Book 94 / Page 95 05-01-2012 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION - HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY May 1,2012 The Regular Meeting of the City Council and Community Development Commission - Housing Authority of the City of National City was called to order at 6:13 p.m. by Mayor/ Chairman Ron Morrison. ROLL CALL Council / Board members present: Morrison, Natividad, Rios, Sotelo-Solis, Zarate. Administrative Officials present: Cissel, Dalla, Deese, Duong, Gonzales, Manganiello, Parra, Raulston, Silva, Smith, Stevenson, Vergara, Ybarra. Others present: City Treasurer Mitch Beauchamp and Student Representatives Aileen Horta and Leemaylin Avila. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG BY MAYOR RON MORRISON PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Carolina Martinez, Environmental Health Coalition, requested a letter of support from the Council for pending legislation (AB 1990) dealing with solar power. ACTION: There was consensus that staff would compile information and consider a letter of support. No vote was taken. DISCLOSURE: Council Members Sotelo-Solis, Rios and Natividad disclosed that they met with Ms. Martinez Brian Clapper, National City, reminded everyone about the Pancake Breakfast on May 12th at the American Legion Hall to raise funds for Spirit of the Holidays. Jacqueline Reynoso, Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, requested an item be added to the agenda regarding the TUP for the Cinco de Mayo event in Kimball Park. Book 94 / Page 96 05-01-2012 OFF AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Request to add an Off-Agenda item concerning the Temporary Use Permit for the Chamber of Commerce Cinco de Mayo Event. ACTION : Motion by Sotelo-Solis, seconded by Zarate, to add the item onto the Agenda as Item No. 20a. Carried by unanimous vote. CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS COUNCIL MEETING PRESENTATIONS 2012 (102-10-7) 1. U.S. Flag Presentation. (Police) COUNCIL MEETING PRESENTATIONS 2012 (102-10-7) 2. San Diego One Site Vision Clinic Sponsors. (Council Initiated) ACTION: Mayor Morrison presented Certificates of Appreciation to Eddie Greco from Highland Mobile GasNalero Gas and D & A Jewelers for their generous sponsorship of the One Site program 2a. Stacey Stevenson, Administrative Services, clarified for the record a factually inaccurate article that appeared in the Union Tribune Newspaper that misstated the City's Reserve Fund balance. The article incorrectly stated the Reserve Fund to be $11.9 million dollars but the correct figure is $7 million. PROCLAMATIONS PROCLAMATION ADMIN (102-2-1) 3. Proclaiming May 1st through May 6th 2012 as: "YOUTH WEEK" PROCLAMATION ADMIN (102-2-1) 4. Proclaiming May 3, 2012 as: "NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER" 4a. Proclaiming May 1, 2012 as: " CHRISTINE MOORE DAY" in recognition of her receipt of the National Volunteer Service Award from President Barack Obama. CONSENT CALENDAR ADOPTION OF CONSENT CALENDAR. Item No. 5 (Minutes), Item Nos. 6 through 11 (Resolution Nos. 2012-90 through 2012-95), Item Nos. 12 through 14 (TUP), Item Nos. 15 and 16 (Warrant Registers). Motion by Zarate, seconded by Sotelo-Solis, to pull Item Nos. 13 and 14, and to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar. Carried by unanimous vote. Book 94 / Page 97 05-01-2012 CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. SUBJECT: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of National City of April 17, 1012. (City Clerk) ACTION : Approved. See above. CONTRACT (C2011-32) 6. Resolution No. 2012-90. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY ACCEPTING THE WORK FROM GREEN MECHANICAL INC. APPROVING THE FINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $463,864, APPROVING THE RELEASE OF RETENTION AND RATIFYING THE FILING OF A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE NATIONAL CITY CHILLER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, SPECIFICATION NO.11-01. (Funded by U.S. Department of Energy Grant & Civic Center Refurbishing Fund ) (Development Services/ Engineering) ACTION : Adopted. See above. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT ADMIN 2012 (903-14-6) 7. Resolution No. 2012-91. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY APPROVING AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT AND AGREEMENT WITH RESTRUCTURE PETROLEUM MARKETING OF CALIFORNIA (RPMS-CA) FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS, ONE LOCATED AT 1604 E. 4TH STREET AT THE PARKING LOT OF GRANGER MUSIC HALL AND THE ONE WELL IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ON PALM AVENUE, 315 FEET NORTH OF 4T" STREET. ( Engineering) ACTION : Adopted. See above. PARKING & TRAFFIC CONTROL ADMIN 2012 (801-2-33) 8. Resolution No. 2012-92. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AUTHORIZING THE TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF 5T" STREET & D AVENUE, 5TH STREET & C AVENUE AND 4TH STREET & D AVENUE, ONE INTERSECTION AT A TIME TO PROVIDE FOR SAFE OPERATIONS DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PUBLIC AND FOR THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, SPECIFICATION 11-07. (Funded CDBG & Gas Tax ) (Engineering) ACTION : Adopted. See above. Book 94 / Page 98 05-01-2012 CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2011 - 2012 (204-1-27) 9. Resolution No. 2012-93. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY APPROVING THE USE OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES (DIF) NOT TO EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF $125,000.00 FOR THE PURCHASE AND BUILD OUT OF FOUR (4) POLICE MOTORCYCLES. (Police) ACTION : Adopted. See above. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 2011 - 2012 (204-1-27) 10. Resolution No. 2012-94. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES IN THE AMOUNT OF $125,000 TO FUND THE RESERVE FIRE ENGINE PROTECTIVE SHELTER ($109,379.98) AND A NEW FIRE HYDRANT ON DIVISION/MANILA WAY ($15,620.02). (Funded by Development Impact Fees) (Fire) ACTION : Adopted. See above. CONTRACT (C2012-20) 11. Resolution No. 2012-95. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CITY OF NATIONAL CITY EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY THE NATIONAL CITY FIREFIGHTERS' ASSOCIATION. (Administrative Services/Human Resources) ACTION : Adopted. See above. TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 2012 (203-1-28) 12. Temporary Use Permit - Request from Granger Jr. High to use the City stage for the Granger Community Culture Fair on May 18, 2012. This is a co-sponsored event per Policy No. 804 eligible for a maximum of $1,000.00 fee waiver. (Neighborhood Services) ACTION: Approved. See above TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 2012 (203-1-28) 13. Temporary Use Permit - St. Anthony of Padua Festival at 1816 Harding Avenue on May 26 through May 27, 2012 from 12 pm to 5 pm daily with no waivers of fees. (Neighborhood Services) ACTION: Motion by Natividad, seconded by Sotelo-Solis, to approve the Temporary Use Permit with correction to be made to event time schedule. Carried by unanimous vote. Book 94 1 Page 99 05-01-2012 CONSENT CALENDAR (cont.) TEMPORARY USE PERMITS 2012 (203-1-28) 14. Temporary Use Permit - Lions Club 68th Annual Independence Day Carnival sponsored by the National City Host Lions Club at Kimball Park from June 29, 2012 through July 4, 2012. This is a City co-sponsored event per Council Policy No. 804. (Neighborhood Services) ACTION: Motion by Rios, seconded by Natividad, to approve the Temporary Use Permit with clarification of number of days. Carried by unanimous vote. WARRANT REGISTER JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 (202-1-26) 15. Warrant Register #40 for the period of 03/28/12 through 04/04/12 in the amount of $1,964,052.43. (Finance) ACTION: Ratified. See above. WARRANT REGISTER JULY 2011 - JUNE 2012 (202-1-26) 16. Warrant Register #41 for the period of 04/05/12 through 04/10/12 in the amount of $481,205.17. (Finance) ACTION: Ratified. See above. PUBLIC HEARING Council Member Rios disclosed that she had a potential conflict with one of the items to be considered during the Block Grant Public Hearing (Item #17) and Resolution 2012-96 (Item #18) and on the advice of the City Attorney, she would abstain from participating during consideration of both items. Member Rios left the Council Chambers at 6:51 p.m. BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ADMIN 2012 - 2013 (406-1-27) 17. Public Hearing No. 2 of 2 on the allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program entitlement funds appropriated for 2012/2013, accrued program income, and funds remaining from completed projects to CDBG and HOME activities recommended for inclusion in the 2012/2013 Annual Action Plan submitted to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. (Administrative Services/Housing and Grants) **Companion Item #18** RECOMMENDATION : Conduct the Public Hearing. TESTIMONY: None. ACTION: Motion by Zarate, seconded by Sotelo-Solis, to close the Public Hearing. Carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Morrison, Natividad, Sotelo-Solis Zarate. Nays: None. Absent: None. Abstain: Rios. Book 94 / Page 100 05-01-2012 NON CONSENT RESOLUTIONS BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ADMIN 2012 - 2013 (406-1-27) 18. Resolution No. 2012-96. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NATIONAL CITY AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS (HOME) PROGRAM ENTITLEMENT FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR 2012/2013, ACCRUED PROGRAM INCOME, AND FUNDS REMAINING FROM COMPLETED PROJECTS TO CDBG AND HOME ACTIVITIES RECOMMENDED FOR INCLUSION IN THE 2012/2013 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AND AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF SAID PLAN TO THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT. (Administrative Services/Housing and Grants) **Companion Item #17** RECOMMENDATION : Adopt the Resolution. TESTIMONY: None. ACTION: Motion by Zarate, seconded by Natividad, to adopt the Resolution. Carried by the following vote, to-wit: Ayes: Morrison, Natividad, Sotelo-Solis Zarate. Nays: None. Absent: None.
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