Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1963 Daily Egyptian 1963 11-7-1963 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1963 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1963 Volume 45, Issue 33 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 07, 1963." (Nov 1963). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1963 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1963 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. APNew. Harl Could Roundup DAILY EGYPTIAN SelReoord PageS Page 7 SOUTHERN ILLINOIS U N·I V E R SIT Y Volume 45 Carbondale, III. Thursday, November 7, 1963 Numbe,33 Newsman To Talk On Soviet Society N.Y. Times Bureau Chief Faculty *Sessions * On Master Plan To Speak At Convocation Seymour Topping, head of among Soviet artists and Are Rescheduled the Moscow Bureau of The writers were eye-openers to New York Times. will pre­ Western reader. General faculty meeting sent both the 10 a.m. and His nose for news is sessions at which SIU mem­ 1 p.m. convocation program legendary among his col­ bers of the Master Plan Com­ today. leagues. mittees of the illinois State He will speak on U Peace­ His vast acquaintance and Board of Higher Education ful Coexistence and the Soviet intrepid reporting have made will give preliminary repons Society!' the Topping by-line synony­ to CarbondaIe faculty mem­ For the· last four years, mous wim authoritative and bers have been rescheduled the by-line "By Seymour Top­ responsible reporting and because of commitments of pingu has kept us informed analyses.. certain committee members. about the latest developments Topping's background and The new schedule calls for in the Iron Curtain countries-­ experience prepared him for meetings at 4 p.m. on Friday not only as [0 what was the one of the most difficult news­ and on Nov. 13 at the Car­ news on the surface, but With paper posts in the world. bondale Campus~ Meetings a sound analysiS of the sign if­ He joined the International have btoen set at 4 p.m. Nov. icance--or lack of it--of such News Service in 1946 after his 14 at Alton and at 4 p.m. news events. stint in World War II in which Nov. 26 at East St. Louis. His was the first word to he served as an infantry of­ The complete schedule come to the United States ficer in the army in the PaCific. follows, about Russia's first manned receiving his discharge in Carbondale--Friday in the space flighti the widening Sino­ Manila. He remained in the University Center Ballroom Soviet rifti the Satellite coun­ Far East for INS, spending for Committees BI' G. I and tries' reaction to (he Berlin some time in Peking where J; Nov. 13. same location. Wall; the Cuban CrisiS. His he had gone to study the for Committees A, C, D and reports on the great internal Chinese language. H. struggle for liberalization He got into the thick of Edwardsville -- Nov. 14 in battle with his on-the-spot the auditorium at Alton for Judy Lloyd, Head cove·rage of the Nationalist Committees B, G. I and J; NO PARKING PROBLEM - Here'. one spot an <ampu. where a and Communist civil war. dar­ Nov. 26 in the auditorium UNo Parking" sign is sure to be obeyed. The sign is planted in Of Sigma Kappa, ing to :nake his way to the at East St. Louis for Com­ the Lake-on-the-Campus neor Greek Row, where Campus Communist capital of Venan mittees A, C, 0 and H. Drive branches off to connect with Oakland. Officials said the Is Student Of Week where he c..nningly and dip­ Coffee will be served at sign was transplanted from another spot. (Photo by Bob Gruen) lomatically arranged to inter­ 3:30 p.m. at each session Judy Lloyd, a speech major, view the Communist leaders except the Nov.. 26 meeting has been selected as SIU's in their cave dwellings. at East St. Louis. Adult Education Must Be Part student of the week. He lived with the Com-· Faculty members have re­ Sbe is president of Sigma munist trOOPS after he crossed ceived copies of the prelim­ Of Total Program, Page Says Kappa sorority and has an the lines in Central China. inary summaries of the Mas­ overall grade average of 4.2. thus enabling him to get com­ ter Plan Committees. Adult education must be future, he explained. Miss Lloyd, whose home is plete up-to-the-minute news recognized as a part of the in Chicago. has panicipatedin as it was happening. and was Ie Adult education is a means Parents To Watch total education program if ~t a number of activities during the first correspondent to is to meet its demands, State of improving the quality oithe her career at SIU. She was meet the Chinese Communist individual and a means of im­ Student Life Show Superintendent of Public In­ the representative of the troops. as th~y entered struction Ray Page said proving society." he added. freshmen women on the Nanking. "'Studt!nt Life, Southern Freshman Board in 1960-61, Style" will be the theme of a Wednesday_ He called for improving the In 1952 he was transferred and activities cochairman of to London where he covered 2 p.m. stage show Saturday, Page made the keynote ad­ image of adult education. Too Zeta Phi Eta in 1962-63. the international diplomatiC pa!'! of the Parents' Day ac­ dress at the first annual South­ many look ulxm it only as a recreation program or as Prior to her election as conferences and the British tivities at SIU. ern Region Adult Education president of Sigma Kappa, she Association and the Division language courses for the Foreign Office. The program will include was treasurer. and corre­ He later took charge of of Technical and Adult Edu­ foreign-born, he said. It must a film on the University. a sponding secretary. the Associated Press office student fashion show and en­ cation of SIU. be a part of the school sys­ tem's total education pro­ Other highlights of her in Serlin. reporting on the tertainment by The Kinsmen. activities include codirector developments of the Berlin a musical trio of Southern Welcoming remarks were gram. Educators should not by President Delyte W. Morris of the "Legend of Southern crisis and covering East ~ students. merely be on the outside look­ and Glenn E. Wills, supervisor ing in, he said. Illinois" prodUction, the pres­ Berlin. Other events in the weekend of adult education at SIU and idency of Cap and Tassel this Topping joined The New devoted to honoring parents president of the association. Illinois is facing the chal­ year, Sphinx Club. and mem­ York Times in 1959 and the of SIU students will include lenge of retraining and re­ bership on the steering com­ following year he was assigned For some adults, education a coffee reception with fac­ educating the unemployed and mi ttees of both New Student to Moscow as chief cor­ ulty members. tours of the is learning reading. writing educating the illiterate, Page Week and Homecoming this and arithmetic. or perhaps respondent. campus. a dance, and a buf­ said. With Illinois being tbe fall. He was born in New York the completion of an elemen­ fet-style banquet. first state to require adult She hopes to be a guide and graduated from the School tary or secondary education. The e'Parents of the Day:' education or vocational train­ at Disneyland next summer of Journahsm. University of named by a drawing, will oc­ Page said. ing for public aid recipients and her future plans include Missouri, in 1946. From Mis­ cupy seats of honor for the For others it is learning to enhance their opportunities graduate work at either the souri to Moscow via Manila Saluki - Nonh Dakota State new skills and developing for sell-support, the eyes of University of Iowa. or UCLA. and Manshria, the by-line is football game that evening at skills already acquired. For the nation are focused on the She eventually bopes to teach tops by TOPPING. 8 p.m. in McAndrew Stadium.. all it is education for the progran" he said. on the university level. Clearance .Received For 4 To loin Viet Nam Team The apparent stat ;1ization Harold De Wet.'s,~. who has working with educational TV mentary education and voca­ following the Viet N", revolt been assistant principal a[ at SIU. and two other team tional training groups. The has been felt in "'1 SIU University High School, had members, Irwin Suloway of elementary group is assisting program. been scheduled to depart last Chicago Teachers College and in the training of teachers and Clearance has been re­ Sunday. However. the revolt Arthur Greer of New York the vocational instructors are ceived to send four additional resulted in a delay in his University at Oswego. preparing natives to become members of the S]U educa­ departure but clearance has They will leave within the technicians in small in­ tional team to Viet Nam, now been received to send the next week and should be in dustries and training others according to W iltis Malone, balance of the representatives Saigon before the end of Nov­ to become vocational instruc­ assistant director of interna­ to Viet Nam. Malone said. ember, Malone said.. tion teachers. This will result in a total tional programs. Four additional staff mem­ Anderson said no direct re­ All team members were of 15 families in the program ports have been received from bers in the Viet Nam projeC[ in Viet Nam, he added.
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