RECOMMENDATIONS REPORT CARD g Based on this Report Card, a number of programmatic, policy and funding actions could be recommended to enhance HIV prevention for girls and young women in Thailand. These are HIV PREVENTION FOR GIRLS that key stakeholders – including government, relevant intergovernmental and non- governmental organisations, and donors – should consider: AND YOUNG WOMEN 1. The government of Thailand should sign the Convention on incorporating youth-friendly and confidential approaches into Consent Marriage, Minimum Age of Marriage and the training of government health staff. Registration of Marriages. 8. More aggressively promote a positive model of voluntary 2. Review and strengthen Thailand’s action in the light of the counselling and testing – one that emphasises the benefits of aspects of the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS from the 2 knowing your HIV status within a safe and supportive THAILAND June 2006 High-Level Meeting (to follow up on UNGASS) that environment, guarantees confidentiality and helps girls and particularly relate to HIV prevention for girls and young women. young women cope with the aftermath, for example in terms of These include sections: 7, 8, 11, 15, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31 notifying their families and partners. g COUNTRY CONTEXT: and 34. 9. Promote universal access to antiretroviral therapy. Ensure INTRODUCTION 1 3. Address the health impact of unsafe abortion as a major public that girls and young women living with HIV, including those who Size of population: 62,418,054 health concern, and reduce the recourse to abortion through are poor and in rural areas can receive treatment in an Life expectancy at birth: 72.75 Years2 expanded and improved family-planning services. Ensure that a environment that not only addresses their HIV status, but Percentage of population under 15 years: 22%3 THIS REPORT CARD AIMS TO women’s HIV positive status does not cause her to be pressured recognises their needs relating to their gender and age. Population below income poverty line of $1 per day: 10%4 to seek an abortion against her will. Note that any abortion 10. Rapidly move to implement comprehensive health services PROVIDE A SUMMARY OF HIV related changes within the health system can only be and HIV/AIDS programs for migrants, hill tribes and other Female youth literacy rate (ages 15-24): 97.8%5 determined at the national or local level according to the ethnic minorities, in particular women and girls. It is essential PREVENTION FOR GIRLS AND national legislative process. Youth literacy rate (female rate as % of male to expand HIV prevention, voluntary testing and counselling rate, ages 15-24)i between 1995-1999: 100%6 YOUNG WOMEN IN THAILAND. 4. Undertake a national awareness raising campaign with HIV services and condom availability, and to make anti-retroviral 7 prevention messages for the broader community, and in therapy available to foreign resident migrants, minorities and Median age at first marriage for women (ages 15-49) in 2006: 21.2 Years ii 8 This Report Card is one in a series produced by the particular aimed at reducing HIV prevalence among young members of hill tribes on an equal basis with Thais. Median age at first sex among females (ages 15-49) in 2004: 20 Years International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), women and men, sex workers and injecting drug users. This 9 11. Significantly scale up the pilot HIV prevention programmes Median age at first sex among males (ages 15-49) in 2004: 19 Years under the umbrella of the Global Coalition on Women should build upon existing campaigns and use key messages for vulnerable groups of girls and young women, such as Health expenditure per capita per year: $32110 and AIDS, and with the support of the United Nations developed in collaboration with the target audience. those involved in sex work or injecting drug use. Ensure that iii 11 Population Fund (UNFPA) and Young Positives. 5. Increase the focus on prevention within the work of the such initiatives are carried out within a supportive environment Contraceptive prevalence rate : 81.1% National Health Security Office (NHSO). In doing so, expand that is non-coercive, non discriminatory and promotes Maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live births: 3612 The Report Card is an advocacy tool. It aims to young peoples’ access to a broader range of information and participants’ rights. Main ethnic groups: Thai 75% | Chinese 14% | other 11%13 increase and improve the programmatic, policy and commodities, including male and female contraception. 12. Complement existing programmes for vulnerable groups by 14 funding actions taken on HIV prevention for girls and 6. Increase the scale and breadth of HIV prevention developing models to reach other types of marginalised Main religions: Buddhist 94.6% | Muslim 4.6% | Christian 0.7% | other 0.1% young women in Thailand. Its key audiences are programmes for girls and young women in the general girls and young women, such as those who live in border areas, Main languages: Thai | English (secondary language of the elite) national, regional and international policy and 15 population. Ensure that such efforts: are migrant workers and/or victims of gender-based violence. | ethnic and regional dialects decision-makers, and service providers. It builds • Build awareness and action on equitable gender 13. Strong commitment to support comprehensive sex on global policy commitments, particularly those relations, for example by addressing harmful gender ‘norms’ education programs at a local and national level is needed to AIDS CONTEXT: outlined in the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS from that contribute to girls’ and young women’s vulnerability. integrate of sex education in school curriculum in all schools g the 2 June 2006 High-Level Meeting, to follow up on • Promote income generating activities and building including the rural schools. In addition: enable condom 16 Number of women aged 15 and over living with HIV: 220,000 the United Nations General Assembly Special Session practical skills, particularly for sex workers. distribution in schools; ensure that peer educators are equipped 17 • Include the involvement of boys/young men and create an to provide referrals to services in the community; and ensure Number of adults aged 15 and over living with HIV: 560,000 on AIDS (UNGASS). 18 enabling dialogue about sex and HIV and AIDS between them that teachers receive adequate training and support to put any HIV prevalence among pregnant woman in 2005: 1.01% The Report Card summarises the current situation of and girls/young women. life skills education provided into effective practice. HIV prevalence among brothel based sex workers in 2005: 6.8%19 HIV prevention strategies and services for girls • Target men who have sex with men, who may also be married. 14. The national response to HIV and AIDS needs a stronger ‘right- • Focus on the promotion of positive prevention (i.e. the HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in 2005: 37.6%20 and young women ages 15-24 years in Thailand. It based’ approach. Some rights of people living with HIV are still contains an analysis of five key components that need for HIV prevention to be for, and with, people living with Number of deaths due to AIDS in 2005: 21,00021 being violated and discriminated especially their rights to influence HIV prevention, namely: HIV) and positive attitudes to safe sex and sexuality. conceive or terminate pregnancies, because doctors don’t want 7. Expand youth-friendly, and integrated, HIV and sexual to get involved. g HIV PREVENTION FOR GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN CONTEXT: 1. Legal provision and reproductive services, particularly for young women 15. Work with boys and men to improve their health seeking Girls and young women in Thailand are particularly vulnerable to HIV 2. Policy provision living with HIV, to all major district health outlets within behaviour, challenge their attitudes toward sex (to inter alia infection in a number of ways, particularly through sex work and the 22 3. Availability of services countries. Also address some of the barriers to the use of address demand for sex workers), and to reduce the increasing prevalence rates among married women. In addition, social 4. Accessibility of services such services, for example by more systematically transmission of HIV and STIs to their regular partners. and cultural factors affecting gender roles mean that women have less negotiating power in sexual relationships.23 5. Participation and rights The economic activity rate of females in the age group 15 years and over in It also provides recommendations for key stakeholders Thailand was 73.1 percent in 2001, approximately 85 percent of the male rate. to enhance action on HIV prevention strategies and Although the economic activity rate of women is very high, many women services for girls and young women in Thailand. CONTACT DETAILS continue to be unpaid or ‘contributing family workers’.24 The rates of casual sex For further information about this Report Card, or to receive a copy of the Research Dossier, please contact: without condoms are also found to be equally high among both males and The Report Card is the basis of extensive research females. In addition, there is a high population mobility of both Thai citizens and carried out during 2006 by IPPF, involving both desk cross-border migrants which also increases risk and vulnerability to HIV research on published data and reports, and in-country infection, particularly for women and young girls.25 research in Thailand to provide more qualitative Girls and young women in Thailand have made progress in the area of information. This research is detailed in full within a reproductive health, yet more needs to be done to strengthen women's 'Research Dossier on HIV Prevention for Girls and Young International Planned UNFPA Global Coalition Young Positives reproductive rights as significant gender gaps continue to exist.
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