.Ꮙଠ۵۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ Shin Kong Financial Holding Co., LtdܛາЍ ԂҘྮ˘߱66ཱི Head Office : 66, Chunghsiao West Road, Section 1, Taipei, TaiwanمέΔξ Tel:886 (2) 2375-8576 Fax : 886 (2) 2389-2868 າ Website:www.skfhc.com.tw E-mail:[email protected] Ѝ ܛ Ꮙ ଠ ۵ Shin Kong Financial Holding 2004 ٸ Annual ீ Report Б 2004 ͵ ࠧ ą Annual Report Г ౄ າ ֧ ѐᅅ߿˧Young מ erry M ᇾ Ă ॆ ण ன ၷ ᚹ n ౹ຍ I spiration ᙯ ຑ L Ћ o ဦ v ͕ e A m b it io n م ྕ F a it h f u l 2004 Annual 2004 Report Annual Report ϫᐂ Faithful Ambition Merry Inspiration Love Young Table of Contents າЍܛଠᓁᜓ Overview 01 າЍˠုܲᐍ Shin Kong Life Insurance 13 າЍથຽᅙҖ Shin Kong Commercial Bank 23 Shin Kong Securities 33 דາုტЪᙋ New Light Asset Management 43ܫԸྤڄາ າုܲᐍགྷࡔ Shin Kong Insurance Brokerage 51 Ћຽа㒝 Community Services 57 ੑಡ Consolidated Financial Report 63׀ଠЪܛາЍ ଠְ̂ Milestones of SKFHC 105ܛາЍ 2004 Annual Report ܛଠᓁᜓ Overview (Shin Kong Financial Holding Company and Subsidiaries 2004 2003 (Restated (ޢࢦበ) 2003 2004 ׀ଠЪܛາЍ ྤώᗝ 29,729,121 25,856,596 Capital 29,729,121 25,856,596 ྤயᓁᗝ 931,344,394 789,764,115 Total Assets 931,344,394 789,764,115 ᝋৈ 46,530,249 30,188,234 Total Shareholders' Equity 46,530,249 30,188,234ڌ۵ ᒉຽќˢ 239,710,399 213,655,059 Operating Income 239,710,399 213,655,059 ඁޢ৷ৈ 6,371,590 3,243,029 Net Income 6,371,590 3,243,029 Տ۵࠳ዶĞ̮ğ 2.23 1.24 EPS (NT$) 2.23 1.24ޢඁ ᝋৈಡ࿌தĞƦğ 16.61% 13.39% Return on Shareholders' Equity (%) 16.61% 13.39%ڌ۵ ྤயಡ࿌தĞƦğ 1.01% 0.64% Return on Assets (%) 1.01% 0.64% ಏҜĈາέ။Ζ̮ ( in NT$ Thousands ) Shin Kong Shin Kong Shin Kong New Light Shin Kong Life Commercial Securities Asset Insurance າုܲགྷ Insurance Bank Management Brokerage ܫԸڄາ דາЍˠု າЍᅙҖ າုᙋ 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 ྤயᓁᗝ 834,386,043 86,279,671 8,857,843 311,542 44,706 Total Assets 834,386,043 86,279,671 8,857,843 311,542 44,706 708,720,768 69,260,377 9,351,128 - 15,359 708,720,768 69,260,377 9,351,128 - 15,359 ᝋৈ 47,810,555 10,512,830 4,518,749 302,854 24,092 Total 47,810,555 10,512,830 4,518,749 302,854 24,092ڌ۵ Shareholders' 32,079,676 3,445,805 4,428,335 - 9,596 32,079,676 3,445,805 4,428,335 - 9,596 ٸ Equity ீ ᒉຽќˢ 236,697,682 2,355,388 458,681 31,098 113,302 236,697,682 2,355,388 458,681 31,098 113,302 Operating Б 210,484,246 245,0434 623,569 - 31,520 Income 210,484,246 245,0434 623,569 - 31,520 ͵ ඁޢ৷ৈ 6,538,636 27,546 90,414 2,854 17,526 Net Income 6,538,636 27,546 90,414 2,854 17,526 ࠧ 5,053,305 (2,003,629) 372,769 - 3,596 5,053,305 (2,003,629) 372,769 - 3,596 ą Г ಏҜĈາέ။Ζ̮ ( in NT$ Thousands ) ౄ າ ֧ 01 02 2004 Annual Report Words from the Chairman The global economic recovery in 2004 ushered in a new spring across most industry sectors. The last year has also been one of hard work and progress for Shin Kong Financial Holding Company (SKFHC). New Light Asset Management (NLAM) and Shin Kong Commercial Bank joined the group's existing insurance and securities businesses, moving SKFHC closer to its goal of becoming a one-stop provider of comprehensive financial services. NLAM joined the SKFHC fold in April 2004. By year-end it had achieved profitability and full subscription of two new funds: the inauguration fund "New Light Growth Fund," now one of the top-five equity funds in Taiwan, and the "New Light Taiwan Bond Fund," which earned a "twAAf" rating from Taiwan Ratings in recognition of the fund's operational model characterized by high liquidity and prudent investment གྷᒉ۰۞ྖ standards. In the first quarter of 2005, NLAM further expanded its product line and asset management scale with the launch of the New Light Fortune Balanced Fund. In future, the company will continue to meet .customer needs with the introduction of other new investment vehicles דଠၮ˭ੵ˞ˠုăᙋܛߋ͇۞፷̄Ą࿅Ν˘ѐ۞Ӆ˧ĂາЍ˞זΝѐഀঈు႙ೇ൩ĂЧҖЧຽҬͼౌ࠻ ચᔙڇᄃາЍᅙҖĂֹώ֗۞யݡቢՀΐԆፋĂഈĶ˘Ѩᔉ֖ķ۞ܫԸڄᐍགྷࡔˠ̳ΦγĂ˫ΐˢາܲ̈́ Last September, United-Credit Commercial Bank was merged under SKFHC as a fully owned subsidiary and ซ˘ՎĄ later renamed Shin Kong Commercial Bank (SKCB). The bank raised over one-third of the financing for ĂҌ2004ѐ NLAM's bond fund, and it will continue to realize joint marketing and cross-selling benefits through theܛӈயϠᒔӀĂ֭̏јΑ๒ะᑫૄޘĂࢵѐܫԸڄΝѐ4͡າјϲ̳̄ΦາٺࢵАĂώ̳Φ complementary integration of financial and insurance resources in order to provide a full range of financial ܫϺᒔ̚රܛૄדШၷๅڄγĂາܛјࠎξಞ˯݈̣̂۵ைݭૄܛઉπщૄڄęາܛĂੵ˞౹ຽૄغ management services. ᆶຕ۞Ըྤఢቑᄃ߹જָّ̝ፆүᇾĂ̫ѐௐ˘؞˫ึӀԆјܛෞĶtwAAfķ̝ෞඈඈ৺Ăͅߍྍૄ ķ̝๒ะĂֹயݡቢՀΐԆፋăྤயგநఢሀᜈᆧΐĂϏֽౙᜈϦኛ൴ҖՀк On June 2, SKFHC completed a US$260 million issue of overseas convertible corporate bonds to provideܛྻπᏊૄڄĶາ ᅮՐ۞யݡĄ low-cost financing for investment in company subsidiaries. The issuance represented SKFHC's first͗މЪ successful step in raising funds from international capital markets. ڄଠѺ̶̝Ѻ̳̄ΦĄາܛથຽᅙҖϒёৼˢĂ֭ՀЩࠎĶέ៉າЍથຽᅙҖķĂјࠎາЍܫΝѐ9͡ᓑ Ꮙᄃܲᐍ Since 2003, SKFHC has completed capital increase of NT$15 billion for Shin Kong Life and NT$7 billion forܛఢሀˬ̶̝˘ͽ˯ĂϏֽ࿅ྤፋЪĂܛĂϤᅙҖ఼ྮٙዚొ̶Հҫૄܛݭૄדๅ۞ܫԸ ચĄ SKCB, which has used this funding to transform itself into a national bank. In future, SKCB will continue toڇᏉநੑܛຽચ̢̝ྃĂՀਕ൴೭ВТҖዚ۞Ϲ˽ტड़Ă೩ֻБ͞Ҝ۞ derive synergies through coordinating its loan, credit card, foreign exchange, and trust businesses with the 2.6ᆆ̮̝ঔγፉܛᓁᗝ྿࡚ܛΝѐ6͡2͟ึӀ൴ҖώٺͽᖼԸྤ̳̄ΦĂܛଠࠎ๒ะҲјώ̝ྤܛາЍ extensive resources of SKFHC and enhancing its asset allocation and capital deployment through Ξᖼೱ̳ΦๅĂѩѨঔγᚯྤ߿જĂֹ̳ΦјΑгྭ઼ᅫ̼۞ௐ˘ՎĂ઼ᅫԸྤ۰ତĄܲ integrated planning and operations. ٸ ଠҋ2003ѐҌ̫Ă̶̏ҾԆјາЍᅙҖ70ᆆ̮ᄃາЍˠု150ᆆ̮۞ᆧྤ९Ă̚າЍᅙҖдᆧྤܛາЍ With the strides made over the past year, SKFHC has developed into a provider of complete financial ீ ຽચඈຽચ̝ٚүᄃᕖणĂӮΞ੨ЪາܫϡΙăγ๗ᄃܫഠăٸјࠎБ઼ّᅙҖĂЯѩϏֽ̙ኢд̏ޢ services, with interests in the life insurance, banking, securities, trust, and brokerage sectors. On April 19, Б ϡՀड़த̼Ąྻܛଠ̝ᘀ̂ྤĂซҖБࢬ۞ఢထᄃᒉྻĂֹፋវྤய੨ཉᄃྤܛЍ 2005, SKFHC and Macoto Bank jointly announced a stock swap deal to be completed on October 3, ͵ ăܲགྷඈᅳાĂᒉྻវր̏ᎷԆፋĂ̫ѐ4͡19͟າ expanding SKFHC's banking network to 108 branches to better serve our customers and realize other ࠧܫăԸדଠ̏உ߁ုᐍăᅙҖăᙋܛण୕ϏֽĂາЍ ą ଠၮ˭ synergistic benefits. SKFHC will continue to seek out high-quality cooperation partners and integrate theܛĂາЍޢ̝׀10͡3͟ͽ۵Њᖼೱ͞ёৼˢྕᅙҖĂЪٺҶĂؠކଠᄃྕᅙҖ̏ВТܛЍ Г ચĂ൴೭Հ̂۞ტड़ĂϏֽᚶᜈವԱኳָ۞Ъү၆෪Ăᕖ̂ extensive resources, service personnel, and national branch networks of its subsidiaries to deliver evenڇ͗މٺᅙҖᕖᆧҌ108छĂՀѣӀ۞ ౄ .೩ֻຽᄃड़த۞ more professional and efficient one-stop financial services to our customers͗މચˠࣶፂᕇ࿆ҶБ઼Ăࠎᇃ̂۞ڇଠఢሀĂ੨ЪາЍᙯܼЋຽྤᖳಱĂܛ າ ᏉѺఱ̼ķ̝ᙸഀĄܛચĂ྿јĶڇ ֧ Chairman ܜְ 03 04 2004 Annual Report ̳Φᖎ̬ ăܫԸڄăາד2001ѐ12͡14͟Ăϫ݈ၮ˭Β߁ĈາЍˠုăາЍᅙҖăາုტЪᙋٺଠјϲܛາЍ ᓁྤயࠎ9,313.4ᆆ̮ĂЪ׀ώᗝࠎາέ။297.3ᆆ̮ĂЪྤ̝غາုܲᐍགྷࡔˠඈ̣छ̳̄ΦĂ2004ѐ ᒉຽќˢࠎ2,397.1ᆆ̮Ą׀ ଠͽྭຽགྷᒉ྿јளຽඕ༖۞ྤፋЪ҃༼࠷јܛᅈ൴ण۞ᅮࢋĂາЍܜᏉᒖဩ۞តዏ̈́ࣘᜪܛࠎЯᑕ ચ۞ϫᇾĄڇᏉநੑܛώĂ֭࿅к̮̼ԸྤĂᕖ̂གྷᒉఢሀĂࢫҲགྷᒉࢲᐍĂ྿ј೩ֻБ͞Ҝ ϓ̳̄ΦᖐဦSKFHC Subsidiaries ĶָБ͞Ҝצֳ͗މચፂᕇĂ൴೭ፋЪҖዚ۞ტड़Ăឰڇώ̳Φ࿅Б઼ᘀ̂۞Җዚဥฤᄃწ۞ ၆෪Ăͽᕖ̂׀ચݡኳĄТॡ̪ವԱኳָͷѣሕ˧۞ЪүٕЪڇָ۞זӀĂܮચķ۞ڇᏉநੑܛ ᏉѺఱ̳ΦķĄܛ۞Ķמݡኳ͕͗̚މဦĂјࠎۍᏉܛགྷᒉቑᘞĂߛၹՀԆፋ۞ າЍˠုܲᐍ۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ າု̳ಲ̂ງგநჯ᜕۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shin Kong Life Real Estate Service Co., Ltd Company Introduction ᄂ៉າЍથຽᅙҖ۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ έ៉າЍܲᐍགྷࡔˠ۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ Taiwan Shin Kong Commercial Taiwan Shin Kong Insurance Brokers Co., Ltd Bank Co., Ltd. Established on December 14, 2001, SKFHC currently comprises five subsidiaries, including Shin Kong Life, Shin Kong Commercial Bank, Shin Kong Securities, New Light Asset Management, and Shin Kong Insurance Brokerage. As of the end of 2004, the company had a capitalization of Ըྤᜪય۵Њѣࢨ̳Φד۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ າုᙋדᏉଠ۵۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ າုტЪᙋܛາЍ Shin Kong Securities Investment approximately NT$29.73 billion, combined assets of NT$931.34 billion, and combined operating Shin Kong Financial Holding Company Shin Kong Securities Co., Ltd. Consulting Co., Ltd revenue of NT$239.71 billion. SKFHC has been integrating resources through cross-industry alliances to meet the needs of ۵Њѣࢨ̳ΦܫԸྤדᙋڄາ the changing financial environment, achieve long-term growth, and reduce costs. We have also New Light Asset Management Co., Ltd. diversified investments to expand our operational scale, reduce financial risk, and provide a more comprehensive range of financial management services. ٸ SKFHC will utilize its vast national sales team and service network to realize synergies through າုܲᐍགྷࡔˠ۵Њѣࢨ̳Φ Shin Kong Insurance Brokerage Co., Ltd. joint marketing efforts and provide customers with the best, most comprehensive and most ீ convenient financial services possible. We will also continue to seek out excellent potential Б ͵ partners and acquisition targets to expand our operations and develop as a preeminent one- ࠧ stop provider of financial services. ą Г ౄ າ ֧ 05 06 2004 Annual Report Ϗֽण୕ ᝋৈໂ̼̝݈̂೩˭Ă̪ڌᒔӀͪ̈́ჯ᜕۵۞ܜଠдᘦؠ۞ࢲᐍଠგăჯ̳̄ΦᘦؠјܛϏֽĂາЍ ଠ̈́Ч̳̄Φ̝ξҫதćώ̳Φ֭ᜈ൴೭Ķ3Cᐹ๕ķĂ࿅̳̄Φม۞ளຽඕЪͽܛĂͽᕖ̂׀ᜈซҖᔉ ྿јྤώፋЪᄃྤࢦ̶੨̝ΑਕĂ֭ؼҩĶྤώड़ৈ̼ķĞCapital EfficiencyğăĶ༼ࡗјώķĞCost ଠ̳Φܛચ۞ڇᏉநੑܛSavingğăĶϹ˽ዚķĞCross Sellingğඈტड़ĂͽјࠎָБ͞Ҝ Future Outlook SKFHC will continue to grow market share through mergers and acquisitions, while maintaining strong ӓछᐂܜซ ઘְڌӓܜᓁགྷநዑσԠ ְ President Frank Hong-Chi Cheng Chairman Eugene Tung-Chin Wu Vice Chairman Wu Chia-Lu risk management, steady earnings growth and high shareholder returns. Subsidiary resources will be consolidated and allocated to achieve the "3C" advantages of capital efficiency, cost saving, and cross selling, and position the company to develop into the best and most comprehensive provider of financial ลგSenior Management Team services. ซڌӓ ܜְ Chairman Eugene Tung-Chin Wu ӓछᐂ ܜઘְ Vice Chairman Wu Chia-Lu ᓁགྷந ዑσԠ President Frank Hong-Chi Cheng ٸ ൞ڠᓁቊ८ ͳ Chief Auditor Wang Wu-Ling ீ ઘᓁགྷந ͳ૱ර Б Executive Vice President Wang Chang-Hwa ͵ ઘᓁགྷந ధመ ࠧ Executive Vice President Victor Peng Hsu ą ઘᓁགྷந ౘ༄ጙ Г Executive Vice President Afuna Jui-Hsuin Chen ౄ Ӏ າڂౘ ܜੈྤ ֧ Chief Information Officer Dennis Chen 07 08 2004 Annual Report 2005ѐᒉຽࢍထ Corporate Plan for 2005 Ăᜈᕖ̂Ч̳̄Φ̝ξಞҫѣதăགྷ In 2005, SKFHC will continue to expand the market share, operation scale, and sales channels of its׀ଠ̝གྷᒉϫᇾ࿅ᔉܛᝋৈ̼̂˭ĂາЍڌ2005ѐĂдՐ۵ subsidiaries through mergers and acquisitions that maximize shareholder value and enable balanced ࠎĄѩγĂ֭ᜈፋЪЧ̳̄ΦܫԸ̈́דϫᇾͽᅙҖăᙋ׀ӮᏊ൴णĄ̚Ăᔉפᒉఢሀ̈́Җዚ఼ྮĂՐ development.
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