the ramadan of shaikh al-Ĥ adĪ t h muĤ ammad zakariyyĀ In the name of Allah; the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah; Lord of all the worlds; and peace and blessings be upon the most Honorable of Messengers, Muĥammad, and upon his family and companions, and all those who follow them in righteousness, until the Day of Judgement. Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are all for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds... THE RAMADAN of SHAIKH AL-Ĥ ADĪ TH MUĤ A M M A D ZAKARIYYĀ Dr. Ismail Memon MADANIA PUBLICATIONS Copyright © 2010 Madania Publications First Edition August 2010 2010 All rights reserved Printed and bound in the United States of America on acid-free paper This book may not be altered in any way without permission from Madania Publications. Madania Publications is committed to making authentic publications of traditional Islamic scholarship available and accessible for the public benefit. Please contact us to acquire our books at special discounted rates for nonprofit purposes. Translation: Asim Ahmad Arabic Calligraphy: Mohammad Alagha & Muhammad Zakariya Cover Design: mk & zh Library of Congress 2010933737 isBn13: 9781936157044 Distributed in usa by Al-Rashad Books [email protected] 1-330-388-4103 Distributed in Canada by Al Zahra Booksellers [email protected] 1-416-312-7213 Distributed in uk by Azhar Academy Ltd. London [email protected] +44-208-911-9797 Published by Madania Publications New York usa 1-716-480-0163 www.madaniapublications.com [email protected] ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َش ْه ُر َر َم َض َان الَّذي ُِانزل فيه الُْق ْر ُان ُه ًدي ل َّلناس َو َب ِّي َنات م َن الُْه َدي َو الُْف ْر َقان The month of Ramadan is the one in which the Qur’an was revealed as guidance for mankind and with vivid features of (earlier) guidance and the Criterion (of right and wrong)… 2:185 acknowledgements My main inspiration for the translation of this work was my shaikh, Dr. Ismael Memon. May Allah u bless him with a long life. And then, my father, Dr. Niaz Aĥmad, who has done everything for me and more. This book would not be in your hands without his dedication to raising his son piously. I also would like to thank Tamer Osman and Meekail Smith for reading through the translation and offering beneficial advice on ways to make it better. May Allah u accept them and the countless others who helped throughout the different stages in the completion of this book, in this world and in the next. Transliteration Table k ك the hamza is produced by a) ‘ (إ أ( ء l ل sudden stop in the airstream m م similar to the sound in the n ن ,middle of the exclamation w و (.uh-oh h ه a, ā ا y, ī, i ي b ب ń [from Urdu] a nasalized sound ں t ت .th (is pronounced like the th in usually affixed to end of a word ث thick and thumb) j Rađiya Allahu ‘anhā – may Allah j u be pleased with her (used ج ĥ (a heavy h sound produced in following mention of a female ح the center of the throat) companion of the Blessed (kh (a guttural k sound produced Prophet s خ in the upper throat and g Rađiya Allahu ‘anhu – may Allah sounding similar to the ch in u be pleased with him (used German as in Bach.) following mention of a male d companion of the Blessed د (dh (is pronounced like the th in Prophet s ذ though and thus) l Rađiya Allahu ‘anhum – may Allah u be pleased with r ر z them (used following mention ز s a group of companions of the س (sh Blessed Prophet s ش ś (an emphatic s) s Śallallahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam – may ص đ (an emphatic d) the peace and blessings be upon ض ţ (an emphatic t) him (used following mention of ط (ż (an emphatic dh) the Blessed Prophet s ظ a, ‘i, ‘u (produced in the u Subhanahu wa t‘ala – Be He‘ ,‘ ع center of the throat) glorious and Exalted (used (gh (a guttural g sound produced following mention of Allah u غ in the upper throat) e ‘alaihi al-Salām - may peace f be upon him (used following ف (q (a heavy k sound) mention of prophets ق Hađrat Shaikh’s Ramađān 1916 This year was not spent with Shaikh Sahāranpūrī. Also, Maulānā Yaĥyā passed away in this year. 1920 The year Ĥađrat Shaikh began staying awake the nights of Ramadan. 1926-27 In Ĥaramain. Also, Shaikh Sahāranpūrī passed away in 1927. 1928-1943 In Sahāranpūrī/Raipñr except where specified. Also, Shaikh Thānwī passed away in 1943. 1931 This year was spent in NiŻām al-Dīn. 1944 Ĥađrat Shaikh spent this Ramadan in NiŻām al-Dīn upon the request of Maulānā Yūsuf. Also, Maulānā Ilyās passed away in this year. 1945-1964 These years were spent in Sahāranpūr without i‘tikāf. The collective i‘tikāf to be seen in the last years of Ĥađrat Shaikh’s life was not yet in practice; only that people came and sat with Ĥađrat Shaikh after ‘Ishā. Also, Maulānā ‘Abd al-Qādir passed away in 1962. 1948 This year was spent in NiŻām al-Dīn. 1965-79 The beginning of collective i‘tikāf in Sahāranpūr except where specified. 1973/1978 These two years were spent in Ĥaramain. In 1973, he migrated to Ĥijāz. 1980 Collective i‘tikāf in Faisalabad, Pakistan. 1981 Collective i‘tikāf in South Africa. 1982 Ĥađrat Shaikh passed away on May 24 TABLE OF CONTENTS translator’s note xv foreword xvii preface xix Book One: The Ramadan of Shaikh Muĥammad Zakariyyā 1 chapter one 3 The Ramadan of Shaikh al-Ĥadīth Shaikh Madanī and the Month of Ramadan The Ramadan at Raipūr and Other Places chapter two 8 Ĥađrat Shaikh and the Month of Ramadan chapter three 10 The Ramadan with Ĥađrat Sahāranpūrī Before His Death chapter four 11 The Ramadan of Ĥađrat Shaikh in Niżām al-Dīn Ramadan of 1363/1946 Falling Unconscious During Śalāt chapter five 15 The Ramadan of Ĥađrat from 1345/1927 to 1383/1964 His Routine An Effort to Finish 60 Qur’ans in One Ramadan An Anecdote chapter six 20 The First Few I‘tikāf in Sahāranpūr from 1384/ Jan, 1965 to 1399/1979 Ramadan of 1385/1966 and the Beginning of I‘tikāf in the New Complex The Routines and Devotions During This Ramadan Ramadan of 1386/1966-67 Ramadan of 1387-88/1967-68 My First Meeting with Ĥađrat and Bai‘a to Him An Amazing Incident Ramadan of 1391/Oct, 1971 Ramadan of 1394/1974 Ramadan of 1395/1975 Ramadan of 1396/1976 Ramadan of 1397/1977 Ramadan of 1399/1979 chapter seven 41 The Ramadan of Ĥađrat in the Blessed Precincts Ramadan of 1380/1973 Ramadan of 1398/1978 chapter eight 46 Ramadan of Ĥađrat in Faisalabad, Pakistan 1400/ July, 1980 Part 1 – Baśā’ir aur ‘Ibar Part 2 – The Ramadan of Ĥađrat Private Gathering after Maghrib and Bai‘a The Words of Bai‘a The Booklet of Daily Devotions Ishā and Tarāwīĥ Gathering after Tarāwīĥ Staying Awake at Night The Gathering of Advice Nap and Żuhr Śalāt Khatm-e- Khawājagān, Du‘ā and Dhikr The Gathering after ‘Aśr Part 3 – Ta’aththurāt (Impressions) One Benefit of the Gathering in Faisalabad in Ramadan of 1400/1980 chapter nine 79 The Last Ramadan of Ĥađrat in South Africa in 1401/1981 The Second Book Ramadan of the Elders 103 Ramadan of the Elders 105 Letter sent from Zakariyyā to Khawāja ‘Azīz al-Ĥasan 109 Devotions of ûaðrat Shaikh Khalīl Aĥmad Sahāranpūrī 112 An Amazing Incident about Shāh ‘Abd al-Qādir in Tarāwīĥ 114 Devotions of al-Ĥāj Imdād Allāĥ 124 Devotions of Shaikh Rashīd Aĥmad Gangohī 127 Devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Qāsim Nānautwī 114 Devotions of Shóh ‘Abd al-Raĥīm Raipūrī 128 Devotions of the Shaikh of Hind Maĥmūd al-Ĥasan 130 Devotions of Ĥakīm al-Umma Shaikh Ashraf ‘Alī Thānwī 133 Devotions of Shaikh Ĥusain Aĥmad Madanī 144 Devotions of Shāh ‘Abd al-Qādir Raipurī 152 Devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Yaĥyā Kāndhelwī 159 Devotions of Shaikh Muĥammad Ilyās 167 xiii TRANSLATOR’S NOTE all praise is to Allah u, the Most gracious, the Most merciful, and may His blessings and salām be upon His honorable and last prophet, Muĥammad s, his Companions l, and the Salaf and Khalaf [earlier and later predecessors] who preserved and relayed the message of Islam to us as they received it from the Companions l, who received it from the Blessed Prophet s, who received it from Jibrā’īl e who received it from the Sustainer of the Worlds. The intended purpose of this book is to learn how the elders of the past spent and cherished each moment of their Ramadan. Though their whole lives were already dedicated to the work of Dīn (religion), whether through the teaching of hadith, tabligh (propagation of Dīn), teaching in traditional religious schools, or giving talks, all such work came to a halt in the month of Ramadan and they devoted themselves solely to prayers and remembrance of Allah u. One might ask the question that if their whole lives were already dedicated to the work of Dīn, why did they feel the necessity of setting this aside during the month of Ramadan? After all, devoting time to worship benefits only the worshipper, whereas time spent in the work of Dīn benefits others as well.
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