Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 1-27-1939 The edC arville Herald, January 27, 1939 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, January 27, 1939" (1939). The Cedarville Herald. 1756. http://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/1756 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NBW THINGS AES ADVERTISED ADVERTISING IS NEWS, AS MUCH BY MBRCHANTS FIRST. ADVER­ AS THE HEADLINES ON THE FRONT TISEMENTS KEEP YOU ABREAST PAGE. OFTEN IT IS OF MORE OFJHIE TIMES. READ THEM! SIGNIFICANCE TO YOU, cm vuftgy 2 “7 gIXTYrSECOND YEAR NO, 12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, FRIDAY, -FEBRUARY-24; 1939 ICE, $1.50 A YEAR CONGRESSIONAL Co-Operative Club The Cedrus Staiff-Cedarville College Y< FORMER DOCTOR Will Sponsor Benefit HAPPENINGS IN Picture Show Soon to be Issued iti May D SUNDAY - ..— i f The Co-Operative Club Mondays ' WASHINGTON j evening voted to sponsor a benefit DAYTON j picture show at the school auditorium! i for the support off the fund for feed -1 By CLARENCE J. BROWN Taylor R. Baldridge, 79, a prac- ing under-nourished children. Differ-j Member of Congress, g physician here more than forty cnt organizations have made contri-' Seventh Ohio District rs ago, died at his home in Dayton, _____ < hutions to this fund which will be- dlhSO a, m„ following a Congress more or less marked time ^ k'ted before sfho°> closes. Popular, stroke more than a year ago, during the past week. In the house a 'Pncesw.ll preva.l. Th club will give, deceased practiced medicine five prizes to the five boys or girls, 'Deficiency Appropriation Bill to care here for five years and the same time selling the largest number of tickets,' for New England's storm damage, in California. • Returning to Dayton Particulars as to date will be an­ grasshoppers and other pests in the iced in that city for forty nounced later. The benefit will btr West, Wages and Hours administra­ penalizing in the treatment of k’ven some night when the .Cozy, tion, and census matters, was de­ tism and blood poisoning. Theatre will he dark. bated ami then permitted to rest over • Baldridge was twice married, until the first of the week. Again the irst wife by death. Ill's second House of Representatives demon- iage was to Nora Barber, daugh- • strated its desire for economy' by ma­ County School late James Barber, who terially reducing, 'through amend­ Boards Organized ■vith two sons by the last ments, some of the Administration re­ union, Ernest B. Baldridge, Dayton, quests, In the Senate most of tile Completion of 1980 re-organization t and E. Russell Baldridge, Cleveland^ week was taken, up in debating the* meetings by boards of education in I and two grand children. 'confirmation of • Supreme Court the 11 rural school districts of Greene The deceased was a member of Justice Frankfurter; Attorney Gen , „ . _ V County was announced Tuesday at the Wesclminislor Presbyterian Church, eral Murphy; and Director of Com- „ . .. , , rr * Tr; , . office of H. C. Aultman, county super- lodge of Masons, Knights" Templar, merce Harry L. Hopkins. All were int< ndent. Elections of officers result- : Commandery and Shrine. A Scottish confirmed but Mr. Hopkins did not ed in selection of the following board, Rite service was held Monday eve­ have an easy time of it—for his ears ning, while the funeral was held Tues­ still must be burning from that which presidents: . ' Beavercreek, Edward . Stafford;: day afternoon. Dr. Daniel Brownlee, was said concerning him and politics Caesarcreek, Ralph Haines; Cedar-! executive secretary of the' Dayton in relief. ville; Fred Clemens; Clifton, J. Mae CtJuncil of Churches, having charge. “ " Harris: Jefferson, Charles llollings- Burial took place in North Cem­ The Ohio delegation in Congress worth; Miami, Milton Shaw; Ross, C. etery, Cedarville. fared well in official committee ns-’R. Reid; Silverereek Russell Spahr; heft to rigin; Ruhrv II Roberts, Belle CenUn; Fred Lott, villt*; Elizabeth Anderson, Cedarville; Jane Frame, Cedarville; signments. Both Senator Taft and Spring Valley, Curl Morgan; Sugar- Avon Lake; Clayton Wiseman. Cedarville: Mary Jean Townsley, Senator Donahey are on. a number of* creek, Henry B. Weller; Xenia town- Marie Collins, Cedarville; Clyde Walker, Dayton; and Bennett Henry W. Walsh the most important committees of the ! ah ip, Stanley Hetzler, Cedarville; Beatrice McClellan, Xenia; John Peterson, Cedar-, Senate.. On the House side, Ohio has * ------ - , McNeal, Plattshurg. Assistant Engineer at least one representative on every' Reorganization of hoards of eduea- • ville; Cecil Thoma*, Washington C. H.; Pauline Ferguson, Codnv- important committee, and no Ohio tnm in Greene County’s eleven rural ; Henry W. Walsh, of Xenia, who was member failed to receive real recogni- school districts has been completed dismissed as resident state highway tion when the-committee plums were ■ t ‘<r ,tlie new year, according to reports, Armless Youth Gov. Bricker Sets engineer for Greene county, follow­ passed around. to 0- C. Aultman, county superin- GRAND JURY ing the change in state administra­ * _____ ; tendon t. School board officers elected Gets License Example By Using tions, became assistant county engi­ for 1939, and other board members' neer Monday under a temporary ap­ A special committee from the Ohio follows: ’ To Drive Auto REPORTS 13 His Own Automobile pointment announced by county com­ legislature spent several- days in , SEEKS JUDGMENT Beavercreek ,—' Edward Stafford, missioners. ■ Washington this past week interview­ Elmer'M-dhon ha.- brought > suit in Adnmteilly ‘'inipreesed” by the Gov. John W. Bricker, -has estab­ The engineer’s office, which has ing the Social Security Board . a’nd president; Dan W. Wolf, vice presd- driving skill of the 21-year-old nrm- lished a new custom for future gov­ vdent; Guy Coy, clerk; H. H. Warner, commtin plea ■: court to recover a TRUE BILLS supervision over a county-wide WPA members of the Ohio Congressional • i«ss youth with whom he took a dem- ernors, While Gov. Davcy left the ■‘.flower Cosier and Fred Hawker, $19l/.70 judgment. | road improvement program, entailing delegation relative to the unpaid • nitration ride two months ago, Com­ state owned $5,000 car, .Gov. Bricker i Cat sale reek—Ralph Hainrs, presi­ Tlie petition was filed 10 his capac­ Three secret indictments were extra engineering duties, has been Federal aid for Ohio Old Age pensions mon Pleas Judge' George JL Smith dent; F. M. Buck-waiter, vice pvest- ity as guardian of Roheit Bledsoe, among, 13 true bills reported by the will use it only on state occasions. short-handled, owing to the absence of due the Buckeye State for the. October 1 tiled Friday that Paul E. Lyton, of >■ dent; Mbs Mary Jones, clerk; Wilbur incompetent, against' William S. Grceim County grand Jurv Tuesday;111' US0K 1,is own P|ivate Ciu' io drive County Engineer W. J. Davis, off. settlement. It will be remembered near Osborn, is entitled to a driver’s j Nell, Charles Atkinson, Howard Roge.s nod R J. Watkins, bondsmen afternoon, climaxing a two-day in-j baek fln(l forth tho-atate mansion duty because of ill health since last that in October the. Federal Social: ,. ... for the late Henry Bledsoe, former license w bpvrate-an-GUtomobile. His vestigaiion of twenty case's on tb ejto t,u‘ oa!,ito1 nntl driven it himself, September. The temporary engineer Security Board refused to make its, decision upbidd young LaytonV appeal' Cedarville-—Fred Clemens, presi- guardian. criminal docket. The jury examined; ^ us •MHVln^ tl,e Mate the salary of a had been suggested by Davis recent­ from the refusal of Frank West, monthly contribution to the, . State.. dentof John5 . Collins,.• . • _. „. vice. president;,, A.. •, Million asserts bis predecessor as 73 witnesses, ignored five eases and; chauffeur. John ,T. Brown, Director ly in a letter to commissioners from Ohio because of the claim that thoi _ n . - , . , _ , ,, ,A former state lAigistrar bf-motor ve­ , ...... , ! E. Richards, clerk; Paul Ramsey, P. guardian was supposed t« have on contihued two others to the next court' Agriculture, ..- 1a. using his o\Vh hTTformer home Th’ 11tfalIip 6Ha: State Aid for the Aged Division of the, ,, ,, « , . hicles, to grant the driving permit. .. , , , , . l M. Gilman, F. F. McFarland. hand $199.70. due the account of hi# term. rather than n state owned'automobile. Commissioners revealed that 393* State government had not been prop- ,, . , . “ f I if ton—J, Mac Hams, president; ward, but that a diligent scafxh fail­ Citing evidence from ‘'responsible Cases ignored included. those of A number of other state officials are WPA workers are now employed on crly set up and administered, . f - _ .. , _ _ * henueth Lose, vice president; E. Ct. ed to locate the h ik in g money John per,'«>!’«” that the youth i» a “capable Donald Bailey, 10, Yellow- Springs, doing the same thing. - the extensive road program, started “ ~ ' , Ralston, clerk; Philip Gerliardt, Wal- V. Gibncy is the plaintiff’s attorney. and prudent and skillful driver," the charged with manslaughter, and late in December, Three projects are A. group of forty Senators and lace Rife. court 'expressed conviction I^iyton had David T. Htlderhraii, 46, Ross town­ now in operation and a fourth is ex­ Congressmen interested in farm prob-' Jefferson -• Charles Hollingsworth, DIVORCE I t ‘ESTBI) overcome his natural handicaps “ by ship farmer, accused of shooting with No Analysis For pected to be opened this week, : lems were special guests at the Cos-} president;' Gilbert 1 Ream, vice presi- Suit for divorce, an alimony award 1 ultivalmg an adeptness .with his feet intent to kill.
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