For KPay Step 1: Bill type Utility Step 2: Company Type KPay For HABALL Step 1: Bill type Utility Step 2: Company Type HABALL For PayPro Step 1: Bill type Prepaid Step 2: Company Type PayPro Indirect Billers through Aggregators Clubs/Housing Schemes Biller Name Aggregator Code Dream Gardens Maintenance KPAY 0034 Gawadar Gymkhana PayPro 0054 Karachi Club KPAY 0052 Ocean Marina Gawadar KPAY 0310 Pak Land Housing Pvt Ltd PayPro 0107 Vision Gawadar PayPro 0055 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Charity/Donations Biller Name Aggregator Code AMTF Donation PayPro 0165 AMTF Zakat PayPro 0164 Dar-ul-Sukun Welfare Society PayPro 0046 Hands Donation PayPro 0150 Hands Zakat PayPro 0151 Hands Zakat PayPro 0152 Islamic Relief Pakistan KPAY 4771 M. Hashim Memorial Trust PayPro 0106 Pakistan Children Health Foundation (Donation) PayPro 0146 Pakistan Children Health Foundation (Hospital Construction) PayPro 0145 Pakistan Children Health Foundation (Zakat) PayPro 0147 Saylani Welfare International Trust KPAY 23000 Special Child Care Welfare Trust PayPro 0159 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Education Biller Name Aggregator Code AEO Pakistan Education PayPro 0131 AEO Pakistan Islamabad PayPro 0127 AEO Pakistan KPK PayPro 0130 AEO Pakistan Punjab PayPro 0128 AEO Pakistan Sindh PayPro 0129 Ahmed Bawany School PayPro 0030 Aisha Bawany Academy PayPro 0175 AL Huda School KPAY 0208 Apples Grooming School PayPro 0048 Bay View Academy Pvt Ltd. PayPro 0171 Bay View High School PayPro 0180 Bay View Junior School PayPro 0181 Beacon Light Academy KPAY 00160 BeingTester PayPro 0009 Brainiac Studio KPAY 0043 BVA Private Limited PayPro 0169 BVA Pvt. Limited PayPro 0170 City High School PayPro 0116 Civilizations Public School KPAY 00001 Clifton Computer Education PayPro 0141 Comtech Computer Education PayPro 0140 DHA Quetta - TCS KPAY 0040 DHA Sua University PayPro 0126 Foundation Public School KPAY 3770 Foundation Public School - HYD KPAY 3774 Froebel Education Centre Pvt. Ltd. PayPro 0161 Froebel Nursery & Kindergarten PayPro 0160 Froebels International School PayPro 0029 Galxyz Pakistan (SMC) Pvt. Limited PayPro 0013 Genesis Combined School PayPro 0114 Ghazali Model KPAY 0503 Green Land Public School PayPro 0032 Habib Girls School PayPro 0179 Habib Public School PayPro 0178 Head Start (Pvt) Ltd KPAY 4770 Herald Citi School PayPro 0047 HighBrow School and College PayPro 0168 Hira Foundation PayPro 0036 Indus University PayPro 0172 Institute of Management and Health Sciences KPAY 7467 Int'l Islamic University ISB Schools (Latifabad Campus) PayPro 0008 International Montessori Center (Johar) PayPro 0156 Iqra Huaz Grammar School PayPro 0011 Ivy Education Pvt Ltd PayPro 0038 Jinnah Public School KPAY 0506 Karachi School of Arts PayPro 0110 Lahore Garrison University - Fee PayPro 0021 Lahore Garrison University - Hostel PayPro 0023 Lahore Garrison University - Transport PayPro 0022 Leadership School Iqbal Avenue KPAY 0205 Leadership School Shams Campus KPAY 0206 Learners Nest Schools KPAY 0201 LUMHS KPAY 5864 Message Foundation - Message Grammar School PayPro 0173 Muhammad Public School PayPro 0007 National College of Business Administration and Economics PayPro 0057 Nazeer Hussain University PayPro 0014 Nearpeer Private Limited PayPro 0077 Nino Academy PayPro 0017 PACC - School and Center PayPro 0053 Peace International School PayPro 0012 Pehla Qadam Model School KPAY 0501 Professional Partnerz PayPro 0006 Roots Millenium Schools Private Limited PayPro 0157 School of International Studies in Science & Arts (SISA) PayPro 0005 Shamsi Educational Foundation PayPro 0177 Shamsi Society Model School PayPro 0176 Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology PayPro 0004 SKANS School of Accountancy PayPro 0010 Smart Education Services PayPro 0028 St Anthony High School PayPro 0016 The American Foundation School PayPro 0138 The Educational Torch Bearers Pvt. Ltd. KPAY 00280 The Educators KPAY 0504 The Educators Campus A PayPro 0166 The Educators Phalia KPAY 0505 The Educators Sabzazar Campus PayPro 0167 The Future Professionals PayPro 0024 The Motivators KPAY 0502 The patriots School PayPro 0002 The Vision School PayPro 0069 The Zeal School PayPro 0037 United Educational Services KPAY 7301 University of Central Punjab PayPro 0059 Usman Public School PayPro 0163 Veritas Education Services (Pvt) Ltd. PayPro 0144 Veritas Learning Circle - Humanitas Education System KPAY 0401 Wahaj Hussain School System - WHSS KPAY 0203 Wahaj Hussain School System Junior - WHSS KPAY 0204 Whales College KPAY 0202 White House Grammar School PayPro 0003 Z International School KPAY 00270 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Financial Services Biller Name Aggregator Code Alfalah GHP Active Allocation Plan KPAY 2418 Alfalah GHP Capital Preservation Fund II KPAY 2425 Alfalah GHP Cash Fund KPAY 2414 Alfalah GHP Conservative Allocation Plan KPAY 2416 Alfalah GHP IML Alpha Fund KPAY 2412 Alfalah GHP IML Income Multiplier Fund KPAY 2409 Alfalah GHP IML Value Fund KPAY 2408 Alfalah GHP Income Fund KPAY 2401 Alfalah GHP Investment Management Limited KPAY 24465 Alfalah GHP Islamic Active Allocation Plan II KPAY 2421 Alfalah GHP Islamic Active Allocation Plan III KPAY 2422 Alfalah GHP Islamic Balanced Allocation Plan KPAY 2419 Alfalah GHP Islamic Capital Preservation Plan - 4 KPAY 2426 Alfalah GHP Islamic Dedicated Equity Fund KPAY 2423 Alfalah GHP Islamic Income Fund KPAY 2403 Alfalah GHP Islamic Moderate Allocation Plan KPAY 2420 Alfalah GHP Islamic Stock Fund KPAY 2410 Alfalah GHP Islamic Value Fund KPAY 2424 Alfalah GHP Moderate Allocation Plan KPAY 2417 Alfalah GHP Money Market Fund KPAY 2404 Alfalah GHP Sovereign Fund KPAY 2407 Alfalah GHP Stock Fund KPAY 2402 Al-Meezan Investment Management Limited KPAY 00130 MCB Arif Habib KPAY 62224 MCBAH PayPro 0076 NBP Fund Management Limited KPAY 6273 UBL Insurers KPAY 8254 Usman Institute of Technology KPAY 9848 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Food & Beverage Biller Name Aggregator Code Bamboo Union PayPro 0153 Daily Dubai PayPro 0066 Deliciosa PayPro 0091 Food Station PayPro 0087 Golden Apple PayPro 0062 Grab your Meal PayPro 0139 Healthy Bites PayPro 0089 Hot N Grill More PayPro 0086 Hungsters PayPro 0096 Jazba Food Services Pvt. Ltd. (Sachas Cake) PayPro 0068 Kekou PayPro 0074 Lamosh PayPro 0090 M/S Mom's Pizza PayPro 0072 Mandi Al Khaleej PayPro 0075 MonArsh PayPro 0095 Noora Enterprises (24 Wall Street Pizza) PayPro 0142 Pizza M21 PayPro 0148 Pizza Own PayPro 0092 Rochester Cafe & Grill PayPro 0088 Salman Enterprises (Italiano Pizza) PayPro 0063 Sultan - The Royal Eatery PayPro 0071 Tavern Grill PayPro 0085 The Burning Girae PayPro 0134 The White Biryani PayPro 0117 Zareen Foods PayPro 0135 Zizzi Pizzeria PayPro 0084 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Health Biller Name Aggregator Code Find My Doctor Private Limited PayPro 0078 Health and Nutrition Development Society PayPro 0149 Memon Medical Institute Hospital PayPro 0174 Mishanz Pvt Ltd (Imam Clinic) PayPro 0162 Orthopedic & Medical Institute Pvt. Ltd PayPro 0065 Tabba Kidney Institute PayPro 0070 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Insurance Companies Biller Name Aggregator Code SPI Insurance Company Limited PayPro 0020 The United Insurance Company of Pakistan PayPro 0019 TPL Insurance PayPro 0026 TPL Life Insurance KPAY 8755 TPL Trakker PayPro 0027 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Online Merchants Biller Name Aggregator Code Cubby.PK PayPro 0099 E - Khata (Quantum Bridge) PayPro 0082 Edukaan.buzz PayPro 0115 GoSpark Pvt Ltd PayPro 0102 HILO.PK PayPro 0093 Home Shopping PayPro 0041 Home Shopping KPAY 10028 Just4Girls.pk KPAY 10010 Laptab PayPro 0132 M/S Flagship Pvt Ltd. (Happening PK) PayPro 0073 Optus Solutions PayPro 0104 PayPaysa KPAY 0044 PriceOye Private Limited PayPro 0158 SehgalMotors.pk PayPro 0123 ShopHive.com PayPro 0067 SmartGhar.pk PayPro 0051 Telemart KPAY 70004 Tik Tech PayPro 0109 Tool Bazaar pk PayPro 0042 TRAX Online Private Limited PayPro 0083 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Others Biller Name Aggregator Code Al-Hamra PayPro 0097 Apothecare Private Limited PayPro 0155 Askari Event Management PayPro 0121 Colabs Private Limited PayPro 0122 Continental Biscuits Limited HABALL 0003 Fatima Fertilizer Company Limited HABALL 5555 Fauji Foundation KPAY 2501 Ferozsons Pvt Ltd PayPro 0108 Fortune Securities Limited KPAY 0301 GoSpark Pvt Ltd PayPro 0102 Multine Pakistan / C-Rays KPAY 6775 Muneer Farooq (Grill'et) PayPro 0064 National Foods Limited HABALL 0005 One 2 One KPAY 00290 Piepie Pvt Ltd PayPro 0125 Premier Agencies HABALL 0004 Tasdeeq SMC Private Limited PayPro 0103 TCS Private Limited KPAY 71010 TCS Sentiments KPAY 8277 Tecpur KPAY 0045 Unilever Foods Limited HABALL 0002 Unilever Pakistan Limited HABALL 0001 UrbanUpSurge PayPro 0052 Zia Saeed & Co. (Relaxsit) PayPro 0119 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Retail Biller Name Aggregator Code Bandana PayPro 0081 Convenience Store Pvt. Ltd PayPro 0061 Guriya Ansar PayPro 0080 Izmir Beauty PayPro 0043 Ottoman Jewels Pvt Ltd PayPro 0098 Rayyan Naseem Enterprises (Pak Grocery) PayPro 0031 Sultan and Sons KPAY 0041 The Brand Store PayPro 0035 The Home Maker PayPro 0136 Toy Zone PayPro 0143 Xcessories Hub PayPro 0133 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Technology/Internet Companies Biller Name Aggregator Code 24 Rage Host KPAY 0039 5iCreations PayPro 0094 All my Tech PayPro 0105 Biktahai (SheenSol Technologies) PayPro 0154 Blue East Pvt. Ltd PayPro 0049 Boundless Technologies KPAY 00019 Connect Communications KPAY 0050 Connect Communications / C-Rays KPAY 0060 Fiberlink Pvt. Ltd. KPAY 00300 Lahore New Media Labs SMC (Pvt) Ltd. PayPro 0058 MSN Gamer PayPro 0124 Nexlinx Networks PayPro 0056 Optix Pakistan Private Limited KPAY 6784 Tajmac IT Solutions Pvt Ltd PayPro 0101 Tajmac IT Solutions Pvt Ltd PayPro 0101 Trans World Enterprise Services KPAY 8370 Ventura Associates KPAY 1005 Wemsol - Keenu KPAY 5336 WorldCall Telecom Ltd PayPro 0025 Indirect Billers through Aggregators Travel/Ticketing & Leisure Biller Name Aggregator Code Amigos Travels PayPro 0050 Bookme Tickets Pvt. Ltd. PayPro 0015 Cosmos Travels KPAY 0033 Daewoo Pakistan Express Bus Service Ltd PayPro 0034 Deluxe Holidays KPAY 00020 Find My Adventure Private Limited PayPro 0079 My Water Private Limited KPAY 9283.
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