f Avsrtn Ddibr Nst Pr«M Ron TIm WMtiMr fw ttM Wesk Bndsd rnrsnos8 of 0 . •- Waathot ■sptsmhsr d» 19SS 1 3 , 8 9 3 HattrlfFBtpr fcumittg w m a nor, soot tsnigM Lsw IS 8s SB. Fair U sa om m . High M Is S^ Msmber of ttio Andtt ' Borssa of Cironlstlon Maneheeter^A City of VIttage Charm a (OtoMlltod AiwrtUbtg «M T a f M) PRICE SEVEN CBNtB VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 287 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGBft-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1965 News of Schools School opens this w s ^ and today’s Herald con­ Slams tains a special five-page Pakistani, Indians Bombing school section on pages 17 through 21. Besides Man­ chester, there will be school opening news for Bolton, Andover, Vernon, South Windsor, Hebron Nassau Coventry, Columbia, and Tolland. Each Other’s Major Cities MIAMI, Pla. (AP) _^^storm forecaster at Miami. “ We must be reconciled to a pro­ Hurricane Betsy sat longed period of warnings and astride Nassau today, giv­ threats. Betsy may be around NEW DELHI, Ind-ls ing the world-famed resort for several days." NYC Schools (A P )—^Indian and Pakis­ Dunn said latest reports Indl-1 tani .bombers struck at s i t city a terrible beating with cated that the calm center of| 186 - mile • an - hour winds the eye did not pass over Nm - Face Strike 4$wSS5sS8s5isSS58SB^S8^ large cities in both coun­ and massive tides, and sau'; giving the city that brief tries today, spreading ths southern Florida was respite. conflict 1,000 miles across ^ H ‘•■V - Instead, he said, the eye evi­ By Teachers the subcontinent to East warned that it might be in dently passed Just off the Island : ^ ^ I for days of anxiety. and Nassau had been in the wall .Pakistan and eastern In­ A radio report picked up by of the eye where the greatest NEW YORK (AP) — New dia. the Miami Weather Bureau at 9 wind and water turbulence oc­ York a t y ’s school system, Hit in Pakletan were ths a.m. Mdd winds had risen to the- curs in a hurricane. scheduled to begin classes In six capital, Rawalpindi, the chief ■creaming pitch of 18S m.p.h. in By 11 a.m., Nassau’s 60,000 days. Is laced with a threatened port of KaraclU, and Dacca, Nassau. residents had been under the strike by Its 48,000 teachers. capital of East Pakistan. A Pak­ Otherwise, a communications brutal hammering of hurricane istani epokesman declared In­ blackout caused by widespread winds more than 10 hours. And Mediators. teachers union dian planes "indiscriminately power failure hid the fate d with Betsy still stolllng over the representatives and Board of bombed' dvlUan areas” and Nassau and 'other Bahamas Is­ Island, nobody could tell how Education members met until warned the attacks wrill he met lands battered by the vicious many more hours of savage early today seeking agreement in kind. This Implied on Air raid punishment the Bahamian capl on the Issues that divide the on New Delhi. 4 and abnormal tro^c storm. teachers and the board. Although Betsy was stationa­ tal would have to endure. India reported Pakistani ry, her gale winds were spread­ Eveb since Its start Aug. 27, The mediators reported prog­ planes hit ‘‘civilian areas” in ing outward closer to the Flori­ Betsy' has thrashed about in ress but Albert Shanker, presi­ Amritsar, largest city In Punjab aimless fashion, making the job dent of the AFL-CIO United State adjacent to Kashmir da coast. Ousts reached 60 where fighting was raging on miles an hour at Miami and of the forecasters tmusually dlf Federation of Teachers, said, were expected to Increase grad­ ficult. •’’The strike still Is on, it the ground. Normally, Dunn said, when a Also hit was FeroZepore, 60 ually. lllte-” miles southwest of Amritsar, f “ Florida is In for a long hurricane halts <|^e forecaster’s The imlon has vowed the na­ job of predicting the next move Six persons were reported •elge," said Oordcn Dunn, chief tion’s largest school system, becomes tougher than ever. with a million pupils, will not killed. "The center of the hurricane open on schedule Sept. 18 unless The Indians said Pakistani' will likely be as close or even agreement Is reached on a new planes bombed Kalalkunda Air State News nearer Miami Wednesday morn­ two-year contract. Base at Calcutta, tar from the ing than it 1s today. It seems The federation is asking $100 front in eastern India, and p r o b a b le that hurricane million In salary Increases and Kharagpur, about 70 miles . ■ warnings must be continued for southwest d Calcutta. other benefits over the two These reports showed the air NAACP Sets another 36 hours or possibly years. It also wants smaller even longer.” war had spread 1,000 miles east­ classes and more specialised ward from Kashmir and border As the tepblon grew in Miami, instruction groups. The school hospitals offered beds to expec­ areas of India and Pakistan to Bridgeport board has publicly offered $16 East Pakistan and eastern In­ V ■ 1 tant mothers seven months or Women employes of the Indian government stage target practice in New Delhi as the nation steps up its million but sources close to the dia. ' ’ ; more pregnant, and to coronary negotiations said a $46-mUllon 'V cases. defense program because of fighting over Kashmir. (AP P h otofax.) ________________________________ A Pakistani spokesman said March Plans offer had been made six persons were killed and 16 ■: .M A Miami tugboat captain at day's session. Coral Harbor, 10 miles south of wounded in the Indian air raid •: ^ TlrterE has been no breakdown on Rawalpindi. ; BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Nassau, told the Miami News by on how the package would be Negro leaders asked police radiophone at 8 a.m. that he The Pakistani air force : ' J divided but $48 million would In Washington claimed destruction of 46 Indian ^ today for a permit that was riding out winds of more mean $900 for each teacher, Thant to Seek ' . ■ • n\ than 100 miles an hour — “ I planes, including 24 today in an would allow three days of (Current classroom teacher sala air battle over Sargodha, In can’t toll Just how strongs” rles range from $5,300 to $11,026 Congress Faces Pakistan 260 miles south of Ra­ demonstrations in front of Capt. Frank Boehm’s boat, Average pay last year was $8 S e x Curbs the Bridgeport Board of walpindi, and In raids on India Sally Mac, was anchored on the 489 More Wrangling Kashmir Talks bases.. S Education offices. south side of the island and Dr. Harry Taylor, head of the India conceded the loss of Police Superintendent Joseph Boehm said "the eye is just to three-man mediation team ap­ Cloud Issue UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP)—U.N. Secretary- eight planes but said its air Walsh said ttle permit would be pointed by Mayor Robert F. WASHINGTON (AP) — With the northeast of us,” indicating Labor Day behind It. Congress force declelvely defeated the granted. that Nassau might be in the eye. Wagner, said today, “ R e^ General U Thant made plans today to fly to India and Pakistanis in aerial combat, The'request oeune from Mrs. progress has been made and faces some long days this week Pakistan to seek an end to the fighting there. He was "We expect to get in the eye Of Job Rights with wrangles over a farm bill, destroying 18 U.S.-made B67 m ia Anderacn, President of the soon,” Boehm said, “ and when we’re hammering away.” expected to leave tonight. ^ bombers, F104 supersonic Jt Brldgeport-Mwitford chapter of As they say mIn lungAtmu.England ■ — The a presidential veto and some the winds shift to the other side big-money appropriations. The Security Council unani­ lion stand on the brink of a full- fighters and F86 Sabres, ' the National Association for the Ip■^p*r6 down to the cninchi scale war.” A report gave tw breakdown, we expssb___ _ sex sngta in employment threat Although there had been mously called Mcmday night on Advancement of Colored People. ’There are several yawtU In Theodore W. Kheel, another ens to prortde a network of side In the debate before the but eartier accounts had said at ■ Leaders of the chapter want to mediator. hopes lawmakers would be on both governments to cease hos­ council voted, Pakistani Ambas­ least two supersonic F104s and here with us and they seem to issues for the agency originally their way home ~by now, they demonstrate against "de facto be riding pretty good. Shanker said, “ Some progress created to ensure equal treat­ tilities and asked Thant “ to ex­ sador Amjad All charged that a B67 bomber were shot down. E have a long docket of major ■egregatlon’’ in Bridgeport “ From where we are, we can has been made on some items. ment io r Negro job-seekers. ert every possible effort” to India last May seized three Official sources in Rawalpindi ■chotda. They want to protest and minor bills—and contro­ posts in the Kargll area on Pak­ said the In d iu air force at­ (See Page Seven) We’re still in the confusion gain that objective. The council what they caU the “ sacrifice” (See Page Six) stage,” an Equal Employment versies—that could well extend istan’s side of the Kashmir tacked a numrar' Of othOf tar­ minority group children. acted after India invaded Pakis­ i t Opportunity Commission official Into October. tan proper, extending the con­ cease-fire hne.
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