I I I Vol. XXXV, No.1 Price 30¢ January, 1953 Modern Graphic Arts . and Christian Doctrine DEAN McCARTHY HUMANITY'S HOPE FOR SALVATION THE CATHOLIC PRESS AND WORLD AFFAIRS CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE N.C.W.C. A NEW CARDINAL FOR THE U. S. THE CATHOLIC WOMAN IN HER COMMUNITY N.C.C.M. HEADQUARTERS REPORT CALENDAR OF CATHOLIC EVENTS N.C.C.W. PROGRESS IN THE NORTHWEST I A NATIONAL MONTHLY PUBLISHED BY THE llfatiOna( Catfio{i:'c Ufe(/izre Con erence Calendar of Scheduled Catholic Meetings and Events TABLE OF CONTENTS January, 1953 5-M.ARIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA-4th annual national convention, Cleveland, Ohio JANUARY, 1953 14-SoLEMN INSTALLATION OF THE MosT REv. THOMAS A. BoLAND as Archbishop of Newark. PAGE Calendar of Scheduled Catholic Meet- February, 1953 ings and Events ...... ............. ............. 2 1-7-CATHOLIC BIBLE WEEK-sponsored by Catholic Biblical Association of America. Archbishop Mcintyre to be Fourth U.S. Cardinal ............................ ........ 2 Archbishop Mcintyre to be Fourth U.S. Cardinal On January 12 His Holiness Pope Pius XII will raise 24 prelates of the Bishop Ledvina's Death Ends long Church to membership in the Sacred College of Cardinals. The new ecclesias­ Career ...... ....... ................... ............ 2 tical princes represent 12 countries, five from the Western Hemisphere. Archbishop J. Francis A. Mcintyre of Los Angeles has been nominated from HumanifYs Hope for Salvation ... ... 3 the United States, increasing the U.S. membership in the Sacred College to four. His appointment also gives the western part of the United States its Excerpts from Christmas Message, first representation in the supreme council of the Church. 1952, of Pope Pius XII Cardinal-elect Mcintyre is 66 years old, having been born in New York City June 25, 1886. Family responsibilities kept him at home until he was 29 years Modern Graphic Arts and Christian old. For 16 years he worked on Wall Street to support himself and his ill Dodrine .............................................. 4 father. On the death of his father in 1915, the Cardinal-designate began his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained in 1921 and, after a short pastoral assignment, was appointed assistant in the Chancery Office of the Archdiocese of New York. In 1934 he became Chancellor and the same year received the The Catholic Press and World Affairs .... 6 title of Very Reverend Monsignor from the Holy See. He was made a Article V, 1952-53 Forum Series-­ Domestic Prelate in 1936; Titular Bishop of Cyrene and Auxiliary to Cardinal World Affairs: Your Business-­ Spellman (then Archbishop) in 1940; Coadjutor Archbishop of New York By John V. R. Lebkicher in July, 1946; and in 1948 was named Archbishop of Los Angeles. His Excellency is the twelfth American Ordinary to be elevated to the Cardinalate. From us all heartiest best wishes. Current Developments in N.C.W.C. ...... 8 News of Work, Proiecls, Interests Bishop Ledvina's Death Ends Long Career The Most Rev. Emmanuel B. Ledvina, retired Bishop of Corpus Christi, died National Council Catholic Women . .... 12 on December 15 after a life of intensive administration followed by several years of failing health and retirement. He served as Bishop of Corpus Christi The Catholic JP oman in her Com­ from April, 1921, to March, 1949, and saw his diocese grow from 32 priests to munity-Prof!.ress in the North­ 160. Under his guidance the diocesan building program was most extensive, west--Women in United Action­ including, besides churches, rectories, schools, and institutions, the Cathedral, R.I.P. rectory, and chancery offices. Bishop Ledvina was born in Evansville, Ind., in 1868; he was ordained to National Council Catholic Men ...... ..... 16 the priesthood in 1893. Because of his ability for organization, Father Ledvina Headquarters Rep o r t- N.C.C.M. was induced by the late Bishop Francis C. Kelley to resign his pastorate in Television - N .C.C.M. Radio for Princeton and take over the duties of general secretary of the newly-formed January-From the Field Catholic Church Extension Society. He served in that capacity for more than 14 years, until April, 1921, when he was chosen to be the second Bishop of Corpus Christi. In June, 1931, Pope Pius XI recognized his work by conferring The contents of CATHOLIC ACTION are on him the title of Assistant at the Pontifical Throne. indexed in the Catholic Periodical Index. May his soul rest in peace ! CATHOLIC ACTION has granted per­ In the Interests of Accuracy! mission to University Microfilms, 313 Our December issue, in listing the newly-elected N.C.W.C. Administrative N. First Street, Ann Arbor, Mich., to Board personnel, carried the name of Bishop Mulloy of Covington as advisor produce volumes of CATHOLIC AcnoN in Rural Life matters (page 7, col. 2). This should have read "Bishop Ralph in microfilm form. L. Hayes of Davenport, episcopal advisor in Rural Life matters." Bishop Hayes is also president of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference. CATHOLIC ACTION published monthly, except during July and August of each year when published bi-monthly, by the National Catholic Welfare Conference. Entered as second-class matter at the post omce at Washington, D. C., under the Act of March 3, 1879. All changes of address. renewals and subscriptions should be sent direct to CATHOLIC ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington 5, D. 0. Publication, Editorial and Executive Offices Subscription Rates $3.00 per year; $3.25 outside the United 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W. States. Make checks or postal money WASHINGTON 5, D. C. II orders payable to CATHOLIC ACTION [2] CATHOLIC ACTION CATHOLIC ACTION Vol. XXXV, o. 1 January, 1953 Humanity's Hope for Salvation Excerpts from the annual Christmas message to the world given by His Holiness Pope Pius XII on Christn:as ~ve, 1952. H1s Holiness called on men to build the social fabric upon the bas1s of n:'utual sol1~a~1ty an? not upon technical production and organization. We regret that space limita­ tion makes 1t 1mposs1ble to carry the complete text-The Editor. THE Christian Christmas is the sure modern world, . now appears in­ which are the mark of the divine mode hope of alvation: "Lift up your capable of controlling these forces .... of operation. heads, for your salvation is near." (Luke 21, 28). uch inability to control should of Above all, far from disturbing the itself suggest to men who are its vic­ pre-existing order set by Him in crea­ This happy prophecy ... is r ailed tim not to expect salvation solely tion, God maintain teadfast the full and addressed to the faithful by the from the technician ' production and force of those general laws which gov­ Christmas liturgy. organization. The work of these can ern the world, a well a man's nature, help, and notably, to solve grave and shaken though this is by the infirmi­ We intend to make Our own today expansive problems which afflict the ties it has contracted. In this order, this invitation to lift up your gaze world, only if it is bound up with, which was al o established for the to the sun of hope. May the and directed toward, bettering and salvation of the creature, He deranges sweet mystery of the Christian Christ­ strengthening true human value , but nothing, He withdraws nothing from mas draw you to complete that which in no ca e ... will it avail to fashion it, but He inserts a new clement des­ the Heavenly Child initiated at His a world without misery. tined to perfect and surpass it. This birth .... element is grace, by who e supernat­ Meanwhile, in so urgent a problem ural light the creature can know that Our wish and greeting is addressed a bringing help to souls in di tre , order better, and by whose superhuman before all oth r to the poor, to the humanity mu t rai e its eyes to God, force he can better observe it. oppressed, to those who for whate er and learn always from His infinitely In the second place, to render the reason sigh in affliction, and whose wi e and efficacious action the way to general order efficacious in each partic­ life depends, a it were, on the reath help and redeem men from their ill . ular ca e, each of which i different of hope which can be infused into Now, here the my tery of the ativity from all other , God establi he an them and the measure of help which in particular ca ts a wonderful light. immediate per onal contact with man, can be procured for them. For in what else doe the sub tance of thi ineffable mystery con ist but in effectuated in the mystery of incarna­ It is true that We are not alone in the work undertaken by God and by tion .... this desire to care for and to help. Him gradually brought to its conclu- Innumerable are the propo al and ion in aid of His creature, in order Ala , it would cern, especially in the ca e of very widespread mi eries, pr?jects formulated by public and to lift him up again from the depths pnvate agencies which aim at prevent­ of the most grievous and general mis­ that mankind today is no longer ca­ pable of realizing this duality in unity, ing and remedying misery. Many of ery into which he had fallen? We them, indeed, which are presented to this neces ary adaptation of the gen­ mean the misery of sin and of separa­ eral order to concrete and quite diverse Us by individuals and groups, indi­ tion from the upreme Good.
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