t6 TIIE MORNING OREG ONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1919. BIG THINGS SEE N IN THEFT FROM BODY OF OREGON AGRICULTURE DEAD Ml SUSPECTED Counterfeits Read what one of the GREATEST NEWSPAPERS IN AMERICA has to Bay on this subject: Revival Under Way, Says ' Thought From J. Real yj J $500 Stolen .... x v "The manufacturers of Castoria have been compelled to spend of C. J. Mcintosh. R. Patterson. hundreds thousands of dollars to familiarize the public with the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. This has been necessitated by reason of pirates counterfeiting the Castoria trade- GOOD TEAM WORK COUNTS FUNERAL SET FOR TODAY mark. This counterfeiting is a crime not only against the proprietors of Castoria, ' but against the growing generation. All persons should be careful to see that i t- - , . i'armer and Scientist Are "Working V f Mr. Tumulty Sends President's Sym Castoria bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, if they would guard the health Together and Significant Re- yyr pathy Over Death of Retired Bus of their children. Parents, and mothers in particular, ought to carefully examine Already Appear, sults iness Man, Active War Worker. the Castoria advertisements which have been appearing in this paper, and to re- member that the wrapper of every bottle of genuine Castoria bears the fac-sim- ile The biggest fact in Oregon's indus- Investigation of what may have been Chas. H. under whose supervision been trial development is the revival of ag- theft of nearly 500 from the body of signature of Fletcher, it has manufactured riculture, reports C. J. Mcintosh, agri- James R. Patterson, retired business jeass"-lhiladlph- ia, cultural writer tor Oregon Agricultu- man who was instantly killed in the continuously for over thirty Bulletin. college, who has just inspected the automobile accident near Gresham ral Monday, is being conducted by Deputy work of six branch experiment stations Coroner Goetsch as a result of state in various parts of the state. The next ments which have been made to the H I - y-- 1 1 Fop most significant thing, he thinks, is the ) Cry ' effect that Mr. Patterson is believed Children extent to which farmers are turning ,$ to have had a large sum of money on ii Net Content lSTlnidDracrinj - X - to science and for solu- . his person at the time he took part in : tion of their production and market- ' the presidential automobile trip to i i ing problems. Grown Point on the Columbia highway. 'The hazards of farming are growing A woman reported to Mr. Patterson's I less and less as the science of produc- widow that she had seen a sum of Mi BEE tion is more generally applied," said money totaling about (500 in the dead Mr. Mcintosh. "Fruit growers, grain man's bill case shortly after the fatal farmers and livestock raisers are mak- accident. When the body arrived at ing increased use of the valuable data the morgue $1.30 was all that could be uncovered by the research specialists found. of their district. Unprofitable crops Money Believed Stolen. and types of farming are being elimi- Scene from t7ncle Tom Without Bis Cabin," the special Mark Sennett comedy Mrs. Patterson said yesterday she nated by investigations and tests and which opened yesterday at the Liberty theater. would make no accusations of any kind at r.nnnt.-- .l PER GEKT.. J are speedily dropped from general farm . although she believes her husband had J. w I 1 practice. In this way the energy and ............ America and will make frequent trips large sum of money on him. She i Acefablc PrcparaliofiBru money of the farmer are concentrated between this country and England. Mr. (500 Friday on most profitable practices. TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. said Patterson bad last the Liberty' night and that he did not leave home tintheStamadis ana uowcovs Good Team Work Counts Dorothy Dalton, "The Violet Heming has finished her work Saturday or Monday in time to deposit Market of Souls," and "Uncle in the production "Everywoman," in a inquired 7. A good instance of team work by Tom Without a Cabin." which she played the title role, and is it in bank. She also at his farmer and scientist is shown in the Majestic Douglas Fairbanks, now in New York preparatory to her bank and learned that he had made no Bringing Up Baby. development of the seed wheat indus- Majesty, American." resuming her work in "Three Faces deposits daring the past few days. 53?:STx When Adam try in Sherman county. The best vari- "His the Before either deputy sheriggs or Thereby PromotintlHai ate the Apple re heard nothing about Its effect on Peoples Elsie Ferguson, "The East." Deputy and BestCocta his ety of winter wheat for the Columbia "Witness for the Defense." Coroner Goetsch arrived at Cheerfulness stomach, but re do know, or ought to know, about the effect of basin district of Oregon and Wash- Columbia Taylor Holmes, The title of Dorothy Gish's latest the scene of the accident unauthorized neither OplonuMorphlne n aU eatables given our children. This knowledge is necessary to all ington was found in eight years of picture, "Nobody Home," was re persons are said to have examined the variety by D. E. "Taxi." which clothing of Mr. Mineral. Not ihahcq mothers, and the deaths among infants indicate much informa- tests conducted Strand Tom Mix, "A Rough-Ridin- g cently shown in Portland at the Peo both Patterson and that Stephens, superintendent of the Moro ples changed "Out Ben Allen, the newspaperman who also tion along this line is needed. station, to be Turkey red. By careful Romance." theater, has been to met death. In an effort to establish Star H. B. "Warner, "The Pagan of Luck." easy On this subject many works have been published.but most of them selection Mr. Stephens has developed God." identification. It would have been so a special strain of this wheat from Sunset Mary PIckford, "Daddy Hobart Bosworth, making a big pro to have appropriated Mr. Patterson's technical and complicated as to be unintelligible to the lay mind. 10 to 15 per cent more prolific than bill case before the arrival of these y Food, hygiene proper the locally grown strains. Long Legs." duction under the direction of Irvin officials. and clothing must be learned by all Circle Marguerite Clark, "Stilly Willatt, had a narrow escape from - mothers they must Do "Through the county agent a number Waters." drowning two weeks ago when filming County Coroner Earl Smith, with the study them, know them. you? j of careful farmers were supplied with startling scenes beneath the waves in assistance of Sheriff Hurlburt and Around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria is a booklet in plain, small lots of this grain, disease and a government members of the sheriff's force, yester- weed free and a big yielder. They United States submarine. day made an investigation into reports everyday language that all can understand, put there by the advice and approval ; multiplied it on their farms, where it OROTHY DALTON in the "Market Joseph W. & Co. publishing that a considerable sum of money had of physicians. Will you read it? was inspected and certified by G. R. of Souls," and a special Mack Stern is been taken from Mr. Patterson s body andDiATTtwe Hyslop, professor of crops a song, "Life Is Bubbling Over," writ Constipation Fletcher's Castoria has been in use so many years that it is a farm at the D Sennett comedy, "Uncle Tom ten by John William Kellette, director His investigation convinced him. Cor Feveristmess ani waste of college. Lists of owners and amounts Paramount-Brigg- oner Smith said, Mr. Patterson and words to praise it, but because of the many substitutes and were collected by county agent of Without His Cabin," form a double bill of the s comedies, that r.v sleep the offered to Liberty patrons- today, to- who is also the author of the ever- - carried no bill case containing cur toc imitations we endeavor to protect the babies by keeping before the Sherman county and communicated to popular "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles.' rency, but that persons at the scene public signature of Chas. county agents of the district. The morrow and Saturday. saw the bill case which was found in the H. Fletcher and a copy of the wrapper. agents informed farmers of their "Uncle Tom Without His Cabin" is Dorothy Dalton, Thomas H. Ince star, the pocket of Ben F. Allen, who was It is your only safeguard. counties of these seed stocks and took the second special Mack Sennett pro- made a flight over New York city Sun killed at the same time. In Mr. Allen's orders for consignments. duction year. The was 31, new-typ- e case within the first day, August in a Curtiss bill there were numerous travel in Growers Receive Premiums "Yankee Doodle in Berlin," which com- plane, officially opening Paramount- ers' checks, in addition to $15 in cur i GENUINE ALWAYS "As one result 3000 bushels have pleted two runs of extraordinary suc- Artcraft week in that city. During the rency. CASTORIA fceen placed with Morrow county farm cess here in Portland. The following flight Miss Dalton flew over the Rialto Mr. Patterson Is Lawdrd. ers by Jj. A. Hunt, county agent. The plot shows the material with which the and Rivoli theaters and dropped passes Officers and members of the Red Bears Sherman growers received a premium comedy players had to work this time: to the theaters which in Cross yesterday were loud, in their of 5 to 10 cents per bushel.
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