SUBCHAPTER C—THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYSTEM PART 25—ADMINISTRATIVE Subpart A—Introduction PROVISIONS § 25.11 Purpose of regulations. Subpart A—Introduction (a) The regulations in this sub- chapter govern general administration Sec. of units of the National Wildlife Refuge 25.11 Purpose of regulations. System, public notice of changes in 25.12 What do these terms mean? 25.13 Other applicable laws. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service policy regarding Refuge System units, Subpart B—Administrative Provisions issuance of permits required on Refuge System units and other administrative 25.21 When and how do we open and close aspects involving the management of areas of the National Wildlife Refuge various units of the National Wildlife System to public access and use or con- Refuge System. The regulations in this tinue a use? 25.22 Lost and found articles. subchapter apply to areas of land and 25.23 What are the general regulations and water held by the United States in fee information collection requirements? title and to property interests in such land and water in less than fee, includ- Subpart C—Public Notice ing but not limited to easements. For areas held in less than fee, the regula- 25.31 General provisions. tions in this subchapter apply only to Subpart D—Permits the extent that the property interest held by the United States may be af- 25.41 Who issues refuge permits? fected. The regulations in this sub- 25.42 Permits required to be exhibited on re- chapter also apply to and govern those quest. areas of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal 25.43 Who may terminate or revoke a per- over which management responsibility mit and why? has been transferred to the U.S. Fish 25.44 How do we grant permits for easement and Wildlife Service under the Rocky area uses? Mountain Arsenal Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 25.45 Appeals procedure. 102–402, 106 Stat. 1961), before their es- Subpart E—Fees and Charges tablishment as a refuge and inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge Sys- 25.51 General provisions. tem. 25.52 Designation. (b) All national wildlife refuges are 25.53 Establishment of single visit entrance maintained for the primary purpose of fees. developing a national program of wild- 25.54 Posting and public notification. life and ecological conservation and re- 25.55 Refuge admission permits. 25.56 Enforcement. habilitation. These refuges are estab- 25.57 Exceptions and exemptions. lished for the restoration, preservation, development and management of wild- Subpart F—Concessions life and wildlands habitat; for the pro- tection and preservation of endangered 25.61 General provisions. or threatened species and their habitat; and for the management of wildlife and Subpart G—Safety Regulations wildlands to obtain the maximum ben- 25.71 Public safety. efits from these resources. 25.72 Reporting of accidents. [41 FR 9166, Mar. 3, 1976, as amended at 51 FR AUTHORITY: 5 U.S.C. 301; 16 U.S.C. 460k, 664, 7574, Mar. 5, 1986; 62 FR 47375, Sept. 9, 1997] 668dd, and 715i, 3901 et seq.; and Pub. L. 102– 402, 106 Stat. 1961. § 25.12 What do these terms mean? SOURCE: 41 FR 9166, Mar. 3, 1976, unless oth- (a) As used in the rules and regula- erwise noted. tions in this subchapter: 232 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:38 Jan 16, 2015 Jkt 232236 PO 00000 Frm 00242 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\232236.XXX 232236 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv., Interior § 25.12 Authorized official means any Federal, Coordination area means a wildlife State or local official empowered to en- management area made available to a force provisions of this subchapter C. State by cooperative agreement be- Big game means large game animals, tween the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv- including moose, elk, caribou, reindeer, ice and a State agency having control musk ox, deer, bighorn sheep, moun- over wildlife resources pursuant to sec- tain goat, pronghorn, bear, and pec- tion 4 of the Fish and Wildlife Coordi- cary, or such species as the separate nation Act (16 U.S.C. 664 or by long- States may so classify within their term leases or agreements pursuant to boundaries. title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Compatibility determination means a Tenant Act (7 U.S.C. 1010 et seq.). The written determination signed and States manage coordination areas but dated by the Refuge Manager and Re- they are part of the National Wildlife gional Chief, signifying that a proposed Refuge System. The compatibility or existing use of a national wildlife standard does not apply to coordina- refuge is a compatible use or is not a tion areas. compatible use. The Director makes Director means the Director, U.S. this delegation through the Regional Fish and Wildlife Service or the au- Director. thorized representative of such official. Compatible use means a proposed or Easement means a less than fee inter- existing wildlife-dependent rec- est in land or water acquired and ad- reational use or any other use of a na- ministered by the U.S. Fish and Wild- tional wildlife refuge that, based on sound professional judgment, will not life Service for the purpose of main- materially interfere with or detract taining fish and wildlife habitat. from the fulfillment of the National Fish, Wildlife, and Fish and wildlife Wildlife Refuge System mission or the mean any member of the animal king- purpose(s) of the national wildlife ref- dom in a wild, unconfined state, wheth- uge. er alive or dead, including a part, prod- Comprehensive conservation plan uct, egg, or offspring of the member. means a document that describes the Migratory bird means and refers to desired future conditions of a refuge or those species of birds listed under planning unit and provides long-range § 10.13 of this chapter. guidance and management direction to National wildlife refuge, and Refuge achieve the purposes of the refuge; mean a designated area of land, water, helps fulfill the mission of the Refuge or an interest in land or water located System; maintains and, where appro- within the National Wildlife Refuge priate, restores the ecological integrity System but does not include coordina- of each refuge and the Refuge System; tion areas. helps achieve the goals of the National National Wildlife Refuge System, and Wilderness Preservation System; and System mean all lands, waters, and in- meets other mandates. terests therein administered by the Conservation, and Management mean U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as wild- to sustain and, where appropriate, re- life refuges, wildlife ranges, wildlife store and enhance, healthy populations management areas, waterfowl produc- of fish, wildlife, and plants utilizing, in tion areas, coordination areas, and accordance with applicable Federal and other areas for the protection and con- State laws, methods and procedures as- servation of fish and wildlife including sociated with modern scientific re- those that are threatened with extinc- source programs. Such methods and tion as determined in writing by the procedures include, consistent with the Director or so directed by Presidential provisions of the National Wildlife Ref- or Secretarial order. The determina- uge System Administration Act of 1966 tion by the Director may not be dele- (16 U.S.C. 668dd–668ee), protection, re- search, census, law enforcement, habi- gated. tat management, propagation, live National Wildlife Refuge System mis- trapping and transplantation, and reg- sion, and System mission mean to admin- ulated taking. ister a national network of lands and 233 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:38 Jan 16, 2015 Jkt 232236 PO 00000 Frm 00243 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\232236.XXX 232236 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 25.12 50 CFR Ch. I (10–1–14 Edition) waters for the conservation, manage- Refuge use, and Use of a refuge mean a ment, and where appropriate, restora- recreational use (including refuge ac- tion of the fish, wildlife, and plant re- tions associated with a recreational sources and their habitats within the use or other general public use), refuge United States for the benefit of present management economic activity, or and future generations of Americans. other use of a national wildlife refuge Nontoxic shot means steel shot or by the public or other non-National other shot approved pursuant to 50 Wildlife Refuge System entity. CFR 20.134. Regional Director means the official in Plant means any member of the plant charge of a Region of the U.S. Fish and kingdom in a wild, unconfined state, Wildlife Service or the authorized rep- including any plant community, seed, resentative of such official. root, or other part of a plant. Secretary means the Secretary of the Purpose(s) of the refuge means the Interior or the authorized representa- purposes specified in or derived from tive of such official. the law, proclamation, executive order, Service, We, and Us mean the U.S. agreement, public land order, donation Fish and Wildlife Service, Department document, or administrative memo- of the Interior. randum establishing, authorizing, or Sound professional judgment means a expanding a national wildlife refuge, finding, determination, or decision national wildlife refuge unit, or na- that is consistent with principles of tional wildlife refuge subunit. For ref- sound fish and wildlife management uges that encompass Congressionally and administration, available science designated wilderness, the purposes of and resources, and adherence to the re- the Wilderness Act are additional pur- quirements of the National Wildlife poses of the wilderness portion of the Refuge System Administration Act of refuge. 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd–668ee), and other Refuge management activity means an applicable laws. Included in this find- activity conducted by the Service or a ing, determination, or decision is a ref- Service-authorized agent to fulfill one uge manager’s field experience and or more purposes of the national wild- knowledge of the particular refuge’s re- life refuge, or the National Wildlife sources.
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