The Catholic WITNESSWITNESS The Newspaper of the Diocese of Harrisburg May 24, 2019 Vol. 54 No. 10 OCTOBERSt. 9, 2018 Catherine of Siena Celebrates 175 VOL. 52 NO. 20 Years ‘with Endurance and Hard Work’ CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS Kya Findley presents the gifts to Bishop Ronald Gainer during Holy Mass for the 175th anniversary of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Quarryville on May 19. By Jen Reed faith this year, the 175th anniversary “This is an amazing birthday for your the Saints” church enhancement project The Catholic Witness of its presence in southern Lancaster parish. Think about 175 years and all to add statues to its interior. When the County. the faithful that have gone before you, current church was built in 1999, stat- t. Catherine of Siena Parish in Bishop Ronald Gainer celebrated an passing on the faith to each generation,” ues were not part of the plans. SQuarryville is celebrating found- anniversary Mass for the flock on Sun- Bishop Gainer addressed the congrega- Through the enhancement project, ers, saints and the handing on of the day, May 19 in their 20-year old church. tion. “St. Catherine of Siena once said, the parish added statues of the Blessed ‘Nothing great has ever been achieved Mother, St. Joseph, St. Catherine and IN THIS EDITION without endurance and hard work.’ St. John Paul II. A relic of the former That is the story of your parish – it has pope accompanies the statue; one of the Page 3: Teen reflects on endured for all these years.” parish’s 20 relics of saints. “With the addition of the statues, the donation to Annual Campaign “It is the Holy Eucharist that draws the faithful together here, for 175 years. parishioners are really enjoying the Priests’ mark Page 4: It was the hunger for Christ. At this saints. The way the statues are placed, milestone anniversaries altar is where we lift everything up to it looks like they’ve always been part of Page 6: A look at the Golden our Lord,” he said. the church,” said Father Mark Speitel, th pastor. Apple Award recipients In celebration of the 175 anniversa- ry, the parish undertook a “Bringing out More ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA, page 8 2 - The Catholic WITNESS • May 24, 2019 DIOCESAN NEWS June 2 – LARC Vespers, Good Shep- Daniel Breen to Lead Bishop Gainer’s herd Lutheran Church, Liverpool, Pa., 3 p.m. Catholic Schools in Diocese Public Calendar June 4 – Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Enthronement of the Most Rever- By Rachel Bryson, M.S. end Borys Gudziak, Ukrainian Catholic The Catholic Witness Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, May 26 – Mass and reception, St. Luke With more than 25 years of experience Mission, Mercersburg, 11 a.m. Philadelphia, 11 a.m.; Saint Patrick Fund in Catholic education, Daniel J. Breen is Dinner, Star Barn, Elizabethtown, 5 p.m. being welcomed by the Diocese of Har- May 27 – Blessing of Franciscan Center June 6 – Priest Anniversary Celebra- risburg to our Education Department. and reception, Shamokin, noon. tion, Diocesan Center, Harrisburg, 5 p.m. Breen will join the department as both June 8 – Sacrament of Confirmation for the Secretary for Education and Super- May 29 – York Catholic Capital Cam- intendent of Schools as of July 1. Breen the Mater Dei Community, St. Lawrence paign Groundbreaking, York Catholic was hired to replace Livia Riley, who is Chapel, Harrisburg, 10 a.m. High School, 10 a.m. retiring as Superintendent of Schools in June 9 – Mass for the Feast of Pente- June. June 1 – Ordinations to the Priesthood, cost, St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, “I am really looking forward to getting St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, 10 a.m. 9:30 a.m. to know our Catholic schools and our Catholic schools, implement the bishop’s staff throughout the Diocese and helping vision for Catholic education in the Dio- them achieve their mission,” Breen said. cese, and promote and advocate for Cath- “I’m looking forward to having a broad- olic education throughout the Diocese,” er perspective on Catholic education and Breen added. Stoking the Spirit’s Flame... contributing in a broader manner in this Breen has a bachelor’s degree from role. I’m very eager to support the bishop Harvard University, a master’s degree in his teaching role and I hope in some from the University of Virginia and an ...in the Hearts of our Seminarians way to contribute to the Kingdom of Education Specialist degree with a fo- Heaven through my work.” cus in Educational Administration and Breen, a native of Massachusetts who Supervision from Eastern Kentucky Uni- is currently serving as Principal of Sacred versity. He has 15 years of experience Heart Cathedral School in Knoxville, teaching Latin, Spanish and English in Tn., added there were several factors that middle and high schools, and has also led to his applying for this position. served as a boys’ basketball coach. For “It is a new day in Harrisburg. Some the past 11 years, Breen has served as an difficult days are behind us and we are academic dean for a Pre-K through 12th now ready to chart a bold new course for grade Catholic school and as principal of our schools. I am eager to be a part of a large Pre-K through 8th grade Catho- that new course,” explained Breen. “An lic school. Breen added that his areas of opportunity to work with Bishop Gainer expertise include establishing Catholic was also very appealing to me as he has identity, educational leadership, innova- shown such strong, transformational tion management, curriculum develop- leadership as a bishop. I also saw a great ment and foreign language instruction. opportunity to build on the established “I want to thank our parishes for their Catholic identity and strong academics support of Catholic education and I im- already found in our Catholic schools in plore them to do as much as they can to Harrisburg.” support us and to promote us. I know As the Secretary for Education and many of them benefited from a Catholic Superintendent of Schools, Breen will education themselves and there are so The Pentecost Collection, which supports the education of future priests in the oversee the operation of the Catholic many children who are and who will,” Diocese of Harrisburg, will be taken at all Masses the weekend of June 9th. To schools in the Diocese. Breen said. “Catholic education leads to “The primary responsibilities will be strong people, families and communi- give online, please visit www.hbgdiocese.org/giving/pentecost-collection. to ensure that we have Catholic schools ties.” that are healthy, accessible and excellent Breen, his wife Shealyn, and their sev- $15 – Discernment book $1,400 – Seminarian summer in every way, where students are safe, en children will be moving to the Har- known and loved and where we seek to risburg area in June. internship $25 – Lunch with a prospective partner with parents to help them get their The Diocese of Harrisburg has more children on a pathway to heaven,” Breen than 10,200 students enrolled in five candidate $2,000 – Psychological evaluation said. Additionally, he will work to sup- secondary schools, two Kindergarten for an applicant port the Catholic identity of our schools, through 12th grade schools, 30 elemen- $40 – One class hour and support pastors and principals with tary schools and one pre-school. To $10,000 – Summer spiritual program their school related responsibilities. learn more about Catholic education in $75 – Seminary application fee “I will also provide leadership, sup- the Diocese of Harrisburg, visit www. & Spanish immersion port, guidance and resources for our GoCatholicSchools.org. $250 – Semester book stipend $37,000 – Yearly tuition, room and $600 – Retreat before ordination board for one seminarian Correction The “Religious Sisters Celebrate Jubilees” article in the May 10 edition of The Witness included incorrect information about the anniversaries of two Sis- (717) 657-4804 | www.hbgdiocese.org | ters. Sister Mary Clare Reineberg, ASC, is celebrating 65 years, and Sister Mary Peter Chiodo, ASC, is celebrating 60 years. The Catholic Publisher: 4800 Union Deposit Road The Catholic Witness (ISSN 0008-8447, The Most Rev. Ronald W. Gainer, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710 USPS 557 120) is published biweekly except DD, JCL, Bishop of Harrisburg Phone: 717-657-4804 Christmas/New Year and July by the Harrisburg FAX: 717-657-7673 Catholic Publishing Association, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111 3710. Executive Director for Public Relations: [email protected] WITNESS Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, PA. WITNESS Rachel Bryson, M.S. The Newspaper of the Diocese of Harrisburg the newspaper of the [email protected] Yearly subscriptions derived OCTOBER 9,diocese 2018 of harrisburg, pennsylvania VOL. 52 NO. 20 from diocesan revenues from POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Managing Editor: parishes. Non-parishioners: The Catholic Witness, 4800 Union Deposit Road, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710. The mission of The Catholic Witness is to Jennifer Reed $12.00. [email protected] be of personal and practical help as we try Moving? Send us your old and to be loyal and true witnesses for Christ in Photojournalist: new addresses via mail or our daily living, spiritual and temporal, in Chris Heisey e-mail. Allow three weeks for private and in public. [email protected] delivery to resume. www.hbgdiocese.org DIOCESAN ANNUAL CAMPAIGN May 24, 2019 • The Catholic WITNESS - 3 Donors Help Advance Diocese’s Programs, Services through Annual Campaign By Jen Reed fostered his ability to give things freely for programs offered through Catholic Charities. that’s generous because $3 can be significant The Catholic Witness the sake of others. The DAC is the main funding source for for them.” “Why not give? It’s a first paycheck and these programs.
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