Mycorrhiza (2002) 12:75–82 DOI 10.1007/s00572-001-0153-6 ORIGINAL PAPER B. W. Young · H.B. Massicotte · L.E. Tackaberry Q.F. Baldwin · K.N. Egger Monotropa uniflora: morphological and molecular assessment of mycorrhizae retrieved from sites in the Sub-Boreal Spruce biogeoclimatic zone in central British Columbia Accepted: 16 November 2001 / Published online: 20 February 2002 © Springer-Verlag 2002 Abstract Plant species in the subfamily Monotropoideae Keywords Indian-Pipe · Monotropoid · Specificity · are achlorophyllous and have developed a complex mode PCR-RFLP · DNA sequencing of nutrition, receiving photosynthates from neighboring trees via shared fungi. To explore the mycorrhizal associ- ations of Monotropa uniflora in central British Columbia Introduction (B.C.), plants were sampled from three sites: a Betula- dominated site and two sites with a mixture of conifer Achlorophyllous angiosperms that obtain nutrients and and hardwood trees. Fifteen M. uniflora root-clusters organic carbon by penetrating the roots of other plants were sampled (five per site) and the mycorrhizal diversity through the development of haustoria are regarded as was assessed using morphological and molecular (PCR- parasites (Kamienski 1882; Furman and Trappe 1971; RFLP analysis and DNA sequencing) methods. Both Leake 1994). However, among the vascular plants, more methods showed that root-clusters (often comprising sev- than 400 species (in 87 genera) are achlorophyllous and eral hundred mycorrhizal tips) belonging to the same heterotrophic, but do not directly parasitize autotrophic plant appeared to involve fungus monocultures in the species (Leake 1994). These plants are mycoheterotro- family Russulaceae. All mycorrhizae exhibited typical phic, depending on carbon compounds obtained via Russula morphology and had mantle cystidia. Two root- fungus linkages to autotrophic host plants (Furman and clusters, one each from sites 1 and 3, lacked one of the Trappe 1971; Molina et al. 1992; Leake 1994). The two types of cystidia present on all other root-clusters. achlorophyllous mycoheterotrophic condition appears to PCR-RFLP analysis resulted in three fragment patterns have evolved independently numerous times within for the 15 root clusters. One molecular fragment pattern widely disparate taxonomic groups. Nevertheless, these included the two root-clusters displaying the single cys- plants exhibit strong convergent evolution with respect tidium type plus an additional root-cluster with both cys- to adaptations to a unique ecological niche, often com- tidia types. DNA sequencing of a portion of the ITS2 re- prising dense moist forests with a surface accumulation gion of the ribosomal DNA suggests that the three vari- of organic litter and limited light for autotrophic growth ants represent different species; two of the variants clus- (Leake 1994). Biological and anatomical attributes of tered with the hypogeous fungi Martellia and Gym- mycoheterotrophic plants, including Monotropa, have nomyces. The study provides increased evidence of low been described by Leake (1994) and Harley (1969). diversity and high specificity in the Monotropa-fungus re- Monotropa uniflora L. is classified in a subfamily of lationship and suggests that M. uniflora associates unique- the Ericaceae, the Monotropoideae, which consists of ly with fungi in the family Russulaceae in central B.C. 10 genera, comprising 12 species, all of which are achlorophyllous and mycoheterotrophic (Wallace 1975). H.B. Massicotte (✉) · L.E. Tackaberry · Q.F. Baldwin · Placement of the Monotropoideae within the Ericaceae K.N. Egger has been debated for many years (Wallace 1975); Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, however, recent molecular studies of partial 28S ribo- College of Science and Management, somal RNA gene sequences support this classification University of Northern British Columbia, 3333 University Way, (Cullings and Bruns 1992). Prince George, British Columbia, Canada V2N 4Z9 e-mail: [email protected] Monotropoid mycorrhizae resemble angiosperm ecto- Fax: +1-250-9605538 mycorrhizae by possessing a thick fungus sheath and B.W. Young a Hartig net that is restricted to the epidermal layer Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, (Duddridge 1985; Molina et al. 1992). They differ from University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada N9B 3P4 ectomycorrhizae by the development of characteristic 76 fungus pegs in the epidermal cells (Lutz and Sjolund Materials and methods 1973; Duddridge and Read 1982; Robertson and Robertson 1982). Based on this distinct morphology, these mycor- Site locations and sampling procedures rhizae have been placed in their own class of ‘monotrop- Three sites (approximately 54° 07′ N latitude and 122° 04′ longi- oid’ mycorrhizae (Duddridge and Read 1982). tude) containing numerous M. uniflora plants were located in the The non-photosynthetic achlorophyllous condition of SBS biogeoclimatic zone (Meidinger et al. 1991) in central British Monotropa has led to numerous investigations that ulti- Columbia. Two sites were in forested areas within the city limits of mately revealed the fungus associations of Monotropa Prince George: one was dominated by mature Betula papyrifera (Kamienski 1882; Trappe and Berch 1985). Elias Fries is Marsh., the other by a mixture of conifer and hardwood species. A third site, another mixed conifer/hardwood stand, was located ap- generally credited as the first to recognize the fungal na- proximately 15 km west of Prince George in a forested area in the ture of the ensheathing outer root layer (Trappe and town of Miworth. Plants were collected at weekly intervals through Berch 1985). Almost 40 years later, Kamienski (1882) the month of July and the first week of August 1997, resulting in a produced an elegant paper critically evaluating Mono- total of 15 root clusters, five from each of the three sites. Monotropa flowering stems emerged in early July and this was expected to co- tropa mycorrhizae and describing in detail the fungus incide with mycorrhiza development. Root-clusters were harvested sheath of M. hypopitys L. roots. He suggested that nutri- with the surrounding soil and stored at 5°C for up to 1 week until ents must pass via the mycelium to the host root cells examined. Potential mycorrhizal host trees were identified on each and that the mycorrhizal fungus could be attached via site and fungus sporocarps in the genus Russula were sampled on mycelial bridges to autotrophic trees. the sites at the same time that root-clusters were harvested. The identity of fungus symbionts, host specificity and habitat requirements for many of the Monotropoideae re- Mycorrhiza and sporocarp characterization main largely unknown (Leake 1994); however, some Immediately prior to mycorrhiza assessment, roots were soaked in members appear highly specific in their fungus associa- cold water to facilitate the removal of soil and organic debris. Ini- tions, including two Monotropa spp. which may be spe- tial morphological characterization of mycorrhizae was made cialists: M. hypopitys associates with suilloid fungi and using a dissecting microscope. Each large root-cluster (Figs. 1, 2) was divided into smaller sections (4–8) for ease of examination. M. uniflora associates with fungi in the Russulaceae A minimum of 10 tips per section were examined and described (Cullings et al. 1996). Fungus symbionts described in the according to the protocols of Ingleby et al. (1990), Agerer literature for M. uniflora include Boletus spp. (Riley (1987–1998), Goodman et al. (1996) and Massicotte et al. (1999). 1971), Armillaria mellea (Vahl:Fr.) Kumm. (Campbell Squash mounts and hand sections (mounted in water or 5% KOH) × 1971), the order Helotiales (Ascomycotina) (Riley and were examined to determine microscopic features (100–1000 Olympus CH-2 compound microscope). Ten turgid root tips that Eichenmuller 1970), Pezizella spp. (Riley 1971; Riley appeared to have intact meristems were harvested from each root- et al. 1977), Hymenoscyphus monotropae Kernan & cluster and frozen at –20°C for subsequent molecular analysis. Finocchio (Helotiales) (Kernan and Finocchio 1983) and Sporocarps were characterized to genus and fresh morphologi- the Russulaceae (Martin 1986; Cullings et al. 1993, cal characters recorded. Approximately 1 ml of fungus tissue was sampled from selected sporocarps and frozen at –20°C for subse- 1996). Suspected fungus associates for other species quent molecular analysis; dried sporocarp samples were kept as within the Monotropoideae include Elaphomyces spp. potential voucher specimens in case a match was found between (Reess 1885; Castellano and Trappe 1985), Boletus spp. sporocarp and root samples. (Francke 1934; Khan 1972), Tricholoma spp. (Martin 1986), Truncocolumella citrina (Zeller) Singer & Smith PCR-RFLP molecular analysis (Castellano and Trappe 1985), Rhizopogon vinicolor Smith, Cenococcum geophilum Fr., species in the DNA was extracted from mycorrhizae and sporocarps using a CTAB protocol (Baldwin and Egger 1996). PCR was used to am- Cantharellaceae, and suilloid taxa (Rhizopogon and Suillus spp.) (Cullings et al. 1993, 1996). Mycorrhizal tree hosts potentially forming linkages with M. uniflora Figs. 1–6 Monotropa uniflora roots colonized by mycorrhizal L and completing the tripartite relationship include the fol- fungi lowing genera and species: Pinus and Abies (Björkman Fig. 1 Typical Monotropa cluster of hundreds of mycorrhizal root 1960), Tsuga, Quercus and Acer (Furman 1966), Carya, tips (arrowheads) from which
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