Distribution of areole areas Distribution of areole eccentricities Disentangling ecological and phylogenetic signals y y t t i i in leaf venation patterns Aextoxicon punctatum s s n n ( Aextoxicaceae ) e e NCLC #: 2932 , Phot. #: 10 D D Walton Green <[email protected]> L. J. Hickey <[email protected]> Stefan A. Little <[email protected]> 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Charles Price <[email protected]> y N = 979 Bandwidth = 272.4 y N = 979 Bandwidth = 0.03204 Abstract: The veins in vascular plant leaves distribute water and nutrients, transport photosynthate, and provide Joshua Weitz <[email protected]> t t i i structural support and reinforcement of photosynthetic tissue, under the constraints of existing developmental pathways, Aextoxicon punctatum s s Scott L. Wing <[email protected]> n n and phylogenetic history. Leaves are one of the most commonly fossilized plant organs, and they often preserve vein ( Aextoxicaceae ) e e networks in detail. Venation patterns are therefore potentially useful for taxonomic identification of fossils, for NCLC #: 2932 , Phot. #: 11 D D examination of evolutionary change through time, and for reconstruction of ancient environments. In the past, however, it has proved difficult to measure the venation even of modern leaves completely, or to characterize the relationships between specific aspects of a vein network and their associated functions or phylogenetic significance. Most earlier work, therefore, has either been qualitative or focussed on single characters. We automated the following measurements of each areole y y t t i i Sagittaria sp. Using photographs of modern cleared leaves and image analysis software, we have succeeded in measuring a number on photographs of cleared leaves of 120 species. s s ( Alismataceae ) n n of attributes of the vein network of more than 100 leaves, representing most major angiosperm groups and a few ferns. e e The measurements are repeatable and correspond to intuitive and descriptive notions of vein organization, like areole NCLC #: 797 , Phot. #: 14 D D size and shape. We have observed significant relationships between venation attributes and ecological variables like growth form. Attributes of venation are also not randomly distributed phylogenetically. This supports the contention that leaf venation patterns encode ecological and historical signals, and gives promise that multivariate quantitative data will See also: Unsatisfactory Images help disentangle them. Leaf rank in angiosperms: y y Sagittaria sp. t t phylogenetic and ecological i i s s ( Alismataceae ) n n variation in leaf vein organization. e e NCLC #: 797 , Phot. #: 15 Little, Stefan A., Green, W. , D D Hickey, L. J., Wilf, P. Session: 67 Systematics Section Location: Wasatch B/Cliff Lodge - Level C Date: Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 Time: 2:45 PM y y Periomphale gaultherioides t t Number: 67008 i i ( Alseuosmiaceae ) s s Abstract ID:880 n n e e NCLC #: 8418 , Phot. #: 16 Area D D The allometry of leaf Convex Area Eccentricity vascular networks. Solidity Price, Charles, Green, W., Wing, S. L., Weitz, J. Perimeter Equivalent diameter Periomphale gaultherioides y y Session: 62 Evolutionary Developmental t t Major and minor axes of best fit ellipse ( Alseuosmiaceae ) i i Biology (Evo-Devo) s s Mean distance to a vein NCLC #: 8418 , Phot. #: 17 n n Location: Cottonwood A/Snowbird Center e e D D Date: Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 Time: 10:30 AM Number: 62002 Abstract ID:329 1 Satisfactory Images 2 Examples of some different images... 3 ...with their associated areole measurements. 4 black = mode; red = median; blue = mean black = mode; red = median; blue = mean black = mode; red = median; blue = mean Pittosporum glabratum Gastonia floribunda Anacardiaceae Viburnum pauciflorum Baccharis pedunculata Archibaccharis subsessilis 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 Philactis zinnioides Periomphale gaultherioides Ilex dipyrena Lundia spruceana Louteridium mexicanum 0 Fraxinus chinensis 1 Goetzea elegans Cordia dichotoma Hoya camphorifolia 9 Rauvolfia balansae Motandra guineensis Alstonia congensis logArea.MODE Emmotum acuminatum 8 Gomphandra quadrifida Arctostaphylos nevadensis Pyrola acerifolia Moneses uniflora 7 Clethra mexicana Actinidia latifolia Mastixia caudatifolia 6 Iresine interrupta Achatocarpus mexicanus 5 . Tetrocera akara 7 Schoepfia jasminodora Vatica mindanensis Parashorea plicata Bixa excelsa 5 Bombax aquaticum . Acer argutum 6 Rhus succedanea Nothopegia castaneaefolia Metopium brownei logPerim.MODE Heeria argentea 5 Cotinus americanus . Comocladia acuminata 5 Buchanania sessilifolia Astronium fraxinifolium Anacardium pumilum 5 Bursera gummifera . Jarilla heterophylla 4 Akania hillii Salix floridana Salix humilis Rinorea lanceolata Caraipa punctulata Caryocara barbinerve Ochna wallichii Gomphia angustifolia 0 Brackenridgea nitida 9 . Brunellia conocladifolia 0 Cunonia macrophylla Taxon sampling of 77 (in red) of 481 families in Cheiloclinium gleasonianum Eccentricity.MODE Campylostemon angolense Alnus glabrata Carya ovata Haston et al. (2007) Taxon 56(1):7–12. Quercus arizonica 0 8 Amelanchier asiatica . Coussapoa villosa 0 Artocarpus kemando Celtis formosana Uraria clarksei Boxplots by habit Calliandra canescens 5 9 Kibessia acuminatissima . for 120 angiosperm species Axinaea macrophylla 0 Stachyurus praecox Austrobaileya scandens Vitis balanseana Ribes lacustre 5 Clematis pitcheri Itea nutans 8 Smilax acutifolia . Cercidiphyllum japonicum 0 Miliusa longipes 0 Aextoxicon punctatum 1 Styloceras laurifolium Solidity.MODE Periomphale gaultherioides Trochodendron aralioides Platanus occidentalis 5 7 Meliosma obtusifolia . Styloceras laurifolium Clematis pitcheri 0 Platytinospora buchholzii Hypserpa neo-caledonica Euptelea francheti 5 6 . 9 Phragmites communis ) 0 a Amborella trichopoda Smilax acutifolia e Dioscorea floribunda r Philactis zinnioides a Sagittaria sp. Montrichardia arborescens e l Beilschmiedia alata 9 o e Apollonias canariensis r Sassafras albidum a 8 l Calycanthus occidentalis a 8 Piptostigma preussii d Oxandra lanceolata 7 o Dioscorea floribunda Miliusa longipes m ( Melodorum latifolium Goetzea elegans MeanDistance.MODE 6 g Archibaccharis subsessilis Ephedranthus guianensis o Ribes lacustre l Sagittaria sp. Duguetia quitarensis Disepalum longipes 5 Cymbopetalum costaricensis Bocageopsis multiflora 4 7 Bocagea laurifolia Emmotum acuminatum Asteranthe asterias Artabotrys rufus 3 Artabotrys thomsonii Anaxagorea prinoides Annona muricata Afroguatteria bequaertii Michelia figo 6 7 8 9 10 0.80 0.90 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Parashorea plicata Magnolia grandiflora 6 Aristolochia taliscana Uraria clarksei Drimys lanceolata Canella winteriana Afrolicania elaeosperma Chloranthus glabra Unknown/Indet. Herbaceaous Woody Austrobaileya scandens Nuphar microphyllum Amborella trichopoda The within-family spread is a significant fraction of the overall Woodwardia japonica Onoclea sensibilis spread for all variables measured. There do not seem to be The seven herbaceous species we were able to sample do not obvious phylogenetic patterns evident above the level have areoles significantly larger than woody species. 500 2000 5000 20000 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 of family. 5 Areole area in pixels 6 Areole eccentricity Areole solidity 7 8 y y y y t t t t i i i i s s s s Akania hillii Sagittaria sp. Periomphale gaultherioides Amborella trichopoda Iresine interrupta n n n n ( Akaniaceae ) e ( Alismataceae ) e ( Alseuosmiaceae )e ( Amborellaceae ) e ( Amaranthaceae ) Comparison of areole size with leaf rank D D D D red woody; black herbaceaous NCLC #: 8308 , Phot. #: 13 NCLC #: 797 , Phot. #: 15 NCLC #: 8418 , Phot. #: 17 NCLC #: 7864 , Phot. #: 19 NCLC #: 14981B , Phot. #: 21 r2= 0.237 , slope= -1.23 , intercept= 20.42 , p = 0.000180 , n= 49 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 Carya 0 y y y y Quercus t t t t i i i i 1 s s s s Anacardium pumilum Astronium fraxinifolium Buchanania sessilifolia Cotinus americanus Metopium brownei 0 Artocarpus Platanus n n n n r ( Anacardaceae ) e ( Anacardaceae ) e ( Anacardaceae ) e ( Anacardaceae ) e ( Anacardaceae ) 9 4 D D D D Ochna NCLC #: 4201 , Phot. #: 23 NCLC #: 4203 , Phot. #: 25 NCLC #: 12856 , Phot. #: 27 NCLC #: 4305 , Phot. #: 31 NCLC #: 4221 , Phot. #: 35 logArea.MODE a 8 Vatica MeliosmAaextoxicon i Akania l l e Leaf ranks provide a n u r 7 B Aristolochia Celtis Acer Viburnum subjective, semi- Clethra Axinaea y y y y t t t t 6 Anac ardium i i i i s s s s Nothopegia castaneaefolia Rhus succedanea Afroguatteria bequaertii Anaxagorea prinoides Annona muricata s Alnus Itea n n n n Ch o e e e e eilo l 5 cliniu ( Anacardaceae ) ( Anacardaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) y . quantitative method m Rauvolfia Gomphandra Bombax Afrolicania D D D D h 7 a p i Rinorea NCLC #: 15466a , Phot. #: 37 NCLC #: 12947 , Phot. #: 39 NCLC #: 4469 , Phot. #: 41 NCLC #: 9500 , Phot. #: 43 NCLC #: 19 , Phot. #: 45 Vitis a x t i t s s Rhus o Fraxinus t Metopium a of sampling more c r M 5 0 . Buchanania A r 6 3 logPerim.MODE genera than we have Cordia Cunonia Salix Ilex k y y y y 5 Amelanchier t t t t . n Bursera i i i i Annonaceae Pittosporum 5 s s s s Artabotrys rufus Artabotrys thomsonii Asteranthe asterias Bocagea laurifolia Bocageopsis multiflora a n n n n yet been able to r e e e e Schoepfia Baccharis Iresine ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 f D D D D Ribes NCLC #: 5460 , Phot. #: 47 NCLC #: 5462 , Phot. #: 49 NCLC #: 3452 , Phot. #: 51 NCLC #: 4470 , Phot. #: 53 NCLC #: 2443 , Phot. #: 55 a 5 . e 4 measure explicitly. Styloceras L 0 Hickey, L. J. 1977. Stratigraphy and Paleobotany of the Magnolia 1 9 y y y y t t t t i i i i 0 Golden Valley Formation (Early Tertiary) of Western North s s s s 0 Cymbopetalum costaricensis Duguetia quitarensis Ephedranthus guianensis Melodorum latifolium Miliusa longipes 9 logArea.MODE 8 Cymbopetalum n n n n . r e e e e 0 ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) ( Annonaceae ) 2 Eccentricity.MODE D D D D Dakota Memoirs Achatocarpus NCLC #: 2446 , Phot.
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