GIFT PLANNING OPPORTUNITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO | FALL 2015 Hard work and a little luck PHOTOGRAPHY BY LISA GODFREY LISA BY PHOTOGRAPHY MAKE YOUR MARK | PLAN A GIFT LEAVE A LEGACY Paying it forward After “a little luck” helped her get into graduate school, Julie Noolan helps future students. found her “soul mate.” Carroll, who did two years of doctoral work at UChicago in the ’40s, had always revered the Univer- sity, thanks to his father, a professor at the University of Vermont. “Dan always thought Chicago was the best university in the world,” Noolan says. “I always jokingly said he fell in love with me knowing nothing else about me except that I had a PhD from the Univer- sity of Chicago.” Noolan added an MBA through the ex- ecutive program at what is now the Uni- versity of Chicago Booth School of Busi- ness, and a few years later she and Carroll formed their own consulting company. Noolan credits her UChicago training for her strength as a consultant. “I did my homework and was always thorough in collecting data and being able to defend statements I made. I got that analytical and intellectual rigor from my education.” Noolan also developed a special interest in organizational development, eventually teaching the subject at American Univer- sity in Washington, DC. Carroll, meanwhile, had joined the Vis- hen she applied for admission annuity, will support students studying iting Committee to the Divinity School. to the University of Chica- in the Divinity School. He’d always been interested in religious W go’s Graduate Library School Noolan ranged across the University education and had consulted for the Epis- in 1966, Julie Noolan, AM’68, PhD’74, in her own library school days: classes at copal Church. “He enjoyed the intellec- MBA’83, had a few strikes against her. the business school and at the National tual stimulation,” Noolan says. Carroll Though she’d worked as a librarian in her Opinion Research Center, a dissertation stepped down from the visiting commit- native Australia, she’d never gone to col- committee comprising a physicist, a stat- tee the year before his 2007 death. lege. In fact, she hadn’t completed high istician, a political scientist, and, for good Noolan retired in 2014 but continues school. But she did have stellar references, measure, a librarian. what she calls her life’s goal: “to help cre- strong entrance exam scores, and a dean Even before graduating, Noolan had ate level playing fields, because we don’t of students, Noolan remembers, who started a five-year stint as the Medical all start at the same starting line when we had “faith that all would work out in the Library Association’s first director of come into this world.” That’s a big part long run.” education. It was during this time that of the motivation behind her Divinity It did. Now Noolan is paying that Noolan met Daniel Carroll, a manage- School gift, she says, quoting a favorite faith forward and honoring her late hus- ment consultant who had also served For- lyric from Joseph and the Amazing Techni- band by endowing the Daniel T. Carroll tune 500 companies in various leadership color Dreamcoat: “‘Anyone from anywhere Fellowship at the University of Chicago. roles. Noolan, who had divorced during can make it / If they get a lucky break’— Her gift, a combination of a charitable graduate school—“That was my prac- just as I feel I had a little luck being accept- remainder unitrust and a charitable gift tice husband,” she quips—knew she had ed into GLS without credentials.” GODFREY LISA BY PHOTOGRAPHY MAKE YOUR MARK | PLAN A GIFT | LEAVE A LEGACY In sickness and in health In the largest alumnus bequest ever to the University of Chicago Medicine and Biological Sciences, a former physician honors UChicago and his wife. Part of Goldberg’s gift goes toward the education and training of Pritzker School of Medicine students. llan M. Goldberg, PhB’45, MD’52, ied diabetes and used radioactive iodine hospital to take care of his patients, and loved the University of Chicago from the Manhattan Project to treat thy- come back for lunch around one o’clock.” A so much that his caretaker bur- roid disease. Gretchen discovered that a After his wife’s death in 1993, Gold- ied him in a UChicago jogging suit. So it fatty diet was a major cause of stroke and berg made other major gifts in her honor, was no surprise to people who knew the heart attacks. including a children’s park in Flossmoor physician that he would leave the bulk of But during her residency, Gretchen and a professorship in neurology at UChi- his estate to the institution that had pro- contracted a disease in the emergency cago. In 1996 he became a charter member vided him with such intellectual and per- room, which resulted in incomplete quad- of the Harper Society, which recognizes sonal fulfillment. riplegia. Allan spent the next 40 years car- those who’ve given significant gifts to In fact, when Goldberg died in 2011 at ing for Gretchen, with the help of caregiv- the University. 84, he left the largest alumnus bequest ever er Mary Houlton. “When an alumnus like Dr. Gold- to the University of Chicago Medicine Houlton, who came to know them berg makes a gift to the University, it is a and Biological Sciences. The gift of nearly by responding to an ad in a newspaper, testament not only to the institution but $17 million has been designated to several spent 59 years in the Goldberg home, also to that person’s commitment to ex- areas of the University, establishing the helping to care for Gretchen and later cellence,” says Kenneth S. Polonsky, the Drs. Gretchen B. H. Goldberg and Allan for an ailing Allan. Allan in turn treated Richard T. Crane Distinguished Service M. Goldberg Professorship, a Goldberg Houlton’s husband when he became ill. Professor, dean of the Division of the Bio- Charitable Annuity Trust, and medical Now 82 and mother to eight children and logical Sciences and the Pritzker School of education and training. 30 grandchildren, Houlton says some of Medicine, and executive vice president for Goldberg, who ran an internal-med- her fondest memories were working with medical affairs. icine practice in Homewood and Hazel- the Goldbergs. “He loved the University of Chicago,” crest, Illinois, won a scholarship to at- “We were truly a family,” says a soft-spo- Houlton says. “That’s why he decided to tend the University and earned his PhB ken Houlton. “And he loved Gretchen. give the money to the University.” with highest honors at 17. At the medical That’s why I was willing to help him in any Despite his reluctance about an ex- school he met his wife, Gretchen Hart- way because I admired the way he took care travagant gravesite, Houlton felt it fitting mann Goldberg, AB’47, SB’51, MD’52. of his wife.” not only that he be buried in a University Allan and Gretchen interned together The devoted husband—who worked jogging suit given to him by an employee and were both residents in internal medi- seven days a week, taking house calls until but also that a few words grace the stone cine and psychiatry at Cincinnati General his 2005 retirement—would never miss situated next to Gretchen’s at Abraham Hospital. Allan, who had served in the a meal with his wife, says Houlton. “He Lincoln Nation Cemetery in Elwood, Il- PHOTOGRAPHY BY LISA GODFREY LISA BY PHOTOGRAPHY Navy on the USS Gadoeng Strait, stud- would eat breakfast with her, race to the linois: “Back Together Again.” ANDREW NELLES BY PHOTOGRAPHY FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT BEQUESTS, VISIT GIFTPLANNING.UCHICAGO.EDU. FAQ Common questions about estate gifts Denise Chan Gans, Do you accept bequests of artwork What tax benefits are available senior director in the or real property? through bequests? Office of Gift Planning, Yes, often we do. We may not be able The University is a tax-exempt provides answers. to accept all gifts of in-kind property, organization. Therefore, all bequests so please contact us directly to discuss we receive qualify for federal estate-tax your specific case. charitable deductions, which can help Do I need to draw up a new will or trust in reduce taxes that might be due order to add a bequest to the University? Do I have to tell the University about upon your death. No. A document called a codicil or trust my bequest? amendment can be used to add a bequest This is at your discretion. We encourage What other options are considered to an existing will. you to notify us of your intentions so that planned gifts? we may express our gratitude during your You can name the University as What specific language is needed to lifetime and include you as a member of beneficiary of an insurance policy or make a bequest to the University? the Phoenix Society. retirement plan. You can also fund a gift If you are making a general bequest, you annuity or create a charitable trust during can use the following: Can I specify how my gift will be used? your life and receive income in return. Absolutely. You are welcome to identify I give [describe dollar amount, property the areas or purpose that you would Bequests and other planned to be given, or proportion of residuary like to support directly. Please contact i gifts can count toward reunion estate] to the University of Chicago, an us to ensure that the University can class totals.
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