www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE: • Russia refuses to cooperate in dioxin investigation — page 3. • Photo essay: Canada’s National Ukrainian Festival – page 9. • Our communities mark Ukrainian Independence Day— pages10-11. HE KRAINIAN EEKLY T PublishedU by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profitW association Vol. LXXV No. 37 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2007 $1/$2 in Ukraine Ukraine bids farewell to Vasyl Kuk, Ukrainian Orthodox Church breaks ground last commander-in-chief of the UPA for Historical-Educational Complex in N.J. SOUTH BOUND BROOK, N.J. – Visiting Art Exhibit Hall will provide The official ground breaking for the space for traveling art exhibits. proposed Historical and Educational The complex is designed to be an Complex of the Ukrainian Orthodox invaluable educational tool and research Church of the U.S.A. took place here center for all members of the Ukrainian as nearly 100 participants witnessed Orthodox Church and the general public. the occasion on the church grounds Archbishop Antony, president of adjacent to the Consistory building. the Consistory of the UOC-U.S.A., The complex is a multi-purpose opened the groundbreaking ceremony facility that will provide space for on Monday, August 6, with a prayer. ongoing education and awareness of The archbishop said: “Today is a sig- the history of the Ukrainian Orthodox nificant day in the life of the Holy Church, as well as museum space for Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the over 8,000 invaluable religious and cul- U.S.A. After many years of thoughtful tural artifacts. planning, we gather here today to break Equally important, there will be a ground for the Ukrainian Educational permanent memorial and exhibit dedi- and Historical Complex. ... a treasury cated to the Ukraine Famine-Genocide from which the children of this and of 1932-1933, and space for the recog- coming generations can be nurtured at nition of Ukrainian American mem- the well-spring of knowledge.” Illya M. Labunka bers of the U.S. armed forces. Nadia Mirchuk, president of the The funeral procession exits St. George Cathedral in Lviv en route to Gen. Vasyl The complex’s Ukrainian Orthodox United Ukrainian Orthodox Sisterhoods Kuk’s native village and final burial place in Krasne, Lviv Oblast. Church Archive and Research Center of the U.S.A., greeted the gathering with and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church the good news that her organization had by Illya M. Labunka Cathedral, after which an official military Library and Ukrainian Cultural Center already raised $250,000 and that it will Special to The Ukrainian Weekly escort transferred the UPA commander’s will facilitate education and research remains to village of Krasne, Gen. Kuk’s by clergy and seminarians. The (Continued on page 8) LVIV – “His army kept the enemy at birthplace, for a Ukrainian Catholic bur- bay throughout entire regions, where no ial. German or Soviet dared to take a step,” Following Ukraine’s independence, said retired Lt. Cmdr. Yevhen Lupakov, many political, civic and military leaders who commanded 42 submarines in the met and interacted with Gen. Kuk, right Soyuzivka draws global audience Soviet Black Sea Fleet. until the end of his life. Lt. Cmdr. Lupakov became acquainted During these years, Gen. Kuk led an during Labor Day weekend with Brig. Gen. Vasyl Kuk and his contri- active life dedicated to telling the truth butions to Ukrainian statehood only about the UPA to a Ukrainian public when the Soviet Union fell. “He was the brainwashed by decades of Communist last commander of this great army, but propaganda into thinking its soldiers unfortunately I personally realized all of fought in cooperation with the Nazis this much too late in my life,” he said. against the people of the USSR. Lt. Cmdr. Lupakov was among thou- Gen. Kuk often appeared on television sands of mourners from all walks of life talk shows, gave radio interviews, deliv- who attended church ceremonies in Kyiv ered patriotic speeches on historic state and Lviv honoring the Ukrainian holidays and UPA-related anniversaries, Insurgent Army (UPA) Commander-in- actively participated in conferences and Chief Vasyl Kuk, who died at the age of visited universities to engage students. 94 in his Kyiv apartment on September 9. “He knew UPA recognition will even- Embodying the spirit and resilience of tually happen and he understood that to a the decades-long Ukrainian struggle for great extent this depends on how well- liberation, Brig. Gen. Kuk witnessed informed and enlightened the population almost an entire century of Ukraine’s will be, and how well the people will tragic 20th century history, including the accept the truth,” said Mykola rise and fall of the Polish, Nazi and Zhulynskyi, chair of the National Soviet occupations. Council on Culture and Spirituality. He is best known for taking command “Although today is a solemn day, I of the UPA in 1950, when the Soviets truly believe that the day will come when had already conquered western Ukraine, Ukraine will finally honor the memory of and leading the army in the underground the UPA soldiers in a dignified manner, until Red Army troops captured him in because the UPA was an unbroken and 1954. Yarema Belej invincible fantastically patriotic army,” Hundreds of mourners attended a Dr. Zhulynskyi added. KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Travelers from Germany, France, Ireland and September 10 public viewing at the As a result of his zealous activism and Australia (seen above), who participated in Plast Ukrainian Scouting Teacher’s Building, followed by a astute political awareness, combined with Organization’s International Jamboree held in Canada, took in the must-see panakhyda (requiem service) at St. his humble demeanor, Gen. Kuk was spots throughout the Northeast, including New York City, Philadelphia, Volodymyr Ukrainian Orthodox revered and held in high regard by both Wildwood, N.J., and, of course, the Soyuzivka Heritage Center nestled in the Cathedral (Kyiv Patriarchate) in Kyiv. those who knew him well, and those who Shawangunk Mountains of upstate New York. For the full story on the fun- The next day, more than 5,000 Lviv were not personally acquainted with the filled Labor Day weekend at the estate owned by the Ukrainian National residents prayed at a memorial liturgy Association, see the centerfold on pages 12-13. held at St. George Ukrainian Catholic (Continued on page 15) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2007 No. 37 ANALYSIS NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Will Ukrainian constitutional change Holodomor exhibit opens in Israel Yanukovych said. “I believe that the work- be synchronized with elections? ing people of Ukraine will speak decisive- KYIV – An exhibition devoted to the ly and that September 30 will become the by Pavel Korduban Mr. Yanukovych, his opponent in the 1932-1933 Holodomor in Ukraine is open- day of the ultimate end of the hopes [of the Eurasia Daily Monitor presidential vote. ing in Jerusalem, Jewish News reported. Orange Revolution parties]. And there will For the first time under the new The exhibition, which is the first such event not be Orange lawlessness in the country Ukraine’s most popular opposition Constitution, Ukraine was to be governed in Israel, is the part of the program of the any longer. Nor will there be the populists politician, former Prime Minister Yulia by a president and a prime minister from International Charitable Fund of who are pulling the country into an abyss,” Tymoshenko, is pushing for a referendum rival camps. Since then, each of the two has Oleksander Feldman, Ukrainian national he added. A poll conducted jointly by the to change the country’s Constitution. She been interpreting weak points in the deputy of the fifth convocation, president Yaremenko Institute of Social Studies and wants the vote to be held simultaneously Constitution in his favor and accusing the of the Association of National-Cultural the Social Monitoring Agency on with the early parliamentary election on opponent of violating the Constitution. This Unions of Ukraine and president of the September 6-9 among more than 2,000 September 30. President Viktor was one of the main causes of the political Jewish Foundation of Ukraine. The exhibit- respondents found that 88 percent of Yushchenko also wants a referendum, but crisis in May 2007 that prompted President ed documents have been mainly found in Ukrainians intend to vote on September he believes it should be held later. Yushchenko to call an early election. the archives of the former KGB. The expo- 30. (RE/RL Newsline) When the Central Electoral Commission Mr. Yushchenko and Ms. Tymoshenko sition was arranged by the National (CEC) refused to consider the signatures of have decided to go further than merely Institute of Memory of Ukraine, whose YTB to sue for illegal Rada session Ukrainians that the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc reversing the 2004 constitutional reform. representatives, together with Feldman will (YTB) had collected in favor of the refer- They want an entirely new text of the present the exhibition in Israel. The head of KYIV – The Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc is endum, Ms. Tymoshenko appealed in court Constitution to be approved by a referen- the Israel-Ukraine parliamentary commit- planning to ask the Procurator General’s to overturn the CEC’s ruling. She also dum in order to transform Ukraine from the tee, Knesset Member Michael Nudelman, Office to open a criminal case against accused Mr. Yushchenko’s team of conspir- current semi-presidential system into a said he believes that exhibition in Verkhovna Rada Chairman Oleksander ing against her referendum with the Party presidential republic. As Ms. Tymoshenko Jerusalem will allow thousands of Israelis Moroz for “using budget funds to convene of the Regions, which is led by her archri- put it in a recent interview with Silski Visti, to learn the truth about the Holodomor and the illegal session of the Verkhovna Rada” val, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych.
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