ID NT uNrr 503-506,5TH FLOOR PRESTIGE TOVER, ETUBRETO AVENUE ORTIGAS COIUPTBX, PASIG CT:|Y METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES Tr,rnpHoNB (632) 632-toor TBrprex G32) 632-7844 EUAIL [email protected] \X/EBSITE http://www.assisi-foundation.org ADF is a non-proft, non-stock corporation registered utith the Searities and Fxchange Commission since 3 Jull 1975 andacctedited(ren*,r'r:Tl?rl::;r;;#Zr:{:,:,:;::;:;l*l::!X ASSISI DEVELOPME,NJ' FOUNDATION Vision A Societv suided bv the Spirit of L5v? and Se'rvice ;"li'Jl;#ffi'J# Mission Objectiues To be livins witnesses Assisi Develooment to our core values ffi the splrlt Foundation ui*r to help the of St. Francis of Assrsr. poor and the oppressed'become 'econom!c.a11y sbdure, socially As stewards of God's human responsible and morally mature and material resources, in bvJLlr makins available: partnerchrp with service susta-inable asricultural rnstrtutlons and communrtres technology, farm with a shared vision, implemeits & tools we. design, plan and undertake education (formal and interVeniions that emDower informal) the poor and the marginalized, - medical assistance, workinq to attain"their full facilities and health cate huma"n development and alternatives securifv and. tosether with opportunities for them, advo'cat e fo, i'ust societal ldadershio and livelihood. relationships and sffuctures. skills traihing, ald values/ spiritual formation relief and rehabilitation of communities affected by the armed conflict in Mindanao I Vision, Mission, Objectiaes 4 Wordsfrom tlte Chairman 6 Messagefrorn the President 8 John Paul II Programfor Childreni Concerns 10 Assisi Scholarship Program 1 1 Isaiah 6L 12 Marian Program 13 Tabang Mindanaus ''_:.... ,\ 14 Peace aiid Human Security Program in Basulta L6 Integrated Return and Rehabilitation Program 18 Human Security Prograrnfor Indigenous Peoples 20 Hapayasa: Feeding our Future 22 ADF Board ofTrustees 23 Partners 24 ADF Staff assisi development forrndation ! : 30th anniversary report Our pro rA1T}S Assisi Develooment Foundation with the spirit of love and has come u'long way in 30 servlce. years, yet remainled steadfast in its r"ole begun in 1-975 - "to To realize more ful1y our vision be a forerunner announcing of a iust society, we ioined the comins of God's Kinsdom chanse asents in civil soiiety to on earth." (Assisi brocT-rure, help Ergfni ze new dfvelopment 1975) Inspired by the spirit of initiatives spanninq four decades, St. Francis of A'ssisi, tiusting notablv Philioolne Business in the soodness of the Loril for Soiial Profiress in the 70s; of all c?eation, we embarked the PhiliooinE Develooment on a mission to empower the Assistancd Frosrum and'Bahay poor who live in th-e margins Maria in the 80s; the Nationil bf society "to re-create their Peace Conference which save oersonal'and social worlds." birth to the Social Reform Itgzs) Agenda, and Task Force Tabang Mindanaw in the 90s; and in With the wise counsel of our the new millennium: ASA foundins trustees led bv Fr. Philippines Foundation, in Francisc"o Araneta, S.J., we oartnershio with Benisno beran in a makeshift office in S. Aqu ino'Foundation,"fo, Mikati. feelins our way in the microfinance services; the social developfient *oild, *ith launchinq of Hapag-Asa, a each trustee looking after a social feedins olosram of Pondo ne Drosram: rice milliand coconut Pinoy Ior' 1 2U,000 malnourished tro8essins for marsinal farmers children; and the most 'of Lug,rt1, social Eredit grants challensins Drosram we have for urban ooor housewives in .rndertate n"sb r#, Pagtabangan Manila, a flanters and workers BaSulTa, .orrro?tium"of oartnershin Drosram in Nesros. 15 Foundations" workins in l,osnital .iri fo? ooor chilEren tandem to uolift the 1.5 million of Tondo, herbal gardens for Frlipinos *lio ur..living a sub- Muntinlupa prisondrs and.poor human exrstence rn the poorest communltres, and educatlonal provinces of Basilan, Srilu and grants foryoung people working TawilTawi. with the ooor. Our Drosrams were moddst but always irfibued assisi development foundation ...but always imbued with the For 30 years, we have been led are given the privilege to touch, Assisi's contribution to this by the Spirit of love and service that are most compelling and vision for nationhood is our to where we were most needed rewarding. continuins commitment to initiatins Drototypes and the pursuiiof "Deace throush - My own life has been working of rnnovarive enriched development with justice" in tEe -Ja6ts bevond measure. approaihes to helo the ooor workins with framework of human securirv. htlp themselves, mbvirn fro- th6 people we serve, wifh our program It is a commitment that sods action research'to susti'inable officers who work beyond boundaries and barrlers, passion development activities, never witli a for excellence, transcending time, cultures and lackins suDDort of like- our dedicated office and field politics, bu1 alwavs keepins (" lr personnet, and with our valuable 'the minded partners, local and faith. Our goalis not fo bE partners in development, so international. successful, but t-o be a witness to generous with theif time and this quest,which continues from resources, always There are countless human ready to lend one generation to the next, until stories that give life and a hand to hetf fellowmen in Gods Kingdom is established substance to our Drograms: need on earth. chiidren's concern, foc,rted on Thirtv years is a lons time in their education and well-beinq, u -uh'd [fe. For a iSurnalist, Pope John Paul the Great said assistinq victims of disaster anE writing 30 iridicates thdt we must prepare for this war, hdlping them establish the combletion of his life comins of Chlisf's Kinsdom sanctuaries for peace, providing issignmeht. I would like to dailv iil our hearts. It is ii this livel ihood oppo'rtuniii'es, pipin[ thinJ< I have accomolished kee'bins watch of the cominE of spring water to indigEnoui mine in my 30 years with Assisi, theReiurnins Kins that we"are communities, ensuring their intertwin-ed #ith memorable tested.And it'is in tEis hope that food security through su siainable years of public service with we are saved. agricultuie, freling those tour administrations. uniustly imprisoned.-makins To our families, friends, aviilable rrnill loans'for noo? Thirty years is a short time, colleagues, partners, benefactors households, building u .,rtt,rr. howevei in the life of a people and th? peoble we serve: Salamat of peace for Mu slimslChristians struggling for nationhood, Po!rr anil Indigenous Elipinos to live solidariry iustice and peace. It together in peace, all these in a s_eems that Jose Rizal's quest tramework of human securiry. for the Fatherland continues to our day. If we could only heed Beyond the operational and his adiice: "Love what is just, financial reports, it is the tellins what is good, what is greai, ro of these stories of those lives wE the point of dying for ii." - Ambassador Housard Q. Dee 30th anniversary report __ The passion and joy of sharing life, land and development, life with others is the greatest building their capabiliiies for sift that God has sivenlo each self-governance, promoting and disnity as a 3f us and the oart[ers of Assisi their culture opeaie Development Foundation. people. In all these, and justice"remains the h6art of our Our dream for a iust and humane mission. society has be6n nurtured by the vision and commitmeni As we look forward to another of the founders, and by all thirty years with Assisi, we oeoole who have sener6uslv shall'keep with us the legacy the mission "of creatinfi of generoslt% humanlty, ancl chaiiry of thi: Father of'Assisi opportunities-the for p-eople living "frur'.din marsins of societv to Development Foundation, chart their liies towards genuine Ambasiador Howard q peace and sustainable living. Dee, who paved "the road to the buildirig of a responsible For the fruitful existence of Christian societv oriented Assisi Develooment Foundation toward the commoh good and that spans thr'ee decades, we are the brotherhood and iolidariry deerli srateful and honored to of our people." (Assisi, 1975) hr,rl 6.En oart of its vocation in buildins tfie "cornerstones of a As the iourneyofthe Foundation sociery ispiring for peace, justice progre-sses to the next years, we and love. " (r{ssisi, 1975) enioin evervone to asoire for thL sreater' soodrress'of our Assisi offered us the opportunity mar91 nalized In d di s adva ntage d to exnand our world to be meir fellow Filioinos throush the ,.rd'wo-en for others. We mission ot' sharins 1i6 with iourneved with people whose others for the gt.ri.r glory of simpti'clty and |enlrosity of God. heart inspire us to accompany the indii4enous peoplesi th-e Kalinaw! Kapayapaan! Peace! Banssamoro communities who "were affected by war, and other various communities in upholding their rights to Benjamin D. Abadiano assisi development fotrndation 'Er,l [ *-- i r4a; " ri ;i jI: l* 3Oth anniversary report Pooe Tohn Paul II - Prosram for the Children's B. Functional Literacy Program Coh.6rnr (JP2-PCC) se?ks to help children in especially difficult circumstances by providing This is for children of elementary and high school thbm the'means and opportunities to aihieve full ase. as well as adults who wish io know-the basic human growth and dei6lopment. sEifs of reading,writing and counting.They are also siven trainins";r inpuis in skills relerrani to their It is named after His Holiness PopeJohn Paul II, Edrrr. and siTuatioti. Fot the adults, this is usually as a tribute to his unrelentinq concErn for suffering intesrated in the Early Childhood Education children all over the world.Ii his message ofpeac{ Prog"ram for the parentd of the children.
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