276 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 21, Also, a bill (H. R. 2540) for the relief of William R. Beckham, Also, petition for a pension for John A. Hipkins-to the Com· of Lauderdale County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. mittee on Pensions. _ . Also, a bill (H. R. 2541) for the relief of Thomas Brown-to the By Mr. TOWNE: Petition of F. W. Johnson, John Ojanpera, · Committee on War Claims. August Flood, and 365 others, of Wright County, Minn., praying ' Also, a bill (H. R. 2542) for the relief of Giles W. Bass-to the that Congress take no action to restore the greenbacks, and against Committee on War Claims. any legislation giving banks greater privileges than they now en­ Also, a bill (H. R. 2543) for the relief of Susan K. Bennett (for­ joy, and for the coinage of silver bullion now in the Treasury­ merly Phipps), of Madison County, Ala.-to the Committee on to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Claims. By Mr. THOMAS: Petition of James J. McDonald tothe House ·Also, a bill (H. R. 2544) for the relief of William Baugh, of of Representatives of the United States, praying that he be ad­ Lauderdale County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. mitted as a contestant for the seat now held byW. A. JONES, First Also, a bill (H. R. 2545) for the relief of John R. Caldwell, of ilistrict of Virginia-to the Committee on Elections. Jackson County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. WATSON of Indiana: Resolution adopted by ~uffalo Also, a bill (H. R. 2546) for the relief of the La Grange College, Tribe, No. 109, Improved Order of Red Men, indorsing the Presi­ of Colbert County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. dent's message on the Venezuelan matter-to the Committee on Also, a bill (H. R. 2547) for the relief of John C. Carpenter, of Foreign Affairs. Madison County, Ala.-to the Committee·on War Claims. By Mr. WHEELER: Petition of C. McDoJ!ald, executor, of Also, a bill (H. R. 2548) for the relief of Walter 0. Carpenter, Madison County, State of Alabama, praying that the Committee of Madison County, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. on War Claims refer his claim, together with all papers and proofs Also, a bill (H. R. 2549) for the relief of the estate of Marins B. relating thereto which were submitted to the Southern Claims Cawthon, deceased, late of Madison County, Ala.-to the Com­ Commission, to the Court of Claims under act of March 3, 1883~ mittee on War Claims. to the Committee on War Claims. Also, a bill (H. R. 2550) for the relief of William A. Watkins, of St. Florian, Ala.-to the Committee on War Claims. PETITIONS, ETC. SENATE. Under clause 1 of Ru1e XXII, the following petitions and papers SATURDAY, .December 21, 1895. were laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. By Mr. ADAMS: Resolutions of the Manufacturers' Club of Phil­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. adelphia relating to the tariff-:-tothe Committee on Manufactures. By Mr. CROWTHER: Petition of citizens of Missouri, praying CONGRATULATION OF BRAZILIAN SENATE. for an honorable discharge for William Miers, late private, Com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following pany F, Ninth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry-to the Committee communication from the Secretary of State; which was read, re­ on Military Affairs. ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be Also, petition of Patrick Rainey, late of Company K, Fifty­ printed: second Ohio Volunteer Infantry-to the Committee on Military DEPARTMENT 01!' STATE, Washington, December 21, 1895. Affairs. Srn: The Brazilian minister at this capital, acting under instructions of By Mr. DINSMORE: Petition to remove the charge of desertion his Government, informs me that on yesterday both houses of Congress of the United States of Brazil passed unanimously a motion of congratulation against Greer Smith-to the Committee on Military Affairs. on the subject of the message of President Cleveland of the 17th instant, and Also, petition to remove the charge of desertion against John D. that the Federal Senate of Brazil asks that its motion be transmitted through Culp-to the Committee on Military Affairs. the usual diplomatic channel to the Senate of the United States of America. ·By 1\Ir. DOOLITTLE: Resolution of Board of Trade of Whit­ I have, therefore, to ask that the motion of the Federal Senate of Brazil, which is in the terms following: "The Federal Senate of the United States com, State of Washington, relative to cultivation of flax fiber in of Brazil sends its greeting to the Senate of the United States of America certain counties in said State-to the Committee on Agriculture. upon the worthy message of President Cleveland, who so strenuously guards ByMr.HENDERSON: ResolutionsbytheCommanderyofiowa, the dignity, the sovereignty, and the freedom of the American nations," be laid before the Senate. Military Order of the Loyal Legion, favoring the establishment of Very respectfully, RICHARD OLNEY. a national military park at Vicksburg, Miss.-to the Committee Bon. ADLAI E. STEVENSON, on Military Affairs. Vice-President of the United States, United States Senate. By Mr. HICKS: Petition of H. L. Africa, James Pritchard, Erne REPORT OF THE COLUMBIA RAILWAY COMPANY. D. Mock, A. C. Reefsnyder,E. E. Kendig, J. L. Barchus, Alex. N. Hast, and 950 other citizens of Blair, Cambria, Bedford, and Som­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communication erset counties, of the State of Pennsylvania, praying for the enact­ from the Secretary of the Interior; transmitting the report of the mentofalaw (the WilliamA. Stone billoftheFifty-thirdCongress) Columbia Railway Company of Washington, D. C., for the fiscal restricting foreign immigration-to the Committee on Immigra­ year ended June 28, 1895, together with an abstract of receipts tion and Naturalization. and disbursem12nts of the corporation from its organization, Sep­ Also, petition of Alma Lodge, No. 523, I. 0. 0. F., of Johnstown, tember 1, 1871, to March 1, 1895; which, with the accompanying Pa., praying for passage of House bill granting relief to Odd Fel­ report, was referred to theoCommittee on the District of Columbia, lows' Hall Association of New Orleans, La.-to the Committee on and ordered to be printed. Military Affairs. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By :.1\fr. KIEFER: Resolution passed by the Chamber of Com­ The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition, in the form of . merce of St. Paul, Minn., requesting Congress to grant the people resolutions adopted at the fifteenth annual convention of the of Cuba belligerent rights-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. American Federation of Labor, praying for a speedy recognition By Mr. LACEY: Petition of Marcus D. Box, of Davis County, as belligerents of the Cuban patriots in their struggle for freedom; Iowa, for increase of pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. sions. Mr. LODGE presented the petition of Benjamin J. Ben·y, presi­ By Mr. MAGUIRE: Petition and affidavit of Edmund P. Tier­ dent of the Massachusetts Ship Canal Company, praying that ney, in support of his application for a pension by special act of reasonable aid be afforded oy the Government in the construction Congress-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions-. of a ship canal from Massachusetts Bay to Nantucket Sound, By Mr. PUGH: Petition of sundry citizens of the town of Russell, across Cape Cod, at Bass River, Massachusetts; which was re- Greenup County, Ky., for relief concerning an alleged interfer­ ferred to the Committee on Commerce. · ence with the channel of the Ohio River by furnaces on the Ohio He also presented a memorial of 374legal voters and citizens of shore, near said point-to the Committee on Rivers. and Harbors. Lancaster County, S.C., remonstrating against the abridgment By Mr. REYBURN: Petition asking for an act to reclassify the of the rights of citizenship in the State of South Carolina; which railway mail clerks-to the Committee on the Post-Office and was referred to the Committee on Privileges and Elections. Post-Roads. Mr. PASCO presented a petition of the Board of Trade of Eufaula, By Mr. RUSSELL of Connecticut: Petition of Connecticut gen­ Ala., and a petition of the Board of Trade of Apalachicola, Fla., eral assembly for investigation of the case of Dorence Atwater­ praying that an appropriation of $300,000 be made for improving to the Committee on Military Affairs. and deepening the harbor of Apalachicola, Fla.; which were re- By Mr. SMITH of Illinois: Petition to reclassify and prescribe ferred to the Committee on Commerce. · salaries of railway postal clerks-to the Committee on the Post- Mr. TELLER presented a petition of citizens of Pueblo, Colo., Office and Post-Roads. • praying for the ~eedy recognition as belligerents of the Cuban By Mr. SPERRY: Petition of citizens of New Haven, Conn., patriots in their struggle for freedom; which was referred to the asking Congress to ta-ke such action as shall result in the speedy Committee on Foreign Relations. recognition as belligerents of the Cuban patriots in their strug­ · Mr. COCKRELL._ I present a communication from the secre­ gle for freedom-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. tary of the board of directors of the Merchants' Exchange of St. 1895. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 277 Louis, Mo., stating that at a meeting of the Merchants' Exchange, Mr. CULLOM introduced a bill (S. 1146) granting an increase held on the 17th instant, it was declared to be the sentiment of the of pension to William Emerson; which was read twice by its title, members thatCongress should grant belligerent rights to the peo­ and, with the accompanying paper, referred to the Committee on ple of Cuba now struggling for their independence.
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