BAJS Bulletin 2010 Exciting times for the environment like thAt At Queen Leo Baeck Institute Mary hAs to offer. Although Contents there hAve AlwAys been scholArs with An interest in Jewish Stu- Exciting times lie AheAd for 1 News dies or related topics at Queen the Leo BAeck Institute. As mAny 4 BAJS Conference 2010 Mary, the college hAs in the pAst reAders will know, both the 8 BAJS Committee hardly been AssociAted with Wiener LibrAry And the Leo 9 Survey of Jewish Studies Jewish Studies, A stAte of Affairs Baeck Institute Are due to leAve (and relAted) courses thAt is now set to chAnge. This their long-stAnding domicile on 46 Ongoing doctorAl research chAnge is perhAps epitomized by Devonshire Street in 2011. The 49 Members’ recent the introduction of the Leo Wiener LibrAry will be moving publicAtions Baeck MA in EuropeAn Jewish to 29 Russell SquAre And co- 53 Reviews History. operating closely with Birkbeck College and its newly estab- lished PeArs Institute for the Study of Antisemitism under the directorship of DAvid FeldmAn. The British AssociAtion for If the Wiener LibrAry is relocA- Jewish Studies (BAJS) wAs foun- ting within central London, the ded in 1975 As A leArned society Leo Baeck Institute is going and professional organization slightly (though indeed only on a non-profit-making bAsis. Its slightly) further Afield. Hope- aims are to nurture, cultivate fully from the spring of 2011, and advance the teaching and the institute’s new home will be reseArch in Jewish culture And in the new humAnities building history in All its Aspects within Well known to mAny but soon Higher EducAtion in the British currently being erected As pArt to be A thing of the pAst: of the Queen Mary (University of the current site in Devonshire Street Isles. London) campus on Mile End (© C J PhotogrAphy) RoAd. Daniel WildmAnn, the Contact: institute’s deputy-director, wAs Both WildmAnn And Gross kind enough to speAk to me both now hold part-time Appoint- BAJS SecretAriAt about the exciting prospects ments in the history depArtment Lars Fischer at Queen Mary. While Gross will CJCR thAt lie AheAd for the institute and about his own research. mainly be focusing on the su- Wesley House Along with RaphAel Gross, pervision of reseArch students, Jesus LAne the director, And their colleA- WildmAnn will plAy A key role in Cambridge CB5 8BJ gues on the Board of the Leo the consolidAtion of this MA Baeck Institute, WildmAnn looks progrAmme. It will combine de- [email protected] forwArd to combining the best dicAted new courses in the field of both worlds: the indepen- of modern Jewish history and If you hAve not AlreAdy done so, dence of A dedicAted And well culture with A broAd rAnge of pleAse sign up to the BAJS estAblished speciAlist institute other relevant modules that Miri website! with the weAlth of stimulAtion Rubin, Christina von Hodenberg, and opportunities that a thriving Mark GlAncy And others hAve http://britishjewishstudies.org and multidisciplinary university already been offering to stu- BAJS Bulletin 2010· 1 News dents on other MA progrAm- gymnastic associAtions to scruti- The institute And the depart- mes, And Allow students to com- nize notions of Jewish identity ment were Able to Advertise two bine their historicAl studies in and strategies pursued by Jews studentships for the forthco- the narrower sense of the word in lAte Imperial GermAny in ming AcAdemic yeAr and Wild- with perspectives on literAture their seArch for self-affirmation. mann and Gross are optimistic and film. He hAs Also co-authored a volu- thAt the programme will come WildmAnn himself is A me on the links between the to recruit A steAdy intake of historian And film scholAr edu- Swiss chemical and pharmaceu- somewhere between five And cated in SwitzerlAnd And GermA- ticAl industry And NAzi GermAny. ten students. WildmAnn hAs also ny. Before joining the institute His current reseArch project been teAching twentieth-century as its deputy director in 2006, carries the title, The history of GermAn history to undergrAduA- he held Appointments with the visual expressions of antisemi- tes in the history depArtment At Independent Commission of tism, emotions and morality. This Queen MAry, An experience he Experts: SwitzerlAnd – Second is A project run jointly with has found both challenging And World War (Bergier Commis- Werner Konitzer of the Fritz rewArding. sion) And the Centre for the Bauer Institut in FrAnkfurt The move to Mile End will Study of Antisemitism at the TU (MAin). It is bAsed on the insight plAce the institute At the heArt of Berlin. thAt visuAl mediA plAy A central one of the most important for- role in the communicAtion of mer centres of Jewish settle- morAl stAndArds And An indivi- ment in the UK (though not, of duAl’s self imAge in generAl, and course, of GermAn-Jewish settle- HistoriAn the formulAtion of Antisemitic ment) And Allow it to benefit and film narrAtives in particulAr. Yet pic- from close cooperAtion with scholAr: tures per se do not trigger Queen MAry, both of which will LBI deputy emotions or feelings. They inter- undoubtedly be reinvigorAting. director act with the viewer’s mentAl Yet there is one potentiAl flie in Daniel predispositions And quite how the ointment. Is there not A risk WildmAnn this works, WildmAnn Argues thAt the institute’s traditionAl with evident pAssion, is A quest- and traditionally very loyal While his first book, Be- ion thAt deserves much more following will find the locAtion gehrte Körper (Desired Bodies, careful Attention thAn it hAs at Mile End rather less amenable 1998), focused on Leni Riefen- hitherto received. thAn the previous site on Devon- stAhl’s Olympia and the 1936 Given WildmAnn’s strong shire Street? Olympic GAmes, AnAlyzing how interest in visuAl mAterial in WildmAnn and Gross are the ‘AryAn’ mAle body wAs generAl And film in pArticular, it optimistic. They assume thAt presented And juxtAposed to the is little wonder thAt he is so some of the institute’s showcAse imAge of the ‘Jewish’ body, his eager to ensure thAt both literA- events will in Any cAse continue most recent monogrAph, Der ture And film feAture prominent- to take plAce in central London veränderbare Körper (The Alter- ly in the progrAmme AvAilable to but rAther more importAntly, able Body, 2009), looked at the students on the Leo BAeck MA in WildmAnn And his colleAgues ideAs And prActices of Jewish EuropeAn Jewish History. are confident thAt the rAised profile And vibrAncy resulting from the cooperAtion with Queen MAry will more thAn compensate for the convenience of the current location. Design of the new humanities building on Mile End RoAd where the Leo Baeck Institute will be locAted from 2011 (courtesy of Wilkinson Eyre Architects) BAJS Bulletin 2010 · 2 News Sixth-Form Conference students from four locAl schools nation’ by HAnnah Ewence And at the Parkes Institute (TAuntons’ College, BArton ‘Poetry And CulturAl Studies: Peveril College, St Anne’s Con- Over the Moon’ by Meike Following a proposal made vent School, and King Edward VI Reintjes. at the AGM during the MAn- School), together with their teA- chester BAJS Conference (July chers. There wAs An overwhel- 2008), BAJS member Dr Helen ming response from students Spurling (Ian Karten Outreach and teachers in favour of run- Officer in the PArkes Institute ning the sixth-form conference for the Study of Jewish/non- again next year. We also hope to Jewish Relations At the Univer- run lArger-scale events jointly sity of SouthAmpton) led A very with BAJS members At other successful one-day sixth-form institutions in the future. conference, with the overAll Aim of getting students studying Helen Spurling reports: A lively event. BAJS President SArAh History, Religious Studies, And PeArce stAnding on the right Literature to think about apply- On 12 July 2010 we held A ing for Jewish Studies or relAted sixth-form conference on ‘The It is hoped thAt the subjects At University. RelAtionship between Cultures’. enthusiAsm thAt the speakers This one-day event included showed for their subjects en- introductory talks on Jewish courAged the same interest in Studies and Jewish/non-Jewish scholArship Amongst those RelAtions from the perspective students who took pArt. The of several different disciplines students enjoyed the event. One within the HumAnities. The con- of them said, “I hAve more of an ference Aimed to rAise AwAre- interest now in Jewish History, I ness of Jewish Studies As A hadn’t thought About it before”. subject of study And to show the Another explAined thAt the benefits of An interdisciplinary event “allowed me to see the approach to Humanities sub- different Aspects from which A jects, as well as providing an topic cAn be studied And insight into the AcAdemic side of interpreted.” university life. Talks by Parkes Institute staff And doctorAl students included ‘WhAt is JudA- ism And Jewishness’ by Helen Spurling, ‘The Holocaust: A Way Helen Spurling (on the right) of Looking’ by JAime Ashworth, speAking to pArticipAnts ‘A ClAsh of Cultures? Rome And the Jewish WAr’ by Chris Fuller, The event wAs funded by the ‘Studying Jewish/non-Jewish UK Student Recruitment And RelAtions: Some exAmples of OutreAch Office And the PArkes Jewish Life in BritAin As seen on Students in animated debAte Institute, both of the University TV’ by JAmes JordAn, ‘SensAtio- of Southampton. Overall, the nalising Difference: DrAculA, event AttrActed 25 sixth-form Alien Jews And the British ImAgi- Further research modern criticAl editions, with significance of these works will grant for Sacha Stern’s text, translAtion, And commen- be Assessed in relAtion to tary, of three eArly 12th-century medievAl Hebrew literAture, Calendar project Hebrew works on the Jewish medievAl science And Astrono- calendAr: the Sifrei ha-‘Ibbur of my, And other medievAl works Sacha Stern (UCL) is heA- R.
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