159 St Francis of Assisi Sch - Harden Mondays to Fridays Operator: NXB Notes: ST St Francis College (opp) 1540 Hallcroft Way (opp) 1540 Rookery Lane (opposite) 1541 The Avion (adj) 1542 Aldridge, Aldridge Shopping Centre (at) 1543 Anchor Road (adjacent) 1543 Middlemore Lane (before) 1543 Burnfields Close (opp) 1544 Lockside (before) 1545 Dumblederry Lane (before) 1546 RAB Products (opp) 1547 Jukes Brothers (opposite) 1548 Rufford Way (opp) 1549 Edinburgh Drive (adj) 1549 Linley Road (adj) 1550 Kings Road 1551 Lichfield Road (before) 1552 Coalheath Lane (before) 1554 Somerfield Close (adj) 1555 Shelfield, The Drive (after) 1556 St Francis School (adj) 1556 Defford Avenue (opp) 1557 Harrison Road (adj) 1557 Broad Lane (adj) 1558 Coronation Road (before) 1558 Spring Lane (adj) 1559 Field Lane (adj) 1600 Old Vicarage Close 1602 Vicarage Road (after) 1602 Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph (opp) 1604 Smithy Drive (opp) 1605 Finger Post (adjacent) 1605 Finger Post (opp) 1606 School Lane (adj) 1606 Shortlands Lane (adj) 1607 Clockmill Road (adj) 1608 Millers Walk (after) 1609 Stoney Lane (opp) 1610 Millfield Avenue (opp) 1611 Field Road (adj) 1611 Walsall Academy (opp) 1612 High Street (before) 1613 Bloxwich, Victoria Avenue (near) 1614 Elmore Row (opposite) 1614 Bloxwich Hospital (opposite) 1615 Pinfold (adjacent) 1615 Leamore Park (adjacent) 1616 Leamore Lane (opp) 1617 May Street (opposite) 1618 Bloxwich Industrial Estate (opposite) 1619 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Notes ST School Term Time Only, WALSALL Route 159 is operated by National Express West Midlands Carl Street, Leamore, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 7BF Tel: 01922 856102 159 Harden - St Francis of Assisi Sch Mondays to Fridays Operator: NXB Notes: ST Bloxwich Industrial Estate (adjacent) 0750 May Street (adjacent) 0751 Comwall Close (after) 0752 Leamore Lane (adj) 0753 Leamore Park (opp) 0755 Pinfold (opposite) 0756 Bloxwich Hospital (adjacent) 0757 Elmore Row (adjacent) 0758 Bloxwich, Drake Road (opposite) 0800 Field Road (opp) 0802 Millfield Avenue (adj) 0803 Stoney Lane (adj) 0805 Millers Walk (before) 0806 Clockmill Road (opp) 0807 Shortlands Lane (opp) 0808 School Lane (opp) 0809 Finger Post (adjacent) 0810 Finger Post (opp) 0811 Smithy Drive (adj) 0812 Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph (adj) 0814 Old Vicarage Close 0815 Field Lane (opp) 0817 Spring Lane (opp) 0818 Coronation Road (after) 0819 Broad Lane (opp) 0819 Harrison Road (opp) 0820 Defford Avenue (adj) 0821 Shelfield, Four Crosses Road (opp) 0822 The Drive (before) 0822 Somerfield Close (opp) 0823 Coalheath Lane (after) 0823 Lichfield Road (after) 0824 Kings Road 0826 Linley Road (opp) 0826 Edinburgh Drive (opp) 0827 Rufford Way (adj) 0828 Jukes Brothers (adjacent) 0829 RAB Products (adj) 0830 Dumblederry Lane (after) 0830 Lockside (after) 0831 Burnfields Close (before) 0832 Middlemore Lane (after) 0833 Aldridge, Aldridge Shopping Centre (by) 0834 Rookery Lane (adjacent) 0835 Hallcroft Way (adj) 0836 St Francis College (adj) 0838 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Notes ST School Term Time Only, WALSALL Route 159 is operated by National Express West Midlands Carl Street, Leamore, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 7BF Tel: 01922 856102 159 St Francis of Assisi Sch - Harden NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code nwmjapwg Aldridge, St Francis College (opp) Erdington Road 43000655102 nwmjapjd Aldridge, Hallcroft Way (opp) Erdington Road 43000653602 nwmjaptw Aldridge, Rookery Lane (opposite) Portland Road 43000654902 nwmjaptj Aldridge, The Avion (adj) Anchor Road 43000654801 nwmtjpmd Aldridge, Aldridge Shopping Centre (at) Anchor Road 43000654704 nwmtpgmd Aldridge, Anchor Road (adjacent) Leighswood Road 43000654001 nwmjapjw Aldridge, Middlemore Lane (before) Leighswood Road 43000654301 nwmjapjt Redhouse Industrial Estate, Burnfields Close (opp) Leighswood Road 43000654201 nwmtmpdt Redhouse Industrial Estate, Lockside (before) Wharf Approach 43000637401 nwmtwjgj Westgate, Dumblederry Lane (before) Wharf Approach 43000637501 nwmjadpw Westgate, RAB Products (opp) Westgate 43000636301 nwmjadpt Westgate, Jukes Brothers (opposite) Westgate 43000636202 nwmjadpg Westgate, Rufford Way (opp) Westgate 43000636101 nwmgwtmg Westgate, Edinburgh Drive (adj) Barns Lane 43000632501 nwmgwtma Westgate, Linley Road (adj) Barns Lane 43000632401 nwmgwtjt Rushall, Kings Road 43000632301 nwmpmdmw Rushall, Lichfield Road (before) Winterley Lane 43006500502 nwmjadwa Shelfield, Coalheath Lane (before) Lichfield Road 43000638102 nwmjadwg Shelfield, Somerfield Close (adj) Lichfield Road 43000638202 nwmjadwp Shelfield, The Drive (after) Lichfield Road 43000638401 nwmjagdj Shelfield, St Francis School (adj) Mill Road 43000639101 nwmjagap Shelfield, Defford Avenue (opp) Broad Lane 43000638701 nwmjagda High Heath, Harrison Road (adj) Broad Lane 43000639001 nwmjagmp High Heath, Broad Lane (adj) 43000639901 nwmjagmj High Heath, Coronation Road (before) Broad Way 43000639802 nwmjagma High Heath, Spring Lane (adj) Coronation Road 43000639701 nwmjagjt High Heath, Field Lane (adj) Coronation Road 43000639601 nwmpmdtd Heath End, Old Vicarage Close 43006650102 nwmjadmw Pelsall, Vicarage Road (after) Norton Road 43000635801 nwmjadjw Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph (opp) Norton Road 43000635102 nwmjadgm Ryder’s Hayes, Smithy Drive (opp) Norton Road 43000634302 nwmjadgd Ryder’s Hayes, Finger Post (adjacent) Norton Road 43000634202 nwmjadat Ryder’s Hayes, Finger Post (opp) Wolverhampton Road 43000634101 nwmgwtwt Pelsall Wood, School Lane (adj) Wolverhampton Road 43000633401 nwmgwtwp Pelsall Wood, Shortlands Lane (adj) Wolverhampton Road 43000633303 nwmgwtwj Pelsall Wood, Clockmill Road (adj) Wolverhampton Road 43000633202 nwmgwtwd Little Bloxwich, Millers Walk (after) Wolverhampton Road 43000633102 nwmgwptd Little Bloxwich, Stoney Lane (opp) Lichfield Road 43000627202 nwmgwpmt Little Bloxwich, Millfield Avenue (opp) Lichfield Road 43000627101 nwmgwmtp Lower Farm, Field Road (adj) Lichfield Road 43000622702 nwmgwmtj Wallington Heath, Walsall Academy (opp) Lichfield Road 43000622602 nwmgwmtd Bloxwich, High Street (before) Park Road 43000622503 nwmgwmjp Bloxwich, Victoria Avenue (near) High Street 43000621501 nwmgwmpt Bloxwich, Elmore Row (opposite) High Street 43000622301 nwmgwmpm Blakenall Heath, Bloxwich Hospital (opposite) High Street 43000622204 nwmgwmpd Blakenall Heath, Pinfold (adjacent) High Street 43000622101 nwmgwjdg Blakenall Heath, Leamore Park (adjacent) Bloxwich Road 43000616502 nwmgwjaw Leamore, Leamore Lane (opp) Bloxwich Road 43000616402 nwmgwjam Harden, May Street (opposite) Bloxwich Road 43000616301 nwmgwjaj Harden, Bloxwich Industrial Estate (opposite) Bloxwich Road 43000616202 159 Harden - St Francis of Assisi Sch NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code nwmgwjag Harden, Bloxwich Industrial Estate (adjacent) 43000616201 nwmgwjap Harden, May Street (adjacent) Bloxwich Road 43000616302 nwmtjtwj Leamore, Comwall Close (after) Bloxwich Road 43000614901 nwmgwjat Leamore, Leamore Lane (adj) Bloxwich Road 43000616401 nwmgwjda Blakenall Heath, Leamore Park (opp) 43000616501 nwmgwmpg Blakenall Heath, Pinfold (opposite) High Street 43000622102 nwmgwmpj Blakenall Heath, Bloxwich Hospital (adjacent) High Street 43000622203 nwmgwmpw Bloxwich, Elmore Row (adjacent) 43000622302 nwmdtgdp Bloxwich, Drake Road (opposite) Park Road 43000622403 nwmgwmtm Lower Farm, Field Road (opp) Lichfield Road 43000622701 nwmgwpmw Little Bloxwich, Millfield Avenue (adj) Lichfield Road 43000627102 nwmgwpta Little Bloxwich, Stoney Lane (adj) Lichfield Road 43000627201 nwmgwtwa Little Bloxwich, Millers Walk (before) Wolverhampton Road 43000633101 nwmgwtwg Pelsall Wood, Clockmill Road (opp) Wolverhampton Road 43000633201 nwmgwtwm Pelsall Wood, Shortlands Lane (opp) Wolverhampton Road 43000633302 nwmjadad Pelsall Wood, School Lane (opp) Wolverhampton Road 43000633402 nwmjadaw Ryder’s Hayes, Finger Post (adjacent) Wolverhampton Road 43000634102 nwmjadga Ryder’s Hayes, Finger Post (opp) Norton Road 43000634201 nwmjadgj Ryder’s Hayes, Smithy Drive (adj) Norton Road 43000634301 nwmjadjt Pelsall, Pelsall Cenotaph (adj) 43000635101 nwmtpgaj Heath End, Old Vicarage Close 43006650103 nwmjagjw High Heath, Field Lane (opp) Coronation Road 43000639602 nwmjagmd High Heath, Spring Lane (opp) Coronation Road 43000639702 nwmjagmg High Heath, Coronation Road (after) Broad Way 43000639801 nwmjagmt High Heath, Broad Lane (opp) 43000639902 nwmjagdg High Heath, Harrison Road (opp) Broad Lane 43000639002 nwmjagat Shelfield, Defford Avenue (adj) Broad Lane 43000638702 nwmgwtat Shelfield, Four Crosses Road (opp) Mill Road 43000630901 nwmjadwt Shelfield, The Drive (before) Lichfield Road 43000638403 nwmjadwd Shelfield, Somerfield Close (opp) Lichfield Road 43000638201 nwmjadtw Shelfield, Coalheath Lane (after) Lichfield Road 43000638101 nwmpmdmt Rushall, Lichfield Road (after) Winterley Lane 43006500501 nwmgwtjw Rushall, Kings Road 43000632302 nwmgwtmd Westgate, Linley Road (opp) Barns Lane 43000632402 nwmgwtmj Westgate, Edinburgh Drive (opp) Barns Lane 43000632502 nwmjadpj Westgate, Rufford Way (adj) Westgate 43000636102 nwmjadpm Westgate, Jukes Brothers (adjacent) Westgate 43000636201 nwmjadta Westgate, RAB Products (adj) Westgate 43000636302 nwmtwjgm Westgate, Dumblederry Lane (after) Wharf Approach 43000637502 nwmtmpdw Redhouse Industrial Estate, Lockside (after) Wharf Approach 43000637402 nwmtjmgw Redhouse Industrial Estate, Burnfields Close (before) Leighswood Road 43000654202 nwmjapma Aldridge, Middlemore Lane (after) Leighswood Road 43000654302 nwmjaptg Aldridge, Aldridge Shopping Centre (by) Anchor Road 43000654703 nwmjaptp Aldridge, Rookery Lane (adjacent) Portland Road 43000654901 nwmjapja Aldridge, Hallcroft Way (adj) Erdington Road 43000653601 nwmjapwd Aldridge, St Francis College (adj) Erdington Road 43000655101.
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