Pure Water Milk Bottle Supply EX Caps. Consult or write i Plain; 'waxed ; printed. Any sty le; any quantity, z Prices first E. N. Sipperley, south nokwalk,' conn.. right. Quality grade. B tWi . (ji k The Driller of Artesian Wells. If interested in Bee. bj Automatic Tool Company, Wells or Windmills, Engines or Pumps. ewtown South Norwalk, .Conn. VOLUME XXX. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1907. TEN PAGES. NUMBER 24 At the annual meeting of the North I The Melbourne Cancer TOWN TOPICS. Center school district at the school-hous- e, last Saturday evening, June 8. I A 25c Bottle of Cure Co. AT LIBRARY CORNER. 11c iiuwuiK omcers were elected:! THE SIMPLEX MACHINE. Clerk. Captain Albert H.Peck; com-- 1 mitteeman, Thomas F. Bradley : treas-- 1 I 64 Bank St. Derby, Ct., urer and collector. D. C. Peck. Miss Kemps Balsam Margaret Houlihan was chosen teacher Oure Cancer at their Sanatorium and guar- INSTALLED LAST WEEK. for the ensuing year. A vote was I Contain antee a positive cure. They also treat mild also taken to make a number f im cases and old sores at your home If desired provements on the buildirur. JnrW 40 and can send a blood medicine wil Blue The article which you are reading, W. DOSES, you that How A J. Beecher and About et Prof Jewell And each done cure Internal growth of all kinds. Corres- gentle critic, is type-s- by machinery. were a R,ia is man effective than solicited. References is also written by on a appointed committee to raise four times the same quantity of any pondence gladly given. It machinery the funds. other however weu Established for eight years. typewriter, and perhaps it would be cough remedy, ? r more entertaining if it were composed advertised and however strongly Suit by machinery. that remedy may be. Serge We to before Miss Barton of RotsfnrH . ...... hasten say this you say few in Remember always tliat Trpxrya ? it. Type-settin- g machines have been days Bridgeport, the of BAT-SA- Are an enthusiast on the of Blue Serge guest M is the TOriATO and you subject in existence a great many years. But her aunt, Mrs Raymond Hamblin. CABBAQE, are be enthusiastic about our Blue - LETTUCE If you you'll Serges. until recently they were crude affairs Best Cure. PLANTS. as a blue store. and expensive. Their perform- Cough Twice This has always been noted good serge very It has saved thousands from con- Transplanted. Men who wanted Blue have inclined ance has been so slow that they were E. N. Sipnerlev & Son JOHN RECK & good Serges always not deemed practical for the news- walk are sumption. SON, their in our direction because theyNknew that real sat- and very busy this spring, driv- It Las saved thonsands of live. 163 Oak St., 985 Main St., Bridgeport. footsteps papers of the United States their ing artesian wells. They have use has been of an experi- 198-fo- just At all SOe. and isfaction awaited them here. largely completed driving a new ot ar- drugjriKts, 25c. fL. mental character. Of late years, tesian well for History always repeats itself. however say within the last eight or J. Paul Schupert in the cecal This season we show as fine a collection of blue as ten manufacturers have norcn part 01 me town of Norwalk and sargjes years the now have the contract for driving a well man could desire. - overcome a great many difficulties in vxMOUrn. , The the most particular ' n. r. the Norwalk Cornell. Florist, construction and solved many problems at his home, and also the contract Canfield & Davis have contract 103 Good, fast color fabrics that wear amazingly well. of and-- accurate so the At White St., Danbtjry, rapid operation, for drivinir a well for William cr for H. M. Smith's new bouse. fill orders for or double trousers with turn up, that every daily newspaper in the large er of besides painting Will all Single breasted, permanent in smaller Fairfield, other contrart belt etc. - ' cities, hundreds the cities which they are now figuring on. If you Cut Flowers and straps, have discarded the familiar stand and have any trouble with vour i.r- - OJEL. woman type-sett- er ' Floral case with its man or ply drop them a line and theya,irwill call Baanta li Iwi Yta Hn Ktwtvt Bag Designs $13 50, $15, $18, $20. picking up the tiny pieces of metal and see you. You may trust to his care. $io, one one them into They guarantee satisfac ISO. : 619--5. by and arranging tion in all their work. Telephone y You'll like these. lines which grew slowly into columns, Also trousers in comfoitable summer fabrics, made according to the size of the type, being separate a day's work. Then after the paper Professional Cards. with permanent turn ups, belt straps, etc., in attractive grays, was printed these columns were 03 riala Sttwc. etc., to vary your blue suit. thrown back into the case letter by The BRIDGEPORT. c6nn. letter and line by line the operation Albany Dentists, TKLaraoara C W. J. Beeohw, of about three times w distributing being Crown and InoRxiT-H-Li- as rapid as the setting. Notwithstand- Bridge Work A Specialty. Booms 25 and 88, Sanford Bldg, Bridgeport. ing this work was done slowly as com- DPS RECTOR UHLB. Praartatow. Office in Newtown open on Saturdays from 8 pared wifh the work of a machine, it a. m. to 3.90 p. m. was wonderful how deft and speedy jHaWmiTCW CON the expert compositor became in his The Machine. BRIDGEPORT.1 R was as inter- Simplex Type Setting YOU ALBERT Li. SOHXJYLKR, M. work. The performance DO WANT D., to watch as the movements of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. esting of a 29-- 5. the skilled typewrit- 1 Phone : (Sandy Hook) manipulator ped down one by one into own Mrs Margaret Lester and Mrs J. H. Hours: a. m., 13.30 p. m.. 57.30 p.m. ten The hand flew back and forth, their, 810 each time up a thin of channels ready for theoperator's use. Cassidy of South Britain paid a visit A NEW HARNESS picking piece the channel of the cy- and to in Old metal and placing it right end up in Although upper Thursday Friday, friends Or an One Mended? We can accommodate yon. Oa.ll and aea na wbea la town. F. J. Game, M. D., the iron "stick "held in the left hand. linder are filled indiscriminately no let- New Haven and Milford. Office David Beers Residence, -- ter will leave a channel until it is di In the The typesetter's eye always went low- - I over- its own .channel in the ahead of his fingers and selected the rectly' 1 1 rm T 1 1 vv. (EL Newtown Street. con- er xnis is oy Allison P. Smith enjoyed an auto W. STEVENS CO 1 2 7 8 m individual letter from the many cyiinuer. accampiianeu mobile to Wa morn Office Hours: 8 to 9 a. m., to and to p L, in box in which having each letter and character nicked ride terbury. Friday 16 White eddies' tained the particular in a different manner, and the ing, accompanying Rev C. H. Smith ! St., DMbwry. it belonged, its exacts position slightly I i noting lower channels are fitted with projec- and the Mills boys who were enroute Db Waiteb H. Kihbnan, with reference to the end on which the The from New York to Barre, Mass. letter was stamped and the position tions or "wards" to correspond. Physician mxd Surgkok, of the nicks which must always be principle is the same as adopted in fit- Hook, Conn 46- - ting Yale locks and key. Thus the let- Sandy Tailored Suits uppermost when the type was deposit- will in 7-- ter "a" remain in its place the Office Hours: 1 to 2.30 and 8 p. m. ed in the stick. Then without glancing A 18-- . -- revolving cylinder, passing by every Telephone: 3. AT at it again the impression left on the Safe Investment to Net mind enabled the typesetter to convey other channel until it reaches the "a" it to its proper place while the eyes channel when it drops instantly into its Per Cent. 'DENTAL. PARLORS. selected the next in the word in place on top of the other "a's." The 5.70 ICxpert painless and rellable,mest of to letter halts a fraction of a We own and offer the unsold balance of leoo aharea modern aflddentistry,scientific appliances used for FLeductions $5 $6. another part of the case. But upper cylinder of skillful as the became second at every channel of the lower cy- Connecticut Railway & Lighting Company Common Stock. painless operations. ON A SUIT. Blacks, Blues and fancies. All latest styles and typesetter it linder and over it, thus by tbe New York. New tlavea & Hartford R K. Oo. on dividend baate DR. C. B. BLACKJIAN, was slow process after all. This can exactly giving orU"l cent. Free of imx to holders mul worthy suits in every way. be understood when is stated that the letter time to drop into its place. per la OwMcttcul surgeon Dentist. Office in Fostomce mock it From this plain and untechical de Price Per Share, $70 and Accrued Dividend. New MillorC. All to be sold. in setting up a column pf the size of can how Without Reserve, type used in The Bee about 5,000 scription the reader realize M. D. one accurate is the adjustment of every Celeste A.
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