E ARC H VOL. 34, NO.3 2006 C ONTENTS 1 Straight and Level by Geoff Robison 2 VAA News 4 Aeromail 6 A Silver Eagle Part II - Hightlights of 1930 A biography of E.M. "Matty" Laird by Robert G. Ell iott and Ed Esca llon 12 Type Clubs to Oshkosh Row after row after row ... by Tim Fox 14 Dinndorf, Doolittle, & Their Stinson Nearly lost to the ages, a historic airplane makes a comeback by Budd Davisson 20 54 Days With the Blue Phoenix [s it an end, or a beginni ng? by Glen Scott 25 Pass It to Buck Here's the drill by Buck Hilbert 26 100 Years at Huffman Prairie The Wrights' home fie ld adva ntage is celebrated by Scotty Markland 28 Books and Movie Review by H.G. Frautschy 32 The Vintage Instructor STAFF CRM EAA Publisher Tom Poberezny by Doug Stewart EAA Editor·in·Chief Scott Spangler Executive Director/Editor H.C. Frautschy 34 Mystery Plane Administrative Assistant Jennifer Lehl by H.G. Frautschy Managing Editor Kathleen Witman News Editor Ric Reynolds 38 Calendar Photography Jim Koepnick 39 Classified Ads Bonnie Bartel Advertising Coordinator Sue Anderson Classified Ad Coordintor Louise Scoenike COVERS Copy Editor Colleen Walsh FRONT COVER: Tom Dinndorf and his wife. Mary, are thrilled with their big piece of history, a 1938 Director of Advertising Katrina Bradshaw Stinson SR·l0J that was purchased by the Shell Oil Company, and flown by its aviation manager, Display Advertising Representatives: Jimmy Doolittle. Restored by Rod Roy, the thundering Stinson was photographed by EAA photogra· North east: Allen Murray pher Mike Steineke. EAA photo plane flown by Walt Dorlac. Phone 609·26S· I666, F .~X 609·265 ·1 661 e·mail: allelllnllrmy@!l llillrlsprillg.colll BACK COVER: Major Mathew Taylor, an FA·18 test pilot for the USMC at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, Southeast: Chester Baumgartner flies a Howard DGA·15P that he owns with his wife, Candice. The Howard's restoration was begun by Phone 727·573·0586, FAX 727·556·0177 e·ma il ; cbauIll111@'lIillrlsprillg.colII the late Bryce Hunt of Santa Paula, California, and finished by the Taylors. The Stearman is owned and Central: Todd Reese piloted by Mathew's father, Larry Taylor, of Madison, Georgia. The photo ship was a Stinson V·77 Gull· Phone 800·444·9932, fAX 816·741·6458 e·mail: todrl@Spc·lIIag.colll wing owned and piloted by Ricardo Traven of Lexington Park, Maryland, and the photographer was Randy Mountain & Pacific: Keith Knowlton &: Associates Hepp of Leonardtown, Maryland. The photo was taken this past spring during Pax River Expo '05. Phone 770·516·2741, e·mail: [email protected] GEOFF ROBISON PRESIDENT, VINTAGE AIRCRAFT AS SOCIATION VAA aging aircraft proposal By now a large segment of our point, but I believe these concerns Click on 2006 - 02/08 - EAA Set to membership has had an opportu­ can be sufficiently addressed in an Advance Vintage Aircraft Proposal nity to review the proposed aging appropriately structured rule. Next Month. aircraft initiatives developed by EAA We probably all know of at least This jOint EAA/VAA-proposed ini­ and the Vintage Aircraft Association one restoration project in our in­ tiative will be presented at the aging (VAA). Most would certainly agree dividual regional area that has se­ aircraft public meeting on March the time is upon us to recognize the rious issues because of the lack of 22-23 in Kansas City, Missouri . need for some resolution to these available data to get it restored and The proposal, which conceptually long-term issues. The intent here signed off for flight, not to men­ met with approval by key mem­ is to create a new, optional, aircraft tion those aircraft that will remain bers of the FAA management team certification category that will give during the EAA/FAA Recreational owners and their mechanics the EAA/VAA­ Aviation Summit, was presented ability to maintain vintage aircraft Tuesday, February 7, in Washing­ using safety-based forms, with fit proposed initiative ton, D.C., to representatives from and function criteria, as opposed the National Air Transportation As­ to unavailable or outdated type­ will be presented sociation (NATA), General Aviation certificate data. Contrary to some at the aging aircraft Manufacturers Association (GAMA), misinformed opinions I've heard, it Professional Aviation Maintenance is not an owner maintenance pro­ public meeting on Association (PAMA), Aircraft Own­ gram like the one in Canada. ers and Pilots Association (AOPA), Within 24 hours of the announce­ March 22-23 in the Aircraft Electronics Association ment of this initiative we began to Kansas City, Missouri (AEA), and others. hear from the membership and rep­ In other news, the VAA was resentatives of the various type clubs. in "basket" status until the owner deeply saddened to hear of the re­ Some of the immediate concerns we has at least some assurance that his cent death of Daryl Lenz in a traffic heard: "What is the potential impact or her monetary resources and per­ accident near his home. Daryl served on the value of my aircraft?" "What sonal efforts will not be wasted. as the director of aircraft mainte­ impact can I anticipate from my in­ We have also heard some great nance at the Kermit Weeks Han­ surance provider if I move my air­ ideas for additional new VAA-related gar in Oshkosh for more than 15 craft to this new category?" initiatives from our members. This years. Daryl most recently served as The real answer at this juncture is dialog is of great value to us, and a key member of the EAA AirVenture that only time will tell for certain! I would encourage each of you to Tea-m who was directly responsible Please read the article starting on share your thoughts and ideas with for coordination and display of the page 12. What is most important at the VAA. In just a short few days we many special aircraft that have vis­ this critical juncture is for us to con­ have heard some great ideas, and ited our annual event each year. Da­ tinue to hear the thoughts, ideas, I hope to see it continue. If you ryl was a friend not only to me, but and concerns from VAA members haven't reviewed this proposal in also to the entire VAA family. Daryl and the type clubs. I shared some its entirety, it is available for re­ was truly one of us, and he will be of the concerns I have heard to this view at www.vintageaircraft.org/news. continued on page 37 HAVE YOU MADE YOUR PLANS TO ATTEND THE 2006 EAA AIRVENTURE? EAA AIRVENTURE OSHKOSH 2006, THE WORLD ' S GREATEST AVIATION CELEBRATION- JULY 24-30 VAA IS ABOUT PARTICIPATI ON : BE A MEMBER! BE A VOLUNTE ER! BE THERE! VINTA GE AIRPLAN E Lawrence to Speak on Aging Aircraft VAA Question of the Month EAA Vice President of Industry and I fly a neat old biplane, and sometimes I need to extend my day Regulatory Affairs Earl Lawrence will a bit on the trip home. My take on the required lights needed for speak at a two-day public meeting on : ~ying at ni~ht are position lights plus an anti-collision light, aging aircraft, scheduled for March Q eIther a rotating beacon and/or strobes. My friend says antiques are 22-23 in Kansas City, Missouri. The grandfathered in here, and that they don't need anything but position lights. meeting will emphasize what can be Can you shed some, er, light, on this subject? done to mitigate the effects of fatigue, -An Antique Flier corrosion, and deterioration on aging general aviation airplanes. (the airplane, not the pilot!) PartiCipants will share informa­ A : Antiques and classics are definitely reqUired to have an tion, resolve questions, and discuss anti-collision lighting system as well as navigation lights if they want to potential solutions regarding the fly at night. The only grandfathered part is they have to meet the ear­ continued airworthiness of older GA lier requirements for the placement and coverage of the anti-collision airplanes. The current fleet average is beacon, rather than having to meet the most current requirements. It approximately 35 years old and will basically comes down to having a strobe or rotating beacon on either increase to SO years old by 2020. the top or the bottom of the aircraft (belly, tip of the vertical, or wher­ Vintage Aircraft Association Ex­ ever); that's sufficient for aircraft that wete type-certificated before April ecutive Director H.G. Frautschy I, 1957. These aircraft can't get by without anything or just position also plans to share expertise at the lights, but they don't need as extensive a system as a more modern air­ meeting, which is slated to begin at plane would need. 8 a.m. each day, with registration at Since you asked, here's a bit more on requirements for flying at 8 a.m. on March 22. night: Individuals may submit a request to present a statement at the meet­ CFR 14 Part 91.205 ing. If unable to attend, either mail (c) Visual flight rules (night). For VFR flight at night, the following in­ a statement to FAA Small Airplane struments and equipment are required: Directorate, FAA Central Region, At­ (1) Instruments and equipment specified in paragraph (b) of this section. tention: Mr. Marv Nuss, 901 Locust, (2) Approved pOSition lights. Room 301, Kansas City, MO 64106, (3) An approved aviation red or aviation white anti-collision light or e-mail marvin.nuss@{aa.gov.
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