Local Etymology; a Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names

Local Etymology; a Derivative Dictionary of Geographical Names

i!^i tC<.c: ^^f-LIEfl.'.l^^^/ ^JiliDNVSGi k CO "OfiU/^ AMEUNIVERSy/, ^svlOSANCElfX;^ ^^.OPCALIFO/?^ ^^WEUNIVER^/^ ^lOSANCElfx^ i i(?" K ^1 ^ ^<!/OJnVDJO'^ FOft)^ ^.OFCAIIFO/?^ ,5MEUNIVER% vvlOSANCELfjVj. ^^•Aavagii-^^ cr g V r-^ ^> o >i- SOl^^ '-//^ajAlNil J\\v ^'aujiivj iu 'ER% I.. SO]-' 'Y). AME-I'MIVERS/,;) RYQ^ .^' , u.OFCAllF0% ^El'KIVEP,^// >- & p:, ^ \^<^ < I y< >t? : LOCAL ETYMOLOGY: A DERIVATIVE DICTIONARY GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES. RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK, F.S.A. LONDON IIOULSTON AND WRIGHT, (')'>, Paternoster Row. 1S59. PRINTED BY SUMFIELD AND JONES, WEST HARDING STREET, FETTER LANE. IDS' LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Adams, Mr. W. J., Fleet Street, two copies. Angus, Mr. Wm., 68, Lord Street, Liverpool. Ashley, H., Esq., Charles Square, Hoxton. Bakth, Heinrich, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.G.S., 39, Alpha Koad, St. John's Wood, London. Bathgate, James, Esq., Entield. Beetham, a. W., Esq., F.R.S., 10, Crown Office Row, Temple. Berry, H., Esq., 5, Verulara Buildings, Gray's Inn. Blackie, W. Graham, Esq., Ph.D., F.R.G.S., Glasgow. BoswoOD, Mr. Daniel, Gray's Inn. BoswoRTH, Rev. Joseph, D.D., F.R.S., &c., Islip, Oxon. Bkacebridge, C. H., Esq., Atherstone Hall, Warwickshire. Brougham, The Right Honourable Lord, Grafton Street. Browne, Rev. J. W., Soutligate House, Winchester, Canney, Rev. A. S., Princes Street, Upper Stamford Street. Cannon, Thos., Esq., Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. Chapman, Fred., Esq., New Cross Road, Kent. Charnock, Richard, Esq., 5, King's Bench Walk, Temple, six copies. (Jharnock, W. Whytehead, Esq., Camberwell, two copies. Chauntler, Thomas, Esq., Gray's Inn Square. Child, C, Esq., Universal Life Assurance, King William Street, City. Cole, Charles A., Em|., Public Record Office, Fetter Lane. A 2 G5i030 IV LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. CORNKORTII, John, Esq., Birmiugluim. Cox, William, Esq., M.F., Caiionbury Square, Islington. Crowdy, Eev. Anthony, Winchester. Curtis, J. Lewelyn, Esq., Merchant, Aldermanbury. Dales, John, Esq., Warwick Square. Daniel, Peter Austin, Esq., Gray's Inn Square, two copies. Devenish, S. W., Esq., i\l.D., Billiter Square. DuBOSC, J. B., Esq., Spring Grove, near Hounslow. Elderton, E. M., Esq., Hare Court, Inner Temple. Fenton, E. W., Esq., Walsall, Stafifordshire. GoFF, Henry Lindon B., Esq., 7, Frederick's Place, Old Jewry, GOUGH, Edward, Esq., 11, South Square, Gray's Inn. Gray's Inn, The Honourable Society of. Griffith, Thomas, Esq., Steward's Office, Gray's Inn. Haddan, C. W., Esq., Hertford Ruad, Kingsland. Hall, Robert Coleman, Esq., 70, Wardour Street, Soho. Harbridge, R. H., Esq., Alcester. Harrison, Rev. M., M.A., Oakley Rectory, Basingstoke. Harrison, William, Esq., F.G.S., Galligreaves House, Blackburn^ Lancashire. HiGGS, Samuel, Esq.. Penzance. Howes, Henry, Esq., Adjutant General's Office, Horse Guards, two copies. Hunter, Mr. W. H., Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane. Isaacs, I., Esq., Lancaster. Isaacs, L. H., Esq., Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn. Jarvis, R. T. Esq., 23, Chancery Lane. Johnston, Alex. Keith, Esq., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S., Edinburgh, Jones, J., Esq., Dinorben, St. Asaph. Joyce, Samuel, Esq., Middle Temple, two copies. Joyce, William, Esq., 56, Chancery Lane. Kain, G. J., Esq., Basinghall Street. KerSLAKE, Thomas, Esq., Bristol, two copies. Labrow, Valentine H., Esq., F.S.A., Chancery Lane. Laxton, Henry, Esq., Arundel Street, Strand. LIST OF SUBSCRIBEJtS. 1 Levy, Jonas, Esq., Tavistock Square. Lewis, James, Esq., 4, St. John's Wood Terrace. Lewis, Thomas, Esq., 25, Clement's Lane, Lombard Street. M. B., Lmcohi's Inn, two copies. Mansfield, W. C. Esq., Ampton Place, Gray's Inn Road. Maech, R. a., Esq., Great James Street, Bedford Row. Mayer, Joseph, Esq., F.S.A., F.R.A.S., M.R.S.N.A., Lord Street, Liverpool. Mercier, Rev. Lewis P., M.A., Waltharastow. Meredith, George, Esq., Lower Halliford, Chertsey. Mollwo, March, & Co., Merchants, St. Mary-at-Hill. Morgan, Thomas Vaughan, Esq., Battersea Works, Battersea. Morris, Mr. Edward, Ludgate Hill. Morris, Mr. Richard, 339, Strand. MoxoN, J., Esq., 63, George Street, Edinburgh, two copies. NiCHOLLS, Mr. H., 52, Regent Street, St. James's. Nicholson, John, Esq., Denbigh Villas, Bayswater. Nicholson, William, Esq., Elgin Road, Kensington Park. NuTT, D., Esq., 270, Strand, three copies. Oram, Mr, G. J., 19, Wilmington Square. Paris, T. J., Esq., 68, Lord Street, Liverpool. Peacock, E. G., Esq., St. Leonard's Terrace, Paddington, two copies. Peckham, Robt., Esq., Ludgate Street, St. Paul's. Phippen, Thomas, Esq., St. Mary's Road, Peckham, two copies. Poland, H. B., Esq., King's Beach Walk, Temple. Price, Charles, Esq., Stock Exchange. Quaritch, Bernard, Esq., Castle Street, Leicester Square. Rathbone, John, Esq., Upper Baker Street. Reed, E. H., Esq., 1, Church Yard Court, Temple. Richardson, R., Esq., Newton Heath, near Manchester. Robins, E. C, Esq., Arundel Street, Strand. Satchell, John, Esq., Queen Street, Cheapside. Shekidan, H. B., Esq., M.P., Bellefield House, Fulham. Simmons, Edward, Esq., Canterbury. Simpson, Mr. John, Eldon Chambers, Inner Temple. Slipper, James, Esq., St. Augustine's Road, Camden Road Villas. Sleioh, W. Campbell, Esq., Middle Temple. VI LTST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Snell, Blagrave, Esq., Acton Street, Gray's Inn Road. Sparrow, Mr. Thomas J., New North Street, Red Lion Square. Steel, Mr., Holborn. Steinmetz, Andrew, Esq., Wellington Road, Kentish Town. Stevenson, Mr. William, High Street, Croydon. Sullivan, Jas., Esq., Onslow House, Brompton. Tanswell, John, Esq., Inner Temple. Turner, Samuel, Esq., Gray's Inn Square. Vacher, G., Esq., F.R.G.S., Parliament Street, London. Wallis, Henry, Esq., 8, Gray's Iini Square, London. White, George, Esq., Epsom. Wilce, Jas., Esq., Park Street, Caraberwell. Williams, Edward, Esq., Morninf] Post. Williams, L., Esq., Holborn. Wilson, Rev. W., D.D., Canon of Winchester, Southampton. Wolff, Rev. Joseph, D.D,, F.R.G.S., He Brewers, Somerset. Wood, J. T., Esq., Adam Street, Adelphi. Wyld, James, Esq., M.P., F.R.G.S., Charing Cross. PREFACE. Ix tracing the derivation of Geographical Names, the Author has confined himself principally to those of most interest to the general reader. The volume contains the etymology of about 3000 names. In addition to researches in the principal known lan- guages, the works of Camden, Spelman, Selden, Bochart, Baxter, Lambarde, Ihre, Wachter, and most of the his- tories in the British Museum, have been consulted. The Author is also indebted for much useful information to the following works : — Dr. Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary ; Chalmers' Caledonia ; Professor Wilson's Glossary of Indian Terms ; Shakespear's Hindustani Dictionary ; The Statistical Account of Scotland ; La- martiniere's Grande Dictionnaire Geographiquc et Cri- tique; Canes' Dictionary in Spanish, Arabic, and Latin; PREFACE. Armstrong's Gaelic Dictionary; and Pryce's Cornish Archceology. In derivations from the Oriental languages, the Author has deemed it advisable to give not only the Oriental character, but also the Italic equivalents. The reader is invited to compare the Additions and Corrections at page 307, et seq., with the body of the work. The Index of Grouped Names refers to such as do not occur in their alphabetical order, but are explained inci- dentally under other heads. 8, Gray's Inn Square, December, 1858. ABBREVIATIONS. A. S Anglo-Saxon. Hind Hindustani. Anc. Brit Ancient British. Hung Hungarian. Arab Arabic. Ice Icelandic. Armen Armenian. Illyr Illyrian. Arm Armoric. Ir Irish or Erse. Barb. Gr Barbaric Greek. It Italian. Bas Bret Bas Breton. Kara Karnata. Basq Basque. L Latin. Belg Belgic. Low L Low Latin. Beng Bengah'. M. Goth Mseso-Gothic. Boh Bohemian. Mai Malay. C. Chin Cochin Chinese. Mex Mexican. Celt Celtic. N. & Q Notes & Queries. Chal Chaldee. Norm Norman. Chin Chinese. Old. Copt Coptic. P Prussian. Corn Cornish. P. Cyc Penny Cyclopae- D Dutch. dia. Dan Danish. Per.s Persic. Eng English. Plicen Phoenician. Eth Ethiopic. Plat Plat-Deutsch. Flem Flemish. Pol Polish. Fr French. Port Portuguese. Fries Friesic. priv privative. G German. pron pronounced. Gael Gaelic. Pun Punic, i.e. Car- Gotli (iothic. thaginian. (•V (;reek. Kii.s.s Russian. ll'b [f(;I)r(;\V. Sans Sanskrit. ABBREVIATIONS. Sax Saxon. Syr Syriac. Slav Slavonic. Tarn Tamil. Sco Scotch. Tart Tartar or Tatar, Sp Spanish. Tel Telugu. Stat. Ace. Scot. The New Statis- Teut Teutonic. tical Account Turc Turcic. of Scotland. Tyr Tyrolese. Styr Styrian. W Welsh. Sw Swedish. Walach Walachiau. LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. AALBORG, a town in Jutland, famous for eels ; from Dan. aal an eel, borg a town. AB, in local names in England, is sometimes an abbreviation of abbey or abbot, as Abton, i.e. abbey-town, or abbot-town. AB, AUB, in local names in India, as Punjab, Doab, is the Pers. < i\ db water, from Sans. dpah. ABAD, in local names in India, is the Pers. ubdd a city, as Akbarabad, Aurangabad. It means literally, populous, cultivated, as a village or tract of country. In revenue phrase, abad denotes a village or tract from which revenue may be levied ; in military topography, a place where suppUes may be expected. (See Wilson.) ABEK, a Celtic prefix of several names of places in Great Britain, particularly in Wales. It generally means the mouth or embouchure of a river, whether it falls into a greater river or into the sea, and by metaphor a port or harbour ; as Abergavenny, Aberdale, Aberdour, Aberdeen, Aberbroath (Arbroath), Aber- fraw, Aberystwith, Aberayron, Abergele, The W. and Corn. aber may come from Heb. habar, to join together ; Chal. Syr. and Eth. id. Boxhom considers aber a Phoenician word. ABERDEEN, NEW; named from its situation near the mouth (aber) of the river Dee. ABERDEEN, OLD ; formerly and correctly Aberdon, named from its situation on the south bank of the Don, near its moutli. It is sometimes called Old Machar, from the cathedral of St. Machar, part of which has been converted into the parish church, and the rest nearly demolished. ABERDOUR, co. Aberdeen ; named from its situation at the mouth of the Dour. to ; 2 LOCAL ETYMOLOGY. ABERFRAW, named from its situation at the mouth of the Fraw.

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