10 ing. different critera the relation­ The development of Notre Deans were appointed to the ship should meet to qualify as a Dame from an old-time colleges, the Academic Council right relationship according to Catholic col­ was created, and the religious Ellen Gootblatt, in a lecture at lege to the character of Notre Dame was Saint Mary's last night. university it pursued more self-consciously As a prelude to the 10 com­ is today was in academics, said Gleason. mandments of relationships, the subject of Father Zahm held the first mil­ she discussed differences be­ Professor lion dollar fund-raising drive tween men and women. Ph i I I i p which was used to build up the According to Gootblatt, the Gleason's faculty, Gleason added. most common question that she lecture, enti- "Notre Dame took its place in gets from women is: why tled "Notre Gleason the great post war boom of ed­ doesn't he say that he loves me Dame's ucation," according to Gleason. as much as I want him to say Development as a University: Father Hesburgh was president it? An Historical Perspective". during this fourth period of de­ "Men speak a completely dif­ Notre Dame's development velopment which proved to be a ferent language then women," has occurred in five distinct time of great transition for the she said. Women have a ten­ stages, according to Professor University. "On one hand the dency of expecting to hear what Gleason, of Notre Dame's his­ Catholic revival mentality was they exactly want to hear. She tory department. The Univer­ still strong, but on the other, said that there are many differ­ sity began as a combination of there were themes of self-criti­ ent ways that men show affec­ Only two mature individuals To illustrate this point she secondary and college educa­ cism." tion, but women don't exactly can have a mature relation­ told a story of her own personal tion. Fewer than ten percent of The fmal stage, 1972 to to­ seem to comprehend in the ships, she said. People who rejection. the students "took a degree" day, has been concerned with same ways. Her advice for don't know themselves are only Gootblatt was at a courthouse during the early years of the the problem of Catholic identi­ women was to really "extract" half a person, and if one half for jury duty in New York when University, said Gleason. ty. what they can, but people can­ person comes together with a "gorgeous" man walked into During the second period, Law School Professor John not extract what they want, another half person expecting the elevator. She said she was the "germination of the Univer­ Robinson, whose lecture fol­ they can only take what is given to make a whole person, it attracted to him and suddenly sity idea" took hold. The Uni­ lowed Gleason's, further ad­ to them. won't work because it's just heard herself asking him versity broadened its curricu­ dressed the development of Gootblatt shared her ten two half people trying to cling whether there was any intense lum, and the high school and American Catholic education. "commandments" of Meeting, on to one another, she added. chemistry going on between the University gradually began There are "five great Dating, Relating and Mating. Her second commandment them or was she mistaken. to separate. Father John Zahm ambivalences" that contribute "Make yourself fabulous" was was about "Reaching out." The man said she was mis­ played a key role, according to to today's American Catholic her first main point. A person "Never be afraid to tell some­ taken. Gleason. "He wanted to make culture, said Robinson. Among should make themselves fuller, body that you like them," she The reason she said the story Notre Dame a university." these are the conflict between richer, and complete adults said. One has to make life hap­ was relevant is because it did The three year presidency of assimilation with American cul­ before they can think seriously pen for oneself, according to not stop her from reaching out James Burns, the third period, ture, and separation from that about being in a relationship, Gootblatt. If someone is at­ to other people- and the second "constituted a revolution", ac­ culture. "The more educated according to her. A person has tracted to somebody, the per­ time it worked for her. There cording to Gleason . The sec- to try and understand oneself son has to be the one to reach see HISTORY I page 4 first. out and tell them about it. see LECTURE I p~e 4 ._. ~·-·-·-· . -~~------------ l r / page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, November 3, 1994 • INSIDE Cm.. uMN • WORlD AT A GLANCE Thirsty? Have Middle East flooding and explosion kill more than I 00 DURUNKA, Egypt Interior Ministry statement said. Flooding caused by torrential Dozens were reported injured in some more rains set off an explosion and fire both the fire and flooding. today at a government-run oil depot Witnesses in Durunka, 200 miles in southern Egypt. More than 50 south of Cairo, said the flames shot pretzels people were killed and dozens 40 feet into the air. Residents were injured. Flooding collapsed a bridge crying and wailing in front of at the depot onto pipelines, causing burned-out buildings today. The an explosion that ignited petroleum petroleum depot's nine tanks all I am writing this column because of the leaking from the pipes, an engineer caught on fire. They hold 15,000 existence of a very grave issue on the Notre at the depot told the Associated tons of petroleum for use by the Dame campus-an Press on condition of anonymity.
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