1923. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 437 Harvey J. McKinzie, Midlothian. I recommend that, in order to effect a settlement of these Arthur J. Thomas, Mineral Wells. claims in accordance with the recommendation of the Secretary Marion G. Hedrick, Mirando City. of State, the Congress, as an act of grace and without reference James M. Cottle, Moran. to the question of the legal liability of the United States in the Helen Newton, Morgan. premises, authorize an appropriation in the sum of $1,000, Wenzel K. Richter, Moulton. $500 of which is to be paid to Mr. Arend Kamp and $500 to be George T. Wood, Olney. paid to Mr. Francis Gort. · Mildred Hughes, Onalaska. 0ALVIN COOLIDGE. Hattie M. Culpepper, Palmer. THE WHITE HousE, December ~o. 192'3. Bessie Jackson, Paint Rock. TRANSACTIONS OF E~!ERGENCY FLEET CORPORATION. Claud A. Minton, Pioneer. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a com­ Jasper W. Blount, Quinlan. munication from the chairman of the United States Shipping Homer G. Robinson, Quitman. Board in response to Senate resolution 388 (agreed to January Arthur N. Brown, jr., Richland. 4, 1923, submitted by Mr. Krno), reporting the names of all offi­ Elmer I. Wade, Rockdale. cers and employees of the Emergency Fleet Corporati-0n, together Gayle T. Snedecor, Rosenberg. with a statement of the salaries or compensation paid to each, Kelsey R. Dort, St Jo. a list of all persons who have received passes or gratuitous John M. Cape, San Marcos. transportation on vessels operated by or for the account ol Riley M. Foster, Saratoga. Emergency Fleet Corporation, etc. Henry L. Cullender, Seminary IDU. Mr. JONES of Washington. I wish to call the attention of Grover C. Stephens, Sierra Blanca. the Senate to a fact in reference to this report. This is a report Walter Kurz, Somerset. made upon a resolution similar to many which we pass from May l\Iurray, Sonora. day to day. I am reliably informed that it cost $50,000 to get Nelson L. Yates, Stratford. up the report. Josie I. Coleman, Tehuacana. TllP. PRESIDE1'"'T pro tempore. The communication and James I. Dunn, Tioga. accompanying report will be referred to the Committee on Ralph D. Gilbert, Trinity. Commerce. Vera Butler, Troup. REPORTS OF THE SERGEANT AT ARMS. John A. Emmitt, Tulia. Roscoe L. Garver, Van Alstyne. The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a report R. Emory Howle, Venus. of the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate on the sale since Decem­ Edward 1\1. Tracy, Victoria. ber 5, 1922, of property condemned in accordance with law and William G. McClain, Waxahachie. the proceeds thereof deposited with the :financial clerk of the Alphonso S. Butler, Winona. Senate (S. Doc. No.12), and also a report, made pursuant to law, giving a complete account of all property in his possession and WYOMING. in the Senate Office Building belonging to the Senate, as of Florence Hullett, Chugwater-. December 3, 1923 ( S. Doc. No. 13), which were ordered to lie on Grace B. Morrow, Clearmont. the table and to be printed. C. Golden Welch, 'Cowley. SENATOR FROM TEX.AS. Fred W. Smith, Glenrock. J"ohn T. Platt, Kemmerer. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair lays before the Alvah J. Macy, Moorcroft. Senate certain additional papers and books with respect to the Harry Fawcett, Newcastle. election of a Senator from Texas and refers them to the Com­ Harry R. Ellison, Parkert'on. mittee on Privileges and Elections. Conrad Johnson, Pine Bluffs. PETITIONS. L. Roy Ness, Powell. The PRESIDE::NT pro tempore laid before the Senate resolu­ John A. Stafford, Rock Springs. tions of the Sorosis Club of Fort Worth, Tex., favoring the Robert E. Chittick, jr., Shoshoni. participation of the United States in a permanent court of international justice so as to foster world peace, which were referred to the Committee on Foreign Re1ations. SENATE. l\Ir. HARRIS. I present resolutions and communications from my State favoring the adherence of the United States to THURSDAY, December ~O, 1~3. the Permanent Court of International Justice, which I ask may be printed in the RECORD and referred to the Oommlttee The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following on Foreign Relations. prayer: There being no objection, the matter refe1Ted to was ordered Our Father, we thank Thee for the season of the year which to be printed in the RECORD and· referred to the Committee on is now ours. We thank Thee for its hallowed associations and Foreign Relations, as follows: for all that it brings to us of joy and peace, and humbly be· Resolutions as to the Permanent Court of International Justice. seech of Thee that the peace that passeth all understanding Whereas there is before the Senate of the United States a proposal may gauison each heart and life. As we separate for a time that we adhere to the Permanent Court of International Justice re­ we beseech of Thee to each one that Thou wilt grant journeying cently set up by most of the great natioDB for the deciding of issues mercies and that in the home circle there may be the greatest which, unles·s judicially decided, might result in war; and happiness, each contributing to the welfare of the other. The Whereas all of our past history has committed us, both in theory Lord bless all the homes of our loved country. Save us from and practice, to the peaceable settlement of international disputes, dissension and sorrow, and be always with us, to the joy of ·and it is our manifest duty to proceed further in this path; and Thy great name. We ask in Jesus' name. Amen. Whereas the need and value of such a court have been admitted and The reading clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yester­ asserted by Presidents McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, and Harding, day's proceedings, when, on request of Mr. CURTIS and by and by other leading statesmen in all parties : Be it unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with and Resolved by the North Georgia Oonference of the Methodist Episcopal the Journal was approved. Church, South, in sessi<ni. tn Atlanta, Ga., November fl-26, 1923, That CLAl1\IS OF TWO NETHERLANDS SUBJECTS. we respectfully request the Senate of the United States to adhere to the protocol now before that body, so that the United States shall be­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the come a participant in the Permanent Court of International Justice following message from the President of the United States, as provided in the optional clause of said protocol. which was read, and, with the accompanying papers, referred That we instruct our secretary to send a copy of this resolution to to the Committee on Foreign Relations: the President of the Senate and one each to Senators W. J. HARRIS To the Senate and House of Representatives: and W. F. GEORGE. I transmit herewith a report regarding two claims presented REMBlllRT c. SlliITR. by the Government of the Netherlands against the Government H. CLAY EMORY. of the United States for compensation for personal injuries J. H. EAKES. ~ustained by two Netherlands subjects, Arend Kamp and .JORN s. CA...... DLER. Francis Gort, while the U. S. S. Canibas was loading on May 1, [NOTE.-The North Georgia Conference represents a constituency ot 191~, at Rotterdam. 140,000 members. II. C. Emory, secretary.] 438 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 20, ATLANTA LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, ELBERTON, GA., Not'ember 15, 1923. Atlanta, Ga., November 26, 1!1M. Sena tor WM. J. HARRIS, Senator 'WM. J. HARRIS, Oedartoum, Ga. Wasllington, D. 0. MY DEAR SENATOR: The citizens of Elberton, Ga., assembled to ob· DEAR SIR: We are inclosing herewith, for your Information, resolu- serve Armistice Day on Sunday afternoon, November 11, at the First tion passed at our last quarterly meeting. Methodist Church, and passed the following resolution by an over­ Very truly yours, whelming majo:rity : LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, "Resolved, That the United States should become a member of the Mrs. PAUL c. LA BLANT, Sect·etary. World Court, in an effort to preserve the peace of the world and to help Resolution passed by the Atlanta League of Women Voters at its consummate those ideals for which our soldiers fought in the World quarterly meeting, November 19, 1923. War." Whereas both the Georgia and the Atlanta Leagues of Women Voters We trust, Mr. Senator, that you can see your way clear to guide our have previously taken a strong stand against war and expresseil their Nation in this direction. belief that war prevention is the most important question beforti the Yours very truly, JOHN T. DE:!iNIS, Jr., world to-day, and Ohawman. Armistice Day Meeting. Whereas the national league has gone on record as advocatiug the World Com·t as the next and first step in the campalgn to abollsn war and is conducting a campaign under the slogan, " Law, not war " : Be it SHORTER COLLEGE, ROME, GA., Resolved, That the Atlanta League of Women Voters again reiterate November 14, 1928. its previous stand against war and go on record in favor of the World Senator w. J. HARRIS, Court and of the campaign "Law, not war" and that the secretary send Sanders'l:ille, Ga.. a copy of this resolution to Senators HARRIS and GEORGE. MY DEAR SENATOR HARRIS : The American As ociation of University Women last summer in the Portland convention pa sed a resolution in ATLANTA, GA., November 23, 1!:1'23. favor of the United States' participation in the World Court. The The Hon. WM. J. HARRIS, Senator from Georgia.
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