DIRECTORY.] LEICESTERSHIRE. SEAGIUVE. 561 SCBAPTOFT is a srr.all village and parish, about I 93 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of Mrs. mile north from Thurnby and Scraptoft station on the Burns-Hartopp, and held since 1890 by the Rev. Philip Great Northern and London and North Western joint Sydnl.'y Pryce Jones. Chamberlain's charity consists of railway and 4 east-by-north from Leicester, in the East- 52a. 3r. 35P. of land, 32a. 3r. 2'9P. of which are in the eTn division of the county, Gartree hundred, Billesdon parish of Scraptoft, and 20a. or. 6p. in the parish of union, Leicester petty sessional division and county Barsby. The annual income is distributed as follows, court district, rural deanery of Goscote (first division), viz.: £5 annually to the parish of Gaddesby for the arch deaconry of Leicester and diocese of Peterborough. purpose of apprenticing a poor boy or boys to a trade, The church of All Saints is an edifice of stone in the and the balance of the net income in four equal shares Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, to the benefices of Deddington, Oxon; North Marston, south porch and a low embattled western tower, with Bllcks; Whaddon, Bucks and Caxton, Cambs. Scrapt6ft pinnacles, containing 3 bells, dated 1616: there are Hall, the residence of Alfred Corah esq. is a mansion of two memorial windows to the late W. S. Cradock, of stone. The principal landowners are Mrs. Burns-Har­ Leice!lter, and others to A. C. Barclay esq. and to mem- topp, of Dalby Hall, who is lady of the manor, and the bers of the Corah fMnily, and several mural monuments trustees of the late Mrs. Symons. The soil is clay and to the Wigley family, of &raptoft, inclnding one with gravel. The crops are wheat and barley, but most a marble canopy and fine busts to Sir Edward Wigley of the land is in pasture. The acreage is 1,700, of knt. d. 1710, and Letitia (Cressey) his wife; the others which some is woodland; rateable value, £2,466; the are- dated 1716, 1736 and 1765, a.nd there are also population in 1901 was u6. memorials to the Noel family, dated 1706 and 1736: the Sexton, John Hazeldine. eagle lectern is a memorial to the Rev. W. L. Rolleston, Post Office.-Miss Mary Ann Kirby, sub-postmistress. for 40 years vicar here, and in 1908 a litany desk was Letters through Leicester arrive at 6,50 a.m. &; 4.50 presented by Mrs. George 'Stevenson: the church was p.m. week days only. Letter Box cleared at 6.40 restored in 1867 at a cost of £1,400, and the interior in p.m. week days only; letters can be called for up till 1901: the porch was renovated in 1903-4: the church 10 a.m. on sundays at Thurnby. West Humberstone afiorcis 150 sittings. During the gale of the 24th is the nearest money order office &; Thurnby, I! miles March, 1895, the old cross in the churchyard was blown distant, the nearest telegraph office down, but has since bee-n repaired. The west wall of Allsistant Overseer, J. W. D. Bilham, 35 Halford street, the churchyard was rebuilt, and the north wall restored Leicester in 1901. The register dates from the year 1538. The The children of this place attend Thurnby Public Ele- living is a vicarage, net yearly value £190, including mentary school Carah Alfred, Scraptoft 'hall Fielding Andrew, farmer Leadbetter George, farmer Elmitt Mrs. Hambledon Hnrwood Eliza (Mrs.), grazier Saundel1son James, gra.zier J"0ru38 Rev. Philip Sydney Pryce, Howkins Henry, farmer Smith William, grazier Vioa.rage Laxton Matthew, head gardener to A. Waterfield Joseph, farmer Pick George Corah esq Wilford Frank, farm~r SEAGBAVE is a pleasant village and parish, 2 miles moned by WTit, 28 June, 1283, to a Parliament at north-east from Sileby station on the Midland main line, Shrewsbury, and again 24 June, 1295, in which year he 9 north-east from Leicester and 6 south-east from died: Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of John, 3rd Loughborough, in the Eastern division of the county, baron and suo jure Baroness Segrave, married John de East Goscote hundred, Barrow-upon-Soar union. Lough- Mowbray, 4th baron Mowbray, who died 9 Oct. 1368, borough petty sessional division and oounty court dis- and their son, 5th baron Mowbray and Segrave, dying trict, rural deanery of Goscote (second portion). arch- unmarried and under age, 10 Feb. 1381-2, was suc­ deaconry of Leicester and diocese of Peterborough. ceeded by his brother Tho. de Mowbray, and the two 'The ancient Roman Fosseway skirts a portion of the baronies continued to be held together until in 148 I parish on the east side, and the scenery in ,and about they fell into abeyance between the families of Berkeley the neighbourhood is beautiful and picturesque; the and Howard, but were apparently terminated in 1639 in Berry Brook flows through the parish. The church of favour of the latter, and continued to be so held until the All Saints is an ancient building of stone in the Early death of Edward (Howard), duke of Norfolk, 20 Sept. Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north 1777, when they again fell into abeyance, and so (I'emained and south porches and a western tower with ernbattled till 1878, when the barony of Mowbray was terminated by parapet containing 3 bells, one dated 1595 and another writ 5th Jan. and that of Segrave by patent, 18th Jan. 1:7ro, the third being undated: in 1858 the church was both in that year, in favour of Alfred Joseph (Stourton), repewed, and during 1891 was thoroughly restored, the 20th baron Stourton, and are now held (1908) by his ,son, chancel entirely rebuilt and the nave new roofed, at a Charles, 24th baron Mowbray, 25th baron Segrave and "Cost of £r,600: two memorial windows have been erected 21st baron Stourton, of Allerton Park, Yorks: the to the late Mrs. Dalton and the late J. J. Gutch: in barony of Segrave of Berkeley Castle, Glos. was con- 1905 an organ was provided and a vestry formed in ferred on Col. Williarn Fitzhardinge Berkeley, son of the tower: there are about 200 sittings. The register the 5th Earl of Berkeley, who was created Baron Se­ dates from the year 1682, but is very imperfect and I grave in 1831, and in r841, Earl Fitzhardinge, but both dilapidated. The living is a rectory, net yearly value titles lapsed on his death, 10th Oct. 1857. The Eccle­ £275, derivable frmn 382 acres of glebe, with residence, siastical Commissioners are lords of the manor and in the gift of the trustees of the late Rev. W. H. Dalton, owners of a oonsiderable portion of the land. The soil and held since 1906 by the Rev. Chacr"l~s Robert Gilbert is loam; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are wheat, oats, M.A.. otChrist's College, Cambridge. There is a Primi- beans and roots. The area is 2,515 acres; rateable tive Methodist chapel, built in 1845, and sooting 100. value, £2,416; the population in 1901 was 311. A cemetery of half an acre was formed in 1889, at a Verger and Sexton, Henry Maiston. "Co~t of £60, the site being given by the Ecclesiastical Post & Parcel Office.-Mrs. Eli7.a Harding, sub-postmis- Commissioners; it is under the control ·of the Parish tl'ess. Lettprs arrive from Loughborough at 8 a.m.; Council. In 1799 William Richards left £100, the in- dispatched at 6,55 p.m.; no delivery on sunday. t~rest to go towards payment of a schoolrnaster in the Sileby, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order &; parish; but this sum, being allowed to accumulate, telegraph office now produces £6 1415. yearly. Bartholomew Hicklin's charity of IOS. is for a bible, and John Hicklin's, of Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1877, for 10S. for poor widows. There is also a sum of £13 IOS. 70 children; average attendance, 50; Mrs. Frank being the rents of parish lands, which is applioo to Srnedley, mistress the relief of the poor. This place first gave the title Carrier.-George Frederick Goodson, to Leicester, wed. 'Of baron to Sir Nicholas de Segrave, who was sum- fri. &; sat.; to Loughborough, thurs Gilbert Rev. Charles Robert M.A. Daft William Henry, farmer Harriman Joseph, shopkeeper (rector), Rectory Draycott Joseph, shopkeeper Henson John, White Swan P.H COMMERCIAL. Garner Zuba (MI'Is.) &; Sam!. farmers Huss Ge.orge, grazier Eenskin Thorna,s, farme<r Goodacre Thoma.s, graziea- Hus's William, !>hoe maker "Renskin WilliaIn Sharp, farmer Goodson Frederick, grazier J ohnson William Marshall, grazier Cemetery (William Stuahbery, clerk Goodson George Frederick, carrier Knight Henry, gra.zier to the burial commiiltee) Harding Eliza (Mrs.), 81hpkpr.Post off Knight James, bricklayer Chester Oscar, CIlIrpenrter Harding George. corn &; flour dealer Macer Frederick, farmer ()hester Samuel, grazier Ha.rdy Jost-ph, farmer MiUs John, farmer Clayton Robert, farmer, Bunker hill Hardy WaIter, farmer MidIs William, farmer LEICS. & RUT. 36 .
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