Scholars Crossing 1986 The Fundamentalist Journal 6-1986 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 6 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 5, Number 6" (1986). 1986. 9. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_86/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1986 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. { +rf cn q) o - ao z g .EG o c) tr{ St l+ P" € u ts o-l = rF{ - -F4 o 'r{ F-\ o lJ FT +r a) ; -l {sa t+r{ A v €) +J G w.ld q) * A F-l ae (.) bo 63 .F( t-{ L{ 63 Hffird andJefrneHendricks know that closely knit familiesare n slowlyand steadily. Made to last.But thefamily is unraveling like a cheapsweater. Couples are searching for athread of hope.That's why Help ! OwrFarnily IsUnrauelinglissuch a timely tool for yourchurch. This rwo-part film seriesfrom Moody presentsstrategies to strengthenthe fabric of thefamily. And bringhope to thehurting. \fith wit andwisdom, family counselor Howard and authorJeanne sharethe scriptural principles for makingmarriages work and for communicatingwith yourchildren. These are lessons learned in theirown li room,full of humof?.td hongsty. Makesure that every couple in yourchurch has the opportunity to seeHelpl FanilyIsUrwaveLing! -uN*g fruts Contactyour localMoody films distributor. Or call toll-freefor details:LB00-BZL9L79 Mon.-Thur.l CA callLZR-698-8756, 12000East \ilashington Blvd.,\ilhittier, CA 90606 MIS,,/1 V6? rflooDvInsrtrurE oF SetEneE qfl_> A MtNtsrFty oF MooDY BIBLE tNSTlrurE The orr$Eel McGuffds Readens were different. They were Christian Nour they're oraailable again ofter 125 years. You can get the fun set here and SAVE $70 Rev.William McGuffey published his legendary Readers in the 1830s. FREE B00K Freewlth eaci set: Mclutteyand His Beaders: Piety, Moratity and Latereditions, from 1857 on, were revised without his approval, and ex- Educationin lqth Century Amerlca by John H. Wostsrhofi lll purgatedmost references to religion. They were still excellent texls, but nolonger Christian texts. or 9 finishesit, he'sreading better, and understanding more, than most highschoolers. Nowa Christianpublisher, Mott Media, has reprinted the originals. We areoffering them, with pride and admiration, for parents,godparents EclecticFourth Rerder. Quite beyond the average collegian today, yet andgrandparenh who care enough to teachat home,or atleasttohelp,withinthe reach of welltrained l0{o-12-year-olds. Dozens of authors thechildren they love. theyshould meet: Johnson, Webster, Milton, Jefferson, Schiller, Bacon, Southey,Bryant, Shakespeare, etc. The Ori$nrl McGuffeys:7 superbtexts EclecticProgrsive Spelling Book. "Progressive" because it sarts with Piclodalf,clectic Primer for YoungChildren. For kindergarten 0r ple- basicsand builds to anadvanced vocabulary worthy of a gaduatestu- kindergarten:the alphabet,simple sentences and stories,charming dent.Not only definitionsbut pronunciationsand usagein good originalengavings. sentences. EclecticPriner. More advanced.For first-sradersand brisht MarkSullivan, in his6-volume history, Ozr Times,ranks McGuffey up kindergarteners. withWashingon and Lincoln in influence.And a wonderfulinfluence it was.Do yourchildren deserve less? EclcticFint Rerderfor YoungChildrcn. For second-gaders or bright first-graders.Lots ofspelling, and the words get as hard as "would" and "stalked"and "deranged." Stadlingcall fiom eminent profesor of En$ish EclcticScond Rerder. 85 lessons,each a wellwritten story with a moral,some from Scripture or Americanhistory. Each lesson is fol- "Let'sbring back McGuffey's Reader - to College"is how Carl Bode, lowedby l) questionsdrawn fiom it (e.g.,How did Washingon receive Universityof Maryland, titled his article in lhe Chronicleof Higher Lafayette?What is theFifth Commandment? What is emulation?)and Education.Wrote Bode: "l guaranteethat regular doses of McGuffeywill by 2) spellingwords ("believed," "myrrh," "forsook"). When your brightentheir eyes and bring roses totheir cheeks . teachthem to con- childrenmaster this book, they'll be years ahead of theirpeers. centrateon the printed page...give them some of thememorable poetryand prose of our AngloAmerican inheritance. .make them bet- EcleticThird Rerder. Authors like Addison, Irving, Byron...Bible termen and women, not to mentionbetter-spoken menand women." selections...excursionsintohistory like the marvelous "Alexander the Great"- adultscan read this book with pleasure. After your child of 8 Howto get this $79.95slipcased set for Oll[Y$9.95! 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Fuirdamentalist VOL s/NC 6 c I =o c o o o o .8 o o (-)o God hosgiven specificresponsibil- ChristineWyrtzen ministersos o ities to husboMs ond fothers.In wife, mother, ond musicion,She "SometimesYou Just Hove to Cry, tolksof how reoching out to those Huh, Doddy?' o psychotheropist who hurt hos chonged her life's oddressesthose responsibilitiesond perspective. tellshow sornelimes even the simple octionsof o child con humblethe mon he lovesond respects, 43 Fomilyliving Clyde M. Norromore exploins FEATURES thot "Love ls Not All Therels to In Review Monioge."He shoresinsight ond 48 Love ls Not All odvice on how to preporefor thot t6 Therels lo Morrloge lifetimecommitment. Gllmpsesol Greotness ClydeM Nonomore 52 TheWeeping Prophet One from the Heorl HoroldL Willmington 20 Morloge: TheStole 27 Old Dewdrop,Dod, ond Me of lhe Union RolpbFilicchio AndreBustonobv NewsCommenlory Blogrophy 57 Libyo:A Portof "SomellmesYou Jusl 28 t-Czl A ScorletSinner: Ezekiel'sProphecy? HoYelo Cry, Huh,Doddy?" E.Howord Codle EdHindson JohnD Grohom BernordR DeRemer News Thunderin the Pulplt 59 DEPARTMENTS \"?'l I Americo Responds whot ThinkYe of Christ? to Terrorism E HowordCodle YouSoid lt MortinMowyer 6 Prollle 33 ChristineWyrtzen 60 Mojor Choin StoresDrop Jery Folwell Commenls AnoeloElwell Hunt PornogrophicMogozines roThe PornogrophyPlogue SupremeCourt to Decide vA'l I 1, Fundomenfollsmlodoy $$ Preoching& Posforing DoytonChristion SchoolCose '- The Need for Better Preoching-EdwordDobson Prolile 63 NewsBilefs 39 Tony Evons-AFormidoble 1A Percpeclive Solesmonfor God '- A Pleoto Fellow MichoelFluent Afler All Fundomentolists 66 ChristionColleges Decline RobertP Liohtner 41 MinislryUpdote TrumonDollor FundomentolislJournol nly Norway-"The Land of the Midnight Sun"-could of- fer such a picture-perfect settingfor what someare de- scribing as one of this century's most important gatherings of independent Baptists.In fact, many are convinced '86 that Eurofokus has the potential to change the course of worldwide evangelism as we know it today. The speakersand schedule, includ- ing the "Focus on Europe" discussion sessions,mission seminars, ladies' and M.K. meetings, have all been carefully and prayerfully selectedto produce the best possible results. And much more than that, Euro- '86 fokus has been specifically designed to provide that much needed "R & R" that our frontline "soldiers" in America, Europe and around the world so desperately need and derrve. If cruising up one of Norway's most majestic fords doesn't do the trick, there's an entire day at Kings Park, Scandinavia's largest and newest amusement park; plus the BBQ grill pafty; "tricycle rally-cross;" evening afterglows; international banquet; shopping trips; and much more. Most importantly, you can count on hean-stirring preaching, singing, fellowship and a once-in-a-lifetime op- pornrniry to have an impact on devel- oping strategy for rcaching an entire continent for Christ. All this for a price as low as $1,223.00. Dates: August 5,10, 1986 In the U.S. write:GWG Travel, 8101Whinier Blvd.,
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