954 is farther intended fcy the Act so to »e applied foi-1, all proper works and -conveniences in connection toalter, amend, repeal, or enlarge, some of the powers with th» said deviations, and to take powers for and provisions contained iu the several Acts, of Par- the compulsory purchase of lands, nouses, and liament fallowing ; that is to say, the Acts of Parlia- ether property, for the purposes of sneh deviation* ment (local or personal) relating to the Dundee and and other Works, which intended deviations M£ Perth and Aberdeen Railway Junction Company, viz. works are «r wiU be situaste* in, to will pass bom, — The 8 and 9 Viet cap. ]57 ; 9 and 10 V ick cap. through, o» into the Parish of Mniravonside, in the 228 i 10 and 11 Viet. oapp. 89 and 10S ; II and County of Stirling, and the Parish of Born>wsto»£ 12 Viet. capp. 52 and 154 ; and 13 and 14 Viet. ness, in the Connty of Linlithgowi cap. 39. Also the Acts of Parliament (local and And Notice* is further given, that duplicate personal) relating to the Dundee and Newtyle Rail- plans and seetrotisj describing the> lines, situation/ way Company, that is to say, ? Geo. IV.fiap, 101 ; and levels <rf the said intended works, and <&« 11 Geo. IV. cap. 60} 6 and 7 Geo. IV. cap. 102.lands, houses, and other property in the line of the Also the following Acts of Parliament (local and said works, OP within the limits of deviation, as personal) relating to the Caledonian Railway Com- defined on the said plans, or which may be r equip* pany, that is to say,. f!The Caledonian Railway ed to be taken for the purpose* of such works, to-* Acti 1845," and the several other* Acts relating to gether with Bookrof Reference to Such plans, con- the said Caledonian Railway Company, viz., (local taining the names of the owners or reputed owners,* and personal) 9 and 10 Viet. e.c. 136, 229, 24% lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of gnch 314, 329. 379, and 395 i 10 Viet, e.c, 22, 23, andlands, houses, and property, and a published map 24 ; 10 and, 1J Viet. c,«. 7,5,, 82, 168*169, JT^and to a scale of not less, than half an inch, to a mile, 237 ; H and 12 Viet. c.e. 73# S8, and 121 } >and with the lines of theproposed works delineated there- 12 and 13 Vicfe c.c< 67 and 90 ; and the following on, so as to shew their general course and direction, other Acts of Parliament (local and pei-s,6nal) and a copy of thisNoticeaspublishedin the Edinburgh directly or jndirectly relating to, $c affecting. the Gazette, will, on or before th# 30th day of Novem- said Caledonian Railway Company, and the JRailr bers, current^ be deposited for public inspection" ii way Companies whose undertakings are leased to the Office at Stirling of the principal Sheriff-Clerk the said Caledonian Railway Company, «r in. respect of th«j Connty of Stirling j and in the Offica at of which certain powers are conferred npop the said Falkirfc of the principal Sherif&Clerk for! th» Caledonian Railway Company, viz> ^ — 7 Geo. IV), Eastern District on Diivisioi* I of the said Ooutoty of cv 103 ; 7 and 8 Geo. IV," c. 88 -t \0 Geo. iVvC. 107 J Stirling ; And fa the Office at Linlithgow of the/ 11. Gea, IV.i C, 125 9 4 Willkm IV j a 41 j 1 Viet. principal Sheriff-Clerk of the County of Linlithgowj; c. 100 3 1 and 2 Viet. c. 60 ; 2 and 3 Viet. e. 58 } and, that a copy of so much of the said plans, Bed- 4 Viet. <3. 11 ; 7 and 8 Viet. c.C. 87 and 98 I 8 and tions, and Books ,of Reference as fielates to each d 9 Viet. c.c. 31, 160, and 192; 9 ani iJO VH- e.c, • the saidJRarisbes, and a> eopy of this Notice; wi& 8t, J42, 201, 206, and 334 5 10 and 11 Viet. fi.c, als% on JOT before the 30th day of November -«DIW 83, 90, and 95 ^ and 11 and 32 Viek & 148t And rest, bet deposited fop. public* inspection /with- the"1 also any other Acts recited in any- of th& abov«- Schoolmaster^ or if there be no Schoolmaster,' tfhen mentioned Acts, relating directly or indirectly to with the Session-iClerls of each of the sadd Parishes^ the purposes of fie said intended, Act.; } e ' a*t the usual place of abode- of each such School* ',« i 1 T. W? WEBSTER, « master o» SeesiouMClerk. i 26, Great Georga Street, And Notice is further given, that it is intended- i 1 V Westminster. by theisaid Bill to Jtake poweir'to deviate in 4her Bated this 6th day of November ^850. construction lof Ahe works before set forth j ifrom the lines delineated on the- said plans intended to l Y SF/ I 1 AHT f) ' b0 deposited aa aforesaid, to such an extent as witt bg defined OB the said plans, and also to cross; altety (DEVtATION OF SfcAMAffSAN AND EORKOW3TONNES3 KAItWAY) and, divert suchj- highways, turnpike^ and sodie? EXTENSION OB TIME, AND AMEHDMES* Or ACTS) )r«»ads) railways) Abridges, /streets^ pathsj passage4 BILL. > I f * rivers^ canais, brooks, Streams, sewers) waters^ ani wafter«cotirse% as it may be necessary »r expedi«ffli OTICE is |5ereby Giren^ that application, jfc to cross, altety OP diTert, for the purpose df makii^ Intended to be made to Parliament w next maintaining, and using (ths* works before set forth* SessioN n for leave to bring in a Bill for the pn;fj>oges. or any portion thereof, or any jof itfaa convenience* following^ 01* some- of them, that is td say,^to connected therewith.fl s t ' ' empower the Monkland Railways Company to And Notice is further given, thai it is intended deviate from, and alter the lipes; and .Wels of ike by the said Bill to vary'and es;tingaish( all existing Railway and Branch Railway authorised by 'f The rights and privileges Connected withr the fanasf Slamannan a,nd Borrowstonness Railway Act, 1846," houses, and other property to he purchased as afore- between the points following, viz.t+^As regard* the said, »r which/ would in a»y manner imped* <# v» Main Line of Railway authorised by the said Act ierferowith tie coastruotion of the works before from the- point at or Bear Causewayend; ift the act forth, br any of them, or with tW mairrtenant* Parish of Mniravonside, and County 6f Stirling,, or use thereof, and to confer other rights and privi- and neat the Northern Terminus of the ^lamannan leges i and also 'to take powers to the Monkfcn1! Railway, which is described in the said Act us the Railways Company to- levy tolls,! rates, amd d«tief point of commencement of the said Main Line, ta OB or tot the use of the said* intended works, 6m " a point near the east side of Kmneil Itoit Works, to confer, -yarj^, 6r extinguish exe^mptionfe front pa^ in the. Parish of Borrowktonness, and County of ment of tolls, Crates, and duties. s / j i Linlithgow / Bnd as regards the said Branch Hail- And Notice i» further give% that it is intended way from the point in the said Parish of Muir- by the said Bill td extend the- time granted by tn»A avonside^ at or aear which the said Main Line will saiditedited Act for 4h<* "1151188* CEOSS the Occupation* Road leading eastward from houses, and 6the* property, and the Myrehead t6 the Parish Road, to 4 point ^n the tion of the-WorW thereby authorised , /f said last-mentioned Parish, near Myrehead, where I And Notice is further given, that it is uitende* the said Branch Railway will join the Edinburgh oy the said Bill to empower 4h« Mohkkna and Glasgow Railway ; aud to make and maintain ways Company, and the Magistrates, or the Magie-.
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