at the suggestion of Pres. lenhower and will be super. gr. id evaluated by Gov. Val national civil defense and his staff. Police avid L. Nicoll, Andover Sense director, will be in NIDOVIEIR TOWNSMAN f the local test. Andover's Own Newspaper Since 1887 VOLUME 67 NUMBER 36 ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS, JUNE 17, 1954 PRICE 5 CENTS ACKSON 103 Seniors _UMBER To Receive CO. INC. Punchard e Department Store , r Home Builders Diplomas Punchard high school will award LUMBER 103 diplomas at its 95th commen- cement exercises to be held at 3 HARDWARE p.m. Sunday in the Memorial audit- orium. ) A COMPL.ETE LINE Several seniors are to be gradu- 3UIL DING MATERIALS ated with high honors and two of the boys to whom diplomas are to be awarded are already in the navy. At the exercises the annual 0-12 JACKSON ST. prize awards will be made. LAWRENCE This is the second consecutive year that the graduation exercises are to be held on Sunday, a depart- ure from the school's previous pro- 'EL. 4141 cedure of holding them during the week. Members of St. Augustine's graduating class who received their diplomas last Sunday. First row; left to right, Brenda R. The speaker will be E. Francis McKittrick, Norma A. Heseltine, Patricia A. Fiber, Marie P. McDonald, Kathleen M. O'Brien, Patricia F. Daly, Werner P. Hale, Bodwitch, dean of students at Thomas J. Lynch, Joseph F. Caruso, William J. Cronin, James F. Kfoury, Michael A. Connors; second row: Patricia A. Green, M.I.T., who will discuss "A qual- Mary P. Goodwin, Patricia A. Murnane, Elizabeth D. Collins, Mary M. Thomas, Grade F. Hackett, Edward A. Rice, Joseph F. ity of life as compared to a stan- Harty, David J. Barton, James M. Keaney, Samuel A. D'Ang elo, Eugene L. Pimpare; third row: Rosalie M. Milne, Patricia dard of living." Mr. Bodwitch is an experienced A. Golden, Marie G. Heseltine, Mary E. Lebreck, Mary I. Walsh, Ethel M. Lynch, the Rev. Henry B. Smith, O.S.A., the Rev. P. educator and administrator. He J. Campbell, O.S.A., who presented the diplomas; Laurence J. Vosti, John F. Dolan, Brian P. Sullivan and Roger J. Boulan- served as dean of freshmen at liar- ger. (Andover Art Studio) (Continued on Page Three) Many P. H. S. '54 Graduates Award 34 Diplomas Phillips Academy Awards At St. Augustine's Planning To Enter College Diplomas were awarded Sunday Diplomas To 220 Seniors Of an anticipated number of 103 to the 34 members of the graduating :ation Time Punchard high school, information Six Andover boys were among the ation Club graduates of the class of 1954 of available up to this date shows class of St. Augustine's school at Youngster, 13, Killed • the 10 o'clock Mass in St. Augus- 220 seniors of Phillips academy y problems that 33% have secured admission who received their diplomas Sun- y payments to four-year, degree-granting col- tine's church. On Railroad Tracks The Very Rev. P. J. Campbell, day at graduation exercises for the for fun and leges or universities. Additional John S. Yancy, 13, of 70 N. O.S.A., pastor, presented the di- school's 176th senior class. The students planning to attend junior Main st., was instantly killed last event was the final one in a three- colleges, nursing, business, and plomas to the graduates and also presented the various awards. Thursday afternoon when struck day reunion and commencement technical or professional schools by a train just south of the local weekend. bring the total proportion to The boy awards were won as fol- lows: B & M station. The local boys who graduated 45 6/10% of the class planning to A four-year scholarship to Cen- Police questioned numerous are: enter institutions which set a high tral Catholic high school and the companions and learned that only (Continued on Page \ine) school diploma as the minimum re- Mary Mercer prize for general ex- one boy, Lester Gorrie, 13 of 105 quirement for admission. A few of N. Main st., was with him at the Sleep cool... (Continued on Page Ten) the students — not included in the time. Police reported that the two get a new above figures — are planning to 'Town Participates boys were crossing the tracks to attend preparatory schools. get Gorrie's bicycle that was near To date, a total of more than In Air Raid Test the Dundee warehouse when they $3,000 has been awarded to some Traffic halted on Andover streets saw an express from Boston going of the students by the colleges or and pedestrians scurried to shel- to Maine approaching on the north- schools to. which they have been CARRIER ters at 10 o'clock last Monday bound track. Today Your Pharmacist admitted. This figure will be in- ROOM AIR CONDITIONER morning when air raid sirens sig- Gorrie stepped off the tracks to Drops a Word About... creased somewhat when all schol- the east. Yancy stepped west to nalled the mock attack of enemy arship announcements have been the southbound tracks right in the planes. received and graduation awards path of another train, The Busi- The test in which this town par- are announced. nessman, a Budd Highliner running TYPHOID FEVER ticipated was the first embracing Of those not included in the express from Exeter to Boston. the United States and Canada as He was killed instantly. Dr. John 1880 (Continued on Page 14) make-believe bombs were dropped T. Batal, medical examiner, said on numerous large population cen- the youngster's body was badly Plenty Of Time ters. Civil defense authorities of both countries estimated that mil- fractured. KARL EBERTH To Plant lions of persons were killed in this Police were summoned by Guy Karl, Eberth, German bac- MAY 1.:ECEIVE: Most Vegetables first North America air raid test. B. Howe Jr., whose place of bus- teriologist, was born in In this mock raid civil defense iness in near the scene. Patrolmen Wurzburg in 1835. He re- $25.00 ceived his education at 3AIRW7-.:15 ROTOTILLZ.) agencies were tested to show what Calvin Deyermond and Roy Rus- See the new slim silhouette. BENJAMIN F. DIMLICH the University of Wurz- $50.00 The the national defense system has (Continued on Page Five) burg. new Carrier scarcely extends beyond Andover 1915-w _ $100.00 yet to do to meet with a real at- In 1880 Dr. Eberth dem- the sill, yet it cools, filters, dehu- tack. onstrated the cause of $250.00 midifies and ventilates. Dependable? The test lasted only 10 minutes. COMMERCIAL typhoid fever, and an- It's built by the people who know Locally everything went smoothly other milestone was es- air conditioning best! tablished by the medi- with fire and police departments cal profession . )AY! and their auxiliaries following pre- arranged plans and the public giv- ing whole-hearted cooperation. ER PINTS i\4 DALTON TOURAINE For Every Personal PHARMACY HOUSE PAINT And Business Need BANK - for New England TEL. 107 weather conditions ER METHUE/ CALL 1943 YOUR DOCTORS KNOWLEDGE Heating Corporation COLE PAINT IS THE KEY TO HEALTH lx LUPINE RD. TEL. 365 46 MA IN ST, TEL. 1156 THE TOWNSMAN BRING HIS PRESCRIPTION TO US 2 THE A NDOVE R TOWNSMAN, JUNE 17, 1954 Frazer Colpitts, Mrs. Gordon Hall, Joanne Birch, Gertrude Hutchins Mrs. Robert LaVallee and Mrs. Esther Donahue, Thelma Dowi: Robert Auchterlonie. Virginia Marruzzi, Phyllis Pin BALLARDVALE Members of the troop attending: pare, Barbara Demers, Noreen War ' Mrs. Ruth Green, ('or respondent. Telephone 2372-NI Jo Ellen Grant, Lola Buschmann, ner, Norma Perry and Elorenc Jul (oJan er Betty Kupis, Judith Lakin, Leslie Letters. Sher hostess assisted by the co-hostess rlatcheller, Janet Letters, Karen ons wishing to bowl ne Church Picnic e Clan The Union Congregational church Mrs. Frank Ward. LaVallee, Lois Nolin, Katherine yeaprersare asked to contact Esth. Ackermann, Eleanor Pospolitak, Donahue, Tel. Law. 21112. has voted to have an all-church Friendly Guild Robe Elaine Demers, Jerilyn Haggerty, Helen Maiocchi, picnic instead of the regular Sun- The annual meeting of the Lillian Myers, i Loraine Dunn, Gale Batchelder, and Virginia day School picnic. The following Friendly Guild will be held at 8 Marruzzi were on the banquet committee and the trophy committee has been appointed by o'clock tonight in the church ves- Catherine Connolley, Mildred Muc- committee i the moderator, Randolph Perry, to try instead of at the home of Mrs. ci, Marion Fitts, Nancy Colpitts, consisted of Barbara Carol Perry, Emily Lawrence, Vir- Demers, treasurer; make plans: James Butler, chair- Albert Warner as previously an- Kathleen ginia Hall, Donna Auchterlonie, Smeltzer, Thelma Dowd and Mar. man; Paul I3ouleau, Mrs. Frank nounced. Green, Mrs. Ralph Sharpe, Hart Joan Haggerty, Nancy Hall and ion Batchelder. , Children's Day ShirN t Smalley and Mrs. Frank Watson. Annual Banquet Diane Marruzzi. The WSCS of the Methodist Bowling Banquet c h ildr e n s day program at ti. Joh n Golden Age Circle church held their annual banquet The Val-E-Roll bowling team Methodist church was as follows BUCHAN The regular meeting of the Meth- in Lowell last Thursday evening. held its first banquet last Friday Call to worship, William Davison scripture reading, and odist church Golden Age circle After the dinner the members at- night in Saugus. After the dinner Joyce Lee Nason Cjudj uad r itio t was held recently at the home of tended a show. the following trophies were awar- responsive reading, Norma Kibbee Mann firs. Myra Ward of Andover st. pastoral prayer, Joan Wilson; be McNALLY Church Meeting ded by the secretary, Gertrude Wa- CO.
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