m o 1 01 S 114 i g E 2 6611 otaie 11IN 00 14, $1 oo 00 r3 2,1 114 io:o 001 g. Ibtbgb gg m Wo404 Otow. o ;"41 oopo 41,,q6 ON THE RADIO THIS WEEK IroVvvvvor TEM MEW YOHIC---TIM BULLETINS. EVERY 210/TH ON THE HOUR. W0833-1568 kc. WON:EtX.1W 88.3 012;4' WEEMDATY 7/%."`ti.O..._ 783DZITOBET.- TODAY. BR.. N. To MIDNIGHT (Faccopt ozt 4 ...a s P za.) -0/0"4 TODAY; SUNDAY, SEPflMBER 28 - TODAY,SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 . WCBS-Church of the Air: Dr 12:O5-WI1XR-Sympbonic Varieties WQXR-NeW York Times News Told: "These Things Shall Be WOR-Lutheran Hour ." FM PROGRAMS Added Unto You" WJZ-American Music Hall; 1.arry Moslre..Davis, Guest l2:l5WOR-The Men's Corner 2:05-WQXR-Pop Concert - \Dupiicating AM Programs 4:30.WFUV-Lecture Series WMCA-NWSJ Crognere Time ,WJZ-Words of Power 2:15-WMCA-Dugout Chatter WCBS-Robert Trout; News Douglas, Eileen Barton, P.aul -7:00 A. M. to 11:00 P. M.-WNYC.FM 5:30-WFUV-Concert in Miniature LEADING: EVENTS TODAY WINS-News; Recorded Music 12:3O-WNBC--Thé Eternal Light: The 2:25WMCA-Baseball: Giants.Phillies, WNEW-Malçe Believe Ballroom Whitemun, llen Osser; Others 8:00 A. ES. to 1:00 A. M.-WQXR.FM 6:0O.WGHF-Dinner Music; News WMGM-Raullo Bible - Glass . - Man -Who- SaId No Polo Grounds ' WQXR-Yon Kippur Program: WCBS-Frank Fontaine Show 8:00 A. M. to1:00 A. M.-WNBC.FM WFUV-We're All Human . WQXR-New.York .flriseNews WOR-Nawa; FaIth In Our TIme 2:30-WNBC-Sammy Kaye Serenade Rabbi Jacob Polish, Speaker WMCA-News; Fashion in Muoic 8:00 A. IL to 1:00 A. M.-WCBS-FM 6:30-WFUV-Chieese Program IO:OS-WQX R-Book Concert WJZ-Herald. of Trutle Talk WJZ-Christian Science Program 5:5S-WCBS-Larry LeSueur WNEW-Nvwo; Traffic Tips 9:00 A. M. to 12:00 P. M.-WJZ-FM 7:OO-KE2CXCC-Candielight and Silver 11 :35 A. M.-12 M.-Tnv1tat1op to Leariiñg:5:3O-Sfar Playhouse: "Ambush ForlO:iSWOR-Your Money it Work WMGM-Amerlcan-Jewlsh Caravan: WCBS-Your invitatIon to MusIc - EVENING WMGM-Calvory Baptist Church 3:00 P. H. to 9:00 P. M.-WMGM.FM WABF-Symphonic Concert WC&S-Wprid .jsffairs .WQXR-09 Wings of Song WEVD-Irisln Hour WFUV-Speuk Up Americans Robert Louis Stevenson's 'Kiduapped" With Barry Sullivan-WBO.. iO:30'WNBC-Chilcfren's Hour 6:OO.WNBC-Drama: The Scarlet Pim- II:OOA. H. to 1:004. M.-WEVD.FM 5:3O-6--Greatest Story Ever Told: "These WOR-Loraine Sherwood WNEW-Neiss;lMusic 2:4S-WJZ-Women in Uniform WQXR-New York Times News 7:l5-WFUV-News (Off at 7:20) -Jan Struther, Hassoldt Davis, Dr. Ly- - . Moislie Oysher, Barry SIsters; pornel, With Marius Garing 8:05.WQxR-Opera: Lakme man Byon-WcS. Things Shall Be Added Unto You"- WJZ-DilIapC University Choir - 3:OO-WNBC-Elmo Roper WOR-Nick Carter 7:30-KE2CXCC-Public Service Program Others ' - . FM Only - WCBS-Church of,the Air:: WJZ-The Baptist Hour WJZ-George E. Sokolsky 8;30-WNBC-Thoatre Guild: Elmer the 7:45-KE2C XCC-Muaic Variety I_2 M.-12 :3O-.TheAsja Stoi3': Axnbasador wjz. ReC. James A. Greeley, Guest WQXR-Muslcal Specialties . WNYC-Speaklng of Music Great, With Eddie Bracken and9:30-WFUV-Bion Chapel 8:30.WABF-World Theatre: The Gus. Leslie K. Munro of New Zealand, Guest6-6:80--Drama: "The Scarlet Pimpernel, " - . 12:45-WCBS-BilI Costello. WCBS-Music For You WNYCMr. and Mis. Opera WQXR-New York Times News WMCA-News; Music Wanda Hendrix 1O:05-WFUV-News; St. Francis Hour ernment Inspector, By Gogol -wc:ss. With .Marjus Goring-WNBC. WMGM-Recorded Music WQX R-Violln PersonalitIes 3:O5-WQX R-Sunday Symphony WOR-Voice of Prophecy 1O:40-WGHF-Bible Readings 9:O0-KE2CXCC-Evening Symphony Hour - 1:OO.WNBC-SundayNews Desk: WNYC-Oscar Brand, Folkoongs 11:OO.WGHF-Recsrded Music; News 12:30-1-The Eternal Ugbt: "The Man7-7:31-3ack Benny; Others-WCBS. 10:45-WOR-Vour Hymnal; News 3:15.WNBC-Pro and -Con - WINS-Gospel Association WCBS-Playhsuse WGHF-Music Until Three Who Said No"-WNC. 7:3-.-Amos 'n' AUdy-WCBS (Pre-.11:Q.WJZ_.Newsr BruncIf Time William Sprague, Narrator 3:30-WNBC-Bob. Considine WMCA-Ave Maria Drama 11 :30-WFUV-Great Readings WOR-Fesilval of Opera WMGM-Sunset Hoar WNYC-Keybcard Masters 11 :45-WFUV-Sacred Heart 10:OO-KE2CXCC-Music; Variety Co II) 12:30-1:30 - American Jewish Caravan: inière) ' . WCBS-Salt Lake City Ta6ernacle WOR.-Crlme Fighters WJZ-Dr. WillIam Ward Ayer WQXR-New York Times News WINS-Sacred Hour l2:0O-WFLJV-News'- Opera Music WABF-Munic Library (To 11) Moishe Oysher; Others-WMGM. 8:O9:3O -Thatre Guild:"Elmer the Choir and .Organ . WJZ-Bllly Graham 6:OS.WQ X fl-The String Qsartet WCBS-String Serenade 3:45-WNBC-Leon Pearson WNEW-News; Dance Music 4:OO-KE2CXCC-Music Varieties 11:OO.WNYC-FM-Music, News (To 3) 1-1:30 - The Jeffersonian Heritage: "Di- Great,"WithEd4ieBracken and WMC4-News; Records WMCA-Newp Reports; Music 6:1S-WJZ-Naws Reports 12:OO-WNYC-FM-While City Sleeps WINS-RecordedSongs 4:OO-WNBC-Tlse Chase: Drama 8:45.WNIGM-Recorded Music WFUV-News; LiturgicalMusic vided We stand," With Claude Rains- Wanda Ilendrix-WNBC. : WNYC-Drama:-TheJefferson 6:25.WOR-News; Official Detective,s WEVD-Red Croo WMGM-Reform Church WOR-Under Arrest 6:30.WNBC-Juvenile Jury: Jack Barry Drama WNYC. - 931Y-Playhouse: "Nebraska Coast," .. Heritage, With Claude Rains: WJZ-The - Revival Hour WQXR-New York Times News Divided We Stand WJZ-Recorded Music 9:00-WOR-Opera Concert INEVD-Concert Favorites WMCA-News; Dance Musis 1:55-Baseball: Yankees at Philadelphia-- With F4 MacMurray-WCBS. 11:OS.WQXR-Ethical Culture Society WQX fl-New YorkTlme News JCBS-The QuIz Kids: Joe Kelly WCBS-Syncopation Pieci WJZ-Drew Pearoon; Others WQXR-New York Times News WINS-Bethel Gospel WINS; 2-Dodgers-Braves, Ebbets Field9 :30-10-lunar Sanctum: "The Dead Walk WNYC-Young American Artists WCBS-Playhouse: Nebraska Coast, l.1:15.WOR-Bruncli . Time i:OS.WQXR-Melodies of Old Vienna WNYC-Song ClassIcs . 10:05-WCBS-The Choraliers WNEW-Muslc Till Midnight WHEW-Al CoUins Music - -WMGM; 2 :25 - Giants-Phillies, Polo- 4tNight," Wth Donald Buka-WCBS. WJZ-Frank and Ernest, Talk With -Fred MacMurray; Liooel WMGM-Newareel Theatre 1: l5-WNEW-Hollday in-France- WMGM-Sports dews; Music WINS-Evening Serenade WQXR-First Performance Grounds-WMCA. 1O-1O:3O-Meet the Press: Senator Georgeli:30-WNBC-News' Reports 1:30.WNBC-Jewish Holyday Celebra. 6:45.WNYC-Weathar and News Barrymore, Host 10: 15.WJZ-Gloria Parker WEVD-Latin-American Hour Malone, Guet-WNBC. WJZ-'-Vury Rev. Msgr. Anthony 4:1S-WMCA--The Scoreboard; Music WMGM-Vaughn Monroe Muuic WMCA-News; Swingtime 10:25-WMGM-News;Sports; Music WQXR-New York Times News -4:3O-The Quiz Elds, With Joe KIiy- tion-Yom Kippur; Rabbi Henry WNYC-Perpignan Festival Music wc:Bs- 1oso-.0 - American. Forum: "Who Is A Brouwers, Speaker Kagan,Others 4:30-WNBC-MartinKane 7:OO-WNBC-Meet Your Match-Jan i0:!0,WNBC-American Forum: Who is11:07.WQX R-The World of Music . C. WOR-Matthew Bell - WINS-Baltimore Gospel 11:15-WNBC-Jean Martin, Songs 4:30-5-Pick The. Winner: Snator JohnCaptive of Whqm7" Senator Hubert WCBS-News .Reports WJZ-National Vespers: Murray aCaptiveof Whom? Senator WNEW-News; Sing Crosby Rev. Charles B. Templeton WCBS-Pickthe Winner: Sen. WOR-Peter Salem - WMGM-Health Talk; Music Hnbert Humphrey, Clare Soothe WOR-Youth on the March Sparkman, Guest-WCBS. Humphiey Clare Soothe I4ie-WNBC. WMGM-Cavalry Baptist Church John Sparkman, Guest WJr-Bovero Orchestra WEVD-High Holyday Services; WJZ-Beauty Talk - WCBS-USAF RecruItIng Band WNYC-Chambur Music Time Rabbi Jay Kaufman; Others Loce, Guests . U:35-WCBS-Invitation to Learning- - WCBS-Jack Benny WCBS-Weather; Dance MusiC WNYC-Britlsln News Review - WHEW-News; Music WOR-Back to God WCBS-Tfre Garden Gat 9:l5:WNBC-Comic Wekly Man Classics of Adventure: -Kid. WNEW-Newn; Hollywood Review WMCA-News; Broadway Music (Recording) WJZ-William Tesher tI:30.WNBC-Clifton litley MORNING . - . 4:45-WMCA-The Scoreboard 9:1S-WJZ-Melody Highway-ABC WON-Magic of Believing naped1 -by Robert Louis - WNYC-Masterwork Hour 8:OO-WNBC-Morning Ptayers; News WMCA-Music for Children WMGM-News; Warm-Up Time WINS-Baseball Roundpp; Music Orchestra; Soloists WCBS-Morgan Orchestra WJZ-Dr. Billy Graham WINS-Light and Life-Hour.. ... WCBS-World News Round.Up Stevenson-Jan-truther, WQX R-Guiomar Novaes Plays WMGM-Today's Baseball .. WMCA-Story of Yom Kippur; WINS-Healing Waters WOR-Sunnse Serenade - HassoFdtDavis, Or. Lyman 5:OO-WNBC-Hollysood Star- Playhouse: WNEW-News; Children's, WINS-Front Pe Drama 1:40-WINS-Baseball Preview WQXR-New York Times News 9:.30.WNBC-Dragset, With Jack Webb White Plains Jewish Community1l:45-WNBC-Viewpoint U. S. A. WJZ-Radio Bible Class Blyson . Ambush For Two, With WCBS-Inner Sanctum: The Dead WMGM-Bible Hour. - . 9:3Q.WOR-Sueday Chapel:Dr. Ernest 1 :45.WNYC-Weather; News 7:OS-WQX R-Symphony Hall CenterChoir;Dr. Lawrence W. WCSS-News; Karamu Quartet 11:45.WNBC-Songsof the Wild Barry Sullivn . WOR-McPartland Trio WQXR-Breakfast Symphony. 1:55-WINS-Baseball: Yankees at 7:15.WJZ-Three Suns Trio Walk at Night-Donald Buka WMCA-News; Musical Almanac Phlen, Speaker S WOR-The Shb'dow WMCA-Merle Pitt Orchestra Schwartz, Narrator II:50.WMCA-Newo Roundup 8:45.WOR-Frank and EZneSt .
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