Hamish Saunders Memorial Island Survey Program 2009 45 Flora Surveys The most studied island is Sarah Results Island. This island has had several Introduction plans developed that have A total of 122 vascular flora included flora surveys but have species from 56 families were There have been few flora focused on the historical value of recorded across the islands surveys undertaken in the the island. The NVA holds some surveyed. The species are Macquarie Harbour area. Data on observations but the species list comprised of 50 higher plants the Natural Values Atlas (NVA) is not as comprehensive as that (7 monocots and 44 dicots) shows that observations for given in the plans. The Sarah and 13 lower plants. Of the this area are sourced from the Island Visitor Services Site Plan species recorded 14 are endemic Herbarium, projects undertaken (2006) cites a survey undertaken to Australia; 1 occurs only in by DPIPWE (or its predecessors) by Walsh (1992). The species Tasmania. Eighteen species are such as the Huon Pine Survey recorded for Sarah Island have considered to be primitive. There and the Millennium Seed Bank been added to some of the tables were 24 introduced species found Collection project. Other data in this report. with 9 of these being listed weeds. has been added to the NVA as One orchid species was found part of composite data sets such Survey Method that was not known to occur in as Tasforhab and wetforest data the south west of the state and the sources of which are not Botanical surveys were this discovery has considerably easily traceable. undertaken for the following increased the known range of islands in Macquarie Harbour: this species. All vascular species Early observations for the area Soldiers Island, Neck Island, Cat recorded are either represented go as far back as 1819 and Island, Magazine Island, Elizabeth in reserves in each bioregion or were lodged with the Tasmanian Island, Entrance Island and Philips are reserved in half the bioregions Herbarium by A. Conningham. Island. Each island was traversed within which they occur. The most recent observations and surveyed on foot. Areas with were recorded in 2002 by Micah different vegetation communities A species list for each of the Visoiu as part of the Millennium were strategically targeted to islands is provided on the Seed Bank Project. Currently ensure that as many of the following pages. the NVA holds approximately species present were recorded. 446 flora records for the All vascular plant species area immediately surrounding encountered were recorded until the harbour, 30 of which are it was evident no further species non-vascular flora species, 47 were being added to a list. Only introduced vascular species and a few non-vascular species were 369 native vascular flora species. recorded. All data was collected The diversity of the species using a Garmin GPS. This data reflects the range of community was incorporated into the NVA types recorded: from coastal to and re-extracted using the stored wet forest vegetation. biometric values for the species. 46 Hamish Saunders Memorial Island Survey Program 2009 Table 1. Soldiers Island Species List Soldiers Island Species List Bio Reservation Primitive Species Name Common Name Family Uncommon Geographic Status Species Origin Asplenium flabellifolium necklace fern Aspleniaceae 2 Olearia argophylla musk daisybush Asteraceae 2 Olearia stellulata sawleaf daisybush Asteraceae 3a Atherosperma moschatum sassafras Atherospermataceae 2 subsp. moschatum Blechnum nudum fishbone waterfern Blechnaceae 2 Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern Blechnaceae 2 Anodopetalum horizontal Cunoniaceae 3a y endemic biglandulosum Ficinia nodosa knobby clubsedge Cyperaceae 3a Gahnia grandis cutting grass Cyperaceae 2 Lepidosperma filiforme common Cyperaceae 2 rapiersedge Histiopteris incisa batswing fern Dennstaedtiaceae 2 y Pteridium esculentum bracken Dennstaedtiaceae 2 Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern Dicksoniaceae 2 y Rumohra adiantiformis leathery shieldfern Dryopteridaceae 2 Aristotelia peduncularis heartberry Elaeocarpaceae 3a endemic Leptecophylla juniperina pinkberry Epacridaceae 2 Monotoca glauca goldey wood Epacridaceae 2 Anopterus glandulosus tasmanian laurel Escalloniaceae 2 endemic Pultenaea daphnoides heartleaf bushpea Fabaceae 2 Gleichenia microphylla scrambling coralfern Gleicheniaceae 2 y Sticherus tener silky fanfern Gleicheniaceae 2 y Selliera radicans shiny swampmat Goodeniaceae 3a Grammitis billardierei common fingerfern Grammitidaceae 3a Juncus kraussii sea rush Juncaceae 3a Prostanthera lasianthos var. christmas mintbush Lamiaceae 2 lasianthos Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily Liliaceae 2 Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry Liliaceae 2 Lycopodium conifer clubmoss Lycopodiaceae 2 y deuterodensum Acacia melanoxylon blackwood Mimosaceae 2 Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint Myrtaceae 3a endemic Leptospermum scoparium common teatree Myrtaceae 2 Melaleuca ericifolia coast paperbark Myrtaceae 2 Melaleuca squarrosa scented paperbark Myrtaceae 3a Notelaea ligustrina native olive Oleaceae 2 Hamish Saunders Memorial Island Survey Program 2009 47 Soldiers Island Species List Bio Reservation Primitive Species Name Common Name Family Uncommon Geographic Status Species Origin Sarcochilus australis gunns tree-orchid Orchidaceae 3a Y Billardiera nesophila coastal appleberry Pittosporaceae 3a endemic Pittosporum bicolor cheesewood Pittosporaceae 2 Poa poiformis blue tussock grass Poaceae 3a Phyllocladus aspleniifolius celerytop pine Podocarpaceae 3a y endemic Microsorum pustulatum kangaroo fern Polypodiaceae 2 y subsp. pustulatum Samolus repens creeping Primulaceae 3a brookweed Cenarrhenes nitida native plum Proteaceae 3a y endemic Lomatia polymorpha mountain Proteaceae 2 y endemic guitarplant Clematis aristata southern clematis Ranunculaceae 2 Apodasmia brownii coarse twinerush Restionaceae 3a Pomaderris apetala dogwood Rhamnaceae 2 Coprosma quadrifida native currant Rubiaceae 2 Nematolepis squamea satin wood Rutaceae 2 Zieria arborescens stinkwood Rutaceae 2 Pimelea ligustrina tall riceflower Thymelaeaceae 3a Tasmannia lanceolata mountain pepper Winteraceae 2 For Soldiers Island a total of 51 has been assessed as uncommon range of this species considerably. species from 37 families were because it only occurs in small There have been anecdotal recorded. Of these 4 were localised populations with no reports of Sarcochilus australis endemic, 9 were considered sub population with an area of occurring around the Pieman primitive and there were no occupancy greater 1ha or more River area but these have yet to introduced species recorded. than 1000 mature individuals. It be confirmed. All native species recorded is widely distributed in Tasmania, had examples reserved in all occurring in two main clusters bioregions in which the species in the north west and east coast occurred or were reserved in and is recorded on King and half or more of the bioregions Flinders Islands. This is the first in which the species occurs. A official record for this species for species of note on this island is the west coast. This observation Sarcochilus australis. This species extends the known geographical 48 Hamish Saunders Memorial Island Survey Program 2009 Table 2. Cat Island Species List Cat Island Species List Reservation Primitive Species Name Common Name Family Bio Geographic Origin Status Status Phormium tenax new zealand flax Agavaceae Introduced Environmental weed on Tas Weed Act Apium prostratum subsp. sea celery Apiaceae 3a prostratum Cassinia aculeata dollybush Asteraceae 2 Hypochoeris radicata rough catsear Asteraceae introduced Olearia stellulata sawleaf daisybush Asteraceae 3a Senecio minimus shrubby fireweed Asteraceae 2 Sonchus sp. sowthistle Asteraceae Alnus sp. alder Betulaceae Blechnum wattsii hard waterfern Blechnaceae 2 Buddleja davidii butterflybush Buddlejaceae Introduced Environmental weed on Tas Weed Act Wahlenbergia sp. bluebell Campanulaceae Ficinia nodosa knobby clubsedge Cyperaceae 3a Gahnia grandis cutting grass Cyperaceae 2 Schoenus nitens shiny bogsedge Cyperaceae 3a Histiopteris incisa batswing fern Dennstaedtiaceae 2 y Pteridium esculentum bracken Dennstaedtiaceae 2 Dicksonia antarctica soft treefern Dicksoniaceae 2 y Drosera peltata pale sundew Droseraceae 2 Rumohra adiantiformis leathery shieldfern Dryopteridaceae 2 Leptecophylla juniperina pinkberry Epacridaceae 2 Leucopogon parviflorus coast beardheath Epacridaceae 2 Monotoca glauca goldey wood Epacridaceae 2 Genista monspessulana canary broom Fabaceae Introduced On Tas Weed & Quarantine Act and WRA score sheet & WONS nominated Trifolium dubium suckling clover Fabaceae introduced Trifolium repens white clover Fabaceae introduced Selliera radicans shiny swampmat Goodeniaceae 3a Ribes sanguineum flowering currant Grossulariaceae introduced in Australia, naturalised in Tasmania only Gonocarpus teucrioides forest raspwort Haloragaceae 2 Hymenophyllum rarum narrow filmyfern Hymenophyllaceae 2 y Juncus kraussii sea rush Juncaceae 3a Dianella tasmanica forest flaxlily Liliaceae 2 Drymophila cyanocarpa turquoise berry Liliaceae 2 Acacia melanoxylon blackwood Mimosaceae 2 Acacia verticillata prickly moses Mimosaceae 2 Eucalyptus nitida western peppermint Myrtaceae 3a endemic Leptospermum nitidum shiny teatree Myrtaceae 3a endemic Hamish Saunders Memorial Island Survey Program 2009 49 Cat Island Species List Reservation Primitive Species Name Common Name Family Bio Geographic Origin Status Status Leptospermum scoparium common teatree Myrtaceae 2 Melaleuca ericifolia
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