Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1945-1946 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1945 Eastern Progress - 17 Nov 1945 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1945-46/4 'PINIONS BY PARRISH Saturday, October 31, 1942, EASTERN PROGRESS marked for Eastern the end of an era. That afternoon the Maroon- Student Publication of^Ea$tern Kentucky State Teachers College and White-clad gridders tangled with Western's Hilltoppers in the VOLUME 24 RICHMOND, KY.,- SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 1945 Homecoming game, and the 2,000 NUMBER 4 spectators at Hanger Stadium en- thusiastically endured a chilling drizzle to cheer the Maroons to a decisive 18-0 triumph for the first Eastern victory over Western In 26 years. That game and that Home- coming celebration were a part of pre-war college life, even though the United States had been en- gaged in World War n for almost WELCOME, ALUMNI! eleven months. It was a part of tha pre-war period because the Eastern Freshman participants were the same, and Maroons Will Oppose the atmosphere the same. It was Is Honored a sort of farewell to peace, and a Recognition lias recently been last spree before digging in for the given to Howard Rowlette, mem- Kirksville, Mo., Today .hard war years, and the Home- ber of the freshman class from comers of 1942 were really bid- Covington, Ky., by the National ding goodbyes rather than renew- Poetry Association for a poem The first post war homecoming ing acquaintances. which he submitted to this asso- Y's Hold Retreat football classic will be staged at A war has been fought and won ciation along with thousands of the college's Hanger Stadium when The annual Fall Retreat of the the Maroon eleven are host to the since that last Homecoming, and other poems submitted by other Y's wasvheld Sunday, November both students of 1942 and the college students over the nation. "Bulldogs" from Kirksville, Mis- 4, at the Pond Christian Church. souri, today. Homecomers have been through it Howard has written some one A group hiked out to the church, and known it. Football, like a hundred thirty poems, and of the leaving the Student Union Build- Thet Kentucky eleven will enter childish thing, was put away; fri- five which - he submitted to this ing about 9:00 a. m. The weather the game a heavy favorite due to volity gave way to grlmnesa. association, the one entitled "A was sunny, but chilly. th.L two teams comparative rec- With the return of peace come Farm House from a Hill," has ords, but it will be an all out af- the old peacetime institutions—■ been selected by the board of Margie DeVan, president, presid- fair as the rivals are both enter- and proud among them Eastern's Judges to be published in the sec- ed at the various meetings through- ing the game fresh from last Sat- Homecoming. This 1945 celebra- ond Anthology of College Poetry. out the day. Mildred Langan led urday's victories. the singing at Sunday School, fol- tion is expected to be a prelude This anthology is a combination The Bulldog eleven won a good to the real postwar jamboree of of the finest poetry written by lowed by the scripture reading by Arkansas School of Mines team 1946—a homecoming which will the college men and women of Howard Rowlette, a voice selec- tion by Mabel Irene Jones and a 6 to 0 to gain its first victory of include all Eastern's sons and America, representing every state this season and since having tast- daughters who will be among the in the union. Selection of a poem prayer by Mary Langan. ed victory will be ever so hard to absent this year. is decided by the degree of orig- Miss Mary F.. McKlnney gave an beat. explanation of the theme tor Re- 1945's Homecoming is one well inality which they possess, choice At the same time Eastern spear- worth attending; those old friends of words used, vividness of the treat, "I Oure You." The various phases of the subject were dis- headed by ace fullback Chuck Mil- who are back make it so—and description which the poem con- ler and halfback Ed Zoretic ran Eastern's footballers can be count- tains, and age of the individual cussed as follows:... to be Strong, Martha Swafford;... to Think roughshod over the favorite. T. P. ed on to provide entertainment submitting the poem. Since selec- I. eleven 32 to 0. The classy "Ma- worthy of those former Maroon tion from such a great number Creatively, Gladys Rice; ... to De- velop a Magnetic Personality, Miss roon" outfit proved from the open- teams. Homecomers, Eastern wel- of poems is necessary, it is evi- ing kickoff to be too much for the comes you. dent that a poem selected from Minnie Maud Macaulay; ... to such a number is well worth the Build Character. Suzanne Malott; lads from Tennessee and the The Political Pot Boils consideration of those interested ... to Share, Jane Johnston. Eagles had all they could do to 1945's "off year" electipns are in writing poetry. After lunch, active games were make a contest of it. over. As predicted in this column, This anthology is expected to directed by Glenna Frisby. Then The Maroon's came out of last and in practically every other one go to press this month and copies a general business meeting was week's encounter with Wingback as well, General Bill O Dwyer was will probably be available in Jan- held, followed by committee meet- Jack Hahn and Tackle Harry victorious in the New York may- uary. It is a publication of the ings. After supper, the Candle- Miancing receiving slight injuries oralty campaign, upon which the National Poetry Association and light Installation Service was held. but both are being counted upon national spotlight was focused. upon publication a copy will be Others attending Retreat besides to see much action. The only Coming closer to home, we find sent to our college library, where those already mentioned were: Dr. player from last week's fray who the defeated Republican candidate it will be available to college stu- Today we welcome Eastern's sons and daughters and Mrs. Engle, the Rev. and Mrs. might be held out will be Fullback for Mayor of Louisville, Roy Eas- dents. Perry, the Reverend Tinder, Delia BiU Selbee who received a couple ley, likewise an ex-general, de- Howard deserves the heartiest back to the campus. Whether you have been serving Abney, Lucille Brandenburgh, of broken ribs. manding a recount. Out of a total congratulations of the students in uniform or in tiiose less thrilling but altogether es- Joyce Broyles, Jean Crutcher, Dor- The ensuing tussle will ring: vote of over 80,000, E. Leland Tay- and faculty for this achievement sential positions in civilian life, we are proud of the is Deetch, Mildred Franklin. Vir- down the curtain on Eastern's in- lor, the Democratic standardbear- and for the recognition which it record you have made, and your homecoming warms ginia Gooch, Margaret Graham, itial football season since it aband- .er, was the winner by only a few will give to our own school. Mayme Hall, Carol Hourigan, Er- onment when war was declared in hundred votes-r-hance the call for our hearts this year more than ever before. You have nestine Jasper, Nina Kalb, Mary '42 and a win for the maroons a recount. been nrjch in our thoughts during the last three or four Wood Lee, Marjorie Lea, Peggy would make it a very successful While the United States exper- Lewis Leaves years. We have looked forward to the time when you McGuire, Caroline Mayfield, Bessie season considering that all the iences its postwar agitation in pol- could lay aside heavy duties and join us again here on Nolen, Juanita Owens, Elizabeth squad, with exception of a few, itical fermenW, fighting is raging For Chicago Pennington, Henrietta Peters, Al- are treshman civilians. furiously in many parts of the Fred Lewis, captain of the Ma- the campus. We have not words to express to you the dene Porter, Helen Rice, Mary world. The Americans have be- roon basketball squad, will leave joy we now feel, but you may be sure that the campus Smith, Martha Smith, Betsy Tan- come mixed up in the Chinese in- Tfor Chicago tomorrow to begin is yours today and that all of us here at home are made dy, Lula Thurman, Margaret Ann Faculty Members ternal struggle and we have the two weeks of concentrated prac- happier by your presence. vVhite, Ben Graham, Bob Graham, removal of American forces order- tice with the College All-Stars. The Ralph Haddix, Leslie Combs, Her- Attend Conferences All-Stars meet the strong Ft. W. F. O'DONNELL ed. The British are waging a real bert Searcy, and E. N. Perry. Several of Eastern's adminis- war with the Indonesians, who Wayne five Friday night, Novem- ber 3Q. trative officials and faculty mem- wish the end of European hegem- World Affairs Club bers attended the Eastern Ken- ony in the Far East—ard as Lewis was named to the Chuck Peruvian Statesman to Taylor Ail-American team at the - The World Affairs Club met >n tucky Educational Association. usual in such cases, there is a Extra-Currictilar Wednesday, November 7, at 7:C0 Conference held in Ashland last great amount of sympathy for the Kansas City Tournament last year, Address Student Body where he was also voted the most By LUCILLE BRANDENBURGH p.
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