THE VOICE Circulation - 20,000 323.221.7400 - www.thevoicepub.com MAY 2009 THE BUCKET LIST MOVIE INSPIRES LOCAL RESIDENT TO RIDE WITH THE WIND! The Number One Source For News in Serving Northeast Los Angeles By Carlos Morales Enriquez household, Silvia was Silvia stands at 4’ 11”, Maria and Richard Enriquez are intrigued after watching the mov- has long wavy pearl white long time residents of El Sereno ie The Bucket List. It is a movie hair and a smile that was and live on Collis Ave, and over that was produced in 2007 of two getting bigger at every the years they have established terminal ill men who decide to step she took making her many acquaintances in the com- live the rest of their time doing all way to us. munity including a neighbor the things they have ever wanted We just met Silva and named Silvia Terrones who have to do before they die or kick the already know she will be lived in El Sereno Since 1956. bucket, hence the bucket list. hard to forget, she has a Maria & Richard have known Sil- Enriquez explained to THE strong will and passion via for about 12 years, they met VOICE “A couple of days after to experience what life after seeing Silvia and her late watching the movie with Silvia, throws at her. She was husband Ralph walk down Collis she came over and said I have wearing a t-shirt that re every morning around 7am. a bucket list, with a big smile”, ad “it’s all about me…. Over the years the Enriquez Maria looked at the list and could ow” She stated “it’s my family and Terrones have cre- not believe what was on it. Maria turn now, life is all about ated a bond. When Silvia’s late thought about how she can assist me as she pointed to her husband passed away, Maria and Silvia to check off her list. shirt, she explains; I also NNEIGHBORHOODEIGHBORHOOD Silvia’s friendship blossomed Well about six months later Sil- love cats – you see it into a special relationship. The via had the opportunity to check says me….ow as” as she WWATCHATCH Enriquez family has invited Silvia one item off! THE VOICE was on laughed. LLEADERSHIPEADERSHIP over for BBQ’s, and have had her hand to capture the moment. Ma- Silvia explained to over during the Christmas Holi- ria went over to pick up Silvia at THE VOICE “I have trav- TTRAININGRAINING days. Maria told THE VOICE “I 4pm on a typical sunny California eled all around the world, consider Silvia my adopted mom afternoon on Saturday, April 25th. I have been to Africa, Asia, licopters, and even traveled in a PPAGEAGE 2 and she considers me her adopt- A couple of minutes later we saw South America and have traveled submerged submarine, ed daughter, she comes over and both of them about half a block many ways, by pedaling on bikes, watches movies with us”During away, walking towards us. This driving cars, ridden on trains and CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 one of those movie nights at the senior citizen really stands out, buses, fl own on planes, and in he- See Bucket List EE33 VVIDEOIDEO GGAMEAME EEXPOXPO NNEWSEWS PPAGEAGE 4 VVOTEOTE TTUESDAYUESDAY MMAYAY 119TH9TH Arroyo Vista Family Health Center 5 CLINICS TO SERVE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY HHostedosted IIt’st’s AAnnualnnual FFreeree CChildren’shildren’s HHealthealth FFairsairs “GREAT SUCCESS” With over 350 participants in attendance. Children re- EL SERENO LINCOLN HEIGHTS ceived free childhood immunizations. Free screenings 4815 Valley Blvd. 2411 N. Broadway Blvd for children and adults included: Dental, Vision, Hearing, LA CA 90032 LA CA 90031 Height / Weight, Blood Pressure, Health Education, and (323) 222-1134 (323) 987-2000 individual consultations with a licensed provider. CCYCLISTYCLIST KKILLEDILLED A Special Thank You BBYY DDRUNKRUNK DDRIVERRIVER To Our Volunteers & Exhibitors. GGHOSTHOST BBIKEIKE Medical and non-medical student volunteers from Azusa AAPPEARSPPEARS Pacific University-Nursing Program, LAC/USC School of Nursing, UCLA, ELAC, ELA Skill Center, Bell-Jeff & Hart PPAGEAGE 9 District Regional Occupational Program and St. Mary’s. HIGHLAND PARK LOMA DRIVE Ask about our Women’s Health Program: 6000 N. Figueroa St. 303 S. Loma Drive Free Complete Physical Exams for uninsured ladies (21 LA CA 90042 LA CA 90017 MMOTHERSOTHERS years and older) based on availability/limited offer. Fund- (323) 254-5221 (213) 201-5800 ed in part by Tenet Healthcare Foundation & USC/Ken- At various Community Locations neth Norris Jr. Cancer Hospital. DDAYAY Call for an appointment or just walk in or call Includes: Cervical Cancer Screening, Colorectal Cancer for a Mobile Clinic visit Screening (ages 50 and over), Blood Test, Tuberculosis MMESSAGESESSAGES (PPD Skin Test), Clinical Breast Exam and Health MEDICAL MOBILE CLINIC Education. PPAGEAGE 1100 “We Care About Your Health” Page 2 THE VOICE - Serving Northeast Los Angeles 323.221.7400 www.thevoicepub.com MAY 2009 EDITORS BUCKET NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MESSAGE LIST Hello Neighbors, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 LEADERSHIP TRAINING First of all we wish all our MA- DRES, and ABUELITAS of the however, What I have not done community a “FELIZ DIA DE is Ridden on a Harley Davidson SATURDAY LAS MADRES”. Motorcycle, I have been wait- Thank you for all you do, every- ing for a long time for this ride.” day to make our lives a meaning- stated Silvia. A long time indeed, MAY 30th PUBLISHER / EDITOR ful one. Silvia is 97 Years Old and is as Carlos Morales This month we were very for- eager as an 18 year old to get on tunate to meet Silvia Terrones a a Harley. 9am - 11:30am GENERAL MANAGER senior citizen from our commu- She was then introduced to Joe Rivera nity that moved us so much she Louie Balar who is a friend of the Create a Safe and Civil Environment for Your Family received the front page. Enriquez Family, who resides in MARKETING DIRECTOR Every week we come across Eagle Rock and volunteered im- * Unite Neighbors To Work Together Carlos Morales many events that happen in our mediately after hearing about her community both good and unfor- Bucket list. He also had the sup- * Solve Neighborhood Problems CFO tunately bad. I knew that when port of his brother Johnny Barba Sal Garcia we received the call from the and their friend Dave Mello who * Collaborate with Law Enforcement Enriquez family about Silvia’s also drove thier Harleys in order * Connect with City Offi cials PHOTOGRAPHERS “BUCKET LIST” we were in for for Silvia to get the feel of riding Richard Canales something special. in a pack! Together We Can Fight CRIME and upgrade our neighborhoods! Starland Francis Meeting Silvia is one of the Louie showed her his bike and Vicente Rodriguez most rewarding experiences I said “this is your limousine to- have had since starting this com- day” She could not keep her eyes BARRIO ACTION SALES munity newspaper. This article is off the bike and she could barely 4927 Huntington Drive Erica Cornejo a good reminder on why we pro- keep down her excitement. Louis El Sereno, CA 90032 Julio Torres duce this publication and make told her “that she was going to be Geroge Cabrera Jr. the sacrifi ces we do. She has left in complete control of this ride, if an impression on me as did the she wants him to slow down to pat Come Learn How to Start a REPORTERS late Ruth Swiggett and our Doc- his shoulders if she wanted him to NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Vincent Calderon tor Newman. I will remember speed up poke at his ribs.” Jose Aguilar these people for the rest of my She was really looking forward Group In Your Area life as they have each taught me in getting her ride on! Louis Tom Williams something about life. placed some goggles to wear and More Info: Jaime Urbina Kudos goes out to the kids from told her that she needed to pro- Mark Overstreet the Teen CPAB and the entire tect her eyes from bugs, or dust 323.221.7400 Bob Hidalgo team who made the PSA on Inhal- that might be in the air; he then Adriana Olea ants possible. They won an award strapped a black helmet on her Teresa Marquez for their efforts at a local fi lm fes- and fi nished up her wardrobe with Rafael Garcia tival. This PSA is very informa- a black leather James Dean type Val Marquez tive for all parents, teens, teachers looking jacket. and community members. If you Silvia was then assisted on the THE VOICE would like to view it please con- motorcycle by Louie, and Rich- Is a community based news- tact us at THE VOICE. ard Enriquez. Everyone was sur- paper publication based in El The month of MAY is BIKE prised to see how eager Silvia was Sereno and published once a MONTH, and THE EASTSIDE to get on the motorcycle, Louis BIKE CLUB extends an invita- saddled up on the front seat and month. Our circulation consists Sacred Heart Fiesta 2009 tion to everyone in the commu- started the Motorcycle, Silvia’s of 20,000 print impressions and nity to ride a bike, give it a try. smile was bigger than ever her 1,200 email subscribers. It is Motorist’s be more cautious of eyes opened up and she let out a delivered to residents and busi- Bike Riders who are entitled to mighty yelled “LET’S ROLL!” Guacamole Festival & Volkswagen Car Show nesses in the El Sereno, Lincoln be on the streets riding a bike and With that command Louie Heights, and Boyle Heights, not riding on the sidewalk.
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