SE PTEM BER 7, 2004 TheRecord 5 Collections and Exhibitions Major Architectural Exhibit Mounted at Wallach Gallery Associate By Peter Kobel Dean for n the first major retrospective said Janet Pa rk s , c o - c u r ator and passed the corporate and the reli- with John Harwo o d , a doctoral Diversity d evo ted to modernist arch i- curator of drawings and archives at gious, the cultural and the military, candidate in architectural history tect Max A b ra m ov i t z , t h e Columbia’s Avery Library. “In this architecture and urban planning. and 2004-2005 CASVA fellow at the IMiriam and Ira D. Wallach Art day of complex building programs, The exhibition, comprising more National Gallery of A r t . T h e Appointed Gallery will explore his life and his example is particularly valuable than 300 works, covers his student A b ra m o vitz arch i ve s , housed in work, which included such major and instructive.” wo rk and trave l s , m i l i t a r y and Avery Library, are the foundation By Colin Morris urban, postwar projects as Avery For mu c h of his care e r, teaching careers and professional for the exhibition. Fisher Hall at New Yo rk City’s A b ra m ovi tz was one-half of the activities. It also provides a thor- A gallery talk/tour by Harwood Lincoln Center, in an ex h i b i t i o n noted architectural firm Harrison & ough overview of his major archi- will be offered Sept. 28 at 5:30 n its ongoing efforts to further titled “The Tro u bled Search : T h e A b r a m o v i t z . Although Wa l l a c e tectural works, including the U.S. p . m . A guided walking tour of promote inclusion and diversi- Work of Max Abramovitz,” which Harrison has received much critical Steel Building (Pittsburg h ) , Abramovitz’s major New York proj- ty, the University has estab- will run from Sept. 15 through attention,“Troubled Search”will be Krannert Center and Assembly Hall ects is planned for Oct. 16. Both Ilished an Office of Multi- Dec. 11. the fi r st in-depth study of at the University of Illinois (Urbana- events are free and open to the gen- c u l t u r al A f fa i r s for Columbia “Equally skilled in design and Harrison’s partner. Champaign) as well as Columbia’s eral public. C o l l e ge and the Fu Fo u n d a t i o n e n g i n e e r i n g , A b ra m o vitz took a B o r n in Chicago in 1908, School of International and Public A catalog will accompany the School of Engineering and Applied problem-solving approach to the Abramovitz had a long, prolific and Affairs and Law buildings. exhibit. The Wallach Art Gallery is Science.The Office of Multicultural demands of postwar architecture,” va ried care e r. His wo rk encom- Pa rks co-curated the ex h i b i t located in Schermerhorn Hall. Affairs, set to open this month in 401 Lerner Hall, will enhance the rich fabric of the Columbia com- munity by supporting intercultural c o m munity pro gra m s ; p rov i d i n g d i ve r sity education and tra i n i n g ; advising undergraduate cultura l student organizations; and streng- thening culturally based mentoring programs. Corlisse Thomas, associate dean of Student Affairs and Multicultural Affairs, will head the office.Thomas has been with the University for six years,most recently serving as asso- ciate dean of Student A f fa i r s , Academic Services and Interc u l- tural Resources. “I’m looking fo r w a r d to the challenge of bringing these pro- grams and services to the commu- n i t y,” said Thomas of her new appointment. “I think it’s going to be an exciting and rewarding expe- rience to develop the office with the cooperation of the alumni, stu- d e n t s , other administra t o r s and A r chitect Max Abramovitz designed Av e r y Fisher Hall at New York City’s Lincoln Center (left) and Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Building, Hart f o r d, Conn. faculty members. It will be a com- munity-wide effort,and hopefully it I n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y Studies New Study: The Hazy Days of Summer Are Getting Hazier By Stephanie Berger ere’s yet another reason K i n n e y, associate pro fessor of “I think it’s going to be an Changes in Number of Healthy and Unhealthy Summer Days to worry about global Environmental Health Sciences at exciting and rewarding warming. A new study, Mailman and one of the principal Due to Global Warming Hconducted by research- a u t h o rs of the re p o rt . “Our research experience to develop the e r s from Columbia’s Mailman shows that global warming is likely School of Public Health and the to make this pro blem even hard e r office with the coopera- Earth Institute and other institu- to manage.” tions, projects that a dozen U.S. Smog, also known as ground- tion of the alumni, stu- cities will enjoy far fewer healthy level ozone, is formed when pollu- air days in coming summers as hot- tants from vehicles, factories and dents, other administra- ter temperatures caused by global other sources mix with sunlight tors and faculty mem- warming speed formation of smog. and heat. The new study confirms That means more people will have that more heat means more smog. bers. It will be a commu- to re s t r ict outdoor The study ana- a c t i v i t i e s , while those lyzed small, medium- nity-wide effort.” with asthma and Heightened smog sized and large cities other re s p i r a t o r y in the eastern half of —CORLISSE THOMAS t r o u b les face life - levels trigger asthma the U. S . The cities threatening results. a n a lyzed we re : A t l a n- The analysis was attacks and pose ta; Baltimore; Buffalo, A gency (EPA)—using an 8-hour p e e r - rev i ewe d scientific journ a l s will be great success. I think we p r e p a red by re s- N.Y.; Charleston,W.V.; measurement; this year. have a lot to accomplish, and we’ll earchers at Mailman health threats to Charlotte, N.C.; Chi- • A 20 percent drop in the num- Heightened smog levels trigger have a lot of collaboration going the Earth Institute, cago; Cincinnati; De- ber of summer days with “good” air asthma attacks and pose health forward.” and Johns Hopkins children and the t r o i t ; I n d i a n a p o l i s ; quality based on EPA criteria, from threats to children and the elderly “We welcome the opportunity University, in collabo- Little Rock , A r k . ; an average of 50 days per summer in particular. Increased smog can to provide this important resource ration with scientists elderly in particular. L o u i s v i l l e , Ky. ; M o n - to 40 days per summer; result in coughing, s h o r tness of to our undergraduate students,” at Yale Unive r s i t y, ro e , L a . ; N a s h v i l l e , • And a doubling of “red alert” breath, pain when breathing, lung said Chris Colombo, dean of stu- University at Albany- Te n n . ; P i t t s b u rg h ; a n d air quality days from its curre n t and eye irritation, decreased lung dent affairs. State University of New York and Portsmouth, N.H. t w o per summer to four per capacity and greater susceptibility In addition to establishing the U n i ve rsi ty of Wi s c o n s i n - M a d i s o n . According to the study, by mid- s u m m e r. to respiratory illnesses in healthy M u l t i c u l t u ral A f fa i r s Offi c e , t h e Results of the study, “Heat A d v i s o r y : century people living in these 15 The deteriorations in air quality people. For people with asthma, University will also create a new How Global Warming Causes More cities in the eastern United States examined in the report are due smog pollution can increase sensi- senior administrative position, vice Bad Air Day s ,” we r e publ i s h e d would see, on average: strictly to rising summer tempera- tivity to allerge n s . At the same p rovost for dive r s i t y. The vice recently by the Natural Resources • A 60 percent increase in tures, and do not take into account time, the elevated carbon dioxide provost will work closely with the Defense Council (NRDC). the number of days when ozone changing emissions from cars and levels responsible for global warm- schools and administrative staff to “Smog is a persistent air pollu- l e vels exceed the health-based other sourc e s .
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