ADJOURNED REGULAR CHICO CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 4, 2005 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Gruendl called the January 4, 2004 – Adjourned Regular Chico City Council Meeting to order in the Chico Municipal Center, Conference Room #2, 421 Main Street at 6:00 p.m. 2. CLOSED SESSION 2.1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL AND RISK MANAGER – EXISTING LITIGATION: The City Attorney and Risk Manager reviewed the workers compensation claim of Daniel Kelly. (Gov. Code Sec. 54956.9(a).) This item was added to the agenda by a Posted Addendum, which was posted 72 hours in advance of the meeting. 2.2. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR: The City’s negotiator is Human Resources Director Koch for all employee organizations except the Management Employees, for which City Manager Lando is the City’s negotiator. The names of the employee organizations that represent employees are Chico Police Officers Association (Sworn and Non-Sworn Units), International Association of Firefighters, and Service Employees International Union (Trades and Crafts Unit and Clerical, Technical and Professional Unit). The unrepresented employees are Confidential Employees and Management Employees. (Gov. Code Sec. 54957.6.) 3. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 6:18 p.m. to Conference Room 1 for review and consideration of the Draft Master Plan for California State University, Chico at 6:30 p.m. January 4, 2005 Page 1 of 8 REGULAR CHICO CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 4, 2005 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Gruendl called the January 4, 2005 – Regular Chico City Council Meeting to order in the Chico Municipal Center, Conference Room #1, 421 Main Street, at 6:30 p.m. 1.2. City Councilmembers Present: Bertagna, Herbert, Holcombe, Kirk, Schwab, Wahl, Gruendl University Representatives Present: Dennis Graham, Paul Zingg, Greg Francis 1.3. REVIEW AND CONSIDERATION OF THE DRAFT MASTER PLAN FOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, CHICO California State University, Chico prepared a draft Master Plan for future campus development. The City Council and University officials reviewed the highlights of the plan. The City Council created a liaison committee with representatives from the University and Councilmembers Herbert, Kirk, and Schwab to discuss Master Plan parking issues. 2. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned to a Regular Chico Redevelopment Agency Meeting in the Council Chamber at approximately 7:30 p.m. January 4, 2005 Page 2 of 8 REGULAR CHICO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING — January 4, 2005 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER — Mayor Gruendl called the January 4, 2005 – Regular Chico Redevelopment Agency Meeting to order in the Chico Municipal Center, Council Chamber, 421 Main Street. 1.1. Flag Salute 1.2. Invocation — Bruce Finch, First Church of Christ, Scientist 1.3. Roll Call — Present: Bertagna, Herbert, Holcombe, Kirk, Schwab, Wahl, Gruendl Absent: None 1.4. Closed Session Announcement – None 2. CONSENT AGENDA – None 3. NOTICED PUBLIC HEARINGS – None 4. REGULAR AGENDA 4.1. CONSIDERATION OF OUT-OF-CYCLE REQUEST FOR FY 04-05 FUNDING FOR THE CHICO OPEN BOARD ART (COBA) PROJECT At its 11/16/04 meeting, the Redevelopment Agency requested that the Chico Art Center, administrator of the COBA project, provide a plan to phase out Agency funding before Agency consideration of the Art Center’s request for continued funding support for the COBA project. By memorandum dated 12/27/04, the Art Projects Coordinator presented information on the project, reviewed proposed program changes requested by the Art Center in its FY 04-05 proposal, and transmitted the requested funding plan. The Agency received a memorandum dated 1/4/05 from Arts Projects Coordinator Gardner providing a summary of redevelopment art funds available in connection with the COBA request. A motion was made by Councilmember Holcombe and seconded by Councilmember Herbert to: (1) approve funding of $29,000 for 04-05, and $25,000 for 05-06; (2) direct the Chico Art Center to provide Council with a plan on how to fund the on-going maintenance of the art work; and (3) provide a comprehensive 5-year plan to reduce or eliminate City funding, as well as provide revenue sources; and (4) direct staff to include City Council and Redevelopment Agency resolutions and the supplemental appropriation on the 1/25/05 work session agenda. The motion carried by the following vote: AYES: Bertagna, Herbert, Holcombe, Kirk, Schwab, Wahl, Gruendl NOES: None 5. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned to a Regular City Council meeting. REGULAR CHICO CITY COUNCIL MEETING — January 4, 2005 January 4, 2005 Page 3 of 8 Minutes 1. CALL TO ORDER – Mayor Gruendl called the January 4, 2005 – Regular Chico City Council Meeting to order in the Chico Municipal Center, Council Chamber, 421 Main Street 1.2. Roll Call — All members still present. 2. CONSENT AGENDA — A motion was made by Councilmember Bertagna and seconded by Vice Mayor Kirk to approve the following Consent Agenda items: 2.1. RESOLUTION NO. 77 04-05 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO ACCEPTING THE PASS THROUGH OF THE PER CAPITA BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ALLOCATION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, AND COASTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 2002 FROM THE COUNTY OF BUTTE RESOLUTIONNO. 78 04-05 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO ACCEPTING THE PASS THROUGH OF THE ROBERTI-Z’BERG-HARRIS BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM ALLOCATION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS, AND COASTAL PROTECTION ACT OF 2002 FROM THE COUNTY OF BUTTE APPROVAL OF SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION NO. 04-05 14 TO ALLOCATE PROPOSITION 40 GRANT FUNDING FOR THE ONE MILE RECREATION AREA LIGHTING AND THE ONE MILE DAM REPLACEMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS The California Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002 (Proposition 40) provided for funds to be directly allocated to jurisdictions based on population. These allocations are provided under two different programs, the Per Capita and the Roberti-Z’berg-Harris (RZH). Butte County receives a direct allocation under Proposition 40 of $1,200,000 for the Per Capita program and $161,728 under the RZH program. On 10/26/04, the Board of Supervisors approved resolutions authorizing the pass through of its $161,728 Proposition 40 RZH funds and $188,373 of its Per Capita funds to the City of Chico, for a total of $350,101. At its 11/5/04 meeting, the Bidwell Park and Playground Commission (BPPC) recommended (7-0) that the City Council accept the pass through of the County’s Proposition 40 funds to help complete Phase II of the lighting and irrigation improvements to the One Mile Recreation Area and to provide additional funding for the replacement of the One Mile pool dam. By memorandum dated 12/15/04, the Park Director submitted two resolutions authorizing the acceptance of these pass-through funds and the submittal of project applications to the California Department of Recreation for the use of these funds. With the adoption of the resolutions, staff also recommended that the City Council: (1) approve a supplemental appropriation to increase the 2004-05 Capital Grants/Reimbursement Fund (300) budgeted revenues by $350,101; (2) allocate corresponding expenditures from Fund 300; and (3) allocate $37,090 capital project overhead from the Park Fund (002). The City Council was provided with copies of the Capital Grants/Reimbursement Fund (300) and Park Fund (002) fund summaries which reflect the 06/30/05 estimated fund balances. The Bidwell Park and Playground Commission and the Park Director recommended adoption of the resolutions and approval of the supplemental appropriation. 2.2. RESOLUTION NO. 79 04-05 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO AUTHORIZING GRANT OF LICENSE TO N.T. ENLOE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FOR ENCROACHMENT ON PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY ALONG EAST 6TH AVENUE, ACROSS THE ESPLANADE TO WEST 6TH AVENUE By memorandum dated 12/9/04, the Director of Public Works reported on a request from Enloe Medical Center to encroach on public right of way along East 6th Avenue and across The Esplanade to West 6th Avenue, APN’s 003-024-005, 003-401-012/013 in the City of Chico, for the purpose of installing communication cable between the existing medical center and its existing data center. This resolution authorized the City Manager to execute the grant of license. The Director of Public Works recommended adoption of this resolution. January 4, 2005 Page 4 of 8 2.3. RESOLUTION NO. 80 04-05 — A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICO ADOPTING TRAFFIC REGULATION (AMENDMENT NO. 788) By memorandum dated 12/8/04, the Director of Public Works forwarded a recommendation from the Parking Place Commission to approve the proposed parking modifications which will facilitate the new transit consolidation and future transit center construction. Because the proposed bus staging areas both during and after construction of the new transit center will be relocated, parking modifications will be necessary. Although a loss of eight metered parking spaces is anticipated, two additional spaces will be added in Municipal Parking Lot No. 7, and four spaces will be gained along West 1st Street, resulting in a net loss of only two metered parking spaces. These changes will facilitate the construction of the transit center. The City Council was provided with a copy of a letter dated 3/17/04 from BCAG regarding the location of the transit center. The Director of Public Works recommended the adoption of Traffic Regulation Amendment No. 788. 2.4. MINUTE ORDER NO. 01-05 — AUTHORIZATION FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AND RECORD CONSENT TO IRREVOCABLE OFFER OF DEDICATION PURSUANT TO A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH DEVELOPER MBD, INC. The City Attorney submitted a proposed minute order authorizing the City Manager to execute and record a consent to the irrevocable offer of dedication of approximately 5.24 acres of real property located on the Belvedere Heights Subdivision, north and east of the intersection of the easterly extension of East 20th Street and Potter Road.
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